[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-10-05 Thread spmallette
Github user spmallette commented on the issue:

PR for this is now on #952 


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-10-05 Thread spmallette
Github user spmallette commented on the issue:

@mattallenuk  I figured out what was going on. The `EnumValue` was being 
interpreted as a `Map` when serializing to GraphSON. The change is pretty 
trivial, but I have a bunch of other little changes here/there. I'm going to 
merge this PR to a TINKERPOP-1959 branch for review (hope that's ok with you) 
and hopefully we can get this merged up today. 


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-10-04 Thread spmallette
Github user spmallette commented on the issue:

"gremlin-groovy" is fine. The server should default to that if the argument 
isn't present.


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-10-04 Thread mattallenuk
Github user mattallenuk commented on the issue:

@spmallette I can confirm that this test works for bytecode submission so 
possibly an issue in the way the bindings are being submitted? Should the 
language parameter be gremlin-groovy or something else?


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-10-04 Thread mattallenuk
Github user mattallenuk commented on the issue:

@spmallette Ok, have pushed the changes along with the documentation 
changes we'd discussed. Hopefully it's an easy fix.


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-10-04 Thread spmallette
Github user spmallette commented on the issue:

It works with Java and GraphSON 2.0:

gremlin> cluster = Cluster.build().serializer("GRAPHSON_V2D0").create()
gremlin> client = cluster.connect()
gremlin> client.submit("g.addV().property(c,k,v)", 
gremlin> client.submit("g.V().has('name',123).count()").all().get()
==>result{object=1 class=java.lang.Long}

So, i'm not sure what's wrong. If you want to commit/push what you have i 
can try to test on my own to see what I (or maybe someone else) can figure out.


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-10-04 Thread mattallenuk
Github user mattallenuk commented on the issue:

@spmallette Ok so your above code runs fine and returns a value. It appears 
that my call to g.V(1).property() is not liked. 

My request looks like this now:

`[RequestMessage{, requestId=7baf2b77-ca79-4679-9812-f3e0d8d3dbb5, 
op='eval', processor='', args={gremlin=g.V(1).property(card, nm, val), 
aliases={g=gmodern}, bindings={card={typeName=Cardinality, elementName=set}, 
nm=test, val=12}, language=gremlin-groovy, 

The full error I get is as follows:

`java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The provided key/value array length 
must be a multiple of two
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Method.java:498)
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.PojoMetaMethodSite.call 
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall 
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.AbstractCallSite.call 
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.AbstractCallSite.call 
at Script7.run (Script7.groovy:1)
at javax.script.AbstractScriptEngine.eval 
at org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.groovy.engine.ScriptEngines.eval 
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run (FutureTask.java:266)
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call 
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run (FutureTask.java:266)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker 
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run 
at java.lang.Thread.run (Thread.java:748)`

What is the best way forward, your test proves that non native JS types are 
being sent correctly, but my test should also work...


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-10-04 Thread spmallette
Github user spmallette commented on the issue:

`addProperty()` looks right.  On `tp32` I guess the default is GraphSON 2.0 
which has this form for `Cardinality` values:


I see that the `accept` is set to "application/json". On `tp32` I think 
that defaults to GraphSON 1.0 which wouldn't be able to deal with complex 
objects. You can only pass primitives that are compatible with JSON data types. 
Does it work if you don't use `Cardinality`? maybe, just do something more 
simple like:

connection.submit('x+y', { x: 1, y: 1 } );

If that works then change to GraphSON 2.0 - 
"application/vnd.gremlin-v2.0+json" - and see what happens for complex stuff 

connection.submit(card.toString()', { card: t.cardinality.set } );


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-10-04 Thread mattallenuk
Github user mattallenuk commented on the issue:

I've just tried it not parsing the bindings to strings and get the same 
issue. So I'm wondering now if I do need to parse the parameters or if I'm just 
calling the addProperty function wrong?

`[RequestMessage{, requestId=27ad0188-8b5a-40e0-bf52-b158a1e92507, 
op='eval', processor='', args={gremlin=g.V(1).property(card, nm, val), 
aliases={g=gmodern}, bindings={card={typeName=Cardinality, elementName=set}, 
nm=test, val=12}, language=gremlin-groovy, accept=application/json}}].`


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-10-04 Thread mattallenuk
Github user mattallenuk commented on the issue:

@spmallette Doing better now thank you!


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-10-04 Thread mattallenuk
Github user mattallenuk commented on the issue:

@jorgebay @spmallette So I've written the following test, however I'm 
getting a Provided key/value array length must be a multiple of two when 
submitting. I am guessing this is due to submitting the cardinality as a string 
value. How should non-native JS types be submitted via script?

