[Struts Wiki] Update of RoughSpots by JasonCarreira

2006-04-28 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by JasonCarreira:

1. Do we want to keep `ModelDriven`?
  * [Gabe] Absolutely YES! `ModelDriven` allows us to build forms and 
populate the model without a prefix. It's simple. It also allows for security 
interceptors to zero in on one method for `ModelDriven` actions to determine 
what to secure. 
  * [plightbo] I think we should give some serious thought to this. Look 
around the internal implementation of WebWork/XWork as well as the number of 
questions that come up on the mailing lists. It's a very confusing thing, 
especially when interacting with setting or getting values of form fields.
+ * [jcarreira] yes, it makes the internal implementation more complex, but 
it makes things easier for the user of the framework in a lot of cases. If 
people are confused by it, they can choose not to use it. 
1. Do we want `ValidationAware` (or its equivalent) to take message keys or 
actual messages. It takes the actual messages in WW2. `ActionMessages` in 
Struts takes keys. I'm a fan of keys; we would no longer need `TextProvider`. 
Pat suggested we take keys, and in the event that we don't find a message for 
the given key, pass the key along as the message. I think I'd rather fail fast.
  * [mrdon] Keys are fine, as long as you can do parameter replacement 
easily enough later.  Not all apps need L18N, so I'm kinda against the fail 
fast.  Perhaps in devMode, we add a clear warning?
@@ -266, +267 @@

1. Craig McC mentioned that we might want to use this in a portlet. Does 
this mean I should completely abstract us from 
  * [mrdon] +1, at least in some form.  This was the goal of the generic 
ActionContext, I believe.  Cocoon has been struggling with the same issue, and 
they are leaning towards implementing the HttpServletRequest, et al with a 
portlet impl to solve this problem.  They used to have this generic 
Environment api, but they are in the process of giving that up, I believe, 
favoring this servlet api approach.  I wonder if we shouldn't find out more 
about their results and adopt them.
  * [plightbo] +1. we should keep this in mind when designing the API.
+ * [jcarreira] -1 to using the HttpServletRequest... Why do we need it? 
We've got a nice abstraction with the Maps for parameters, session, and 
application scopes, I think. Why tie to the servlet API and make a phony one to 
proxy to Portlets?
1. Add action and method attributes to the submit button tag so users 
don't have to know about the action:Name and method:name conventions.
  * [plightbo] We already do this :)
@@ -296, +298 @@

  * [jcarreira] I think we should have some pre-defined ones for standard 
things: view vs. CRUD vs. action - do somthing that's not CRUD. We should 
then use annotations to make it where you can declaratively associate a 
particular action method with a stereotype which is mapped to an interceptor 
stack, etc.
  * [crazybob] C[R]UD isn't a good name because view == [R]etrieve. 
Let's call it update for the moment. What will the difference be between 
update and action? 
  * [plightbo] I really don't think having a update and action stack is 
a good idea. Let's make a single stack and then have the stack behave 
differently depending on the context in which the action was executed. There 
are several options (GET vs POST, method names, annotations, etc).
+ * [jcarreira] I really think this is a bad idea and will lead to great 
suffering... We put in interceptors to allow people to customize the processing 
of a request, why move away from that now? I think if we do some thinking we 
can think of the common use-cases that cover 80+% of the action cases, and make 
it very easy for an action developer to tag this action as using one of that 
small number of stereotypical uses. The action will then pick up the 
configuration set up for that stereotype (which could include things like 
defaulting the result pages to go to, etc.)
  == Gabe's Issues ==
1. Simpler XML Configuration of actions. Ted mentioned adding wildcard 
support for action names something like name=view* where the wildcard can 
then be used elsewhere as a variable. Another idea is allowing one action 
configuration to extend another or having default action configuration that 
other action configurations can use.
1. Add the possibility of setting to the OgnlValueStack rather than pushing 
so we can get rid of using the context for user app variables and reserve it 
for framework variables. The user then wouldn't need to know anything about the 
context, just the stack. Also, this allows us to get rid of the '#' sign 
completely in expressions. Similarly remove the 

[Struts Wiki] Update of RoughSpots by JasonCarreira

2006-04-27 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by JasonCarreira:

  * [jcarreira] We've implemented this at work with WebWork fileupload + 
DWR + a class that looks at the file as it's uploading to see how big it is on 
  * [frankz] Just an opinion, but this seems to me too specific a use case 
for a framework to encapsulate.  I think having an example showing how to do 
it, perhaps what jcarreira has done at work, would be great, but I for one 
wouldn't like the framework offering this out of the box... I think it is 
possible for a framework to be able to do TOO much!
  * [tm_jee] I think this is pretty use case specific as well, but a 
progress monitor ui component would be nice. 
+ * [jcarreira] If we agree that supporting file uploads out of the box is 
important, then this is just a nice feature for that support to let the user 
know how much of the file has been uploaded, etc.
1. Better error checking for UI tags. The freemarker error message, while 
great for freemarker users, look like gibberish. People should not be forced to 
learn freemarker. So in such cases, the tags themselves should check the 
parameters and report back sane messages, even if that check is duplicated in 
the templates
@@ -280, +281 @@

1. Specify and simplify Interceptor scope. Currently, you have an 
Interceptor that calls actionInvocation.invoke() and then returns a different 
result than actionInvocation.invoke() returns, the actionInvocation.invoke() 
result will be used anyway. This is confusing and muddies the meaning of the 
Interceptor API, which IMHO should simply wrap the action not the action all 
the way through to the end of the result. The reason it's set up the way it is, 
as I understand it, is so that Interceptors can clean up resources like 
connections after the result is returned. However, I wonder if we can implement 
a request based object that can take care of such resources and destroy them at 
the end of the request rather than using Interceptors in this way.
   * [crazybob] That was really surprising and confusing to me at first, 
too. I thought it would have been more intuitive for the result to run after 
all the interceptors returned. I'm not sure whether we should change it or not. 
I like the idea of interceptors being able to clean up after results a lot more 
than I like the idea of an interceptor being able to return a different result.
   * [Gabe] It is an advantage for Interceptors to be able to clean up at 
the end of a request, but it isn't great how they do that either. Take for 
example an action chain. If you have a create connection Interceptor 
surrounding each of the chained actions, you will open two connections, which 
besides being wasteful could cause problems with other resource types. I wonder 
if we can create some sort of request scoped ResourceManager class that can 
allow Interceptors to create resources or access them if they exist and specify 
how they should be destroyed at the end of the request. Thus in the connection 
case, the Interceptor could check if the resource manager had one and if not 
create it and add it to the resource manager for other objects to use. (Another 
option of course is an inversion of control approach)
+ * [jcarreira] Interceptors can still change the result... Implement 
PreResultListener and in your callback, change the resultCode and voila! The 
result executed will be changed. The PreResultListener interface lets you 
register your interceptor to get a callback after the action and before the 
result is executed. Oh, and on the ConnectionInterceptor - It's just like AOP. 
You have to check if it's been done already and know not to create a new one or 
close it on the way out. I do this all the time in AOP interceptors, so why 
should this be different? Personally, I'd rather use the same connection across 
all of the actions in a chain than clean it up after each one and use a new one 
per action. For request scoped resources, take a look at Spring's scoped 
components. I'm using them at work and they work pretty well (a few issues I'm 
working through with them notwithstanding). 
  == Tim's Issues ==
  I'm new around here, so be nice ;)  I probably have a lot less WW experience 
than most, so I apologize in advance if I'm flat out wrong about some of the 
things here.
@@ -288, +290 @@

  * [crazybob] I prefer an injection-based approach. You can use the 
`ScopeInterceptor` to pull an object off the session and pass it to your 
action. Or you can use Spring to inject session-scoped objects into your action 
(though I would avoid Spring personally).
+ * [jcarreira] I can attest that the Spring scoped components work well 
with WebWork. It's what we use at 

[Struts Wiki] Update of RoughSpots by JasonCarreira

2006-04-21 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by JasonCarreira:

