Re: A meta model for gremlin's property graph

2022-01-16 Thread pieter gmail

This is a continuation of the "first decide what we are trying to
achieve in the first place." part.
We seem to agree on most of what was iterated. 
Do you have more items to add to the list?

Here is the bit I did not quite follow.

> > 3: Extend the gremlin grammar to specify schema create/edit/delete
> > functionality.
> Why is that necessary, if you're embedding schemas in the graph? Just
> embed them in the graph. We don't have extra grammar for updating
> other types of graphs.

I am not entirely sure what you mean here. In my previous example I
did, as an example, create the "modern" schema using pure gremlin based
on the property graph meta model.
However it is far from being user friendly.
Here it is again, is this what you mean by "Just embed them in the

           modernSchema = g.meta();
Vertex person = modernSchema.addVertex(T.label, "VertexLabel", "label", 
Vertex personNameVertexProperty = modernSchema.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexProperty", "name", "name", "type",;
Vertex personAgeVertexProperty = modernSchema.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexProperty", "name", "age", "type",;
person.addEdge("properties", personNameVertexProperty);
person.addEdge("properties", personAgeVertexProperty);

Vertex software = modernSchema.addVertex(T.label, "VertexLabel", "label", 
Vertex softwareNameVertexProperty = modernSchema.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexProperty", "name", "name", "type",;
Vertex softwareLangVertexProperty = modernSchema.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexProperty", "name", "lang", "type",;
software.addEdge("properties", softwareNameVertexProperty);
software.addEdge("properties", softwareLangVertexProperty);

Vertex knows = modernSchema.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeLabel", "label", 
Vertex knowsWeightVertexProperty = modernSchema.addVertex(T.label, 
"EdgeProperty", "name", "weight", "type",;
knows.addEdge("properties", knowsWeightVertexProperty);

Vertex created = modernSchema.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeLabel", "label", 
Vertex createdWeightVertexProperty = modernSchema.addVertex(T.label, 
"EdgeProperty", "name", "weight", "type",;
created.addEdge("properties", createdWeightVertexProperty);

person.addEdge("outEdge", knows);
person.addEdge("outEdge", created);
software.addEdge("inEdge", knows);
software.addEdge("inEdge", created);

It is far simpler to define a dedicated grammar, something like this,

VertexLabel person = g.getTopology().ensureVertexLabelExist("person", new 
HashMap<>() {{
put("name", GremlinDataType.STRING);
put("age", GremlinDataType.INTEGER);
    VertexLabel software = g.getTopology().ensureVertexLabelExist("software", 
new HashMap<>() {{
put("name", GremlinDataType.STRING);
put("lang", GremlinDataType.STRING);
EdgeLabel knows = person.ensureEdgeLabelExist("knows", person, new 
HashMap<>() {{
put("weight", GremlinDataType.DOUBLE);
    EdgeLabel created = person.ensureEdgeLabelExist("created", person, new 
HashMap<>() {{
put("weight", GremlinDataType.DOUBLE);

This is from embedded java so it will need some adjustment and thinking
but I suspect it is easier for the user if we extend the grammar.  In
the same way that rdbms's do not ask users to insert rows into the
information schema but instead give them a DDL grammar that speaks
directly to the task at hand.
It also guarantees that the model is valid at all times as the grammar
 won't permit an incorrect schema.
In the "embedded" way it is possible to corrupt the schema, which is
why the property graph meta model defined gremlin constraints to
validate the schema.

Preferable all implementations should provide a way to query the schema
based on the property graph meta model.

List persons = g.schema().V().hasLabel("VertexLabel").has("name", 
Assert.assertEquals(1, persons.size());
List knowsAndCreated = 
Assert.assertEquals(2, knowsAndCreated.size())


On Sun, 2022-01-16 at 08:40 -0800, Joshua Shinavier wrote:
> Hi Pieter,
> Responses inline.
> On Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 9:49 AM pieter gmail
>  wrote:
> > [...]
> > The primary inspiration from UML is the insight that a language can
> > be self describing.  It is of course inevitable in the real world
> > as we can not tolerate infinite regression with regards to every
> > level needing yet another meta level to describe it.
> > 
> Yes, and it has that in common with many other languages, starting
> with BNF. For a scripting language like Gremlin, you can even speak
> of self-interpretation.
> > [...]
> > To be 

Re: A meta model for gremlin's property graph

2022-01-16 Thread Joshua Shinavier
Hi Pieter,

Responses inline.

On Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 9:49 AM pieter gmail 

> [...]
> The primary inspiration from UML is the insight that a language can be
> self describing.  It is of course inevitable in the real world as we can
> not tolerate infinite regression with regards to every level needing yet
> another meta level to describe it.

Yes, and it has that in common with many other languages, starting with
BNF. For a scripting language like Gremlin, you can even speak of

> [...]
> To be clear I am not using any OMG standard as such. If we were to do that
> we would define the property graph model using MOF
>  (meta object facility) or its
> counter part EMF . While this is
> entirely possible it is not the approach taken here. Here the attempt is to
> bootstrap the property graph model entirely and only with gremlin.


> The problem right now is that Gremlin's declarative semantics aren't very
> clear, and it is a relatively complex language.
> This is not an attempt at a specification of the gremlin language. It is
> only an attempt at formally specifying the implicit property graph model
> assumed by the gremlin language. My understanding is that the gremlin
> language will be formally defined by the antlr grammar accompanied with
> documentation in English.

Understood, though the ANTLR grammar in gremlin-language is only a
specification of the surface syntax, not the semantics of the language. A
specification of the semantics would define how the various steps map
inputs to outputs, and how intermediate results are combined. Not what
either of us are talking about here.

> I agree, and I think there is value in going one step further to create a
> general purpose data model for defining data models, with property graphs
> as a special case.
> Here I do not agree. While there certainly is value in meta meta models I
> do not think actually designing a new one belongs in TinkerPop. TinkerPop
> is about the gremlin language and the property graph model, not about meta
> meta models. The job of creating deeper more abstract models with all that
> it entails is in my opinion a huge task that has little to do TinkerPop,
> gremlin and its property graph model.

To each his own. One of the main advantages of a general-purpose model is
that it allows you to define mappings between property graphs and other,
unrelated data models. That can be useful for shipping data into and out of
the graph. Lack of robust solutions around mappings to/from external data
models has always been one of the major pain points of the property graph
ecosystem. Everyone who undertakes to build larger, more complex property
graph applications has to deal with this problem.

> Here it is the same critique. There is no need to say that a vertex
> together with its label is in fact a type with a name. Type is not a notion
> in gremlin nor a notion in our meta model so its not part of our language.

But defining types, and checking instances against types, is exactly what
you are doing in your property graph model example. VertexLabel is a type,
any instance of which has a string-valued label and zero or more
VertexProperty-valued properties. Graph is a type, any instance of which
can have vertices and/or edges. I'm just shifting your idea down a level to
say that Person is a type, any instance of which has a string-valued name
and zero or more Person-valued "knows" etc. You don't have to call your
constructs "types", but it's useful to do so. Using the terminology "type",
"type inference" etc. just puts you in a better position to
re-use applicable concepts from programming language theory. Runtime
performance becomes easier to reason about, etc.

> Cool, except that I would banish types like Date and Time
> I have no strong intuitions about this art/science. Perhaps the meta model
> should be extended to provide some support for non primitive data types.

IMO that's what you're already doing by assigning names to what I would
call complex types like the ones in your example. As an intermediate
example, imagine a type like LatLon, which you could model as a vertex with
two properties.

> I was actually hoping to avoid some arbitrary attempt at defining a long
> list of possible primitives. I looked on the internet but seems there is no
> standard body out there for this with every language and database defining
> its own types. Perhaps the long list is the only solution?

No, a big enumeration of numeric types by precision is not the only way to
go, but I currently prefer that approach over e.g. parameterized types
(e.g. an integer type is constructed using two parameters: signedness and
precision. This allows an unlimited number of integer types) because it's
just simpler, and simplifies the supporting code you have to write.

> Same critique as above. Letting in another 

Re: A meta model for gremlin's property graph

2022-01-15 Thread pieter gmail

Here are some thoughts on your response.

