Re: [dev] a suckless init system?

2012-08-16 Thread David Tweed
I'll just note that, regardless of code quality, etc, there's the
question of what the end-user usability goals for an init system
should be.

Is it just to bring up the system, or is it to bring up the system
fast enough to use in an quickbooting environment (5s off an SSD)?
I'm very inclined towards the later, but that's partly because I use
net-tops in impromptu settings (and it seems like resume from
hibernate (due to suspend-to-ram for 8 hours eating too much battery)
is slower than a reboot from scratch).

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Jens Staal wrote:
 torsdagen den 16 augusti 2012 06.59.45 skrev  pancake:
 Using mk takes sense as long as init scripts are a dependency based system.
 Please go on. That looks fun

 Looks like doing suckless software implies surviving to troll comments.

 Your software will be suckless when trolls stop throwing rocks at it.

 On Aug 15, 2012, at 6:02, Sam Watkins wrote:
  There are dependency based init systems, should use mk for it.
  net: 1
  inetd: net
  2: getty inetd
  mk 2   # go to runlevel 2
# inetd crashes
  mk 2   # bring it back to life
  It would need some sort of procfs view with process names, where unlink
  sends a term signal, and some extra features for mk, to remove
  objects in various ways.  That could be done in a separate program.
  mk -rm inetd   # stop inetd (and anything that depends on it)
  mk -rmdeps 1   # go back to just runlevel 1
  Ok, now I should install some sanity into my brain.
  I wonder if people get kicked off the list for posting stuff like this?

 There is a mk-based init system that was initially presented here:

 perhaps a start?

cheers, dave tweed__
high-performance computing and machine vision expert:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] a suckless init system?

2012-08-16 Thread David Tweed
Well, yes-and-no. The end user (who in the case of many linux desktops
and laptops is also the sys admin) may not be aware of how things are
structured under the hood, but they can perceive laptop X spends a
lot of time doing stuff when I turn it on, while laptop Y is usable
almost instantly. The only reason I mentioned it (I otherwise try and
stay out of religiously tinted discussions was that there was
discussion about how to do it but no mention of what the important
externally visible (if you don't like end-user) goals should be.

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Kurt H Maier wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 12:00:03PM +0100, David Tweed wrote:
 I'll just note that, regardless of code quality, etc, there's the
 question of what the end-user usability goals for an init system
 should be.

 No.  An end user should not even be aware init exists.  The people an
 init system has to impress are systems administrators.

cheers, dave tweed__
high-performance computing and machine vision expert:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] a suckless init system?

2012-08-16 Thread David Tweed
On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 3:19 PM, Kurt H Maier wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 02:39:43PM +0100, David Tweed wrote:
 Well, yes-and-no. The end user (who in the case of many linux desktops
 and laptops is also the sys admin) may not be aware of how things are
 structured under the hood, but they can perceive laptop X spends a
 lot of time doing stuff when I turn it on, while laptop Y is usable
 almost instantly. The only reason I mentioned it (I otherwise try and
 stay out of religiously tinted discussions was that there was
 discussion about how to do it but no mention of what the important
 externally visible (if you don't like end-user) goals should be.

 For init systems, speed is a natural consequence of correct design.
 Only an incompetent would have to explicitly list it as a design goal.

Maybe I have no claim to real competence..., but I always tend to find
that if the software design goals aren't pretty concrete listing even
the obvious things then either (a) someone else will consider
something I find obvious to be a why do you want that or (b) someone
else's obvious is my why on earth would you want that.

Anyway, here's a comment that I remembered reading the first time round

Note that the point isn't whether fast boot is an important enough
goal to impact in other trade-off's (I think it is, others may think
it's less important than simplicity), as much as that it's something
where it's better to come to an explicit design goal decision.

Re: [dev] wmii falling out of favor

2012-01-05 Thread David Tweed
On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 7:02 AM, Patrick Haller wrote:
 On 2012-01-01 21:13, Suraj N. Kurapati wrote:
 So I considered the trade-offs between SLOC minimalism, project and
 community activity, and my productivity in DWM vs. WMII and finally
 decided to switch back to WMII (which I used since six years prior).

 How often do people re-evaluate their toolsets?

 With my shell, I can examine shell history and do stuff like:
        cd() {
                test -f $1  dir=`dirname $1`
                builtin cd $dir  ls | sed 10q | fmt -w $COLUMNS

 With X11, do we screencast a day's work and watch it in fast-forward?

That's related to one of the reasons I tend to prefer doing stuff on
the command line: we know how to record textual operations and search
them relatively efficiently. On my machine each terminal's history
file is given a unique name and the each command (command, not output)
is stored as a (time, current directory, command) in the file and the
files are stored forever (minus a couple of simple space savers like
not storing incredibly frequent commands like pwd, df, ls, etc). Then
months later I can often figure out something that I did from a vague
memory (eg, I'm sure I had to hack a symlink to a library to make
something work a couple of months ago, which ln -s commands did I
issue around the time my cwd was last trialProgSource?) I don't do it
often, but occasionally it comes up and saves me an hour or two

I'm not aware of any way of either storing or, more importantly,
searching a user's interaction with the GUI apps on a computer system.
cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision researcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] what's your opinion on Go

2011-12-13 Thread David Tweed
On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Connor Lane Smith wrote:

 2011/12/13 Hadrian Węgrzynowski
 C is the king and Go is the prince. Go needs to be more stable/mature,
 then it will be the king.

 Maybe I'm biased, but I think the future is all about functional
 programming. C has its benefits by being very very low-level, but if
 you're going to include a whole bunch of new features, like GC and
 CSP, imo you may as well just go the whole hog and mix in some
 beautiful features like functional purity and type inference. I would
 think a functional language designed around efficiency could gain a
 lot from supercompilation, and would be easier to write correct
 programs in, too.

 (Like I say, I may be biased: my undergrad dissertation is on
 highly-optimised second-order reduction systems.)

[Standard preamble: different people write programs to do different
kinds of tasks, and it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking the
kinds of problems you tackle and trade-offs that make sense for you
are the same ones everyone else has.]

Every month or so I look at the current state of Go, and my view at
the moment is that it falls a between the two stools that matter to
me: it auto manages certain things with the assumption that if you
need much greater control/performance you'll actually write complete
functions, including prologue/epilogue, by hand in assembly. On the
other hand, it doesn't provide a lot of the things that I'd like in a
higher-level language for tasks where biggest difficulty is the
problem complexity rather than getting the highest possible
performance. (I suspect one of the responses from the Go designers
would be that they've tackled writing performance code with their
goroutines: just run the task on a bigger cluster of machines. Which
is fine if you're at Google, maybe a less clear choice for everyone

In some ways Scala looks like an interesting design for a new mix of
styles of program structuring, while Go looks close to Python with
full native compliation now (PyPy still not feature complete AIUI).
But those are the issues that make sense for my types of usage. It's a
shame Fortress appears to have terminally stalled without getting
beyond the incomplete interpeter stage...

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision researcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] wmii + ruby 1.9.3 = no power woes!

2011-11-11 Thread David Tweed
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 1:46 PM, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
 On 08/11/2011, Suraj N. Kurapati wrote:
 I thought Suckless folks were enthusiastic about Plan9 technologies;
 has this changed?  If so, why?

 Appreciative, not necessarily enthusiastic. Plan 9 technologies have
 their place, but it's very tempting to use them everywhere. I don't
 believe 9P belongs in an X window manager.

I know I subscribe to something slightly different to the current
suckless viewpoint on software but FWIW...

My view is that the plan 9 technologies are attractive if and only if
they're used everywhere: if a pseudo-filesystem interface was
pervasive it would avoid the learn another new language/technology
tricks/etc for this task and the problems like combinining
responsiveness with low idle CPU usage would probably be solved. In
contrast, there's little incentive to dig into 9P, and even less into
IXP, precisely because so little stuff uses them.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision researcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] [dwm] sloppy focus

2011-07-04 Thread David Tweed
As my vote, I prefer to keep sloppy focus, at the very least as an
option, (the fact that sloppy focus doesn't seem to work properly on
Windows means I'm forced back to click to focus at work at it's
driving me mad the sheer volume of unnecessary clicking).
Incidentally, I use the mouse a LOT with my PC, it's just that tiling
window management is one area that doesn't benefit from mouse
interaction (partly because it's already reduced the user input needed
down to the bare minimum).

