[Dev] Warning from mediation stat component when tenant log in

2012-11-15 Thread Rajika Kumarasiri
[2012-11-16 13:16:20,867]  WARN - MediationStatisticsServiceComponent
Couldn't find the mediation statistics store for tenant id: 2
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Confusion in ESB

2012-11-15 Thread Andun Sameera
Hi All,

I have solved the problem by overriding the isContentAware() function in my
mediator. This was no there before.


On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 10:18 PM, Andun Sameera  wrote:

> After some debugging, I have found the place where the the change of the
> message happens. In the InMediator it has the following code which does
> the change,
>if (contentAware) {
> try {
> RelayUtils.buildMessage(((Axis2MessageContext)
> synCtx).getAxis2MessageContext(),false);
> } catch (Exception e) {
> handleException("Error while building message", e,
> synCtx);
> }
> }
> Is this the default nature form 4.6.0 ?
> Thanks
> AndunSLG
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 9:17 PM, Andun Sameera  wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have enabled the nio-HTTP transport + the binary relay in the 4.6.0 ESB
>> by changing the default PT transport. But I see the relay is not working.
>> So I debug the code and found that binary relay builder builds the message
>> as usual like  given below,
>> http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope";>> xmlns:ns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload
>> ">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
>> But when it comes to a log mediator it shows as follows.
>> To : http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService
>> WSAction : urn:getQuote
>> SOAPAction : urn:getQuote
>> ReplyTo : http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous
>> MessageID : urn:uuid:15da20ee-6b83-4b56-9e01-a7faf28f7593
>> Headers :
>> To : http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService
>>  MessageID : urn:uuid:15da20ee-6b83-4b56-9e01-a7faf28f7593
>> Action : urn:getQuote
>> Body : http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>> xmlns:m0="http://services.samples
>> ">IBM
>> What has gone wrong here ?
>> Thanks
>> AndunSLG
Dev mailing list

[Dev] [Bamboo-Build] WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x > Products 4.0.5 > #6 has FAILED. Change made by 18 authors.

2012-11-15 Thread Bamboo

WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x > Products 4.0.5 > #6 failed.
Code has been updated by hasini, rajika, dushan, sanjayav, lalaji, anjana, 
kasunw, janaka, amani, deep, dharshanaw, shammi, suresh, reka, kasun, nirmal, 
shariq, lakmali.
No failed tests found, a possible compilation error.


Currently Responsible

No one is responsible for fixing this build.

Failing Jobs
  - Default Job (Default Stage): No tests found.

Code Changes
nirmal (148028):

>fixing STRATOS-2263

nirmal (148030):

>adding autoscaler to patch releases

reka (147953):

>removing 4.0.4 and adding 4.0.5

This message is automatically generated by Atlassian Bamboo___
Dev mailing list

[Dev] [Bamboo-Build] Developer Studio > Eclipse-Tools > #550 was SUCCESSFUL. Change made by Kalpa Senanayake and viraj.

2012-11-15 Thread Bamboo

Developer Studio > Eclipse-Tools > #550 was successful.
Code has been updated by Kalpa Senanayake, viraj.


Code Changes
viraj (148087):

>Improving Failover and Loadbalance Endpoints

Kalpa Senanayake (148099):

>Fixing TOOLS-1379.

This message is automatically generated by Atlassian Bamboo___
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Error executing sql statements in DSS build - 4.0.5 branch ...

2012-11-15 Thread Dinusha Senanayaka
Hi Shariq,

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Muhammed Shariq  wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 1:42 AM, Dinusha Senanayaka wrote:
>> Hi Shariq,
>> I am not getting this error locally. Anyway since we are no longer using
>> rss feature with DSS, we can remove this rss-db creation script from DSS.
>> ll do the necessary changes.
> I happened to notice this in the builder machine . please do the needful!
> :)
Already done. r148065. please take a svn up in products/dss/3.0.1.