> which parts of the approach you describe below were influenced by OMG

The primary inspiration from UML is the insight that a language can be
self describing.  It is of course inevitable in the real world as we
can not tolerate infinite regression with regards to every level
needing yet another meta level to describe it.
The is precisely an attempt at gremlin describing itself without
recourse to any other language.

> +1 to using or drawing upon standards where we can. 

To be clear I am not using any OMG standard as such. If we were to do
that we would define the property graph model using MOF (meta object
facility) or its counter part EMF. While this is entirely possible it
is not the approach taken here. Here the attempt is to bootstrap the
property graph model entirely and only with gremlin.

> The problem right now is that Gremlin's declarative semantics aren't
> very clear, and it is a relatively complex language.

This is not an attempt at a specification of the gremlin language. It
is only an attempt at formally specifying the implicit property graph
model assumed by the gremlin language. My understanding is that the
gremlin language will be formally defined by the antlr grammar
accompanied with documentation in English.

> I like the term "schema".


> I agree, and I think there is value in going one step further to
> create a general purpose data model for defining data models, with
> property graphs as a special case.

Here I do not agree. While there certainly is value in meta meta models
I do not think actually designing a new one belongs in TinkerPop.
TinkerPop is about the gremlin language and the property graph model,
not about meta meta models. The job of creating deeper more abstract
models with all that it entails is in my opinion a huge task that has
little to do TinkerPop, gremlin and its property graph model.

>  the classic graph ("data graph") has elements "Marko", "Josh",
> "ripple" etc. each of which is a value together with a type and a
> name

Here it is the same critique. There is no need to say that a vertex
together with its label is in fact a type with a name. Type is not a
notion in gremlin nor a notion in our meta model so its not part of our

> Cool, except that I would banish types like Date and Time

I have no strong intuitions about this art/science. Perhaps the meta
model should be extended to provide some support for non primitive data

> > int8, ...

I was actually hoping to avoid some arbitrary attempt at defining a
long list of possible primitives. I looked on the internet but seems
there is no standard body out there for this with every language and
database defining its own types. Perhaps the long list is the only

> Or the other way around: we define a core model as its own thing
> using a well-defined, controlled vocabulary, then map it into
> Gremlin.

Same critique as above. Letting in another language means gremlin does
not bootstrap itself.

> I don't see your approach of embedding model definitions and
> constraints natively in Gremlin as being at odds with having a formal
> data model.

Afraid I do see as being at odds with one another. Describing gremlin
using another language, be it MOF/EMF/category theory is a very big
difference to it being self describing. If we decide against gremlin
self describing then we abort this attempt, no point in hacking it.

For what its worth this is a bit of a proof of concept. To see if
gremlin can meaningfully self describe. It has done so for the last 10

Perhaps we should, however, before discussing the merits of this
approach or another, first decide what we are trying to achieve in the
first place.

Here goes my understanding of what we are trying to achieve.

1: A property graph meta model. To describe exactly what kind of data
structure the gremlin language operates on.
2: Gremlin grammar together with the documentation specifies gremlin
the language fully.
3: Extend the gremlin grammar to specify schema create/edit/delete
4: Extend the grammar to query the schema. (This can be plain gremlin,
just operating at the schema level)
5: A language agnostic specification of how to interact with a remote
gremlin enabled system. i.e. similar to the jdbc specification only
without reference to any particular language.

As an aside, breaking user space should not even be considered. i.e.
99% backward compatibility should be guaranteed at all times.


On Tue, 2022-01-11 at 10:47 -0800, Joshua Shinavier wrote:
> Hey Pieter,
> Good to see some more motion on this front. Responses inline.
> On Sun, Jan 9, 2022 at 4:28 AM pieter gmail 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have done some work on defining a meta model for Gremlin's
> > property graph. I am using the approach used in the modelling
> > world, in particular as done by the OMG group when defining their
> > various meta models and specifications.
> > 

Re: A meta model for gremlin's property graph

2022-01-15 Thread pieter gmail

Here are the 2 missing images.