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 2:10 AM, Connor Lane Smith wrote:

 I don't know about all you, but I find dwm's sloppy focus can be
 really annoying at times -- focusing a window when I accidentally
 nudge my atrophying pointer -- and would rather click-to-focus. The
 great thing about dropping dwm's sloppy focus is it saves 20 lines of
 code! So how about we make dwm less mousy and a bit simpler, too?


cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] [dwm] sloppy focus

2011-07-04 Thread David Tweed
On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 4:14 PM, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
 Interesting, those on IRC were very 'for' this idea. Different
 demographics? Oh you silly ML people!

 On 4 July 2011 06:51, garbeam wrote:
 No I totally disagree. Click to focus makes the life uneccessary harder.
 Doing this just for the rare corner case of touching your pointing device by
 accident doesn't sound like a very sound reason for it.

 Well, the thing is, I don't ever use the mouse for window management,
 but I sometimes move the mouse out of the way and in doing so
 accidentally focus a completely different window. I personally would
 rather dwm had no mouse support at all, but clearly that would be
 controversial... Still, at least with click-to-focus the mouse is
 completely dormant until you intentionally click something.

I guess psychologically for me it's the other way around: I can't
remember the last time I nudged the mouse accidentally, so I tend to
associate things with if I've moved the mouse over a window, clearly
it's because I want to interact with the window so why should I have
to redundantly tell the computer that with ane extra click. (It may
tangentially be relevant that I'm right handed but use the mouse with
my left hand, so when eg I write stuff on paper or pick up a drink
it's on the other side of the desk to the mouse, so the risk of
accidental nudging is incredibly low.)

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] Experimental editor

2011-06-17 Thread David Tweed
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Nicolai Waniek wrote:
 On 06/17/2011 10:37 AM, markus schnalke wrote:
 For the same reason we want Unix's manifold toolchain and for the same
 reason we want several programming languages: Because ``One fits all''
 is an illusion.

 Then try to figure out some basic tools that you can glue together to
 form a fully functional editor.

 'Reinventing' an editor for every purpose and most probably copying some
 things on source level from one editor to the next is ridiculous.

Even more annoying is that the way that the lack of an OS-level editor
component means that there's a tendency for any application that wants
to provide a writing/editing capability to write their own, often
poor, editing code. I entirely agree with that one interface fits all
users is a problem, but I'd like a system where there was one
interface for editing in all circumstances for this user.

cheers, dave tweed

Re: [dev] Experimental editor

2011-06-17 Thread David Tweed
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 9:51 AM, David Tweed wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Nicolai Waniek wrote:
 On 06/17/2011 10:37 AM, markus schnalke wrote:
 For the same reason we want Unix's manifold toolchain and for the same
 reason we want several programming languages: Because ``One fits all''
 is an illusion.

 Then try to figure out some basic tools that you can glue together to
 form a fully functional editor.

 'Reinventing' an editor for every purpose and most probably copying some
 things on source level from one editor to the next is ridiculous.

 Even more annoying is that the way that the lack of an OS-level editor
 component means that there's a tendency for any application that wants
 to provide a writing/editing capability to write their own, often
 poor, editing code. I entirely agree with that one interface fits all
 users is a problem, but I'd like a system where there was one
 interface for editing in all circumstances for this user.

To clarify, I by OS-level component I mean at the this is THE
component applications use when the want editing, but which would be
changeable by the user. (If you've seen things like the historical
Oberon OS, that kind of thing.)

 cheers, dave tweed

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] Experimental editor

2011-06-16 Thread David Tweed
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Peter John Hartman wrote:
  A simple editor probably shouldn't have any more keybindings than, say,
  surf; in fact one or two less: page up/down, up/right/left/down, and find.
  One doesn't need modes for that.  If you want to do something wacked out to
  your file (like go to the third word on the 4th sentence and delete every
  vowel), that should probably be done *outside* the editor.

 I've got a long comment queued up (restricted internet situation at
 work), but just to respond to the comment about moving stuff outside
 the editor. One big disadvantage of doing everything by hand is
 that such stuff isn't in an undo history that you can execute. I tend
 to use undo a certain amount, mostly immediately (which could be
 simulated by just keeping one copy) but a reasonable amount undoing
 several sets of changes.

 I can't wait.  As to revision control, just use software made to handle
 revision control.  The editor doesn't need to do this.

I'm going to assume that what you mean by The editor doesn't need to
do this. is the computer user doesn't benefit from having undo in
the editor rather than a version control; I'm much less interested in
what _needs_ to be done rather than what is most _beneficial_ to do.
(It's probably obvious from other posts that I don't subscribe to the
common interpretation of the suckless philosophy. IMO, it's
unfortunate that both GNOME/KDE/whatever and suckless developers seem
more interested in doing stuff for reasons based on the underlying
code -- it's cool to do that, it looks good in demos, it's minimal to
do that, etc -- rather than from a consideration of what most
benefical for the user.) I actually use relatively fine-grained
version control as an additional workflow measure (as-i-develop
bisection, etc), but there are some things for which firing up an
existing VC and attempting to revert a minor change is overkill.

The comment I'm talking about isn't specifically about your email but
a general post on the thread; ironically the reason the post is queued
up is because I chose to write it in an effective editor rather than
this crummy gmail edit box, and I can't send arbitrary files through
this work machine.

cheers, dave tweed

Re: [dev] Experimental editor

2011-06-16 Thread David Tweed
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 1:49 PM, Kurt H Maier wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 4:15 AM, David Tweed wrote:
 I'm going to assume that what you mean by The editor doesn't need to
 do this. is the computer user doesn't benefit from having undo in
 the editor rather than a version control;

 invalid assumption.  what he meant was 'the EDITOR doesn't need to do
 this; some other piece of software can do it FOR the editor'

The various subtlties in what he could have meant was precisely what I
was trying to get a clarification of. (It seemed silly to wait for a
round trip delay before proceeding to the conversation.) It's not
clear what use software to handle revision control is meant to
suggest: is it that you could implement something at the resolution of
a typical editor undo buffer (individual character
insertion/deletions) or is it you shouldn't need any finer resolution
than you can acheive with a current revision control system?.
Incidentally, to be clear I'm looking at things at the user experience
level: I don't care virtually at all about the difference between an
editor which has an accessible-within-the-editor built-in fine-grained
change buffer and one that acheives an accessible-within-the-editor
fine-grained change buffer provided by an external program. But for me
there's a huge difference between to undo something on the current
buffer, repeatedly invoke the undo command in the editor compared to
open a terminal window, bring up a graphical rev control diff viewer,
find the revision id corresponding to the desired undo point, rewind
and check out that revision, go back to the editor and reload the

cheers, dave tweed

Re: [dev] Experimental editor

2011-06-15 Thread David Tweed
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 1:12 PM, Peter John Hartman wrote:
 A simple editor probably shouldn't have any more keybindings than, say,
 surf; in fact one or two less: page up/down, up/right/left/down, and find.
 One doesn't need modes for that.  If you want to do something wacked out to
 your file (like go to the third word on the 4th sentence and delete every
 vowel), that should probably be done *outside* the editor.

I've got a long comment queued up (restricted internet situation at
work), but just to respond to the comment about moving stuff outside
the editor. One big disadvantage of doing everything by hand is
that such stuff isn't in an undo history that you can execute. I tend
to use undo a certain amount, mostly immediately (which could be
simulated by just keeping one copy) but a reasonable amount undoing
several sets of changes.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision researcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] 2surf, an experiment in tiled browsing

2011-06-13 Thread David Tweed
On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 1:38 AM, Bjartur Thorlacius wrote:
 On 6/11/11, Peter John Hartman wrote:
 Why not just utilize dwm's tile mode and have each link open in a new
 Presumably so you don't have to close a window after every article you
 examine, and resize the search results window. If you're going to
 resize the parent window every time before you use it, you could just
 as well hide it.
 A two-pane setup however mandates the common workflow of skimming the
 results, selecting an entry for examination, examining the linked
 article, and then either reading article or returning to the results
 page for continued skimming. Opening a new window for every activated
 link would allow for the alternative workflow of continuous skimming
 and then reading articles one after another.
 But resizing a pager's window will

Note that whatever the implementation mechanism, this kind of
streamlined workflow would also be very useful for reading hyperlinked
tutorial documents/reference manuals (as I'm doing now). Quite often
some section will refer to something that is explained somewhere else
in the manual (eg, file handling might have limits due to index sizes,
which might link to a discussion about integer type sizes in general).
I agree that it would be nice to get you don't have to explicitly
close this window behaviour, whether in the browser only or in
combination with the tiling WM.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision researcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] TermKit

2011-05-20 Thread David Tweed
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 10:06 AM, Nick wrote:
 On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 12:23:39AM +0200, hiro wrote:

 no comment, only sorry.

 indeed. i read about it yesterday. makes me want to vomit.