>> Regards,
>> Dinusha.
>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 9:55 PM, Muhammed Shariq  wrote:
>>> main:
>>>   [sql] Executing resource:
>>> /home/wso2/4.0.5-release/platform/4.0.0/products/dss/3.0.1/modules/samples/sql/h2/CreateTables2.sql
>>>   [sql] 2 of 2 SQL statements executed successfully
>>> [INFO] Executed tasks
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (create-rss-database) @ wso2dss
>>> ---
>>> [WARNING] Parameter tasks is deprecated, use target instead
>>> [INFO] Executing tasks
>>> main:
>>>   [sql] Executing resource:
>>> /home/wso2/4.0.5-release/platform/4.0.0/products/dss/3.0.1/modules/distribution/src/resources/dbscripts/wso2_rss.sql
>>>   [sql] Failed to execute:   CREATE TABLE RM_USER_DATABASE_PRIVILEGE
>>> ( username VARCHAR(16), database_name VARCHAR(128), rss_instance_name
>>> VARCHAR(128), tenant_id INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>>> insert_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, update_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>>> delete_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>>> drop_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>>> references_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>>> alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
>>> NULL, lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_view enum('N','Y')
>>> NOT NULL, show_view_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_routine_priv
>>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>>> execute_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, event_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>>> trigger_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (username, database_name,
>>> rss_instance_name, tenant_id), FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES
>>> RM_DATABASE_USER (username), FOREIGN KEY (database_name) REFERENCES
>>> RM_DATABASE (name), FOREIGN KEY (rss_instance_name) REFERENCES
>>> RM_SERVER_INSTANCE (name)  )
>>>   [sql] org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Unknown data type: "ENUM"; SQL
>>> statement:
>>> VARCHAR(16), database_name VARCHAR(128), rss_instance_name VARCHAR(128),
>>> tenant_id INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, insert_priv
>>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, update_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, delete_priv
>>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, drop_priv
>>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, references_priv
>>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_priv
>>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>>> lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_view enum('N','Y') NOT
>>> NULL, show_view_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_routine_priv
>>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>>> execute_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, event_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>>> trigger_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (username, database_name,
>>> rss_instance_name, tenant_id), FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES
>>> RM_DATABASE_USER (username), FOREIGN KEY (database_name) REFERENCES
>>> RM_DATABASE (name), FOREIGN KEY (rss_instance_name) REFERENCES
>>> RM_SERVER_INSTANCE (name)  ) [50004-140]
>>>   [sql] Failed to execute:   CREATE TABLE
>>> RM_DB_PRIVILEGE_TEMPLATE_ENTRY ( template_name VARCHAR(128), tenant_id
>>> INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, insert_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
>>> NULL, update_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, delete_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
>>> NULL, create_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, drop_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>>> grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, references_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>>> index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>>> create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, lock_tables_priv
>>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_view enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, show_view_priv
>>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>>> alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, execute_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
>>> NULL, event_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, trigger_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
>>> NULL, PRIMARY KEY (template_name, tenant_id), FOREIGN KEY (template_name)
>>>   [sql] org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Unknown data type: "ENUM"; SQL
>>> statement:
>>> template_name VARCHAR(128), tenant_id INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y')
>>> NOT NULL, insert_p

[Dev] [Bamboo-Build] WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x > Platform 4.0.5 > #6 has FAILED. Change made by 15 authors.

2012-11-15 Thread Bamboo

WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x > Platform 4.0.5 > #6 failed.
Code has been updated by rajika, dushan, sanjayav, lalaji, anjana, kasunw, 
janaka, amani, shammi, deep, suresh, reka, kasun, shariq, lakmali.
No failed tests found, a possible compilation error.


Currently Responsible

Janaka Ranabahu (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Muhammed  Shariq (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)

Failing Jobs
  - Default Job (Default Stage): 1475 tests passed.

Code Changes
reka (147993):

>updating the version

sanjayav (147976):

>adding bps 3.0.1

reka (148004):

>updating with 4.0.5 for logging and 2.0.5 for stratos-commons features

This message is automatically generated by Atlassian Bamboo___
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Error executing sql statements in DSS build - 4.0.5 branch ...

2012-11-15 Thread Muhammed Shariq
On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 1:42 AM, Dinusha Senanayaka wrote:

> Hi Shariq,
> I am not getting this error locally. Anyway since we are no longer using
> rss feature with DSS, we can remove this rss-db creation script from DSS.
> ll do the necessary changes.

I happened to notice this in the builder machine . please do the needful!

