Re: PolicyHandler exception handling issue - PolicyHandler.afterInvoke() is not called when SOAPFault is generated (UNCLASSIFIED)

2011-02-20 Thread Gang Yang

- Original Message - 
From: "Simon Nash" 

Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2011 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: PolicyHandler exception handling issue - 
PolicyHandler.afterInvoke() is not called when SOAPFault is generated 

Simon Nash wrote:

Gang Yang wrote:

--- Cut ---

4. PolicyHandler.afterInvoke is not called when Fault is generated. So 
far, I have no workaround on this and would like a fix. If I remember 
the code correctly, a quick fix is possible if 
Axis2ServiceInOutSyncMessageReceiver.invokeBusinessLogic() can catch the 
exception, create the Fault body and call PolicyHandler.afterInvoke() on 
the service side. I'm not sure how the client (requester) side works, 
but the PolicyHandler.afterInvoke() is also skipped on the return with 
the Fault.

I'll take a look at this code and post some comments on how I think the
problem could be addressed.

Hi Gang,
I've looked at this code and it doesn't seem like a simple fix.

1. On the service side, any business exceptions from the implementation
   cause afterInvoke() to be skipped.  Tuscany creates an AxisFault
   wrapping the business exception, and throws this back to Axis2
   for it to generate the on-the-wire fault.

2. On the service side, any system exceptions from the implementation
   (e.g., ServiceRuntimeException) or from beforeInvoke() cause
   afterInvoke() to be skipped.  Tuscany creates an AxisFault by calling
   AxisFault.makeFault() and throws this back to Axis2 for it to
   generate the on-the-wire fault.

3. On the reference side, any AxisFault (either created by Axis2 or
   created by Tuscany on the service side because of cases 1 or 2)
   causes afterInvoke() to be skipped.

I'm assuming that both cases 1 and 2 are a problem for what you need
to do.  Your suggestion of moving responsibility for creating the
fault body from Axis2 to Tuscany seems like a big change with plenty
of opportunity for things to go wrong because Axis2 would then take
different code paths when Tuscany returns back to it.  I don't know
Axis2 well enough to know whether it is considered correct for the
business method to create a fault body as the operation response and
return normally instead of throwing an AxisFault.  This change could
affect other scenarios such as handling business exceptions, so
it would need very careful thought and thorough testing.

Returning a SOAPFault as normal response if fine. However, I can't effective 
do so because of code structure. The PolicyHandler API provides two separate 
methods, beforeInvoke and afterInvoke, for inbound and outbound. When we 
detect the security problem and want to stop the request from reaching the 
endpoint in beforeInvoke, we throw runtimeException. But it's this very 
RuntimeException that prevents afterInvoke on the outbound to be called. So 
I don't have a chance to create a SOAPFault as a normal response.

For case 3, Tuscany could catch the AxisFault, call afterInvoke()
and then rethrow the AxisFault.  I wouldn't be concerned about making
this change because it only affects a small amount of Tuscany code
and doesn't have any side effects on Axis2.

I think this would help for auditing system and for the case where the 
remote service side is a non-Tuscany framework. If the remote service side 
is also a Tuscany framework, then security processing will fail because the 
service side could not invoke afterInvoke() and therefore did not process 
security headers.


Re: PolicyHandler exception handling issue - PolicyHandler.afterInvoke() is not called when SOAPFault is generated (UNCLASSIFIED)

2011-02-20 Thread Gang Yang

- Original Message - 
From: "Simon Nash" 

Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2011 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: PolicyHandler exception handling issue - 
PolicyHandler.afterInvoke() is not called when SOAPFault is generated 

Simon Nash wrote:

Gang Yang wrote:

--- Cut ---

Tuscany doesn't do any thread switching at the service end of this path.
At the reference end, a thread switch will happen if a one-way method is
invoked and the reference binding provider's supportsOneWayInvocation()
method returns false.  Axis2ReferenceBindingProvider returns true from
supportsOneWayInvocation(), so you won't get any thread switching when
using this reference binding.  I'm hoping that this workaround (with its
limitation on what reference bindings can be used) will be sufficient
to avoid the need to do a fix in 1.x.

Actually there is the possibility of a thread switch on the service side
as well.  It happens between the service binding policy handler and the
service binding policy interceptor, so service binding policy interceptors
are guaranteed to run on the same thread as the implementation but service
binding policy handlers aren't.  The thread switch happens only if a
one-way method is being invoked and the service binding provider's
supportsOneWayInvocation() method returns false.  This thread switch
won't happen for the Axis2 binding, because the supportsOneWayInvocation()
method of Axis2ServiceBindingProvider returns true.


Hi, Simon,

Thanks for all the responses on a Sunday:-) and this detailed info. I think 
we are blessed then since we are focussed on WS binding and Axis2 is the 
only WS binding provider in 1.6.x.

Thanks again.

