Hi Ye - I am running Spark on K8S, looking to see if someone made external 
shuffle service on K8S work in their environment (ex: with some out-of-tree 
patches or hacks), as the push-based variant seems like it would be a great fit 
for me.
From: Ye Zhou <zhouye...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 9:10 PM
To: Keyong Zhou <zho...@apache.org>
Cc: dev@spark.apache.org <dev@spark.apache.org>
Subject: [External] Re: push-based external shuffle service on K8S - Spark 4.0? 
Earlier versions?

Hi Ofir.
Right now, the push based shuffle within Spark is only supported for Spark on 
YARN, with external shuffle service running as auxiliary service in 
NodeManager, but not natively on K8s.
As far as I know, there are no recent plans to add the support for Spark on K8s 

For question 2, are you looking for how to set up push based shuffle for Spark 
on YARN or Spark on K8s? For Spark on YARN, as documented 
 you need to enable the merge shuffle manager in shuffle service, and also 
enable push based shuffle in client.


On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 7:28 AM Keyong Zhou 
<zho...@apache.org<mailto:zho...@apache.org>> wrote:
Hi Ofir,

I can provide some information about use cases for Apache Celeborn.

Apache Celeborn can be deployed on K8s and standalone, both are widely
used in production environment by users. The largest cluster I know contains
more than 1,000 Celeborn workers.

Celeborn is specially beneficial for large scale shuffle with high parallelism, 
usually causes long fetch wait time or even fetch failure. We have seen 
serveral times speedup
for jobs with large scale shuffle.

Besides, with Celeborn, Spark on K8s can achive better Dynamic Resource 
Allocation because
executors don't need to store shuffle data locally, also the pods don't need a 
large disk space.

Celeborn is relatively easy to operate, especially for its graceful rolling 
upgrade and
backward compatibility (across two successive versions).

You can find more information including user feedbacks here[1]. I recommend you 
to try it out, and the community is happy to help :)

Keyong Zhou


On 2024/06/06 09:08:31 Ofir Manor wrote:
> Hi,
> Regarding the external shuffle service on K8S and especially the push-based 
> variant that was merged in 3.2:
>   1.
> Are there plans to make it supported and work out-of-the-box in 4.0?
>   2.
> Did anyone make it work for themselves in 3.5 or earlier? If so, can you 
> share your experience and what was needed to make it work?
> As a fallback, someone using one of the new shuffle projects with K8S such as 
> Apache Uniffle or Apache Celeborn and can share some feedback? Performance, 
> stability, added complexity etc?
> Thanks,
>    Ofir

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Zhou, Ye  周晔

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