> Regards,
> Dinusha.
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 9:55 PM, Muhammed Shariq  wrote:
>> main:
>>   [sql] Executing resource:
>> /home/wso2/4.0.5-release/platform/4.0.0/products/dss/3.0.1/modules/samples/sql/h2/CreateTables2.sql
>>   [sql] 2 of 2 SQL statements executed successfully
>> [INFO] Executed tasks
>> [INFO]
>> [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (create-rss-database) @ wso2dss ---
>> [WARNING] Parameter tasks is deprecated, use target instead
>> [INFO] Executing tasks
>> main:
>>   [sql] Executing resource:
>> /home/wso2/4.0.5-release/platform/4.0.0/products/dss/3.0.1/modules/distribution/src/resources/dbscripts/wso2_rss.sql
>>   [sql] Failed to execute:   CREATE TABLE RM_USER_DATABASE_PRIVILEGE
>> ( username VARCHAR(16), database_name VARCHAR(128), rss_instance_name
>> VARCHAR(128), tenant_id INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> insert_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, update_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> delete_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> drop_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> references_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
>> NULL, lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_view enum('N','Y')
>> NOT NULL, show_view_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_routine_priv
>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> execute_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, event_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> trigger_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (username, database_name,
>> rss_instance_name, tenant_id), FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES
>> RM_DATABASE_USER (username), FOREIGN KEY (database_name) REFERENCES
>> RM_DATABASE (name), FOREIGN KEY (rss_instance_name) REFERENCES
>>   [sql] org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Unknown data type: "ENUM"; SQL
>> statement:
>> VARCHAR(16), database_name VARCHAR(128), rss_instance_name VARCHAR(128),
>> tenant_id INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, insert_priv
>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, update_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, delete_priv
>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, drop_priv
>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, references_priv
>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_priv
>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_view enum('N','Y') NOT
>> NULL, show_view_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_routine_priv
>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> execute_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, event_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> trigger_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (username, database_name,
>> rss_instance_name, tenant_id), FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES
>> RM_DATABASE_USER (username), FOREIGN KEY (database_name) REFERENCES
>> RM_DATABASE (name), FOREIGN KEY (rss_instance_name) REFERENCES
>> RM_SERVER_INSTANCE (name)  ) [50004-140]
>>   [sql] Failed to execute:   CREATE TABLE
>> RM_DB_PRIVILEGE_TEMPLATE_ENTRY ( template_name VARCHAR(128), tenant_id
>> INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, insert_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
>> NULL, update_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, delete_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
>> NULL, create_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, drop_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, references_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, lock_tables_priv
>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_view enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, show_view_priv
>> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, execute_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
>> NULL, event_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, trigger_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
>> NULL, PRIMARY KEY (template_name, tenant_id), FOREIGN KEY (template_name)
>>   [sql] org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Unknown data type: "ENUM"; SQL
>> statement:
>> VARCHAR(128), tenant_id INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> insert_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, update_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> delete_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> drop_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
>> references_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL

[Dev] [Bamboo-Build] Developer Studio > Eclipse-Tools > #549 has FAILED. Change made by melan.

2012-11-15 Thread Bamboo

Developer Studio > Eclipse-Tools > #549 failed.
Code has been updated by melan.
No failed tests found, a possible compilation error.


Currently Responsible

No one is responsible for fixing this build.

Failing Jobs
  - Default Job (Default Stage): No tests found.

Code Changes
melan (148071):

>Removing hard-coded end-point definition

melan (148079):

>Fixing source-xpath and dynamic-schema-key serialization

This message is automatically generated by Atlassian Bamboo___
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [BUILD FAILED] WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x Platform_4.0.5 build #5

2012-11-15 Thread Maheshika Goonetilleke
Hi both

Thanks for your response.