Re: PolicyHandler exception handling issue - PolicyHandler.afterInvoke() is not called when SOAPFault is generated (UNCLASSIFIED)

2011-02-20 Thread Simon Nash

Simon Nash wrote:

Gang Yang wrote:

--- Cut ---

4. PolicyHandler.afterInvoke is not called when Fault is generated. So 
far, I have no workaround on this and would like a fix. If I remember 
the code correctly, a quick fix is possible if 
Axis2ServiceInOutSyncMessageReceiver.invokeBusinessLogic() can catch 
the exception, create the Fault body and call 
PolicyHandler.afterInvoke() on the service side. I'm not sure how the 
client (requester) side works, but the PolicyHandler.afterInvoke() is 
also skipped on the return with the Fault.

I'll take a look at this code and post some comments on how I think the
problem could be addressed.

Hi Gang,
I've looked at this code and it doesn't seem like a simple fix.

1. On the service side, any business exceptions from the implementation
   cause afterInvoke() to be skipped.  Tuscany creates an AxisFault
   wrapping the business exception, and throws this back to Axis2
   for it to generate the on-the-wire fault.

2. On the service side, any system exceptions from the implementation
   (e.g., ServiceRuntimeException) or from beforeInvoke() cause
   afterInvoke() to be skipped.  Tuscany creates an AxisFault by calling
   AxisFault.makeFault() and throws this back to Axis2 for it to
   generate the on-the-wire fault.

3. On the reference side, any AxisFault (either created by Axis2 or
   created by Tuscany on the service side because of cases 1 or 2)
   causes afterInvoke() to be skipped.

I'm assuming that both cases 1 and 2 are a problem for what you need
to do.  Your suggestion of moving responsibility for creating the
fault body from Axis2 to Tuscany seems like a big change with plenty
of opportunity for things to go wrong because Axis2 would then take
different code paths when Tuscany returns back to it.  I don't know
Axis2 well enough to know whether it is considered correct for the
business method to create a fault body as the operation response and
return normally instead of throwing an AxisFault.  This change could
affect other scenarios such as handling business exceptions, so
it would need very careful thought and thorough testing.

For case 3, Tuscany could catch the AxisFault, call afterInvoke()
and then rethrow the AxisFault.  I wouldn't be concerned about making
this change because it only affects a small amount of Tuscany code
and doesn't have any side effects on Axis2.


Re: PolicyHandler exception handling issue - PolicyHandler.afterInvoke() is not called when SOAPFault is generated (UNCLASSIFIED)

2011-02-20 Thread Simon Nash

Simon Nash wrote:

Gang Yang wrote:

--- Cut ---

Tuscany doesn't do any thread switching at the service end of this path.
At the reference end, a thread switch will happen if a one-way method is
invoked and the reference binding provider's supportsOneWayInvocation()
method returns false.  Axis2ReferenceBindingProvider returns true from
supportsOneWayInvocation(), so you won't get any thread switching when
using this reference binding.  I'm hoping that this workaround (with its
limitation on what reference bindings can be used) will be sufficient
to avoid the need to do a fix in 1.x.

Actually there is the possibility of a thread switch on the service side
as well.  It happens between the service binding policy handler and the
service binding policy interceptor, so service binding policy interceptors
are guaranteed to run on the same thread as the implementation but service
binding policy handlers aren't.  The thread switch happens only if a
one-way method is being invoked and the service binding provider's
supportsOneWayInvocation() method returns false.  This thread switch
won't happen for the Axis2 binding, because the supportsOneWayInvocation()
method of Axis2ServiceBindingProvider returns true.


Re: PolicyHandler exception handling issue - PolicyHandler.afterInvoke() is not called when SOAPFault is generated (UNCLASSIFIED)

2011-02-20 Thread Simon Nash

Gang Yang wrote:

--- Cut ---

Hi Gang,
In general new features are added to 2.x, and 1.x gets bug fixes that are
considered important from a user perspective.  The issues that you have
been raising seem to be a mixture of the above, so I am not quite sure
what is the best approach, especially as more issues are continuing to
come to light as your work proceeds.

Whatever is done for 1.x should be consistent with the longer term
direction for 2.x, though it wouldn't be unreasonable for the 1.x 

to be a pragmatic "meets minimum" approach.

If these fixes/features are essential for what you need to do, and you're
unable to move to 2.x, then I think it makes sense to do a "meets 
update to 1.x that would bridge the gap until you are able to move to 

Would it be possible for you to move to 2.x?  If not, what are the issues
that prevent you from doing this?


Hi, Simon N.,

Thanks for the reply. I understand that 2.x is the future and I agree 
with your longer term consideration. However, the application side of 
our projects has been using 1.6.x for some time and from my limited 
experience with 2.0, it's not backword compatible with 1.6.x due to the 
namespace and API changes. From the WS-security consideration, even 
though I did have a 2.0 prototype, which got stuck at the policy 
extension using interceptor, our effort has mainly been focussed on 
1.6.x and got pretty good progress. Adding all these plus an 
end-of-March delivery, it's impractical for us to move to 2.0 in the 
immediate future.

OK, I understand.  Thanks for the explanation.

So far, I have raised four issues with 1.6.x (may also apply to 2.0 with 
the interceptor approach):

1. PolicyHandler.afterInvoke() needs to be called with the outbound 
MessageContext instead of the inbound MC. This is critical for 
WS-security. I have provided my fixes in the JIRA. With some 
generalization we discussed, I think this should be fixable in 1.6.x.