`connection.submit('g.V(vert).property(card, nm, val)', { vert: 1, card: 
t.cardinality.set, nm: 'test', val: 12 } )` 

this produces:

[RequestMessage{, requestId='reqid', op='eval', processor='', 
args={gremlin=g.V(1).property(card, nm, val), aliases={g=gmodern}, 
bindings={vert=1, card=set, nm=test, val=12}, language=gremlin-groovy, 


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-10-04 Thread spmallette
Github user spmallette commented on the issue:

sorry to hear about the sickness. i hope your doing well now. you're right 
about the documentation. i think we wanted to focus folks on bytecode based 
traversals. we do have a section for gremlin-python for submitting scripts, but 
i think i discouraged the one for .NET. I'd forgotten that.  I'd had the idea 
that i was going to massively rework the documentation on 3.4.0 to better 
organize all this GLV stuff and that hasn't fully happened yet.

ok, so, i guess you just need the test/serialization fixups then, a 
changelog entry and a note in upgrade docs to say that this is now 
there...perhaps just add some example usage there.  thanks


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-10-04 Thread mattallenuk
Github user mattallenuk commented on the issue:

@spmallette, my apologies I've been unwell the last week. I have done the 
test but it showed that I need to parse the bindings so that the standard Op 
processor can read them, it doesn't appear to like bytecode bindings. I'm 
hoping to have that done and tested today.

On the documentation side I noticed that there doesn't appear to be any 
documentation in the other glv sections about submitting scripts, am I okay to 
add this documentation to the javascript glv section? 


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-10-03 Thread spmallette
Github user spmallette commented on the issue:

hi @mattallenuk - Judging from the comments it seems like the only thing 
missing here code-wise is an added test. Administratively, there's some 
documentation (reference docs, upgrade docs, changelog entry) to add for this 
feature as well. I don't mean to pressure or rush you but do you happen to have 
any idea when you might come back to this to finish up the final bits? 

I mainly ask because we are in the midst of planning the release of 3.2.10 
and 3.3.4 and we'd like to see this work of yours included. If your schedule 
doesn't allow for you to come back to this right now, perhaps I could assist in 
polishing up the final odds/ends for you? 


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-09-04 Thread jorgebay
Github user jorgebay commented on the issue:

> I haven't considered the impact of this upon Bytecode so this may need to 
be changed or addressed on the Bytecode side, or Bytecode may already handle 
parameter maps?

The Bytecode generation already has a way to denote parameters embedded in 
the query, so it's ok to implement this independently.


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-09-01 Thread mattallenuk
Github user mattallenuk commented on the issue:

Hiya guys,

I have moved the code out of the existing classes and have created a Client 
class that can handle script sending and a Translator class that can convert 
bytecode into a string. 

The Translator class accepts bindings in the form of a javascript object 
passed into the step function and converts it into Gremlin Groovy Tuple in the 
translated script. I haven't considered the impact of this upon Bytecode so 
this may need to be changed or addressed on the Bytecode side, or Bytecode may 
already handle parameter maps?

In terms of consumption is there a way we could make the Translator more 
transparent to the user, I did have an eval function added to Traversal which 
did the conversion and sending, I removed this but would that be an acceptable 
solution? It's not inline with other GLV's unfortunately.


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-08-29 Thread jorgebay
Github user jorgebay commented on the issue:

Glad to see you working on this @mattallenuk !

In line with what @spmallette was mentioning, I think we need expose a 
similar API as the rest of GLVs. Python GLV is a good example (because its a 
scripting language as JavaScript) but if you have some understanding of C#, you 
can check out gremlin-dotnet as well.

Besides the `RemoteConnection` the other GLVs expose a `Client` (one 
abstraction above), that is able to submit traversals in bytecode or in script 
to evaluate, you can reading here:


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-08-28 Thread mattallenuk
Github user mattallenuk commented on the issue:

@spmallette thanks for the feedback. I'll wait on further input from 
@jorgebay and implement it to be more closely aligned with the other GLVs based 
on this and further feedback.


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #922: TINKERPOP-1959: Gremlin Javascript ability to send a s...

2018-08-28 Thread spmallette
Github user spmallette commented on the issue:

Excellent - thanks for doing this. @jorgebay is the better person to handle 
this review in full, but I'd like to offer a few points:

> Is it safe to assume that a returned value not containing a bulk property 
was executed by an eval op?

I'm not sure I would call it "safe", but that is typically what happens. I 
would say that it is not completely "safe" to do so because an `eval()` could 
return anything and thus return a `BulkSet` and the user would expect that and 
I guess it would unroll to individual items when you iterated which the user 
wouldn't expect. 

> Should every parameter be bound when building a dynamic script?

We refer to what you've done there as a `Translator` (i.e. something that 
converts bytecode to the string representation of the Gremlin) and that's neat 
that you have that. We don't implement that as a `toString()` on `Bytecode` but 
perhaps that's ok though. FYI, here's what a `Translator` looks like in Java:

String gremlin = GroovyTranslator.of("g").translate(bytecode)

I don't believe that our translators convert arguments to bindings. It 
assumes them to be literals. We only construct bindings if the user constructs 
them as first order `Bindings` in the Gremlin itself, but I don't know if we 
have that concept here in javascript. For consistency sake, we might want to. 
You can see the approach taken by Python to handle that as an example:


> Does the unit test need to be more thorough and check more varied 
instructions and more complex glv queries/instructions?

On the JVM side we test the translators through the GLV suite (essentially 
we use the JVM process test suite which is basically the same thing).  Maybe 
the same should be done here.

Separate from your questions, I'd offer that `g.eval()` isn't really in 
line with how other GLV drivers submit scripts.  While I'd agree it to be 
convenient to have it work that way, I think it would be better to see that 
working in a way more consistent with other GLVs.