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 6:00 PM, Krishantha Samaraweera  wrote:

> We haven't created Clarity 4.0.5 branch yet. Will add it once done. Please
> proceed with removing it from builder profile.
> Thanks,
> Krishantha.
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 5:56 PM, Muhammed Shariq  wrote:
>> Hi Maheshika,
>> This error occurs because the following module is listed in the root
>> pom's builder profile;
>> platform-integration/clarity-framework
>> but such a module does not exist .. So I am gonna remove it from the room
>> builder profile ..
>> @Automation folks - please add this module back if you branch for 4.0.5
>> ..
>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 5:43 PM, Maheshika Goonetilleke <
>> mahesh...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> The Platform_4.0.5 build has failed due to the following error;
>>> 15-Nov-2012 03:32:46 [ERROR] The build could not read 1 project ->
>>> [Help 1]15-Nov-2012 03:32:46 [ERROR]   15-Nov-2012 03:32:46 [ERROR]
>>>  The project org.wso2.carbon:platform-patch-releases:4.0.5
>>> (/home/bamboo/Bamboo-3.4/source-repository/build-dir/WCB001-PLA005-JOB1/patch-releases/4.0.5/pom.xml)
>>> has 1 error 15-Nov-2012 03:32:46[ERROR] Child module
>>> /home/bamboo/Bamboo-3.4/source-repository/build-dir/WCB001-PLA005-JOB1/patch-releases/4.0.5/platform-integration/clarity-framework
>>> of
>>> /home/bamboo/Bamboo-3.4/source-repository/build-dir/WCB001-PLA005-JOB1/patch-releases/4.0.5/pom.xml
>>> does not exist 15-Nov-2012 03:32:46 [ERROR]
>>> Appreciate if this could be rectified.
>>> http://wso2.org/bamboo/browse/WCB001-PLA005-5/log
>>> --
>>> Thanks & Best Regards,
>>> Maheshika Goonetilleke
>>> Engineering Process Coordinator
>>> WSO2 Inc
>>> www.wso2.com/
>>> M : 0773 596707
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Shariq.
>> Phone: +94 777 202 225


Thanks & Best Regards,

Maheshika Goonetilleke
Engineering Process Coordinator
WSO2 Inc


M : 0773 596707
Dev mailing list

[Dev] [Bamboo-Build] WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x > Products 4.0.4 > #10 has FAILED. Change made by 9 authors.

2012-11-15 Thread Bamboo

WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x > Products 4.0.4 > #10 failed.
Code has been updated by anjana, janaka, shammi, suresh, dushan, reka, shariq, 
lakmali, lalaji.
No failed tests found, a possible compilation error.


Currently Responsible

No one is responsible for fixing this build.

Failing Jobs
  - Default Job (Default Stage): No tests found.

Code Changes
reka (147953):

>removing 4.0.4 and adding 4.0.5

reka (147947):

>removing 4.0.4 and adding 4.0.5

lalaji (147941):

>Apply a fix done by Nuwan to public branch

This message is automatically generated by Atlassian Bamboo___
Dev mailing list

[Dev] How to use worker node URL in service listing page for BPS related services

2012-11-15 Thread Sanjaya Vithanagama
Hi All,

This is regarding Stratos BPS issues [1] and [2]

When we deploy BPS related services (BPEL and HumanTask) in a worker
manager separated setup, the services listing page have the mgt node's host
name as the WSDL URL. But it should be using the worker node host name
instead. This works fine for normal Axis2 services hosted in BPS. So I
think we have missed something at code level where we create the Axis2
services for BPEL and HumanTask when those are deployed. Does someone know
what exactly we should do to achieve this? Any help is appreciated a lot.

1 : https://wso2.org/jira/browse/STRATOS-2231
2 : https://wso2.org/jira/browse/STRATOS-2230


Sanjaya Vithanagama
WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com

cell: +94 71 342 2881
Dev mailing list

[Dev] [Bamboo-Build] WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x - Nightly > Platform_4.0.4 > #7 has FAILED. Change made by 20 authors.

2012-11-15 Thread Bamboo

WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x - Nightly > Platform_4.0.4 > #7 failed.
This build occurred because it is a dependant of WCB002-NKER002-16.
No failed tests found, a possible compilation error.


Currently Responsible

Ajith Vitharana (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Amani Soysa (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Amila Maharachchi (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Chanaka Jayasena (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Charitha Madurangi (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Dinusha Dilrukshi (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Dushan Abeyruwan (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Eranda Sooriyabandara (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Johann Nallathamby (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
lakmali Baminiwatta (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Lalaji Sureshika (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Maninda Edirisooriya (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Miyuru  Wanninayaka (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Vijayaratha Vijayasingam (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Reka Thirunavukkarasu (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Sanjeewa Malalgoda (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Shelan Perera (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Subash Chaturanga (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Sumedha Rubasinghe (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)
Thilini Ishaka (Assigned by Maheshika Goonetilleke)

Failing Jobs
  - Default Job (Default Stage): 1005 tests passed.

