Re: Helping with Releases (Re: TomEE KEYS update)

2022-03-17 Thread Zowalla, Richard
I like the idea of pairing people to act as release managers. That is a
great way to transfer knowledge and open the circle of people "who

By doing so, it might be even possible to have some sort of (mostly) up
2 date release documentation, which could then be integrated in the
release tools. A checklist as a starter (or a script in the next
iteration) is also a good thing + the 4 eye principle. 

If we have some sort of "structured" documentation / approach, we could
try to automate parts of it leveraging CI tools available at ASF (which
might have some restriction due to INFRA restrictions).

> A significant blocker, however, is that a large number of the steps
> can't be done unless you're an Apache committer.  Not because of
> policy, just because they require access to systems only committers
> can reach.  You won't be able to run a lot of the commands.

In addition, it seems that even a "normal" committer cannot act as
release manager unless a special request is sent to INFRA [2] and the
particular access rights are granted. I don't know, if this was already
requested for TomEE ;)

To add some additional things, which we tend to make different from
times to times:

- Creation of Release Notes: We sometimes use the JIRA feature to show
our changes or use the release-tools to create the .adoc file, which is
then put on the website, too. In the past, we didn't create proper
relese notes for our website and peope had to dig into Jira to find
them. I like our current approach (since 9-M7) by adding dedicated
release notes to the website much more. They are even referenced on
Stackoverflow now *lol*.



Am Donnerstag, dem 17.03.2022 um 17:50 -0700 schrieb David Blevins:
> Digging up this old thread as any offer to help really deserves a
> response.  I had travelled to help dear old mom these two weeks and
> didn't get back to you after I had a bit more bandwidth.
> > On Sep 18, 2021, at 9:31 AM, Jenkins, Rodney J (Rod) <
> >> wrote:
> > 
> > David,
> > 
> > Thank you for the insights and explanation!
> > 
> > I completely understand the technical debt and the challenge of
> > making this better during a release.  I would like to jump in and
> > see where I can help.  My problem is I am not a java
> > developer.  What I am good it is automating tasks, if I can be
> > taught to execute them.
> > 
> > The big ask is:  Would anyone want to take the time with me to
> > educate me on what has to happen for a release (not during a
> > release)?  I am thinking that we could set up a dummy repo that has
> > some simple small java code in it to be a dummy TomEE release
> > candidate.  Create some dummy destinations that mimic where the
> > artifacts must be placed.  Once I understand the process, I can see
> > about making it repeatable.
> > 
> > Personally, I would like to see it done in a way that someone with
> > lesser skills (like, but not necessarily,  me) does releases.  The
> > way I see it now is the heavy hitters do the releases.  I think
> > their time would be better spent on the technical debt, bugs,
> > etc.  Maybe we could find a small few that would be wiling the be
> > release specialists.  I know some where I work that MAY be
> > interested.  If someone would teach me, I would teach them.
> You have the right spirit.  In the early days of Geronimo I did the
> majority of releases and while I did a good job, wasn't the job I
> wanted to be doing and could see how me doing all the releases
> created a knowledge vacuum that actually hurts the community.
> What I did was suggest we start a system where each release had a
> pilot and a copilot.  The pilot would be an experienced person who
> know what they were doing, the copilot would be someone
> learning.  Next release the copilot would become the pilot and do the
> release and a new person would become the copilot.  Each release the
> documentation got a bit better, the technical debt paid down a
> bit.  Things improved, releases got more frequent and quality went
> up.
> A significant blocker, however, is that a large number of the steps
> can't be done unless you're an Apache committer.  Not because of
> policy, just because they require access to systems only committers
> can reach.  You won't be able to run a lot of the commands.
> That's not a show stopper, it just means it our creativity in how to
> leverage you will be heavily challenged.  I'm up for it if you are.
> I have been trying to revitalize our release tools in java for
> automating as many release tasks as possible.  I do think that's the
> right way to go as the majority of people who do releases are java
> developers.  In the past I've written elaborate scripts in bash and
> inevitably they decay as I'd be the only one who understood
> them.  That doesn't necessarily mean there's no role for scripting.
> One of the hardest parts of doing releases 

Helping with Releases (Re: TomEE KEYS update)

2022-03-17 Thread David Blevins
Digging up this old thread as any offer to help really deserves a response.  I 
had travelled to help dear old mom these two weeks and didn't get back to you 
after I had a bit more bandwidth.