  * [Gabe] I've created an XWork JIRA for a solution to the same use case 
here. [http://jira.opensymphony.com/browse/XW-387] I'd be happy to contribute 
the code.
1. Allow paths in action names. For example `action 
+ * [jcarreira] Why do you want this? Isn't this part of the namespace of 
the action?
1. Enable Java package import in configuration so you don't have to repeat 
the same package name over and over (like WW1 does).
+ * [jcarreira] +1 if it can be made sane... It can get confusing. It also 
makes tool support worse (i.e. IDEA can find it as a fully qualified class name)
1. The ajax support is pitiful. Have a look at how stripes does it. Ajax 
for validation is trivial and not that impressive, but people are going to want 
to do real ajax work, and webwork does absolutely nothing to help in that 
regard. I'd like to for example be able to easily invoke actions and get at 
some kind of result to display, and have webwork provide at least some of the 
+ * [jcarreira] Well, that's a relatively simple usecase, and I think it IS 
supported... at least we use it at work?
1. The default theme for the ui tags should be simple. The current stuff is 
too dumb to get right on the first go, which gives an awful impression. It's 
NOT intuitive to write: {{{
  ww:textfield label=Enter blah /
+ * [jcarreira] That depends on whether you're using the form tag or not, 
but agreed... the XHTML theme should be cleaned up and made the default.
1. File upload should support progress notification. Have a look at 
webwork-multipart on java.net, it's based on the pell parser but has a progress 
+ * [jcarreira] We've implemented this at work with WebWork fileupload + 
DWR + a class that looks at the file as it's uploading to see how big it is on 
1. Better error checking for UI tags. The freemarker error message, while 
great for freemarker users, look like gibberish. People should not be forced to 
learn freemarker. So in such cases, the tags themselves should check the 
parameters and report back sane messages, even if that check is duplicated in 
the templates
1. Defaults should be JSP all the way. People know it and like it, despite 
all the limitations. Allow for other view technologies, but don't force people 
to learn stuff they don't want to. Learning ww is enough of a pain as it is
1. Get rid of the validation framework. it's stupid and pointless, validate 
methods are good enough.
+ * [jcarreira] -1 I take offense at this... It's neither stupid NOR 
pointless, and we use it extensively. It's the best validation framework I've 
seen out there, and NO, validate methods are NOT enough. For instance, we 
define reusable validations for our domain models and use them for both the web 
front end as well as web services and batch imports. 
1. Ditch xwork as a separate project, nobody uses it or cares about it
+ * [jcarreira] You're kidding, right? We've discussed this already 
1. Add java5 support to ognl. It's silly that it still doesn't handle enums 
(that I know of).
+ * [jcarreira] +1 this is biting us right now
1. Clean up documentation. Focus on quality not quantity.
+ * [jcarreira] Didn't you read the book? ;-)
  == Patrick's issues ==
@@ -187, +196 @@

   * [jcarreira] +1 : Carlos at G**gle had some good ideas for this... 
basically stuff like if your action method is foo() then you'd have 
prepareFoo() and validateFoo(), but then I added that the prepare() and 
validate() methods should be the defaults that we call for all action methods.
   * [crazybob] Interesting idea. Might be overkill (i.e. at that point, 
the user should probably create another action class).
   * [hani] No magic method names. If you want to do that, use annotations 
so you have a good chance of IDE support dealing with it. For example 
@Validate/@Prepare etc, with parameters to indicate what request you'd like it 
involved for, in the case where you need multiples of them
+ * [jcarreira] I think RoR has shown that convention over configuration is 
liked by lots of people... these should be straightforward to figure out 
without annotations.
1. Don't encourage lots of interceptor stacks. Ideally the normal user 
should never need to deal with them. It is better to have a larger stack that 
has optional features that could be turned on through annotations or marker 
interfaces than to encourage users to build their own stacks.
   * [jcarreira] I think we should have some pre-defined ones for standard 
things: view vs. CRUD vs. action - do 

[Struts Wiki] Update of RoughSpots by JasonCarreira

2006-04-19 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by JasonCarreira:

1. We don't really need the `Action` interface anymore. Should we get rid 
of it? It has constant fields for result names. Should we move these to a class 
named `ResultNames` and encourage users to static import them as needed?
+ [jcarreira] I'm not sure about this... The Action interface is kind of just a 
marker interface, but at least it gives us SOMETHING to point users to
1. Only put classes in root package that most users need to know about. For 
example, most don't need to know about `Default*` or `ObjectFactory`.
1. Only make classes/members public if we're willing to guarantee future 
compatibility. Everything else should be package-private or excluded from the 
@@ -21, +23 @@

