This mail is not an official mail of presentation of our work is just I
commented you what we are working, I hope not to get ahead imprudently in
the presentation of our work, and make false illusions if so my sincere
The official mail will be send soon.

First than all my presentation. My name is Luis Zárate, I work for Solvo ( and in Solvo we are working in a Universidad de Costa Rica
(UCR) project based in VCL.

In the UCR we detect that VCL needs a better network approach, because
service like DNS, DHCP,NAT, VPN,Firewall are not include as part of
reservation (you can set DHCP but not reserve a new dhcp server with
specific configurations), so same as  machine reservation, we want an
network service reservation on demand and scheduled. So we looked how to
make this possible and see in SDN approach how to do that.

In the past 8 months we studied VCL code and have some observations (this
for other mail), We made some diagrams and worked in the new design of VCL
network we also started and SDN lab for test.

In our SDN Lab we made a overlay network based on GRE tunnels (we have
hardware limitations), OpenvSwitch and Ryu with good results, we also being
worked in how to automate the service creation and saw it that is possible
to incorporated VCL (some code in,
is in python, but I think can be translated to Perl when I feel good with
the language).  Although our lab is with overlay network I see possible to
use other SDN model and controller without several code changes.

I also started studying Perl and dojo, I know php and javascript, C/C++ and
Python but not Perl and dojo so is part of what I am doing.

Attached are an visual idea of how I see the new VCL network system, we are
working on mockups right know.

We also do an VCL apps approach in django only for understand the database,
but it's good to see who we sort the models. (specially see

"La utopía sirve para caminar" Fernando Birri

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