Re: WebappLoader RFC

2006-06-13 Thread Darryl Miles

Its unclear now what you are trying to fix.  Your first post stated you 
wanted to cut down on the "deploy" part (I pointed out the features we 
currently get that we'd loose with your approach; also that deploy is 
necessary to flush out the old version of the code in the JVM) and this 
last post I get the impression you want to cut down on the "build and 
copy JAR to WEB-INF/lib" step.

I think I understand your situation as I have been there too but lets 
work through your points.

Glen Marchesani wrote:

The IDE features you mention sound cool which one is it?

I don't want to get into any religious IDE war but Eclipse 3 with WTP 1.0.

Any pointers/links
to how you got that setup?

See below for the outline.

Unfortunately for the environment I am working
in an IDE specific solution would be incomplete.  We have a broad range of
use cases (IDEs, OSes) as well as users where we need people to be able to
checkout a project and be productive with it in a minimal amount of time.
So doing IDE specific tweaks won't cut it.  Our solution has worked
extremely well with other app containers for example WebSphere, Resin and
Jetty (all three that we use) come with support for something like this out
of the box.

I understand what you are saying, from your commercial standpoint you 
see the lack of this feature as causing a headache in supporting your 
customer base container diversity.

My point from a technical standpoint your feature is already obsolete 
since at least one popular IDE already has a working solution which 
probably works for all containers the IDE supports (I've never tested on 
anything but TC) which includes the ones you list above.  It is just 
matter of time before the other popular IDEs play catch up.

The IDE we use really depends on the customer, project and environment.  So
could be any of the following ant+text editors, eclipse, WSDC, and/or
netbeans...  We can seemlessly switch between any of these using this
technique by just adding the extendedClasspath line to the context and
dropping a jar in server/lib/ all of which is handled by our ant scripts.

I am all for continuing this tangential discussion of webapp development
techniques but it really is tangential to the intent of the original post..

I'm not against your feature per say just the reasons you cite the need 
for it.

Hot-code replace works fine in this scenario, I get the impression that you
think it doesn't.  As for your comments about future proofing.  I am very
confident that IDE's will from now on into the future will compile my .java
files to some directory on the disk and that this option will be
configurable and use some consistent default.  So this solution is
completely future-proof.

In all the "jar exporting to WEB-INF" stuff I have seen in various IDE's 

need to manually kick off that process so it is adding a step to the
edit-compile process.

Are you really sure hot code replace work fine in this scenario, I 
thought the IDE had to be able to understand from its internal 
dependency graph that the compiled .class file is running on the JVM to 
be able to push an update to that JVM.

The situation you present sounds like you have a web-app running under 
TC under the IDE and another standalone java project in the IDE.  If you 
edit this standalone project sure you get a compiled .class file out of 
it, but why would the IDE then offer it up to the TC JVM ?  For all 
intents and purposes the standalone project is disconnected from the 
running web-app.

Since Eclipse WTP 1.0 you can create a J2EE Utility Project which can 
contribute a JAR into the WEB-INF/lib of J2EE Dynamic Web Project 
(create those 2 project types, goto the Project Properties page J2EE 
Module Dependancy of the DWP and tick the box).  You can have both 
projects open and develop them at the same time with the IDE 
automatically propagating the new compiled code.

This feature is still not perfect since TC will auto-redeploy when a JAR 
changes, the WTP feature would be better if it had a toggle to allow the 
J2EE Utility Project exported as individual .class files into the 
WEB-INF/classes tree this would allow Eclipse to attempt a Hot-code 
replace and thwart some unnecessary TC reloading.

In any case if you alter the fields of a class which has one or more 
active instances Sun's JVM doesn't allow that class to be 
hot-code-replaced you get an error and Eclipse offers to 
continue/restart/shutdown the JVM.  But there are many common cases 
where it works well, like adding/changing methods.

Eclipse's solution is nearer my vision of the future and generic this 
makes it future proof to me.  What you are proposing as a solution to 
this problem is a band aid, a dead end; that prohibits the next step to 
be taken by the IDE towards the ultimate seamless developer experience. 
 Geez I should try marketing.

 Effectively adding a deploy step so you have
edit-compile-deploy.  Which is exactly what I am tryin

Re: WebappLoader RFC

2006-06-13 Thread Glen Marchesani

The IDE features you mention sound cool which one is it?  Any pointers/links
to how you got that setup?  Unfortunately for the environment I am working
in an IDE specific solution would be incomplete.  We have a broad range of
use cases (IDEs, OSes) as well as users where we need people to be able to
checkout a project and be productive with it in a minimal amount of time.
So doing IDE specific tweaks won't cut it.  Our solution has worked
extremely well with other app containers for example WebSphere, Resin and
Jetty (all three that we use) come with support for something like this out
of the box.

The IDE we use really depends on the customer, project and environment.  So
could be any of the following ant+text editors, eclipse, WSDC, and/or
netbeans...  We can seemlessly switch between any of these using this
technique by just adding the extendedClasspath line to the context and
dropping a jar in server/lib/ all of which is handled by our ant scripts.

