I recently searched for a vector or high-resolution raster version of
the Racket logo (that would be suitable for print) but did not have
any luck.  In a 2009 thread on the users mailing list [1], I found
that the current logo is rendered using POV-Ray, so a vector format of
the logo likely does not exist.  I tried recreated the logo myself,
and I am attaching the result to this email, in case it may be of use
to the Racket team.

Note that this SVG 1.1 file makes use of an opacity gradient as well
as a blend filter; the result is not rendered consistently across
multiple applications.  Of the applications that I have tried, it
looks fine in InkScape 0.47 but not in Firefox/Aurora 9.0.1 (both on
64-bit Debian Linux).


[1] http://lists.racket-lang.org/users/archive/2009-October/thread.html#36178

<<attachment: RacketLogo.svg>>

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