Re: Augmenting the WebDAV side of Subversion with merkle hashes for directories.

2017-11-23 Thread Paul Hammant
"Two docroots" might be what I'm looking for:

The author, Matt Quail, has been Jira lead for a decade, I think.

Re: Augmenting the WebDAV side of Subversion with merkle hashes for directories.

2017-11-23 Thread Thomas Åkesson
Yes, I was also about to suggest mod_rewrite. Should be possible to match on 
your secret hidden filename and return content from a “shadow” directory 
structure that only contains those files. 

You could generate those files in the shadow structure on the post-commit 

I have rewrites within the mod_dav_svn location in order to provide additional 
REST functionality on svn paths. 

Merkle-tree sounds interesting, let us know about your progress. 

/Thomas Å.

Re: Augmenting the WebDAV side of Subversion with merkle hashes for directories.

2017-11-23 Thread Paul Hammant
Yup. I'm able to go down a rabbit hole on things, though. I've just spent
an hour trying to find a docker image to start with so that I was able to
ship something that's easily run as an an example for this group. Who knew
there's a *few thousand* ways of configuring Apache in docker images, heh?

Re: Augmenting the WebDAV side of Subversion with merkle hashes for directories.

2017-11-24 Thread Paul Hammant
Well the code from that blog entry works as reported for 
declarations but not for  ones where mod_dav_svn is the handler.
I recreate both of those in a single server implementation if I mount the a
svn/ folder inside the canonical docroot (as is common), then play with
URLs that should be rewritten in the browser (or Wget) that are inside and
outside of that svn/ sub directory.

For extra fun I moved the four rewrite lines before, inside, and after the
Svn , but it didn't make any difference.

I'll try a straight handler next, in the hope that it can wholly intercept
requests that would otherwise be routed to mod_dav_svn.

- Paul

Re: Augmenting the WebDAV side of Subversion with merkle hashes for directories.

2017-11-24 Thread Paul Hammant
OK, not a straight handler, but 'ScriptAliasMatch'. Like so:

ScriptAliasMatch \.foo*$ "/path/to/$1"

I should be able to hit /a/b/d/e/ in a browser and have
execute, right?

Well, it works just fine when declared at root level (not in a 
or  directive) and for when the request URL is anything outside
the Subversion mounted dir/location:

But when I change the URL to be inside the Svn location, then mod_dav_svn
intercepts the request and reports 404 - the wildcard on .foo suffixed URLs
is ignored.


   http://myserver/a/b/d/dfgw/wewerwer/  --> works fine
  --> does not work

Unless there's a way through this (other nesting techniques), I'll have to
mount the Merkle directory summaries on a parallel directory tree:

   http://myserver/svn/path/to/department_salaries.xls  --> Svn via DAV
   http://myserver/svn/path/to/imminent_layoffs.doc  --> Svn via DAV

   http://myserver/meta/path/to/.indexSHA1s.csv  --> a GET-centric app
   http://myserver/meta/path/.indexSHA1s.csv  --> a GET-centric app
   http://myserver/meta/.indexSHA1s.csv  --> a GET-centric app


- Paul