I am all for continuing this tangential discussion of webapp development
techniques but it really is tangential to the intent of the original post..

Hot-code replace works fine in this scenario, I get the impression that you
think it doesn't.  As for your comments about future proofing.  I am very
confident that IDE's will from now on into the future will compile my .java
files to some directory on the disk and that this option will be
configurable and use some consistent default.  So this solution is
completely future-proof.

In all the "jar exporting to WEB-INF" stuff I have seen in various IDE's you
need to manually kick off that process so it is adding a step to the
edit-compile process.  Effectively adding a deploy step so you have
edit-compile-deploy.  Which is exactly what I am trying to avoid albeit if
it is properly contained in the IDE it is less of a headache.

I enjoy the discussion of good practices (I don't think there is a one size
fits all best practice here) for having a smooth development process so keep
it coming ;-)

On 6/13/06, Darryl Miles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Glen Marchesani wrote:
>  className="org.apache.catalina.loader.MyWebappLoader"
>   />
> The reason for doing this is when developping a webapp that consists of
> several smaller projects I wanted to be able to from within the ide
> edit-compile-run skipping the deploy step.  Skipping the deploy step
> saves a
> fair bit of tediousness.

Which IDE are you using ?

My IDE understands both the containers classpath and the web-app
classpath fairly well.  This means my IDE is able to resolve a
dependency tree so its able to calculate the best possible approach to
take.  My IDE also supports hot-code replace (providing the JVM will
allow it for a given situation, adding fields is a problem when one or
more instances exist).  My IDE also supports exporting of a JAR from
another project into the WEB-INF/lib of the web-app project that is
running under a debugging version of TC.

If you are now bypassing all of the above, how do you cope with the
problematic scenarios this now presents ?  On the face of it; it may
appear to skip the redeploy process but how can you be sure what you are
debugging is the current version of code ?  Then how in the future as
IDE technology and tooling gets better can it make the best decision
given that only the IDE has all the available knowledge about the
edit-compile-run process.

In short if one popular IDE is able to do so much (without patching
features into TC) then it would appear to set the mark of what is
possible.  It questions if your approach would be a long term fix or
just a patch over how you currently see the problem in the moment.

Maybe your problem is more of configuration.

Infact I think might be worth adding a section to the documentation
outlining the features TC supports in the development cycle and when and
how to set them up for use.  Then another section on how setup (or tips)
on working with a particular IDE (from the web-app developers PoV).


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Re: WebappLoader RFC

2006-06-13 Thread Darryl Miles

Glen Marchesani wrote:


The reason for doing this is when developping a webapp that consists of
several smaller projects I wanted to be able to from within the ide
edit-compile-run skipping the deploy step.  Skipping the deploy step 
saves a

fair bit of tediousness.

Which IDE are you using ?

My IDE understands both the containers classpath and the web-app 
classpath fairly well.  This means my IDE is able to resolve a 
dependency tree so its able to calculate the best possible approach to 
take.  My IDE also supports hot-code replace (providing the JVM will 
allow it for a given situation, adding fields is a problem when one or 
more instances exist).  My IDE also supports exporting of a JAR from 
another project into the WEB-INF/lib of the web-app project that is 
running under a debugging version of TC.

If you are now bypassing all of the above, how do you cope with the 
problematic scenarios this now presents ?  On the face of it; it may 
appear to skip the redeploy process but how can you be sure what you are 
debugging is the current version of code ?  Then how in the future as 
IDE technology and tooling gets better can it make the best decision 
given that only the IDE has all the available knowledge about the 
edit-compile-run process.

In short if one popular IDE is able to do so much (without patching 
features into TC) then it would appear to set the mark of what is 
possible.  It questions if your approach would be a long term fix or 
just a patch over how you currently see the problem in the moment.

Maybe your problem is more of configuration.

Infact I think might be worth adding a section to the documentation 
outlining the features TC supports in the development cycle and when and 
how to set them up for use.  Then another section on how setup (or tips) 
on working with a particular IDE (from the web-app developers PoV).


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WebappLoader RFC

2006-06-12 Thread Glen Marchesani

Hi All,
I have created a custom WebappLoader that allows additional classpath
settings.  It's use is as follows..


The reason for doing this is when developping a webapp that consists of
several smaller projects I wanted to be able to from within the ide
edit-compile-run skipping the deploy step.  Skipping the deploy step saves a
fair bit of tediousness.

My thiking is that this would be useful to others and hence this post.  Is
there interest in this being an included feature on the default
WebappLoader?  Or as an add on WebappLoader?  The number of lines/complexity
of code
this adds is minimal a gettter/setter for extendedClasspath and a loop at
the bottom of the setRepositories() method to add the entries in the
extendedClasspath to the proper places..

Also I am willing to clean up/refactoring the WebappLoader code if someone
is willing to be the committer and let me know what I need to provide..  I
am well versed in Classloader intracacies ;-)

As for cleanup there is code like this throughout WebappLoader and

  String results[] = new String[repositories.length + 1];
  for (int i = 0; i < repositories.length; i++)
  results[i] = repositories[i];
  results[repositories.length] = repository;
  repositories = results;
