Hi, Community

While I am trying to rename Android package name to ‘org.apache', I found Weex 
used to publish its Android connivence binary to JCenter with the groupID of 
com.taobao [1] under an individual account [2].  I’d like to know whether there 
is an Apache-wide JCenter account for publishing connivence binary or it’s OK 
to use an individual account for publishing as long as it’s controlled by PPMC. 
Besides, I’d like to know whether there is a restriction in choice Maven repo 
by ASF as I’d like to use JCenter instead of Maven Central to publish 
connivence binary as JCenter is basically the standard maven repo for Android 

Of course I will rename the groupId of the binary to ‘org.apache’ after 
finishing my refactoring.

[1] https://bintray.com/alibabaweex/maven/weex_sdk 
[2] https://svn.apache.org/repos/private/pmc/incubator/weex/JCenter_key 

Best Regards,
York Shen


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