The first is the property graph meta model as defined with gremlin.

public static Graph gremlinMetaModel() {
enum GremlinDataType {
TinkerGraph propertyGraphMetaModel =;
Vertex graph = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, "Graph", 
"name", "GremlinDataType::STRING");
Vertex vertex = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexLabel", "label", "GremlinDataType::STRING");
Vertex edge = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeLabel", 
"label", "GremlinDataType::STRING");
Vertex vertexProperty = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexProperty", "name", "GremlinDataType::STRING", "type", "GremlinDataType");
Vertex edgeProperty = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, 
"EdgeProperty", "name", "GremlinDataType::STRING", "type", "GremlinDataType");

graph.addEdge("vertices", vertex);
graph.addEdge("edges", edge);
vertex.addEdge("properties", vertexProperty);
vertex.addEdge("properties", edgeProperty);
vertex.addEdge("out", edge);
vertex.addEdge("in", edge);

return propertyGraphMetaModel;


The second is TinkerPop's modern model/schema also as defined with

public static Graph modernModel() {
//import this from a base package
enum GremlinDataType {

TinkerGraph modernModelGraph =;

Vertex person = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "VertexLabel", 
"label", "person");
Vertex personNameVertexProperty = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexProperty", "name", "name", "type",;
Vertex personAgeVertexProperty = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexProperty", "name", "age", "type",;
person.addEdge("properties", personNameVertexProperty);
person.addEdge("properties", personAgeVertexProperty);

Vertex software = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "VertexLabel", 
"label", "software");
Vertex softwareNameVertexProperty = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexProperty", "name", "name", "type",;
Vertex softwareLangVertexProperty = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexProperty", "name", "lang", "type",;
software.addEdge("properties", softwareNameVertexProperty);
software.addEdge("properties", softwareLangVertexProperty);

Vertex knows = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeLabel", 
"label", "knows");
Vertex knowsWeightVertexProperty = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, 
"EdgeProperty", "name", "weight", "type",;
knows.addEdge("properties", knowsWeightVertexProperty);

Vertex created = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeLabel", 
"label", "created");
Vertex createdWeightVertexProperty = 
modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeProperty", "name", "weight", "type",;
created.addEdge("properties", createdWeightVertexProperty);

person.addEdge("outEdge", knows);
person.addEdge("outEdge", created);
software.addEdge("inEdge", knows);
software.addEdge("inEdge", created);
return modernModelGraph;



On Sun, 2022-01-09 at 14:28 +0200, pieter gmail wrote:
> Hi,
> I have done some work on defining a meta model for Gremlin's property graph. 
> I am using the approach used in the modelling world, in particular as done by 
> the OMG group when defining their various meta models and specifications.
> However where OMG uses a subset of the UML to define their meta models I 
> suggest we use Gremlin. After all Gremlin is the language we use to describe 
> the world and the property graph meta model can also be described in Gremlin.
> I propose that we have 3 levels of modelling. Each of which can itself be 
> specified in gremlin.
> 1: The property graph meta model.
> 2: The model.
> 3: The graph representing the actual data.
> 1) The property graph meta model describes the nature of the property graph 
> itself. i.e. that property graphs have vertices, edges and properties.
> 2) The model is an instance of the meta model. It describes the schema of a 
> particular graph. i.e. for TinkerPop's modern graph this would be 'person', 
> 'software', 'created' and 'knows' and the various properties 'weight', 'age', 
> 'name' and 'lang' properties.
> 3) The final level is an instance of the model. It is the actual graph 
> itself. i.e. for TinkerPop's modern graph it is 

Re: A meta model for gremlin's property graph

2022-01-11 Thread Joshua Shinavier
Hey Pieter,

Good to see some more motion on this front. Responses inline.

On Sun, Jan 9, 2022 at 4:28 AM pieter gmail  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have done some work on defining a meta model for Gremlin's property
> graph. I am using the approach used in the modelling world, in particular
> as done by the OMG  group when defining their
> various meta models and specifications.

+1 to using or drawing upon standards where we can. For those of us
(including me) who have not worked with OMG standards other than
occasionally bumping into UML, which parts of the approach you describe
below were influenced by OMG?