Code Changes
nuwand (147892):

>Changing pom version to 4.0.6

nirmal (148030):

>adding autoscaler to patch releases

shammi (148007):

>Adding 4.0.4 feature for andes

This message is automatically generated by Atlassian Bamboo___
Dev mailing list

[Dev] [Bamboo-Build] WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x - Nightly > Kernel_4.0.4 > #16 was SUCCESSFUL. Change made by 4 authors.

2012-11-15 Thread Bamboo

WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x - Nightly > Kernel_4.0.4 > #16 was successful.
This build was triggered at the scheduled time of 1:00 PM


Code Changes
kasunw (147956):

>Adding 4.0.5 integration

pradeep (147999):

>carbon core 4.0.5

kasunw (147951):

>Adding 4.0.5 feature

This message is automatically generated by Atlassian Bamboo___
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Error executing sql statements in DSS build - 4.0.5 branch ...

2012-11-15 Thread Dinusha Senanayaka
Hi Shariq,

I am not getting this error locally. Anyway since we are no longer using
rss feature with DSS, we can remove this rss-db creation script from DSS.
ll do the necessary changes.


On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 9:55 PM, Muhammed Shariq  wrote:

> main:
>   [sql] Executing resource:
> /home/wso2/4.0.5-release/platform/4.0.0/products/dss/3.0.1/modules/samples/sql/h2/CreateTables2.sql
>   [sql] 2 of 2 SQL statements executed successfully
> [INFO] Executed tasks
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (create-rss-database) @ wso2dss ---
> [WARNING] Parameter tasks is deprecated, use target instead
> [INFO] Executing tasks
> main:
>   [sql] Executing resource:
> /home/wso2/4.0.5-release/platform/4.0.0/products/dss/3.0.1/modules/distribution/src/resources/dbscripts/wso2_rss.sql
>   [sql] Failed to execute:   CREATE TABLE RM_USER_DATABASE_PRIVILEGE (
> username VARCHAR(16), database_name VARCHAR(128), rss_instance_name
> VARCHAR(128), tenant_id INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> insert_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, update_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> delete_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> drop_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> references_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
> NULL, lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_view enum('N','Y')
> NOT NULL, show_view_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_routine_priv
> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> execute_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, event_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> trigger_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (username, database_name,
> rss_instance_name, tenant_id), FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES
> RM_DATABASE_USER (username), FOREIGN KEY (database_name) REFERENCES
> RM_DATABASE (name), FOREIGN KEY (rss_instance_name) REFERENCES
>   [sql] org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Unknown data type: "ENUM"; SQL
> statement:
> VARCHAR(16), database_name VARCHAR(128), rss_instance_name VARCHAR(128),
> tenant_id INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, insert_priv
> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, update_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, delete_priv
> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, drop_priv
> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, references_priv
> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_priv
> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_view enum('N','Y') NOT
> NULL, show_view_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_routine_priv
> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> execute_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, event_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> trigger_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (username, database_name,
> rss_instance_name, tenant_id), FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES
> RM_DATABASE_USER (username), FOREIGN KEY (database_name) REFERENCES
> RM_DATABASE (name), FOREIGN KEY (rss_instance_name) REFERENCES
> RM_SERVER_INSTANCE (name)  ) [50004-140]
>   [sql] Failed to execute:   CREATE TABLE
> RM_DB_PRIVILEGE_TEMPLATE_ENTRY ( template_name VARCHAR(128), tenant_id
> INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, insert_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
> NULL, update_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, delete_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
> NULL, create_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, drop_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, references_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, lock_tables_priv
> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_view enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, show_view_priv
> enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, execute_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
> NULL, event_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, trigger_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
> NULL, PRIMARY KEY (template_name, tenant_id), FOREIGN KEY (template_name)
>   [sql] org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Unknown data type: "ENUM"; SQL
> statement:
> VARCHAR(128), tenant_id INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> insert_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, update_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> delete_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> drop_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> references_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
> alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
> NULL, lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_view enum('N','Y')
> NOT NULL, show_view_priv enum('N','Y') NO

[Dev] Carbon EventPublisher always created using the super tenant ID

2012-11-15 Thread Subash Chaturanga
This $subject intentional ? This seems a possible cause why event tenant id
!= subscription tenant id for events dispatched in tenant mode.


