I have five webased web site with java application.  One 
application per web site.

Here is my current enviroment:
OS =  Linux RedHat 4.0
Appache 2.0.50
Connector JK 1.2.6
Tomcat 5.5.4

I am currently have each website and application run on one 
machine.   I also have some machine with two Tomcat 
instance.  Each Tomcat instance support one virtual website 
and one application (context).

Here is my new requirements:

I have 5 webased application:

Main Site:
I would like all five web site run on the same machine #1 
(with Apache and JK connector). 
I would like all five application using the same Tomcat 
instance (multiple context) on the same machine #2.
Security and protect for both web site and application 
container need tobe consider in your implementation.

Failover and Clustering Site:
I would like machine #3 to be in cluster with machine #1 and 
machine #4 to be cluster with machine number #2.
I will use load balance for the appache (machine #1 and 
machine #3).
If you have a better sugguestion, I am listening.

I also included a sample topology.

I have built and configured all of my site with appache, 
tomcat and connector.  The part I need help with is the 
multiple context with one Tomcat instance and clustering.
I am currently have very little time to figure out how 
multiple context and clustering works.   

This is where I can use some help from some of you who have 
experienced with it and wanted to make some extra money.   
Please email if you are interested.

If none of you volunteer I will have to post my need on the 
list and keep bother you all until I get some solution (-: 


Thanks much,


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