This seems like the kind of fix we should be doing in 1.x, so I'm fine
with adding that.

2. SOAP message encryption is not supported because the 
PolicyHandler.beforeInvoke() is called after Axis2 dispatching phase, 
which needs to analize SOAP body in order to determine the endpoint 
method. This can be worked around by defining SOAPaction in WSDL or Java 
interface using @WebMethod. However, a future fix is still nice to have.

The fix wouldn't be simple because it would change the way Tuscany plugs
into Axis2.  I don't think we should make this change in 1.x.

3. A state-sharing mechanism is needed to allow sharing states among 
service side interceptors/handlers, component and reference side 
interceptors/handlers. I'm currently using the ThreadLocal as a 
workaround, which I wish to have your blessing - for now, it's only used 
from the service handler to component and then to reference handler and 
I hope you can confirm that the same thread is used for processing. 
However, we all agreed that this is not desirable to use ThreadLocal in 
the service framework and a state-sharing mechanism is needed.

Tuscany doesn't do any thread switching at the service end of this path.
At the reference end, a thread switch will happen if a one-way method is
invoked and the reference binding provider's supportsOneWayInvocation()
method returns false.  Axis2ReferenceBindingProvider returns true from
supportsOneWayInvocation(), so you won't get any thread switching when
using this reference binding.  I'm hoping that this workaround (with its
limitation on what reference bindings can be used) will be sufficient
to avoid the need to do a fix in 1.x.

4. PolicyHandler.afterInvoke is not called when Fault is generated. So 
far, I have no workaround on this and would like a fix. If I remember 
the code correctly, a quick fix is possible if 
Axis2ServiceInOutSyncMessageReceiver.invokeBusinessLogic() can catch the 
exception, create the Fault body and call PolicyHandler.afterInvoke() on 
the service side. I'm not sure how the client (requester) side works, 
but the PolicyHandler.afterInvoke() is also skipped on the return with 
the Fault.

I'll take a look at this code and post some comments on how I think the
problem could be addressed.



Re: [VOTE] Release Tuscany SCA 2.0 Beta2 RC3

2011-02-20 Thread Florian Moga
Thanks Ant, I've just added my key to the file. It doesn't appear on the
website yet. Can we perform a sync or is it done automatically?

Considering the amount of work to be done in trunk/ I'm also calling +1 for
doing this release.

The vote passes with +1 from:
  Ant Elder
  Simon Laws
  Luciano Resende
  Florian Moga
and no -1 votes.

Thank you everyone for voting.

I'll continue with the next steps I found here

On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 10:41 AM, ant elder  wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Florian Moga  wrote:
> > On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Simon Laws 
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> The only thing I noticed was that RELEASE_NOTES have the wrong date at
> >> the top. This is not a blocker IMO.
> >
> > I could modify it right there if that's allowed.
> >
> No we can't modify that now. The contents of the SVN tag should match
> whats in the distributions so if its modified in SVN then we'd need to
> respin the distributions and have a new vote.
> >>
> >> I didn't spend much time on the samples for obvious reasons but the
> >> simple ones run. I get a clean build of the source with a clean repo
> >> on Linux.
> >>
> >> MD5 is OK but my remaining question is about getting the KEYS file
> >> ( updated with your public
> >> key. Ant made comments about keys so maybe this is already in train.
> >
> > How can I edit the file? My public key is also available here [1].
> > [1]
> >
> Log on to and then you can find that KEYS file at
> /x1/www/
>   ...ant

Re: [VOTE] Release Tuscany SCA 2.0 Beta2 RC3

2011-02-20 Thread ant elder
On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Florian Moga  wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Simon Laws 
> wrote:
>> The only thing I noticed was that RELEASE_NOTES have the wrong date at
>> the top. This is not a blocker IMO.
> I could modify it right there if that's allowed.

No we can't modify that now. The contents of the SVN tag should match
whats in the distributions so if its modified in SVN then we'd need to
respin the distributions and have a new vote.

>> I didn't spend much time on the samples for obvious reasons but the
>> simple ones run. I get a clean build of the source with a clean repo
>> on Linux.
>> MD5 is OK but my remaining question is about getting the KEYS file
>> ( updated with your public
>> key. Ant made comments about keys so maybe this is already in train.
> How can I edit the file? My public key is also available here [1].
> [1]

Log on to and then you can find that KEYS file at


Re: 2.0 Beta2 samples (was: [VOTE] Release Tuscany SCA 2.0 Beta2 RC2)

2011-02-20 Thread ant elder
On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 7:08 PM, ant elder  wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 9:10 AM, ant elder  wrote:
>> I have now done these. There's a beta2 branch for the release, and all
>> the trunk samples are now in contrib/samples and the helloworld sample
>> is in unreleased/samples where we can continuing with making it like
>> we want.
> So how do we progress this? What do we need to change in the
> helloworld sample at
> to make in complete and move it back to trunk/samples?
>   ...ant

Ok no comments so if we're all happy with that then in a few days i'll
move it back to trunk/samples and use it as a model for the next ones.