Subash Chaturanga
Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc. http://wso2.com

email - sub...@wso2.com
phone - 077 2225922
Dev mailing list

[Dev] [Bamboo-Build] WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x > Products 4.0.5 > #5 has FAILED. Change made by anjana, janaka and shariq.

2012-11-15 Thread Bamboo

WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x > Products 4.0.5 > #5 failed.
Code has been updated by anjana, janaka, shariq.
No failed tests found, a possible compilation error.


Currently Responsible

No one is responsible for fixing this build.

Failing Jobs
  - Default Job (Default Stage): No tests found.

Code Changes
shariq (147907):

>Branching registration ui.

shariq (147925):

>Update throttling manager feature dependencies ..

anjana (147932):

>Performance Improvements

This message is automatically generated by Atlassian Bamboo___
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Confusion in ESB

2012-11-15 Thread Andun Sameera
After some debugging, I have found the place where the the change of the
message happens. In the InMediator it has the following code which does
the change,

   if (contentAware) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
handleException("Error while building message", e,

Is this the default nature form 4.6.0 ?


On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 9:17 PM, Andun Sameera  wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have enabled the nio-HTTP transport + the binary relay in the 4.6.0 ESB
> by changing the default PT transport. But I see the relay is not working.
> So I debug the code and found that binary relay builder builds the message
> as usual like  given below,
> http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope";> xmlns:ns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload
> ">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
> But when it comes to a log mediator it shows as follows.
> To : http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService
> WSAction : urn:getQuote
> SOAPAction : urn:getQuote
> ReplyTo : http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous
> MessageID : urn:uuid:15da20ee-6b83-4b56-9e01-a7faf28f7593
> Headers :
> To : http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService
>  MessageID : urn:uuid:15da20ee-6b83-4b56-9e01-a7faf28f7593
> Action : urn:getQuote
> Body : http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";> xmlns:m0="http://services.samples
> ">IBM
> What has gone wrong here ?
> Thanks
> AndunSLG
Dev mailing list

[Dev] Error executing sql statements in DSS build - 4.0.5 branch ...

2012-11-15 Thread Muhammed Shariq
  [sql] Executing resource:
  [sql] 2 of 2 SQL statements executed successfully
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (create-rss-database) @ wso2dss ---
[WARNING] Parameter tasks is deprecated, use target instead
[INFO] Executing tasks

  [sql] Executing resource:
  [sql] Failed to execute:   CREATE TABLE RM_USER_DATABASE_PRIVILEGE (
username VARCHAR(16), database_name VARCHAR(128), rss_instance_name
VARCHAR(128), tenant_id INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
insert_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, update_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
delete_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
drop_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
references_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
NULL, lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_view enum('N','Y')
NOT NULL, show_view_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_routine_priv
enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
execute_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, event_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
trigger_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (username, database_name,
rss_instance_name, tenant_id), FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES
RM_DATABASE (name), FOREIGN KEY (rss_instance_name) REFERENCES
  [sql] org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Unknown data type: "ENUM"; SQL
VARCHAR(16), database_name VARCHAR(128), rss_instance_name VARCHAR(128),
tenant_id INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, insert_priv
enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, update_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, delete_priv
enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, drop_priv
enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, references_priv
enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_priv
enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_view enum('N','Y') NOT
NULL, show_view_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_routine_priv
enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
execute_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, event_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
trigger_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (username, database_name,
rss_instance_name, tenant_id), FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES
RM_DATABASE (name), FOREIGN KEY (rss_instance_name) REFERENCES
RM_SERVER_INSTANCE (name)  ) [50004-140]
  [sql] Failed to execute:   CREATE TABLE
RM_DB_PRIVILEGE_TEMPLATE_ENTRY ( template_name VARCHAR(128), tenant_id
INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, insert_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
NULL, update_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, delete_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
NULL, create_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, drop_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, references_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, lock_tables_priv
enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_view enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, show_view_priv
enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, execute_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
NULL, event_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, trigger_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
NULL, PRIMARY KEY (template_name, tenant_id), FOREIGN KEY (template_name)
  [sql] org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Unknown data type: "ENUM"; SQL
VARCHAR(128), tenant_id INTEGER, select_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
insert_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, update_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
delete_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
drop_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
references_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') NOT
NULL, lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_view enum('N','Y')
NOT NULL, show_view_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, create_routine_priv
enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
execute_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, event_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,
trigger_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (template_name,
(name) ) [50004-140]
  [sql] 7 of 9 SQL statements executed successfully
[INFO] Executed tasks

