Re: [sc-dev] Whom should I assign i56202 to (for QA)?

2007-05-31 Thread Eike Rathke
Hi Muthu,

On Monday, 2007-05-28 21:51:39 +0530, Muthu Subramanian wrote:

   I fixed i56202 in msba01.

Beside being on the wrong branch and needs to be resynced to SRC680,
as Niklas already mentioned, the CWS lacks the following information,
that is to be filled in the EIS application:

- Owner, (!) probably because that is not set the CWS also doesn't show
  up in the list of CWSs that SeekQA.
- Description, what the CWS is about.
- Release, you should set that to OOo2.3 if that's the target).
- Estimated due date ready for QA (when the CWS approximately will be
  ready for QA. This is to give QA an idea when the CWS will be ready.
- Estimated due date, when the CWS should be ready for integration. Note
  that the time span between ready-for-QA date and the final due date
  needs to be communicated with the QA-rep. This is to give release
  engineering an idea when a CWS will show up for integration.
- Level of impact, in this case One Application.

After having resynced to the latests SRC680 milestone you'll have to
build install sets QA can use. Talk with the QA-rep (see below) what
he'll accept.

As a new feature/enhancement is implemented, you'll have to send
a feature announcement, in EIS that's under Changes-Mails - external

- Product: Spreadsheet
- Type: new
- Title: make up a good one, self-speaking
- Effective from version: CWS msba01
- Module(s) affected: sc
- Flags: select Configuration, Help/Guide, Translation, UI relevant
- TaskId: i56202
- Description: describe the feature such that QA can test the feature,
  documentation authors are able to digest the necessary information for
  the online help system, and the description can also be taken for the
  automated what's new guide.
- Specification URL: -
  (a literal minus/hyphen character, as the feature doesn't have an
  external specification document)

 Whom should I 'assign to', in EIS, for QA?

For Calc QA, you may ask Frank Stecher [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Oliver Craemer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] if they can do QA or know someone who would.

 Next time, how do I find out whom to assign it to (when I fix some other

Get in contact with the project's dev-list, or ask on [EMAIL PROTECTED] As
mentioned above, if proper information is filled in EIS, the CWS is also
listed under SeekQA and someone might jump on it.


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer. Engineering at Sun:
 Please don't send personal mail to this [EMAIL PROTECTED] account, which I use 
 mailing lists only and don't read from outside Sun. Thanks.

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[sc-dev] Re: R Questions

2007-05-31 Thread Leonard Mada

Hi Wojciech,

this issue is really tough. Indeed, my first response probably still 
holds. It is still the most simple solution to use:

s - summary(the_nls_object)
and retrieve the information from 's'.

Yes, I know this is probably a suboptimal solution. In the meantime, I 
have serious doubts that there will be a universal solution which will 
cover every scenario.

The closest possibility might look like this (BUT it will be definitely 
more complex than the method used until now):

Using either the PRINT-METHOD or the SUMMARY-METHOD

Every (is it really every object???) object can be printed  by R.
If we type x - c(1,2,3,4) and then
R invokes the print function which will display x

Similarly,  out-nls(y ~ x^beta, start=list(beta = 3)), then when typing


R invokes a special print and outputs the result.

2.) Varieties of PRINT
Unfortunately, there is NO unique print. What looks trivial, is a set of 
complex methods different for various objects.

To get an idea of the many print-methods, type at the R prompt:


Depending on the number of packages attached, it will display a number 
of print methods (54 on my base-install, much more IF any packages are 

For the default data-structures in R (atomic data), the 'print.atomic' 
or 'print.default' methods will be invoked. Actually, 'print.atomic' 
calls 'print.default', see:




will show you the details of the function that prints the output for an 
object of class nls, i.e. returning to your example:


R invokes the 'print.nls' method from the object 'out' and outputs:


Nonlinear regression model
 model:  y ~ x^beta
  data:  parent.frame()
residual sum-of-squares: 10.78

Number of iterations to convergence: 6
Achieved convergence tolerance: 1.518e-07

From 'getAnywhere(print.nls)', we can see that beta is retrieved through:
print(x$m$getAllPars(), digits = digits, ...)
i.e. out$m$getAllPars() will contain/compute the value for beta.

One can see, that the value is NOT stored inside a variable, BUT is 
retrieved by a function: 'getAllPars()'

In the case of 'nlm' objects, the  methods/functions are stored in 
'object'$m and this is the first object in the 'object'-list, i.e.:

will output the list of methods/functions (out[[1]] is identical).

I really do NOT know if the methods are ALWAYS stored in 'object'[[1]] 
or 'object'$m for the various objects. Objects might exist that do NOT 
follow this rule.

You can get the methods applicable on an object with the following syntax:
 methods(class = nls)
[1] anova.nls*   coef.nls*confint.nls* deviance.nls*  
[5] df.residual.nls* fitted.nls*  formula.nls* logLik.nls*
[9] predict.nls* print.nls*   profile.nls* residuals.nls* 
[13] summary.nls* vcov.nls*weights.nls*

Methods marked with (*) are hidden methods.
[The class of an object can be identified using class('object_name'), 
e.g. 'class(out)' ]

You see, 'nls' has both a 'print.nls' and a 'summary.nls' method, which 
get invoked by the corresponding generic 'print'  and 'summary' methods.

Unfortunately, as you see form 'getAnywhere(print.nls)', the print 
method does NOT produce a list, therefore extracting the useful 
parameter is a little bit awkward.

You see, summary() is far better as it exports a list. So, my suggestion 
is to test IF the class has a method 'summary', and then use the s - 
summary('our_object')' code to retrieve the information. You can surely 
hard-code some parameters for a couple of functions, BUT as I think more 
thoroughly, I see no easy solution to the more general approach.

I will try to solve this puzzle, but currently I do NOT have any better 

Of course, iterating through 'object'[1:length('object')] is an 
acceptable (and easy method) for most objects, BUT more complex objects 
(that have functions and methods defined) pose a problem.

As already pointed out,
will work, too and it will output beta (please note, that '()' is used 
at the end; also neither out[1][[12], nor out[[1]][12]() will work; you 
need the '[[]][[]]()')

However, it is dangerous to iterate through functions, as some may need 
additional arguments (and NOT simply '()' ), while other may change 



Wojciech Gryc wrote:

Hi Leonard,

My apologies for the silence with regards to your bugs. I will be 
addressing them shortly, trying to figure out what's happening. I just 
had one more question: if you use the built-in cell functions to call 
R, does it also crash after the first attempt? Maybe it's just an 
RDUMP issue.

I've been improving the GUI scripting interface I made for Calc and 
it's been working very well. I'll be releasing yet another version 
soon, but want to address some bugs and smaller features first. One of 
the things I've been looking at is implementing some sort of 

[sc-dev] Re: dev Digest 31 May 2007 18:55:41 -0000 Issue 570

2007-05-31 Thread jdixon
I will be out of office until June 4th. Thanks

James Dixon

Chief Geek, Pentaho Corp
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