> However where OMG uses a subset of the UML to define their meta models I
> suggest we use Gremlin. After all Gremlin is the language we use to
> describe the world and the property graph meta model can also be described
> in Gremlin.

I agree, as long as these descriptions do not admit "arbitrary Gremlin".
The problem right now is that Gremlin's declarative semantics aren't very
clear, and it is a relatively complex language. I totally agree that you
could define a DSL for defining models which could be embedded in Gremlin;
you could even define the DSL in terms of itself.

> I propose that we have 3 levels of modelling. Each of which can itself be
> specified in gremlin.
> 1: The property graph meta model.


> 2: The model.

I like the term "schema".

> 3: The graph representing the actual data.

+1. Not only is the graph a "model", but depending on how you define the
modeling DSL, you can also see the other two models as "graphs", with types
as elements.

> 1) The property graph meta model describes the nature of the property
> graph itself. i.e. that property graphs have vertices, edges and properties.

I agree, and I think there is value in going one step further to create a
general purpose data model for defining data models, with property graphs
as a special case.

> 2) The model is an instance of the meta model. It describes the schema of
> a particular graph. i.e. for TinkerPop's modern graph this would be
> 'person', 'software', 'created' and 'knows' and the various properties
> 'weight', 'age', 'name' and 'lang' properties.


3) The final level is an instance of the model. It is the actual graph
> itself. i.e. for TinkerPop's modern graph it is 'Marko', 'Josh', 'java' ...

Yes. So to elaborate on what I said above about models and graphs, let's
say we add a schema to the TinkerPop classic graph. The classic graph is an
instance of the schema, and the schema is an instance of a property graph
schema. Your three models are three graphs:
1) the classic graph ("data graph") has elements "Marko", "Josh", "ripple"
etc. each of which is a value together with a type and a name (id). The
type of Marko is "Person" (a named type) and the type of ripple is
"Project" etc. The value of Marko is the record {"name": "marko", "age":
29} while the value of ripple is {"name": "ripple", "lang": "java"}.
2) the schema of the classic graph ("schema graph") has elements "Person",
"Project", "knows", and "created". These again are values together with
types and ids. E.g. the type of "Person" is something like {"name": string,
"age": int32}, i.e. a record type.
3) the schema of the schema of the classic graph -- i.e. the core model or
what you called the meta model -- is again a graph with elements like
"Type", "Element", etc. Type expressions in the schema of the classic graph
are values in the core model. The core model is its own schema.

Decide for yourself if the above makes sense to you, but this is how I
think of the TinkerPop modeling layer cake these days -- as chained models
in which the schema of one graph is the data of the next, usually arriving
at a fixpoint -- the core -- within two steps.

1: Property Graph Meta Model
> public static Graph gremlinMetaModel() {
> enum GremlinDataType {
> //...
> }
Cool, except that I would banish types like Date and Time from the core
model. Drawing the line between primitive types and derived types is more
art than science, but there is enough variation in what developers want out
of dates/times that I put them on the other side of the fence. It also
makes implementations easier if you have as few baked-in types as possible.
On the other hand, I suggest adding many more numeric types, e.g. for

- bigint
- int8
- int16
- int32
- int64
- uint8
- uint16
- uint32
- uint64

and for floating-point numbers:

- name: bigfloat
- name: float32
- name: float64

[snip metamodel definition]
> This can be visualized as,
> ...

I'm not sure if I'm reading this correctly, and I can't see the figure yet,
but I understand that you are defining the metamodel as a graph. Cool.

> Notes:
> 1) GremlinDataType is an enumeration of named data types that 

Re: A meta model for gremlin's property graph

2022-01-11 Thread Stephen Mallette
hi Pieter, the dev list isn't so good with embedded attachments so your
images are missing. Perhaps you could make those available some other way?

