Re: multi-workspace support in script resolution

2010-03-19 Thread David Nuescheler
Hi Justin,

thanks a lot for your swift response.

 I think the subject of this thread is slightly misleading... it really
 should be scripts should be resolved from the same workspace as
 resources. Which is essentially the summary of SLING-1446.
ahhh ok, that definitely makes more sense...

 They are not for separating things out, like user A has a workspace
 and user B has
 a workspace, they are also not for separation by type.
 I have to stop you there. user-specific workspaces seem like a perfectly
 legitimiate use of workspaces IF those users are editing the same
 content tree.
Agreed. Which would make in turn use of merge() update() and clone() ;)

 Imagine four workspaces:
 1) user1
 2) user2
 3) trunk
 4) publish
 A node is created in user1 at /content/index, then clone() is called in
 trunk [i.e. clone(user1, /content/index, /content/index, false)].
 The node is then cloned into user2 [i.e. clone(trunk,
 /content/index, /content/index, false)]. User2 makes some changes in
 their workspace, saves, and then updates the node in trunk
 [node.update(user2)]. Finally, the node is clone from trunk to publish
 and is user-facing.
 The key point I've understood about workspaces and their appropriate use
 is that workspaces are supposed to represent the same content tree.
 Having private working copies doesn't seem to violate this.
Absolutely. I agree with you. Maybe I should clarify that in the wiki...
I was mostly referring to a usecase of multi-tenancy that people sometime
mistake as a good usecase for workspaces.

 By the by, something to consider for JCR 3 is that clone/update/merge
 all operate from the perspective of the target workspace (i.e. the
 workspace being cloned into, updated, merged). For promotion workflows,
 I believe corresponding methods called from the source workspace/session
 would be more natural, similar to how git push works.
Hmm... Good point. Maybe even JCR 2.1.
I think the issue is that to make modification in a workspace other than the
one that you have a session to is something that we lack some machinery

thanks for the follow-up.


Re: Runmode support for /etc/map configuration

2009-12-10 Thread David Nuescheler
here is my take on the exact use case that we have with the runmode
aware /etc/map it is probably seldomly the case that we actually have
mappings it is just that hostname get into our way.

in the classic wcm authoring or development environment one would still like
to see urls that are as close as the ones that we have in production but of
course we would not like the links to be rewritten to go fully qualified urls
with a domain name...
so generally i think the /etc/map tree will look very similar from
runmode to runmode but in one every other runmode other than production
i would probably either want to put the domain name somewhere in to the
url that indicates to the user that this would be a link that would go
to in production. so probably could be
resolved to something like http://mydev/ .
keep in mind though that usually there are only going to be very few
link where that would actually make a difference since this assumes
that an application has cross domain links under management within
one sling instance.

to be perfectly honest, for our commercial solution, i think
we can do perfectly without the runmode aware /etc/map


On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Felix Meschberger wrote:

 Bertrand Delacretaz schrieb:
 On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Felix Meschberger 
 ...So, I will go for option (1): make the /etc/map location configurable

 Note that it would be good to be able to find the actual value used
 easily, for example via a console plugin and/or INFO log messages.

 Yes, makes sense.



David Nuescheler
Chief Technology Officer

twitter: @daysoftware

Re: script resolution by hostname ?

2009-08-27 Thread David Nuescheler
hi markus,

it was brought to my attention, that i forgot to mention the
sharing of content amongst websites as a use case
so i would like to clarify the below statement a little bit more
in detail...

 if you assume that you have separate content trees but would like to
 share the applications or the security (the users) it is perfectly
 feasible to run things off of one sling instance.

if you want to share content (in the broader sense) amongst sites,
including website content, apps, config, users or anything else
stored in the repository, you possibly want to use one single sling
as a rule of thumb i would say that the more you share, the higher
the chances of a shared sling instance.

isolation makes sense in the hosting usecase where you have different
customers that (must) share nothing.


Re: script resolution by hostname ?

2009-08-26 Thread David Nuescheler
hi markus,

in my experience running different websites (for the lack of a better
term) in an environment is really a matter of isolation/separation
between the instances.

if you assume that you have separate content trees but would like to
share the applications or the security (the users) it is perfectly
feasible to run things off of one sling instance.

if you want to reach a greater isolation like running multi websites that
are completely separate i usually recommend to run things off of
different sling instances. even different jvm instances.
especially if you would like to have a degree of isolation where
a programming mistake in one website (let's say a while(true){})
does not impact the other websites i would definitely advocate separate

really the cost of running a separate sling instance is a little bit of
disk-space and a few dozens of megabytes of heap.


2009/8/26 Alexander Klimetschek
 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 5:58 PM, Markus wrote:
 The use case is each site has custom content which should not reflect to

 And there is a news provider prvoviding news which both sites should use and
 modification on these news should reflect on all sites immediatly.

 So probably we could have three content trees domain1, domain2, shared.

 Right, that's how it is typical.

 If we have two or three different content trees in the same repository, how
 to configure resource search path that the scripts will be found for the
 corresponding content tree (site layout) ? The nodes have same

 Well, they should have a different resource type then. Or, in cases
 where it makes sense, you can make the behaviour of scripts depending
 on the domain.

 But in general, in a CMS/webapp scenario, you want to reuse your
 scripts (or components) with different content, not the other way
 around. Changing content is easier than developing new scripts and/or
 duplicating scripts.


 Alexander Klimetschek

David Nuescheler
Chief Technology Officer

twitter: @daysoftware