Certainly the general implementation, the language and the
architecture do seem nasty. OTOH, it always depresses me that it's
kind of taken as a virtue that the interactive shell and the terminal
are know almost nothing about each other (at least for almost all
modern computing devices, I can see if you genuinely are using a
1970's dumb terminal you don't have the wiggle room for more). At the
very least, it would be very productive to

1. Have a terminal/shell combination that, upon resizing, actually
redisplays text properly rather than just chops off stuff in
vanished/newly visible space.

2. Had the _option_ for shell history to pop up in another window,
rather than _only_ being available as a command output, so that it
scrolls other stuff you've been doing off the screen.

3. Had more flexible context-sensitive cutting support. (Eg, let me
somehow copy a sequence of commands text without including either the
prompt or command output.)

Obviously it's not clear what the best way to provide greater
information flow between interactive shells and terminals, and it
may/may not be that the Plan9 or emacs-shell approach is the way to
go, but it'd be nice if there was some increase in terminal
productivity in the coming years. (Of course, the other problem is
it's a large number of shells and terminals to change, and if
additional metadata needs adding to commands that's a huge number of
programs to change, so it's unlikely to happen...)

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] TermKit

2011-05-20 Thread David Tweed
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Connor Lane Smith wrote:

 fwiw, I agree. TermKit appears to be a very glossy turd, but there are
 certainly outstanding issues in our terminals, which is why in Plan 9
 they tried to fix them by pairing a plaintext-only Rio term with
 graphical windows which actually replace the spawning term. It's not
 perfect, but the plaintext / graphics dichotomy does make things
 simpler in some ways.

That's an interesting proposal. The areas for improvement I tend to
see revolve more around text and the information-loss going between
the interactive shell and the terminal (so that this information is
only accessible via typing shell commands). Eg, the shell knows which
bits are the input, output, prompt but by the time the terminal has
displayed it it's all one big block of text.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev][st] Approach to adding -bg colour option to st

2011-04-26 Thread David Tweed
On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 7:14 AM, Ethan Grammatikidis wrote:

 On 25 Apr 2011, at 11:03 am, David Tweed wrote:

 background, I currenlty use a hacked aterm which changes the
 background colour according to the cwd.

 Sounds like you want to hack that code into st rather than add options, no?
 I think that's a curious and interesting feature in its own right.

Well, I suspect that that feature would be controversial (maybe it
doesn't count as a suckless feature) for the main distribution. So I
was thinking about making the changes so that colours are standard
variables rather than #defines as part of an options patch. That would
both be a start for me to see if I like st in general, and then make
it easier to have a patch manipulating them to my personal st.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev][st] Approach to adding -bg colour option to st

2011-04-25 Thread David Tweed
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 10:34 AM, Jan wrote:
 It is also worth considering whether to handle this via X Resources (the
 ~/.Xdefaults file) instead of command line options - since a terminal is
 not normally something you are going to start by invoking directly, but
 rather through a shortcut in your window manager.

 The only reason I see for having the bg-color changed at runtime is, that
 I have special cases in which I want a red or green or so bg terminal. If I
 just want to set the default bg, it should imho be done in config.h.

Yes, the X resources route doesn't work for me since I have a palette
of 8 acceptable and different background colours and then different
terminals acquire a different colour depending on what they're doing.
For my personal usage I'd prefer not to just overwrite
dc.col[DefaultBG] since in the long term I'd like to be able to change
the background colour of a running xterm, since if I'm reading hte
code correctly that's the only place, eg, black is stored. (As
background, I currenlty use a hacked aterm which changes the
background colour according to the cwd. This works for changing hte
colours, but the codebase and aterms behaviour on resize is poor, so
long term I'd like to move to a better terminal codebase where I can
hack in my colour functionality.)

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

[dev][st] Approach to adding -bg colour option to st

2011-04-24 Thread David Tweed

I'm considering experimenting with st, but I'm incredibly habituated
to having my terminal windows all with slightly different coloured
backgrounds (so I can semi-subconsciously keep track of where the
ones in various directories are). The obvious minimal change would be
to convert DefaultBG and DefaultFG from #define's into full C
variables with defaults and add option partsing code to set them
according to -fg and -bg. (The simplest thing would be to make the
argument be an array index rather than parsing a colour spec.) Before
I start working on a patch, does that sound like the appropriate way
to do this or is there a different way of handling colour that's being

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

[dev] fast-booting to text editor

2011-03-20 Thread David Tweed
Hi, one of those general suckless software questions:

I'm in a position where I'll be both commuting a lot and needing to
write a lot of text (review coments) over the coming months. I've got
a spare old but very small, low weight notebook PC I plan to try and
use. The only requirements I have are that there be a decent text
editor, a filesystem that can hold several files and the ability to
move files onto/off-of my permanent full-capacity PC. (I'd actually
prefer not to have any other facilities.)

The obvious thing to do would be to install a standard linux distro,
try and remove as many uneeded services and then just keep hibernating
it. However, my experience is that linux is not particuarly snappy
booting from a hibernate image, partly because there's so many
programs that want to be paged back in and partly because it needs to
still slowly start up any hardware it can find on the machine.

I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas/experience of any more
minimal solution, or if I should just go with the original plan.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] fast-booting to text editor

2011-03-20 Thread David Tweed
On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Peter John Hartman wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 06:21:54PM +, David Tweed wrote:
 it. However, my experience is that linux is not particuarly snappy
 booting from a hibernate image, partly because there's so many
 programs that want to be paged back in and partly because it needs to
 still slowly start up any hardware it can find on the machine.

 booting from hibernate is perfectly fast nowadays.

Just tried an experiment using an ubuntu distribution that I HAVEN'T
trimmed down on the target hardware. To boot to the standard desktop
using dwm as wm took 50s. Without starting any other programs and
immediately hibernating, a restart from hibernate image takes 37s to
get to the password unlock screen.(I can get rid of the need for a
password, but I don't imagine that particular program contributed much
to the restart time).

Many thanks for the suggestion about mincore Yoshi: I'd heard about
Damn Small Linux, but not mincore which seems like a good option to
experiment with.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] [OT] What's wrong with C++?

2010-09-11 Thread David Tweed
On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Paolo wrote:
 Why program in C++ when you can do it in C, making the program simpler and 
 When you can't make the program simpler and better, or you need to do it 
 than you do in C, just write C++ or whatever.

 This is just the place where people write about C, little overheads and 
 simpler programs.

The point I was making was just that there are SOME problem domains
where the features C provides fit what's needed and the C++ features
aren't useful, in which case C will be simpler and better. And it's
great to use it in those cases. But there are SOME other problem
domains where some of the features C++ provides that aren't in C are
incredibly useful in writing really clean, maintainable and more
efficient code, and as such I don't think that a blanket statement
Why program in C++ when you can do it in C, making the program
simpler and better? is accurate. Choose the language that's best for
the particular problem you're solving at the time is all I was saying.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] [OT] What's wrong with C++?

2010-09-10 Thread David Tweed
On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Paolo wrote:
 Why program in C++ when you can do it in C, making the program simpler and 

One of my maxims is that everyone mistakenly thinks that the kind of
programs that they write are the kind of programs everyone writes.
There are some domains in which C is simpler, there are some domains
in which C++ yields simpler programs, assuming you account carefully
for all the complexity caused by macros and conventions which have to
be ensured by the programmer. (Incidentally, I think the I only use
10 per cent of the language, so it must be bloated are people who
don't realise not everyone writes the kind of programs they do, and
would presumably also object to a natural language which is big enough
to be usable by both poets and lawyers. Now, complaints about the bad
interaction between C++ features are more justified...)

