Re: Release Process thoughts (Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.4 Quality)

2006-05-17 Thread Don Brown

On 5/16/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I won't cast a quality vote on anything but a tagged and rolled,
downloadable distribution. Many of the problems we've had in the past
(not just this time, but with other series too) appear in the final
product and are not evident in a checkout.

That is certainly not true for the current Maven 2 build.  Anyone can
very easily run the two maven commands to generate a release build, as
there is no "special" thing the release manager does.  In fact, I'd
argue by only testing point releases is a cop-out, as every Struts PMC
member should be confortable running the release build.


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Re: Wiki and User Guide

2006-05-17 Thread Ted Husted

Well, there is a link to the upgraders wiki page in the Release Notes,
so it's "incorporated by reference." I added a bullet to help
emphasize the link.

One reason the content on the updgrader pages is so useful is because
it's easy for developers to update it. The other documenation is kept
in XML, and if we changed the format, we'd probably reduce feedback.
Likewise, if we put some of it under XML, we'd end up with two
versions of the page to manage.

Projects like WebWork and Geronimo, among others, have been
experimenting with making wiki docs the "first-class documentation"
that is bundled with the distribution. Wiki's like Confluence have
some nice export capabilities, which opens the door to exporting the
wiki into HTML. Geronimo is experiment with continuous automatic
exports of Confluence pages, so that we can have the beneifts of a
wiki and the efficiency of static HTML.

WebWork/Action2 also uses a "snippet" macro to incorporate text from
Javadocs and example programs directly into the wiki pages. I'm a big
fan of this idea, since it will let us dual-use some of the very
excellent Javadocs we already have.

The big downside right now is that Confluence edits are atomic to each
page. We can't make batch updates, which creates a lot of email churn
when making sweeping changes. Instead of one email overviewing changes
to a dozen pages, we all get a dozen individual emails :(

There's also ongoing work in backing a wiki with Subversion, so that
you could commit changes from the SVN CLI or TortoiseSVN, instead of
plowing through the web interface.

In the meantime, yes, we should continue to look for places where we
can cross-reference the wiki with the static documentation and try to
make sure those links are as visible as possible. But, we would want
to be careful what we move from the wiki to the static pages, since
the static pages are harder to maintaine.


On 5/16/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think it would be a good idea if we either linked or transfered
some content from the Wiki pages to the user guide.

For instance, I just read the upgrade notes on 1.2.9 on the wiki
and it is fabulous. Those kind of things should be first-class
documents in our website.

Any thoughts about this proposal?

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Re: Release Process thoughts (Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.4 Quality)

2006-05-17 Thread Wendy Smoak

On 5/16/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think the solution is to:
 1. Make betas publicly available and widely known like our 1.1 betas were

+1.  Based on this and other comments, I'd like to add the following
to the release guidelines [1]:

* Versions with significant changes, especially new major or minor
versions, should first be released and distributed as Alpha or Beta
quality, then later upgraded to GA if it is warranted.

The entire release process should be as easy and clear as possible.
Right now there are a couple of points where it's not easy for someone
new to the process (or me, at least,) to figure out what to do next,
or how.  I've been working on the "how" part with Maven, [2] but we're
missing some of the "what" in the guidelines.

 2. Do all testing and even the vote _before_ a code freeze and
subsequent release.

IMO the advance testing should already be happening with snapshots or
nightly builds.

I agree with Ted and Paul that we should only vote on the actual
signed distribution that's going to be uploaded.  It's easy to imagine
accidentally introduce a problem when you're building the final
distribution.  I wouldn't be comfortable uploading anything to dist/
unless it had been looked at by others.



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Re: Release Process thoughts (Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.4 Quality)

2006-05-17 Thread Don Brown

On 5/17/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I agree with Ted and Paul that we should only vote on the actual
signed distribution that's going to be uploaded.  It's easy to imagine
accidentally introduce a problem when you're building the final
distribution.  I wouldn't be comfortable uploading anything to dist/
unless it had been looked at by others.

I'd guess 90+% of other open source projects seem to do just fine
doing all the testing and voting before the release.  I understand the
concern of screwing things up from a release manager standpoint, but
that tells me we need better tests, a more automatic Maven build, etc.
We don't require reviews after every commits because we trust the
committer.  Releases should be braindead easy. If they were, and
everyone had tested the code beforehand and given their thumbs up, a
release should be basically automatic, something we can trust to
another committer without looking over their shoulder.

Ok, so if you don't think this is the answer to the backwards release
then test problem, what is?




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Re: API updates and build fix...