On Sun, Jan 9, 2022 at 7:28 AM pieter gmail  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have done some work on defining a meta model for Gremlin's property
> graph. I am using the approach used in the modelling world, in particular
> as done by the OMG  group when defining their
> various meta models and specifications.
> However where OMG uses a subset of the UML to define their meta models I
> suggest we use Gremlin. After all Gremlin is the language we use to
> describe the world and the property graph meta model can also be described
> in Gremlin.
> I propose that we have 3 levels of modelling. Each of which can itself be
> specified in gremlin.
> 1: The property graph meta model.
> 2: The model.
> 3: The graph representing the actual data.
> 1) The property graph meta model describes the nature of the property
> graph itself. i.e. that property graphs have vertices, edges and properties.
> 2) The model is an instance of the meta model. It describes the schema of
> a particular graph. i.e. for TinkerPop's modern graph this would be
> 'person', 'software', 'created' and 'knows' and the various properties
> 'weight', 'age', 'name' and 'lang' properties.
> 3) The final level is an instance of the model. It is the actual graph
> itself. i.e. for TinkerPop's modern graph it is 'Marko', 'Josh', 'java' ...
> 1: Property Graph Meta Model
> public static Graph gremlinMetaModel() {
> enum GremlinDataType {
> //...
> }
> TinkerGraph propertyGraphMetaModel =;
> Vertex graph = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, "Graph", 
> "name", "GremlinDataType::STRING");
> Vertex vertex = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, 
> "VertexLabel", "label", "GremlinDataType::STRING");
> Vertex edge = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeLabel", 
> "label", "GremlinDataType::STRING");
> Vertex vertexProperty = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, 
> "VertexProperty", "name", "GremlinDataType::STRING", "type", 
> "GremlinDataType");
> Vertex edgeProperty = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, 
> "EdgeProperty", "name", "GremlinDataType::STRING", "type", "GremlinDataType");
> graph.addEdge("vertices", vertex);
> graph.addEdge("edges", edge);
> vertex.addEdge("properties", vertexProperty);
> vertex.addEdge("properties", edgeProperty);
> vertex.addEdge("out", edge);
> vertex.addEdge("in", edge);
> return propertyGraphMetaModel;
> }
> This can be visualized as,
> Notes:
> 1) GremlinDataType is an enumeration of named data types that Gremlin
> supports. All gremlin data types are assumed to be atomic and its life
> cycle fully owned by its containing parent. How it is persisted on disc or
> transported over the wire is not a concern for the meta model.
> 2) Gremlin's semantics is to weak to fully specify a valid meta model.
> Accompanying the meta model we need a list of constraints specified as
> gremlin queries to augment the semantics of the meta model. These
> constraints/queries will be able to validate any gremlin specified model
> for correctness.
> 3) It is trivial to extend the meta model. e.g. To specify something like
> index support just add an 'Index' vertex and an edge from 'VertexLabel' to
> it.
> Property graph meta model constraints,
> 1) Every 'VertexLabel' must have a 'label'.
> g.V().hasLabel("EdgeLabel").where(__.not("inEdge"))).id()
> 2) Every 'EdgeLabel' must have a 'label'.
> g.V().hasLabel("EdgeLabel").or(__.hasNot("label"), __.has("label", 
> P.eq(""))).id()
> 3) Every 'EdgeLabel' must have at least one 'outEdge' 'VertexLabel'
> g.V().hasLabel("EdgeLabel").where(__.not("outEdge"))).id()
> 4) Every 'EdgeLabel' must have at least on 'inEdge' 'VertexLabel'
> g.V().hasLabel("EdgeLabel").where(__.not("inEdge"))).id()
> 5) Every 'VertexProperty' must have a 'name'
> gV().hasLabel("VertexProperty").or(__.hasNot("name"), __.has("name", 
> P.eq(""))).id()
> 6) Every 'VertexProperty' must have a 'type'
> g.V().hasLabel("VertexProperty").or(__.hasNot("type"), __.has("type", 
> P.eq(""))).id()
> 7) Every 'EdgePropery' must have a 'name'
> g.V().hasLabel("EdgeProperty").or(__.hasNot("name"), __.has("name", 
> P.eq(""))).id()
> 8) Every 'EdgeProperty' must have a 'type'
> g.V().hasLabel("EdgeProperty").or(__.hasNot("type"), __.has("type", 
> P.eq(""))).id()
> 9) Every 'VertexProperty' must have a in 'properties' edge.
> g.V().hasLabel("VertexProperty").where(__.not("properties"))).id()
> 10) Every 'EdgeProperty' must have a