My opinion on C++ is, basically, every major feature in C++ is in
response to a real difficulty in programming that's worth attempting
to ameliorate, but the solutions chosen by C++ are often suboptimal,
and very often interact badly with other features. I'm also of the
opinion that many of the worst elements of C++ are due to the design
requirement to in essence have a block of code which is valid C have
the same semantics as in C (and to some extent the desire to keep
using object file/linker formats bassed in the 70s); that strongly
constrains some important basics to annoying things. My biggest
concern about the latest evolving standard C++0x is that it attempts
to cram even more functionality into a design space that's already
highly constrained by both C compatibility and existing C++
compatibility. Of course, Stroustrup argues that C++ wouldn't have
become popular had it not constantly been presented as incremental

A lot of my work is writing numerical code that is quite performance
critical. As such, I find it almost invaluable to be able to write a
template function so that one source base can work on int8_t's, ,
floats, doubles, complexfloat, etc, with proper typechecking rather
than in C with kludges using macros that render debugging a nightmare.
That combined with C++'s namespaces (which whilst not a proper module
system, are a godsend if you need to QUICKLY create a program which
uses two existing libraries that happen to use the same name) is
enough to mean that, FOR MY KIND OF PROGRAMMING, I'd rather use MY
subset of C++ that doesn't have bad interactions than have to write in
C doing lots of C++ stuff by hand. But I expect some people working on
other kinds of problems have their own subset of C++ that they use,
and some people working on other kinds of programming are best served
by C.

So for me, C++ is basically a good idea with a botched implementation,
and I think it's a bit of a shame that D Java has semantics designed
for a managed interpreter, D still appears to be primarily supported
by a few developers, that Go does not have any interest in efficient
numerical computation, BitC appears to have only one developer, etc.
To be honest, if it wasn't so heavily based on an ecosystem, and
possibly legal issues, that are controlled by Microsoft I might have
tried moving to C#.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] [OT] Music?

2010-09-08 Thread David Tweed
On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:35 PM, Joel Davila wrote:
 On 8 September 2010 15:12, Nikhilesh S wrote:

 What kind of music do you listen to? Your favourite artists, genres,


 Suckless music may be classics as Beethoven, Brahms,Chopin, Ravel,

 I thought the only music that would count as suckless is John Cage's
4′33″. It's the only piece where there's just no bloat. Even that
Nokia classic ringtone has 13 notes that are unnecessarily inflates
the NOM (notes of music) metric.

[I'm sorry, this is cruel caricaturing but I couldn't resist].

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] A language similar to Markdown that sucks less

2010-08-22 Thread David Tweed
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 8:20 PM, Joseph Xu wrote:
 On 8/22/2010 12:47 PM, David J Patrick wrote:

 On 10-08-22 12:37 PM, Alexander Teinum wrote:

 What doesn’t work well for me, is that I cannot easily extend
 Markdown. The design that I propose is simpler and more strict. All
 tags work the same way. The input is close to a data structure, and it
 doesn’t need complex parsing. The drawback is that tables and lists
 need more characters:

 pandoc extends markdown and has some table support,

 The problem with all these Markdown extensions is that they come as packages
 with monolithic parsers, so if you like the pandoc syntax for one kind of
 entity but the PHP markdown extensions syntax for another, you're screwed.
 This is a problem with latex as well, all syntax for complex structures like
 tables must derive from the base tex syntax. Hence the source code for
 tables looks ridiculous in latex. The troff idea of multiple passes with
 different parsers translating each type of entity into a base representation
 solves this problem nicely and should be emulated more. I wonder why troff
 never really caught on in the academic community.

There's the obvious point that, being a mathematician, Knuth really
understands how mathematicians think and both the TeX basic
mathematics notation and the quality look noticeably better than eqn.
There are two slightly more minor reasons:

1. Knuth went to incredible pains to ensure that the output file from
a given .tex file is absolutely identical regardless of the machine
the program was run on (and has shouted loudly at anybody making
changes which break this). Given that academic papers can remain
relevant for at least 50 years, and that citations in other papers are
occasionally very specific (the 1st paragraph on page 4) that may have
been an important point.

2. Knuth really, really, Really, no REALLY, cares about his programs
not misbehaving in the case of user errors (unlike some luminaries in
the computing field). The work he did basically trying incredibly
convoluted language abuse to break TeX means that it's almost
unencounterably rare to have it silently produce corrupt output files
or segfault. Admittedly part of this may be from him primarily working
in an era when submitting jobs for batch-mode processing was one
common way of doing things, so that you want to have useful logs at
the end rather than relying on the user interactively spotting
something screwy is happening. Again, back in 1982 this attitude may
have been relatively important. (I've got to admit it's probably
reading his amaxing paper on the TRIP test for TeX that probably fired
up my desire not to silently output corrupt files, or fail
mysteriously when given corrupted/erroneous input, and above all to
consider how you can diagnose errors in your program at just as
important as considering normal processing during the design stage.)

Of course, it's possible that the fact TeX took off whilst ROFF
descendants never did is purely historical accident.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] Suckless design in Games

2010-08-11 Thread David Tweed
On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Szabolcs Nagy wrote:
 i experimented with various types of genericity for algorithms
 here is one approach:
 implement the algorithm in the simplest way for the most useful types
 etc. then when you need it for a specific task then copy the code and
 apply appropriate modifications in the source (often s/type1/type2/g)

 it turns out that with this approach it's often easier to change
 a component without screwing things up than by understanding all
 the gory details of a generic api like boost

 adapting an algorithm for your usecase usually takes less than an hour
 and the result is readable customized code, easy to debug, easy to edit

I spent a while working for a company that used that philosphy (albeit
in Matlab). As someone who didn't write the original algorithms (so I
didn't have the slowly accumulated knowledge from having been the one
who wrote them) it was a complete nightmare because there were various
implementations of a basic algorithm, all different subsets of the
bugs that had ever existed in the algorithm development depending on
when and who they'd branched from. Worse, once this had been done for
a while the using code sometimes grew to depend on some of the bugs
(rather than biting the bullet and consolidating them and dealing with
the fallout) so you had to basically keep in mind what peculiarities
this particular implementation of the algorithm had (which of course
was always from memory because even in this case, the original code
writers frown on you putting comments about what bugs their code has).
And of course, because if you can't see that the code has broken,
don't poke it when a bug was fixed in one implementation the other
implementations weren't checked whilst memories were fresh. Unified
implementations would have required more up-front work, but would I
think have been less work overall. (The people who had actually
written the rats maze of code disagreed; it's difficult to see how
much was partly because it was their baby.)

All of your points have some validity, but given the choice between
one algorithm implementation with a complex BUT EXPLICIT API and
multiple implementations of some algorithm that does something along
these lines with simple APIs, personally I'd take the one

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] Suckless design in Games

2010-08-10 Thread David Tweed
On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 1:09 AM, Alex Hutton wrote:
 An idea I had the other day, and this is for dealing with data
 compartmentation in games, was to write a game in C and use sqlite for
 all the data. I've never used sqlite so I don't know how the
 performance would go, but it seems like a good idea to store all the
 data in a relational database as it makes it less likely that the data
 structures would have to be refactored during development and it
 allows me to avoid having to use 'objects'.

I don't know what granularity of data you're thinking of storing in
the database. If it's very fine grained data then I'd expect you're
going to hit concurrent writing lock-scaling problems (see, eg

) Part of the reason why systems like git or hg don't use a standard
database for their backends is that a general purpose database
generally has limited means for expressing which subsets of the data
are independent, and hence what the minimal locking is for writers
(and reading whilst something may be writing), whereas, eg, the git
backend knows due to the data struture and code design that it can do
_almost_ everything without locking. (That's part of why it scales to
things like Ingo Molnar's automated Merge every single patch in every
single remotely relevant patch queue into one mammoth kernel and try
and boot it for regression testing.)

One of the big advantages of conceptual objects (whether they're
actual language objects) is that since they can have different
implementations they can have different access semantics. As I
mentioned in a different thread, if you look at a lot of praised old
code it's perfectly well designed for the realities of computer
architecture at the time it was written, but nowadays a lot of it is
either middlingly effectively written or sometimes PLEASE, PLEASE
don't write code that way examples. Just because new innovations
aren't a magic bullet and are often overhyped doesn't meant they're
worthless. Personally, I think it's a shame that there's no widespread
language that has compiler/run-time support for immutable once
set-up variables in this multicore age. (You can have a design in
which a variable your design treats as immutable in C, but there's no
inherent support, eg, for detecting violations or cloning copies for
core's with a different cache, etc.)