1. Specify `Interceptor` lifecycle. Right now if we apply an interceptor to 
a single action, we get a new instance every time. If we define an interceptor 
in a stack, the same instance gets reused.
+ [jcarreira] A new instance per action configuration, right? Not 
1. Get rid of `AroundInterceptor`. Having `before()` and `after()` methods 
doesn't make things simpler. It reduces flexibility. We can't return a 
different result. You can't handle exceptions cleanly. The actual interceptor 
class doesn't appear in the stack trace (we see `AroundInterceptor` over and 
+ [jcarreira] The idea was that people would forget to do invocation.invoke() 
and be confused... Easier for users just to implement a before() method when 
that's all they need. I agree on the stack traces though.
1. Try to get rid of thread locals: `ActionContext` and 
`ServletActionContext`. At least make them package-private. Sometimes 
interceptors need access to the servlet API. In this case, they should 
implement a servlet-aware interceptor interface. For example: {{{
  class MyInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
@@ -32, +38 @@

+ [jcarreira] These 2 are orthogonal... Getting rid of ThreadLocals is 
problematic. I think we'd end up breaking 90% of old WebWork apps if we did, 
and it's still not clear that everything could be covered if we did... I like 
the idea though, and Patrick and I really wanted to do this out of the gate, 
but backwards compatibility with WebWork 1.x at a macro-level made us think 
1. Is `ValidationAware` a good name? Perhaps `Errors` or `ErrorList` would 
be a better name.
1. Merge `ActionContext` and `ActionProxy` into `ActionInvocation` (at 
least from the users' perspective). Better specify what happens during 
chaining/action tags.
+ [jcarreira] It __is__ well specified... There are some things that the 
ActionProxy / ActionInvocation let you do that a merged one doesn't... for 
instance easily knowing when you're done :-)
1. Should `ActionInvocation.getResult()` recurse over chain results? Maybe 
we should have two methods? `getResult()` and `getFinalResult()`. Is there a 
good use case for this?
+ [jcarreira] See the TokenSessionInterceptor and the stuff it does to 
re-render the same result if you post the form more than once. That was the 
reason for the complexity in finding the result to execute. It's a nice 
feature, but I agree it makes the code harder to read.
1. `ActionInvocation.invokeActionOnly()`. Does this need to be public? 
Sounds dangerous.
+ [jcarreira] Not sure... This may be part of the same TokenSession stuff... 
can't remember exactly.
1. Eliminate non-private fields. Protected fields in `ActionConfig` for 
+ [jcarreira] We don't want to allow for extension?
1. Rename `ActionInvocation` to `Invocation` or `Request`. Shorter is 
+ [jcarreira] Most users don't see these... Let's not change names on a whim, 
since it will be more work for the power users who already use them.
1. Is `TextProvider` a good name? The JDK refers to these as messages 
1. Come up with a clean way to separate view actions from update 
actions. For example, we might have `view()` and `update()` methods in the same 
action class. Right now XWork has `MethodFilterInterceptor`, but that's not a 
very clean solution. Do we want validation or the `DefaultWorkflowInterceptor` 
to run for the `view()` method? One solution is separate interceptor stacks, 
but it would be nice if there were some first class support for this. We could 
flag action invocations as view or update (using an enum). We could 
automatically choose a mode based on whether the request is an HTTP GET or 
POST. Or we could set the mode based on an annotation on the action method. Or 
some other way... 
+   [jcarreira] This is where I think the power of annotations can be 

[Struts Wiki] Update of RoughSpots by JasonCarreira

2006-04-19 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

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The following page has been changed by JasonCarreira:

  [jcarreira] You had me until the abstract class bit... Does it have to be 
abstract? Also, this limits testability in not-ok-ways... 
+ == What JDK Version? ==
+ [jcarreira] We've been using JDK 1.5 on Tomcat 5+ for over a year... 
Everything we write and wire together is using generics and annotations.

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