[GitHub] thrift issue #1474: Recognize fbthrift TApplicationException codes

2018-03-16 Thread jfarrell
Github user jfarrell commented on the issue:

Hi @yfeldblum, thanks for taking a look into this for us, appreciate your 
help. A new PR would be great that way it gives the ASF the needed audit trail 
of the origination of the pull request code contribution coming from Facebook 
to the ASF. 


[GitHub] thrift issue #1474: Recognize fbthrift TApplicationException codes

2018-03-16 Thread yfeldblum
Github user yfeldblum commented on the issue:

@jfarrell Does Apache actually need a new PR originating from FB? Or is it 
sufficient for FB to okay this PR?


[GitHub] thrift issue #1474: Recognize fbthrift TApplicationException codes

2018-03-14 Thread jfarrell
Github user jfarrell commented on the issue:

We can not directly accept this PR as it contains code that originated in 
fbthrift. We need someone from Facebook to contribute the code or files back to 
Apache Thrift for use by the ASF.

@djwatson if you have some free time would you mind contributing back the 
recent updates to fbthrift in the cpp lib around the Application and Transport 
Exception headers to help resolve this issue? Appreciate your time and help as 



[GitHub] thrift issue #1474: Recognize fbthrift TApplicationException codes

2018-03-13 Thread jeking3
Github user jeking3 commented on the issue:

@jfarrell can you please give a final say on this?


[GitHub] thrift issue #1474: Recognize fbthrift TApplicationException codes

2018-03-09 Thread jeking3
Github user jeking3 commented on the issue:

@jfarrell can you please give a final say on this?


[GitHub] thrift issue #1474: Recognize fbthrift TApplicationException codes

2018-03-03 Thread jeking3
Github user jeking3 commented on the issue:

Based on my read of the file from which the original source information 
came, the original fbthrift project files are Apache Source licensed.  So I'm 
not certain we need to do anything in particular, but @jfarrell said that we 
do.  As such, I am going to wait until he gives the okay.


[GitHub] thrift issue #1474: Recognize fbthrift TApplicationException codes

2018-02-09 Thread jparise
Github user jparise commented on the issue:

Coming back to the original proposed change, is this likely or unlikely to 
be merged?

I don't think I fully understand @jfarrell's "this change must originate 
from Facebook" requirement. Both projects are Apache 2.0-licensed, which may or 
may not be relevant if the concern is a related to copyright.

I wrote all of the code in this diff myself, from scratch, using only the 
fbthrift enumeration names and integer values as a reference. I haven't run a 
`diff` between the two trees to see how similar the individual lines of code 
may or may not be, but I'm not sure how relevant that would be given that 
enumerations can only be written so many ways.

Of course, I am not a lawyer, etc., so if this is a blocker for inclusion 
in Apache Thrift, please say so.


[GitHub] thrift issue #1474: Recognize fbthrift TApplicationException codes

2018-01-29 Thread jeking3
Github user jeking3 commented on the issue:

@jfarrell from what I can see these error codes are inside contributed code 
in the fbthrift project, at least from the C++ side, in a file that contains 
the Apache license:


Making error codes generated as part of the build process would actually be 
pretty cool; there would be some sort of top level directory to store common 
thrift (perhaps lib/common/) and inside a Transport.thrift file (or something 
like that) with an enumeration and a LOT of namespace directives... and the 
build would generate the language-specific output it needs to build the 
library.  Sounds pretty cool.


[GitHub] thrift issue #1474: Recognize fbthrift TApplicationException codes

2018-01-29 Thread jfarrell
Github user jfarrell commented on the issue:

@jeking3 `Do we really need to ask for permission to add three additional 
error codes from fbthrift?` - yes, if there is something in Facebook fbthrift 
that someone wants to add to Apache Thrift it has to come as a contribution 
from Facebook. 

@Jens-G I cant recall a ticket for it either, but agree with having the 
common portion built into the generator to reduce updating many touch points in 
the code


[GitHub] thrift issue #1474: Recognize fbthrift TApplicationException codes

2018-01-25 Thread Jens-G
Github user Jens-G commented on the issue:

Not sure. 

We had that discussion in the past IIRC and the outcome was that we leave 
it as it is. It's somewhere buried in the archives, maybe we heven had (or 
still have) a ticket for it. Nevertheless, the idea has some clear advantages, 
I agreee with that.

One question that immediately came to my mind was: why don't we include the 
version number as well? That thing is a constant hassle with any release. 

@jfarrell ?


[GitHub] thrift issue #1474: Recognize fbthrift TApplicationException codes

2018-01-24 Thread jeking3
Github user jeking3 commented on the issue:

@Jens-G what do you think about the notion of moving the definition of 
error message enumerations into a single common .thrift file that gets compiled 
and then comsumed by the libraries?  It would certainly go a long way to 
ensuring that these error codes are handled in a standardized way across all 
languages.  I think that the generated code would have to be packaged along 
with the built library in some cases, but that shouldn't be a problem.


[GitHub] thrift issue #1474: Recognize fbthrift TApplicationException codes

2018-01-22 Thread jeking3
Github user jeking3 commented on the issue:

In general I frown upon adding test-only values in production code (like 
"injected failure").  That said I see no reason for us not to incorporate these 
into the core.  Do we really need to ask for permission to add three additional 
error codes from fbthrift?  This may not have properly gotten every language 
(Common Lisp comes to mind, as it's an open PR).

It's too bad we don't define the list of error codes in Thrift and then 
compile them for every language to use... it would ensure uniformity across 


[GitHub] thrift issue #1474: Recognize fbthrift TApplicationException codes

2018-01-19 Thread jparise
Github user jparise commented on the issue:

I'm not affiliated with either project, but I work in an environment that 
uses multiple Thrift implementations, so interoperability is important to us. 
We're specifically interested in using some of these new codes (e.g. 
`LOADSHEDDING`) between services, and I think there's value in achieving error 
code parity. Likewise, if Apache Thrift had been the first to introduce these 
new error codes, I'd be making the same case for their inclusion in fbthrift 
and other implementations.

I don't know if it's important to establish a plan for "approving" new 
error codes going forward. When I wrote "guarantee no future conflicts" in the 
summary, I meant that these particular values (11, 12, 13) have already been 
effectively allocated by fbthrift, and adding them to Apache Thrift eliminates 
the chance that those indices are ever assigned to different, conflicting codes 
in this project.


[GitHub] thrift issue #1474: Recognize fbthrift TApplicationException codes

2018-01-19 Thread Jens-G
Github user Jens-G commented on the issue:

I see the point but I'm not sure if Inunderstzand it right. Who doies what 
before we add new codes? We ask FB? Or they ask us? And what ist your plan to 
convince FB that they have to ask us?