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] wrap: minimalist archiving tool

2010-08-09 Thread David Tweed
On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 12:48 PM, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
 On 9 August 2010 04:54, David Tweed wrote:
 The one thing that leaps out at me is that there's no checksumming of
 either the individual files or the whole the archive file performed,
 so if you give it a damaged archive you won't be able to tell or
 isolate the damaged files.

 I figure the archive doesn't need to be able to checksum. Many
 compression formats and transmission protocols already checksum -
 reading a gzipped tarball from the web can result in up to four
 checksums. So if you're worried about integrity, just compress. If
 you're forced to use raw wraps and you're worried about storage, not
 transmission, you can always include checksums as Szabolcs said.

I think it depends on the use case. I was thinking about actually
archiving data, in which case if something has gone wrong on your
storage medium you want to be able to recover as much of the data as
you can, particularly the files which are undamaged. (It looks like
once the extractor desynchronises you may not get remaining files
even if that part of the file is uncorrupted.) But there are more
sophisticated archiving solutions so that's probably not a use case
worth worrying about.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] The mysterious 31

2010-08-04 Thread David Tweed
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 2:22 PM, John Yates wrote:
 Here are two useful references:

 RE computation cost: Generalized integer multiplication and integer
 division both used to be expensive.  On modern processors a
 multiplication is fully pipelined and comparable to an L1 data cache
 hit (~2 to 4 cycles).  Most modern implementations of division run the
 divide circuit at a multiple greater than 1 of the cpu clock
 (typically 2x) and implement early out.  Further division is nearly
 always an autonomous, non-pipelined logic block that once initiated
 runs asynchronously until it is ready to deliver its result.  Bottom
 line: on any contemporary out-of-order x86 chip from either Intel or
 AMD the cost of either of these instruction is negligible.

I'm not a great expert of microarchitecture, but isn't the fact the
implied division is the last explicit operation in a function, with
nothing much after it to overlap with, going to serialise things
thought?  (The fact that I'm currently developing for Intel Atoms and
ARM chips, both in-order chips, probably does skew my ideas on
performance though. An instruction reference claims that it's latency
is 50 instructions on an Atom, which is why I try and avoid
unnecessary divisions.)

 bucket selector.  Nearly universally this is a modulo operation taking
 the remainder of the digest divided by the number of buckets.  A
 particularly poor approach is to have a power of 2 number of buckets
 so as to to reduce the modulo operation to simple masking.  The reason
 is that this discards all entropy in all masked out bits.  A _much_
 better approach is to pick the number of buckets to be a prime number
 -- the remainder of division by a prime number will be influenced by
 _every_ bit in the digest.  (When I need to implement a dynamic hash
 table I always include a statically initialized array of primes chosen
 to give me the growth pattern I desire.)

If your hash function has appropriate avalanching and funneling so
that you believe it is a good approximation to uniform, then there's
no reason to believe that the entropy obtained by a using 2^n bits
should be any better or worse than reducing modulo a prime. (Certainly
if you look at most of the hash tables on Linux they're powers of 2,
but I don't know if that means much.) That said, I haven't actually
timed a full hash-table implementation to see if an integer division
operation shows up on an optimised program using hash tables though.

My bigger point was just that lots of the code snippets in K  R was
written for a different time and is inappropriate in 2010.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] The mysterious 31

2010-08-04 Thread David Tweed
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 6:01 PM, David Tweed wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 2:22 PM, John Yates wrote:
 performance though. An instruction reference claims that it's latency
 is 50 instructions on an Atom, which is why I try and avoid
 unnecessary divisions.)

Oops: Make that 50 cycles.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] The mysterious 31

2010-08-03 Thread David Tweed
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 2:53 AM, Jacob Todd wrote:
 In KR, chapter 6, section 6, there is a funtion called hash that hashes a
 string, which will be stored in a linked list. The function in question is on
 page 144, but here it is for those of you who don't have KR handy.

        /* hash:  form hash value for string s */
        hash(char *s)
                unsigned hashval;

                for(hashval = 0; *s != '\0'; s++)
                        hashval = *s + 31 * hashval;
                return hashval % HASHSIZE;

 So what is the purpose of the magic 31? The only thing that I think might be a
 reference to what it may be for is the paragraph prior, which states

        The hashing function, ..., adds each character value in the string to a
        scrambled combination of the previous ones and returns the remainder
        modulo the array size.

 Does the magic 31 have to do with scrambling?

It's also worth remembering that K  R was written at a time many
decades ago when performance aspects of computer architecture were a
lot, lot simpler. Apparently they have

#define HASHSIZE 101

which given that there's no really efficient way of computing % for
arbitrary numbers is going to be quite slow (particularly if the
strings are short), which is why hashes for modern machines use table
sizes that avoid needing a mod. (There are other things that are slow
on modern architectures that modern hash functions avoid.) I'd use KR
for the C syntax and some of the higher level ideas of programming,
but not try to understand good hashing technology from there.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] The mysterious 31

2010-08-03 Thread David Tweed
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 5:01 AM, David Tweed wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 2:53 AM, Jacob Todd wrote:
 It's also worth remembering that K  R was written at a time many
 decades ago when performance aspects of computer architecture were a
 lot, lot simpler. Apparently they have

 #define HASHSIZE 101

 which given that there's no really efficient way of computing % for
 arbitrary numbers is going to be quite slow (particularly if the
 strings are short), which is why hashes for modern machines use table
 sizes that avoid needing a mod. (There are other things that are slow
 on modern architectures that modern hash functions avoid.) I'd use KR
 for the C syntax and some of the higher level ideas of programming,
 but not try to understand good hashing technology from there.

A minor clarification: looking at the gcc assembly if you've hardcoded
the table size it figures out some magic constants so that it takes
around 8 bit-twiddling and subtraction instructions to do the mod
operation, which is slow but not that slow. If you pass the table size
as a variable, which you would in serious code you get integer
division based code, which is going to be quite slow.

But the point about K  R being basically a syntax and high-level
strategy book these days stands.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] Interesting post about X11

2010-06-16 Thread David Tweed
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 2:56 AM, Will Light wrote:
  but the notion of a browser-based terminal
 for a local machine just seems ridiculous...and that's a mild example!
  a browser-based music sequencer or video editor, for example, is so
 far off that it's just impractical.

Just to provide some context: this probably isn't the fully featured
video editor that you were talking about, and it appears not to use
NaCl but do everything remotely, but clearly a web-based video editor

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] Interesting post about X11

2010-06-16 Thread David Tweed
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:04 AM, Will Light wrote:
 yeah, I'm aware that the stuff exists.  just earlier today I was doing
 quite a bit of fiddling around with the current version of audiotool
 (, and it's pretty cool.  the potential is
 definitely there, but the point I'm trying to make is that these
 things are constantly playing catch-up.  the feature set that these
 browser-based apps are seeking to duplicate is the sort of stuff that
 was novel, say...10 years ago, but it's nothing groundbreaking from
 the standpoint of a professional music producer.  perhaps these apps
 will end up replacing the entry-level stuff like garageband or iMovie,
 but I think they will be hard-pressed to unseat Cubase, ProTools, or
 even newcomers like REAPER.

I'd hope that progress will be a little faster once the
application-core can be implemented in any language that you can
compile to obviously safe machine code (maybe even the same
application-core codebase used in the standalone product). But I think
you're probably going to be right, but for utility to the expected
user reasons rather than for any technological problem. The
interesting thing about browser-applications is for doing task X for
those people who don't do X very much at all. The majority of these
people will only benefit from functionality that you can present in
easy-to-understand-and-use-immediately ways, in contrast to
use-it-everyday people who will both install the application locally
and learn over time how to use subtle functionality. So I'd expect
that web-applications will acquire those advanced capabilities which
are basically automatic, but won't acquire the stuff that requires
sophisticated user understanding to use.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] Interesting post about X11

2010-06-16 Thread David Tweed
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 3:32 AM, Kurt H Maier wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:27 AM, David Tweed wrote:
 obviously safe machine code


Would you care to elaborate on this? The compilation problem is
asymmetric: there's going to be lots of code sequences that are in
fact innocuous which the verifier can't show to be innocuous, but I
don't see any reason why it's not possible to have a compiler that can
compile some code that it can show to be innocuous into safe machine
code. (Ie, the compiler may be refuse to compile a given piece of
code, but if it does compile it's as safe as running interpreted code
-- ie, up to the level of undocumented chip errata could be exploited
in either case.) I'm genuinely interested if there is a flaw in this
reasoning, because I spend a lot of time writing numerical SIMD code
that you can't access from languages where the semantics means values
need to be boxed. All I'm interested in are machine instructions for
SIMD plus enough scalar operations and known address conditional jumps
to implement marching through arrays of data. The compiler can refuse
to compile any code containing any of the other instructions in the
instruction set and I won't care. (Clearly I don't even need Turing
completeness in the sections of the application that are compiled to
native instructions.) Are you saying the NaCl-style verification
approach cannot work in such a case?