> On Sep 18, 2021, at 9:31 AM, Jenkins, Rodney J (Rod) 
>  wrote:
> David,
> Thank you for the insights and explanation!
> I completely understand the technical debt and the challenge of making this 
> better during a release.  I would like to jump in and see where I can help.  
> My problem is I am not a java developer.  What I am good it is automating 
> tasks, if I can be taught to execute them.
> The big ask is:  Would anyone want to take the time with me to educate me on 
> what has to happen for a release (not during a release)?  I am thinking that 
> we could set up a dummy repo that has some simple small java code in it to be 
> a dummy TomEE release candidate.  Create some dummy destinations that mimic 
> where the artifacts must be placed.  Once I understand the process, I can see 
> about making it repeatable.
> Personally, I would like to see it done in a way that someone with lesser 
> skills (like, but not necessarily,  me) does releases.  The way I see it now 
> is the heavy hitters do the releases.  I think their time would be better 
> spent on the technical debt, bugs, etc.  Maybe we could find a small few that 
> would be wiling the be release specialists.  I know some where I work that 
> MAY be interested.  If someone would teach me, I would teach them.

You have the right spirit.  In the early days of Geronimo I did the majority of 
releases and while I did a good job, wasn't the job I wanted to be doing and 
could see how me doing all the releases created a knowledge vacuum that 
actually hurts the community.

What I did was suggest we start a system where each release had a pilot and a 
copilot.  The pilot would be an experienced person who know what they were 
doing, the copilot would be someone learning.  Next release the copilot would 
become the pilot and do the release and a new person would become the copilot.  
Each release the documentation got a bit better, the technical debt paid down a 
bit.  Things improved, releases got more frequent and quality went up.

A significant blocker, however, is that a large number of the steps can't be 
done unless you're an Apache committer.  Not because of policy, just because 
they require access to systems only committers can reach.  You won't be able to 
run a lot of the commands.

That's not a show stopper, it just means it our creativity in how to leverage 
you will be heavily challenged.  I'm up for it if you are.

I have been trying to revitalize our release tools in java for automating as 
many release tasks as possible.  I do think that's the right way to go as the 
majority of people who do releases are java developers.  In the past I've 
written elaborate scripts in bash and inevitably they decay as I'd be the only 
one who understood them.  That doesn't necessarily mean there's no role for 

One of the hardest parts of doing releases is remembering all the steps that 
have to be done and double checking they were done correctly.  This is 
absolutely something you could script up and run.  I will say in all my 
attempts to document release processes, I've noticed even in the best 
circumstances they're always a little out of date.  Turn your back even a 
little and they become just out of date enough no one even looks at the doc 
anymore, than it's game over.

If we had a release auditing script that could be pretty amazing.  It could be 
the checklist people use to "see" the release process as a whole.  Again I'm 
imagining something like the System V startup output where there's one line per 
task.  Each line is a step that has to be done a green/red colored status on 
the right.

Here are some things I frequently see done wrong and not noticed:

 - Forgetting to update the keys file.  Topic of the original thread.  Because 
it's something you only need to do once in a while, it's easy to forget.  
There's a release tools command to help people do it, but you have to remember 
you rotated your key a few months ago and need to run it.  Perfect thing to 

 - Missing signatures once published.  We've had infrastructure ask us to add 
signatures because we've forgotten a few times.  There's already a 
script/command to do it, but nothing to check if people use them.  As 
mentioned, people stop using scripts they find confusing, so they decide to 
wing it instead.  A script to audit this part would be great.  Apache infra has 
such a script and does run it every few months, but it's not ideal when they're 
the ones point it out.

 - Leaving SNAPSHOT or old TomEE dependencies in the examples or build.  I 
spent three days cleaning out references in the examples to older TomEE 7 and 8 
snapshots missed by past releases.  The way you check is delete your 
~/.m2/repository directory and build the release tag from