2006-05-17 Thread Eric Molitor

The name changes resolve the ambiguities that I saw in the first draft
so that is a definite positive. The Messages.Severity enum and other
messaging improvements are a definite positive. (They satisfy my
desire for a Log4J type usage but are still distinct enough to avoid

Since the last API discussion the Attribute stuff is quite a bit more
clear and I do think it is an advancement over MAP based interactions
with bound data. (Session, Application, Request, etc)

The only question I have is about the ThreadLocalRequestContext. With
XWork I currently have a custom XML Dispatcher that allows actions and
parameters to be read and executed from an XML document. When invoked
from a file upload I provide an option to use the existing context or
create a new one via a bit of trickery with the threadLocal and
ActionContext. With the new API I'm assuming I could use
ThreadLocalRequestContext to store a context in a variable, create a
new one and invoke an action (or actions) with the new context, then
restore the original context and return back to the original

Assuming the above is true it would seem pretty easy to use
ThreadLocalRequestContext. to serialize the data and provide a simple
implementation of Continuations. Or have I steered wrong somewhere?


On 5/16/06, Bob Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We've been cleaning up and reorganizing the API to make it more
intuitive and user friendly. Any feedback is much appreciated.


On 5/16/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't remember an SPI being part of WW. Is this new to Action 2?
> --- Bob Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've attached a patch with the API updates we discussed last week. I
> > also fixed the Maven build to correctly build the API again.
> >
> > The latest Javadocs are here:
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Bob
> >
> > > -
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Re: Release Process thoughts (Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.4 Quality)

2006-05-17 Thread Wendy Smoak

On 5/17/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok, so if you don't think this is the answer to the backwards release
then test problem, what is?

I don't know.  Earlier 1.x releases had the benefit of the entire team
focused on them, and more people using nightly builds.  That's no
longer the case.  How many people have 1.3-based apps in active
development?  I do, but only for about six more weeks.  After that, it
will be a lot more trouble for me to test 1.3.  (Besides checking the
example apps, I like to see it working in a real application.)


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Re: Release Process thoughts (Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.4 Quality)

2006-05-17 Thread Ted Husted

On 5/17/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd guess 90+% of other open source projects seem to do just fine
doing all the testing and voting before the release.

I'm not aware of any project, open or closed source, that only issues
"stable" or "GA" releases without issuing any type of beta or
release-candidate first.

The process is suppose to be that we release the distribution as an
Alpha or Beta Release first, and then, based on feedback from the rest
of the users, decide whether to promote it to GA.

In this particular case, we are not distributing the 1.3.4 Beta
because of the DTD issue. Otherwise, it would already be mirrored,
announced, and linked on the downloads page, just like the Shale

We do *not* need a GA designation to announce and distribute a release.

I understand the
concern of screwing things up from a release manager standpoint, but
that tells me we need better tests, a more automatic Maven build, etc.
 We don't require reviews after every commits because we trust the
committer.  Releases should be braindead easy. If they were, and
everyone had tested the code beforehand and given their thumbs up, a
release should be basically automatic, something we can trust to
another committer without looking over their shoulder.

Ok, so if you don't think this is the answer to the backwards release
then test problem, what is?

The release process isn't backward. It's the same process that Tomcat,
HTTPD,  MySQL, and many other teams uses. We issue a milestone and
then decide if it's an Alpha or a Beta. We let the rest of the world
test it, and if it gets the thumbs up, we promote it to GA, without
re-rolling or re-naming the distribution. No fuss, no muss.

If the codebase is stable, as it has been with Struts 1.2 lately, then
we might skip straight to GA, but only because we already have other
releases under our belt. Struts 1.2.x went through had both a "test
build" and a Beta before we hit GA in 1.2.2.


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Re: Release Process thoughts (Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.4 Quality)

2006-05-17 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/16/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/16/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the solution is to:
>  1. Make betas publicly available and widely known like our 1.1 betas


I think the notion that we can't announce and mirrors Betas is a
misunderstanding. We can mirror an announce *any* release, even an

"Announce" and "mirror" are two different things.  IIRC, Apache's general
guidelines on "mirror" are GA releases only (although we've probably been
among the folks that bypassed that policy on occasion).

Sorry not to have time (here at JavaOne this week) to do the historical
research to back this up, hence the disclaimer that this might be my foggy


Re: Release Process thoughts (Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.4 Quality)

2006-05-17 Thread Ted Husted

On 5/17/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"Announce" and "mirror" are two different things.  IIRC, Apache's general
guidelines on "mirror" are GA releases only (although we've probably been
among the folks that bypassed that policy on occasion).

The FAQ suggest that all releases be announced and goes on to say
"that for some very popular distributions, the volumes of downloads
for unstable releases may require that they are mirrored. In this
case, they should be located in the same directory structure as
current stable releases."


For a Struts Action Beta that we expect might go GA, mirroring would
seem to be appropriate.


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