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] Suckless operating system

2010-06-14 Thread David Tweed
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 12:19 AM, Matthew Bauer wrote:
 I wish modern filesystems would allow some way of identifying a file type
 besides in the filename. It seems like that would make things more straight

The other issue is an providing a very-easy-to-type equivalent of
globbing on filenames in shell/script expressions for whatever
mechanism is used (ie, for things like 'find . -name *.(h|cpp|tcc) |
xargs ..

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] Interesting post about X11

2010-06-14 Thread David Tweed
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 2:56 AM, Will Light wrote:
  i only take issue with the notion
 that web-based applications will somehow replace desktop apps

 for some use cases, sure...i mean, if somebody only uses facebook and
 gmail on their netbook, then yeah, why the hell do they have more than
 a web browser installed?  but the notion of a browser-based terminal
 for a local machine just seems ridiculous...and that's a mild example!
  a browser-based music sequencer or video editor, for example, is so
 far off that it's just impractical.

Weel... It's difficult to discern what will take-off in the
future either technologically or sociologically. But one of the key
use cases that I think might work with the web are those which are
BOTH primarily data-based tasks (rather than getting your computer to
do something) and which you don't really do that often. This is

(a) there's a big class of data which, with appropriate security
safeguards, you're happy to be on someone else's server. For example,
I'm happy to have my home photos stored in the cloud because in the
worst case they're just a bit naff but having someone else take care
of making reliable backups works for me.

(b) for occasional applications I really prefer not to install the
application on my PC (if nothing else, from the minimal attack
surface security viewpont). Ironically, I can't imagine why anyone
would want to use a web-based word-processor because it's something
that you use so frequently that having a local version seems better
for all sorts of reasons; likewise a browser-based terminal doesn't
seem to make sense because if you use one at all you use it all the
time. But I can absolutely imagine using a _performant_ web-based
music sequencer or video editor just because I'd only use them once a
year at most. (A professional musician would get more benefit from a
locally installed app, but for a dilettante like me a _performant_
web-based application would be great.) Time will tell if Google's
Native Client technology combined with intelligent caching will make
actually having web-based music sequencers and video editors feasible
in the near future.

I've actually spent a bit of time thinking about this, precisely
because applications in my field tend to suffer from issue b: with
conventional installed software you have to be pretty sure you want to
use the application to install it (particularly since I generally
worry the uninstall won't actually remove all the crap it installed or
will remove stuff shared with other programs) whilst with a web
application you can try it and if even if it's behaves heinously or
isn't useful, the only thing you need to do is not visit that site

In this respect I think that HALF of Google's Chrome OS program is a
good idea for users: making effective web applications available is a
brilliant thing; it's the web-applications will be the only
applications available on Chrome OS that I'm not sure about.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] Suckless operating system

2010-06-13 Thread David Tweed
On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 12:38 AM, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
 On 14 June 2010 00:16, David Tweed wrote:
 One of the issues to consider is that what computers are used for
 changes with time, and decisions that one may classify as the
 suckless way of doing things at one point in time may mean that it's
 not effectively useable in some future situations.

 If the system is sufficiently modular it should be relatively future-proof.

I meant to suggest that design decisions and architectures might need
changing as new use cases come to light rather than that a single
design should be future proof-ish, and that this is in fact desirable.
However that means that saying something is suckless has to be
implicitly qualified with for current needs. To pick a really simple
example, consider the changes to booting that happened since the
arrival of netbooks. What was once a relatively rare process, with the
corresponding suckless design being to keep things simple, has
become something where sub 5s booting is wanted, which requires more
complicated techniques. That's not to say that old-style booting was
wrong for the time it was designed, but the criteria now are different
and consequently the most elegant solution is now different.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] stderr: unnecessary?

2010-06-12 Thread David Tweed
On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Kris Maglione wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 12:53:27PM +0200, pancake wrote:

 On Jun 12, 2010, at 9:27 AM, Connor Lane Smith wrote:

 On 12 June 2010 08:00, Kris Maglione wrote:
 Except it can actually fetch as much data as is addressable in memory
 in a single call, if the kernel and library are tailored to.

 That's why mmap is for. Using read is just stupid.

 mmap is silly. If you want that much data mapped, it's because you want fast
 access to it. If you just want random access to it, you read it as you need
 it. mmap doesn't offer any performance advantage. When you touch a page that
 wasn't already there, the kernel has to fault it in, which is already as
 expensive as the read system call, and even more so because of the coarse
 granularity. It needs to read in an entire page, even if all you need is a
 byte. And if you need a dword across a page boundary, you get two faults and
 two pages read in. There's really just no point.

I just know I'm going to regret getting involved in this but...

My understanding is that on Linux at least, reading causes the data to
be moved into the kernel's page cache (which I believe has a page
level granularity even if you read only a byte), and then a copy is
made from the page cache into the processes memory space. Mmapping it
means your process gets the page cache page mapped into its address
space, so the data is only in memory once rather than an average of
1.x times where x depends on pagecache discard policy. So IF you are
genuinely moving unpredictably around accessing a truly huge file,
mmapping it means that you can fit more of it in memory rather than
having both your program and the page cache trying to figure out which
bits to discard in an attempt to keep memory usage down. This effect
is actually much more important with huge files than smaller files
where the page cache duplication doesn't have as much effect on system
memory usage as a whole.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] Tiling windowmanager workflow (Was: [dvtm] Fibonacci layout patch)

2010-06-01 Thread David Tweed
On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Moritz Wilhelmy wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 01, 2010 at 01:27:07PM +0200, Mate Nagy wrote:
  Using the vim splits may be cheating, but it sure is convenient.
 sorry for self-reply: I thought that maybe for maximum punishment, the
 fibonacci layout could support nmaster. (Also note that this is a
 2560x1600 setup, that's why so much division (and nmaster) makes sense.)

 Ah, guess it's just my 1280x1024 screen then :)
 Actually tiling doesn't even make much sense on it, when I went with monocle 
 the netbook I grew used to it and use it everywhere now.
 Anyone else interested in sharing their way how they use their System? It 
 like an interesting topic.

The typical usage where I have more than one window is that I have
maybe 2 windows providing a view on an editor open (eg, for showing a
.h and .cpp file, or two .cpp files when I'm trying to track down an
inconsistency in usage), an xterm for running the program being
developed and one xterm holding gnuplot and one gnuplot window (or
looking at accuracy plots (I tend to work on machine learning stuff
where you do that a lot). So it's all associated with one human
level task, but it's using multiple computer applications.

Likewise there are other situations, but they all tend to fall into
that category: I don't tend to have separate human tasks on screen
at the same time very much.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] [sw] Suckless web-framework

2010-04-05 Thread David Tweed
On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Charlie Kester wrote:
 On Mon 05 Apr 2010 at 08:29:24 PDT Connor Lane Smith wrote:

 On 5 April 2010 15:13, Uriel wrote:

 Actually, modern browsers parse HTML much faster than XHTML (yes, I
 was fooled by the XML scam once too, and it was not until recently
 that I discovered even the myth of it making parsing of webpages
 faster was totally bunk).

 My point was not that we should write XHTML, but that we should write
 simple HTML, and that simple does not solely mean fewer characters.
 (Nor does it solely mean efficiency. I have a dog on my shelf
 telling me: simplicity, clarity, generality.) I was considering from
 the point of view of the author of a new, say, htmlfmt. To quote,

 On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Connor Lane Smith wrote:

 I'm not even sure how fewer characters equates as simpler: LOC is
 only an approximation of how suckless our code is. When given a
 trade-off between two simple lines or one complex one, write two. A
 paragraph makes sense as ptext/p: it opens, it closes. Quotes are
 nice too. I'm not saying it should validate as XHTML, but simplicity
 is more profound than wc.

 While pondering the import of your message, and thinking about how
 ordinary language uses quotation marks to both open and close a quote,
 it struck me that my email client was giving me an elegant example of
 how the need for a closing tag can be eliminated.  See how the ''
 character is used?

Regardless of the strengths and weaknesses of HTML, the '' style has
it's own problems. Firstly, unless you've got an editor programmed for
the syntax it means you can't cut and paste just the content of a
quoted region. Secondly, don't forget that you've got to figure out
how to allow literal '' characters at the start of a line if you
want it to be able to work with absolutely any data someone wants to
display in there (such as 8 visual cut markers).

 As for paragraphs, separating them with blank lines always made more
 sense to me than p tags, and here again, no closing tag is required.

Of course, if there are other reasons why one might want to have
elements within a semantic paragraph which are one separated lines
then one needs to come up with a syntax for having visual blank lines
which aren't (as witnessed by the use of comment blank lines in

preceding paragraph

start of paragraph content
end of paragraph content

following paragraph

, which again spoils the simplicity. And note how I've just used some
blank lines in order to present an example within what is semantically
one paragraph). None of this is to say that a different markup
mechanism than HTML might work better, but it's easy to have an
initially simple proposal that suddenly sprouts a lot of complexity
when you add mechanisms for corner cases.

Personally, the ONE, SINGLE thing XML (and specialisations) had going
for it was that, for all it's annoyances, it was hoped to be dominant
enough that you only had to learn techniques, common bugs and
libraries for one syntax. Unfortunately the multiple ideas about how
to do a better markup language mean that that even that advantage
has gone.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] Why use Mercurial?

2010-02-14 Thread David Tweed
On 2/14/10, Kris Maglione wrote:
 1) We've been using Mercurial since long before the advent of git.

As a purely factual matter, this can't be correct as Matt Mackall
started work on Mercurial after reading Linus Torvalds announce he'd
got the very initial bare-bones of git working. (It all began as a
difference of opinion about whether whole-file checkpointing (git) or
tracking patches (mercurial) was the better fundamental approach.) To
all practical purposes they are the same age.

You might have meant since long before git became user-friendly
enough, but that's a slighty different statement.
cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] [OFFTOPIC] Recommended meta-build system

2010-02-02 Thread David Tweed
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 4:15 AM, Noah Birnel wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 01, 2010 at 04:49:52PM +0100, wrote:

... a mobile phone with integrated camera,
 touch screen, 'apps' for learning languages, etc. is as much suckless as an
 axe with a door bell, toilet paper and nuclear power generator.

 At this point a mobile phone is a general purpose portable computer. The
 camera is no more out of line than the speakers hooked up to your home

I partly think it's perception shape by marketing. You can still buy a
mobile phone that only has voice functions. You can also buy a more
general communications/entertainment node device which has a host of
hardware and software that's all appropriate to that usage, including
as one component making voice calls. The only problem is that they're
still marketed as phones which seems to cause cognition problems for
some people who seem to take is as gospel the label marketers use must
be right and therefore that the device is wrong, rather than vice

(I've never subscribed to the philosophy that an entity should do one
thing well but rather that there should not have non-orthogonal
capabilities in the same entity. If you're into that sort of thing, I
don't see any reason why you'd consider mobile photo-taking, internet
browsing, causual entertainment games, etc, to  be non-orthogonal to
chatting to friends: they're all ways to entertain yourself while not
at home.)

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] [OFFTOPIC] Recommended meta-build system

2010-01-26 Thread David Tweed
Thanks to everyone for all the help.

I'm looking more at the development process than the distribution
process which means different issues are most important for me. The
big issue I'm looking at is that I've got lots of programs which can
be visualised as having conventional dependencies with the twist
that suppose executable foo depends upon colourSegmentation.o, if
the target processor has SSE3 instructions the IF there's an processor
optimised segmentation.c in the SSE3 directory compile and link
against that, IF it doesn't exist compile and link against the version
in the GENERIC_C directory. I think maintaining separate makefiles
that are manually kept up to date in each case as new processor
oprtimised code gets written is going to be reliable in the longer
term. I think I'll follow the general advice to maintain a single
makefile that describes the non-processor specific dependencies by
hand and then try some homebrew script to automatically infer and add
appropriate paths to object files in each processor-capability
makefile depending on availability for each processor-capability set.
(This is probaby not a common problem.)

 I recommend mk from Plan 9, the syntax is clean and clearly defined
 (not the problem is it BSD make, is it GNU make or is it some archaic
 Unix make?). I found that all meta build systems suck in one way or
 another -- some do a good job at first glance, like scons, but they
 all hide what they really do and in the end it's like trying to
 understand configure scripts if something goes wrong. make or mk are
 better choices in this regard.

Yeah. I don't mind powerful languages for doing stuff automatically,
the problem is systems that aren't designed to be easily debuggable
when they go wrong.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] [OFFTOPIC] Recommended meta-build system

2010-01-26 Thread David Tweed
On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 6:25 AM, Uriel wrote:
 Why the fucking hell should the fucking build tool know shit about the
 OS it is running on?!?!?!

 If you need to do OS guessing, that is a clear sign that you are doing
 things *wrong* 99% of the time.

[In what follows by OS I mean kernel plus userspace libraries that
provide a higher level interface to the hardware than runs in the

It would be great if conceptual interfaces that are a decade or more
old were universally standardised (so you don't have to worry about
whether mkstemp() is provided, etc) so that a lot of the configuration
processing could go away, and maybe that's the situation for most
text and filesystem applications. But there are and are will be in
the future new interfaces that haven't solidified into a common form
yet, eg, webcam access, haptic input devices, accelerometers/GPS,
cloud computing APIs, etc, for which figuring out what is provided
will still necessary in meta-build/configuration systems for years to
come for any software that will be widely distributed.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

[dev] [OFFTOPIC] Recommended meta-build system

2010-01-24 Thread David Tweed

I'm wondering if anyone has had particularly good experiences with any
meta-build system (cmake, etc) in the following circumstances:

I will have a large codebase which consists of some generic files and
some processor specific files. (I'm not worried about OS environent
stuff like has vsnprintf? that configure deals with.) In addition,
it'd be nice to be able to have options like debugging, release,
grof-compiled, etc, similar to procesor specification. I need to be
able to select the appropriate files for a given build and compile
them together to form an executable. It would be preferrable if all
object files and executables could coexist (because it's a C++
template heavy source-base that means individual files compile
relatively slowly, so it'dbe preferrable only to recompile if the
source has actually changed) using directories or naming conventions.

I've been doing some reading about things like cmake and SCons but
most strike me as having built-in logic for their normal way of doing
things and are relatively clunky if you specify something different.
(Incidentally, when I say meta-build system I mean that I don't mind
if it builds things directly or if it outputs makefiles that can be
invoked.) Does anyone have any experiences of using any tool for this
kind of purpose?

(One option would be to just have a static makefile and then do some
include-path hackery to select processor specific directories to pick
a specific versions of files depending on options and then rely on
ccache to pick up the correct object file from the cache rather than
recompiling. But that feels like a hack for avoiding having a more
expressive build system.)

Many thanks for sharing any experiences,

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] a suckless computer algebra system

2009-11-20 Thread David Tweed
On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 12:51 AM, Kris Maglione wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 02:23:35PM -0600, A.J. Gardner wrote:

 I'm interested in math and CASs, but my opinions on available software
 are ill-formed and mostly ignorant. Does anyone else here have an
 interest in this topic, broadly speaking? If so, do you have any
 preferences for one package over another? Have you found any math
 software that seem to follow the worse-is-better design model?

 Don't be silly. There's nothing like a suckless CAS, at least nothing
 remotely approaching the simplicity of software. Computer
 algebra and calculus are complex and computationally intensive. They can't
 (and arguably shouldn't) be simplified beyond a point.

There's a related issue: often the task you want to perform inherently
has too high a computational complexity as generic problem (at least
the complexity is too high if you're working on problems that tend to
come up), so you either want multiple different algorithms (or
different systems) which employ approaches which might be have
different problems they solve quickly. (For instance, the Fermat
system ( uses an algorithm that's not used
by other CAS for some polynomial manipulations, and apparently
succeeds on some problems they out-of-memory on, whilst failing on
problems that others can solve. So if you only care about acheiving
your mathematical task and not on only using aesthetically righteous
software you might well try both systems.). Contast this with, eg, a
typesetting system where you can have one best algorithm that does

I have a lot of sympathy with you on the UI front: I dislike intensely
the programmer personal GUI choices each CAS I've used seems to make
and in an ideal world there would be a common GUI (and syntax would be
modified for consistency where the system's semantic representation
makes it possible). But I don't think anyone (me included) actually
wants to do the work to do that.

Incidentally, one system I haven't seen mentioned so far is axiom

Not compellingly brilliant but not bad either.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] a suckless computer algebra system

2009-11-20 Thread David Tweed
On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Jukka Ruohonen wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 02:23:35PM -0600, A.J. Gardner wrote:
 Anyone know of any suckless math software out there in the tubes?

 As for algebra, the king of the hill is without doubt LAPACK. But since
 Fortran is nowadays seldom used, few people can tell if it sucks in the
 sense of suckless (?). But it is still the fastest language in it's own
 area; this may or may not be important.

FWIW, my understanding is that the LAPACK library must have an API
which conforms with a reference Fortran implementation, but there are
various versions implemented in various languages (Fortran, C, CUDA,

As for the code quality, I can see the code driving certain people
on this list mad because it deliberately doesn't compute things in the
simplest way and fewest lines in order to do things like acheive close
to optimal cache blocking on modern multicore machines. A comparison
of how much performance can vary depending on how it's coded can be
glimpsed in the graphs in this paper:

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] a suckless computer algebra system

2009-11-20 Thread David Tweed
On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 2:15 PM, Jukka Ruohonen wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 01:53:47PM +, David Tweed wrote:
 FWIW, my understanding is that the LAPACK library must have an API
 which conforms with a reference Fortran implementation, but there are
 various versions implemented in various languages (Fortran, C, CUDA,

 This is true. But the LAPACK itself is a stand-alone Fortran library;
 typically it is used via things like f2c.

 As for the code quality, I can see the code driving certain people
 on this list mad because it deliberately doesn't compute things in the
 simplest way and fewest lines in order to do things like acheive close
 to optimal cache blocking on modern multicore machines. A comparison
 of how much performance can vary depending on how it's coded can be
 glimpsed in the graphs in this paper:

 This is again true, IMO. I'd say that in the sense of traditional software
 engineering, the code quality of numerical software is generally terrible.

I was pointing out more how the simple-minded software metrics would
condemn you to around about the level of performance acheived by the
reference LAPACK (white bars) in the paper referenced, which to my
mind suggests there's a flaw in the software metrics. I'd also query
that the code quality is terrible in most numerical software: what I'd
say is that they've got a task to acheive (ie, using as much of the
computing power as possible) and make the software as simple and
maintainable as it can be given the task. (What they don't generally
do is say if we reduce what portion of the task we'll implement for
users, we get wonderfully simple code.)

 But as for validity and reliability of numerical algorithms, the thing that
 really matters in this context, LAPACK is again without doubt the most
 respected library. In fact, it is intriguing to follow the history of
 numerical matrix algebra and the close correspondence of it with the
 development of ALGOL, LINPACK, and later LAPACK.

This is probably splitting hairs, but my understanding is that LAPACK
(and BLAS below it) are more specifications of library functionality
(in the form of a reference implementation) rather than a single
library. The development history is certainly interesting,
particularly the adapation from old-style computer assumptions (memory
is memory is memory) to taking active steps to optimise for the
multi-level memory hierarchy in modern machines with starting around
the time of Goto-BLAS.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] a suckless computer algebra system

2009-11-20 Thread David Tweed
On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 3:20 PM, Jukka Ruohonen wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 02:57:24PM +, David Tweed wrote:
 I was pointing out more how the simple-minded software metrics would
 condemn you to around about the level of performance acheived by the
 reference LAPACK (white bars) in the paper referenced, which to my
 mind suggests there's a flaw in the software metrics. I'd also query
 that the code quality is terrible in most numerical software: what I'd
 say is that they've got a task to acheive (ie, using as much of the
 computing power as possible) and make the software as simple and
 maintainable as it can be given the task. (What they don't generally
 do is say if we reduce what portion of the task we'll implement for
 users, we get wonderfully simple code.)

 I think there is no misunderstanding here; the suckless metrics do not
 apply here. But given that this is a suckless list, with the terrible code
 quality I meant that numerical software is often terrible against
 conventional metrics of code quality; cryptic, hard to read and understand,
 full of little hacks, difficult to change and maintain, badly formatted,

 Take the aspects of software quality mentioned in ISO 9126-1:

 * Functionality (suitability, accuracy, compliance, security, etc.)
 * Reliability (maturity, recoverability, fault tolerance, etc.)
 * Usability (learnability, understandability, operability, etc.)
 * Efficiency (time and space performance, etc.)
 * Maintainability (stability, analyzability, testability, etc.)
 * Portability (installability, replaceability, adaptability, etc.)

 Against these abstract concepts of general software quality, I'd say that
 numerical software is generally par excellence in some aspects, but terrible
 in others.

I think it's just a difference in when we'd use words like terrible.
It sounds like if code is difficult to read on some absolute scale
you'd call that terrible but say that it's justified in being terrible
in order to acheive efficiency. I'd rate difficulty of reading
relative to other ways of acheiving _exactly the same_ programming
goal (including efficiency level targets), so if there's not a simpler
way of programming it I'd rate that as having good readability. (Of
course, if there is a simpler way of coding to acheive the exact goal
then it has poor readability.) Likewise, portability is relative to
the goal: if the goal is to extract as much performance from the
particular processor the code is running on, then portability implies
different things than a portable implementation of wc, etc, etc.
It's a difference in when we would use particular terms rather than a
real difference.

The other thing is that the only code I've looked at in depth is ATLAS
and Goto-BLAS, which both seem quite readable given their targets.
Mayber there's a corpus of much worse numerical code I just haven't

(In case it confused people, the comment in my original mail about
sending some people on this list mad was more a comment on those
people's software values than a criticism of numerical code.)

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] A lightwieight and working typesetting system.

2009-09-03 Thread David Tweed
On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 12:56 PM, QUINTIN wrote:

 Do you guys know a (working) typesetting system other than latex ?
 And a good soft to make presentations ?

A key point is: do you need to typeset complicated mathematical
expressions? I'm not aware of anything that has such good built-in
support for automatically typesetting complicated mathematical
expressions and fonts containing the symbols as the TeX family. (Using
MathML is, I gather, capable of giving the same results but more
complicated.) Any wysiwyg thing based on selecting and fine-tuning
character and operator positions with the mouse WILL drive you crazy
when you decide to change notation in a large part of your document
for consistency reasons. Most powerpoint presentations that involve
math tend to use programs that create graphic images of equations
rendered by TeX code; never seen many OpenOffice presentations to know
if they do the same thing. So if you're writing mathematics you'll
probably have TeX/LaTeX installed anyway, so the question is whether
you want to add an additional typesetting system that you'll use for
other typesetting or not.

Of course, if you have no need to do mathematical expressions the
above consideration doesn't apply.

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

Re: [dev] dwm in a window

2009-07-07 Thread David Tweed
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Kurt H wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Anselm R wrote:
 a) on top of existing ones

 b) existing ones on top

 I tend to a) atm just because it would make porting to other platforms
 so much simpler.

 There is no point to running a window system on top of an existing
 window system, unless there is some religious abstraction method
 you're married to.  Implementing a gui that runs on a gui ends up with
 crap like WINE. I can understand arguments that x11 needs to be
 replaced, and I can understand (some) arguments that x11 needs to be
 left alone, but the idea that x11 needs to be *supplemented* is

The advantage of running something on top of X during development is
that users can experiment with it whilst still being able to run their
existing applications, thus getting hopefully some people interested
in doing development because they like using what's currently there.
Otherwise, you end up with something like Berlin, the Y windowing
system, the full display-postscript compositing engine behind full
GNUstep and all those other new windowing systems that never
actually got anywhere near completion because the only thing one could
do with them in their current state was development.

(Before anyone asks, I'm unlikely to get involved in developing a new
windowing system precisely because I suspect that it would be very
difficult to defy the historical patter that a lot of code would be
written but development would stall before a day-in-day-out usable
system would be completed. Mind you, I'm weird in that I tend to
prefer existing software that I can use to eulogising about how in
principle there's this great way of doing things but whose current
incarnation doesn't have any way of acheiving the tasks I want to use
my computer for today ;-) )

cheers, dave tweed__
computer vision reasearcher:
while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python. --
attempted insult seen on slashdot