[Dev] Confusion in ESB

2012-11-15 Thread Andun Sameera
Hi All,

I have enabled the nio-HTTP transport + the binary relay in the 4.6.0 ESB
by changing the default PT transport. But I see the relay is not working.
So I debug the code and found that binary relay builder builds the message
as usual like  given below,


But when it comes to a log mediator it shows as follows.

To : http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService
WSAction : urn:getQuote
SOAPAction : urn:getQuote
ReplyTo : http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous
MessageID : urn:uuid:15da20ee-6b83-4b56-9e01-a7faf28f7593
Headers :
To : http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService
MessageID : urn:uuid:15da20ee-6b83-4b56-9e01-a7faf28f7593
Action : urn:getQuote
Body : http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>http://services.samples

What has gone wrong here ?

Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [GReg]Support Aggregate Download with Dependencies

2012-11-15 Thread Senaka Fernando
Hi Subash,

We have download buttons in multiple places in the UI, and IMO, its better
to ask a Yes/No question rather than having a checkbox. Just like the
Info/Warn popups there is a confirmation popup that you find in Carbon
which you can use.

Further to this, IIRC, the Servlet makes a BE call to get the resource and
then stream it. If that's the case, its much better to get the archive
prepared at the BE and get it fetched in a single call (I mean within the
servlet) rather than making multiple BE calls to get all the resources.


On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 11:47 PM, Subash Chaturanga  wrote:

> FYI, please find the attachment.
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Subash Chaturanga wrote:
>> Hi Senaka,
>> On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 3:44 PM, Senaka Fernando  wrote:
>>> Hi Subash,
>>> This is for any resource. The idea is that when you click the download
>>> button, you should get a prompt (only for the resources having
>>> dependencies), whether you will download with dependencies or not. If you
>>> choose to download with dependencies, the downloaded file will be a ZIP
>>>  archive, and the media type will be that of a ZIP file. Also, please note
>>> that this only will happen when you click on the Download button (on the
>>> resource browser), and not any of the permalinks. The Admin API should have
>>> a separate method (in the corresponding Admin Service) for download with
>>> dependencies.
>> And the download happens directly through servlet level. So in that case
>> we do not need admin services to call. But we have a similar method
>> implemented in the GetResourceContentProcessor.
>> In the FE, for the option to select whether to download with dependencies
>> or not shall we add a check box with the name with dependencies next to the
>> download button.
>> UI will be as follows
>>[checkbox] with dependencies
>>> Thanks,
>>> Senaka.
>>> On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Subash Chaturanga wrote:
 Moving to dev list.

 On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 3:23 PM, Subash Chaturanga wrote:

> Hi Senaka,
> This is regarding the issue you raised at [1] . Is this for governance
> artifacts in particular or for all registry resources in common ?
> So I will assume;
> - We consider downloading the direct (immediate ) dependencies only.
> - At downloading, the options will be
>   - Download the file itself
>   - Download it with its all dependencies
> [1] - https://wso2.org/jira/browse/REGISTRY-1468
> Thanks
> --
> Subash Chaturanga
> Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc. http://wso2.com
> email - sub...@wso2.com
> phone - 077 2225922


 Subash Chaturanga
 Software Engineer
 WSO2 Inc. http://wso2.com

 email - sub...@wso2.com
 phone - 077 2225922

>>> --
>>> *Senaka Fernando*
>>> Member - Integration Technologies Management Committee;
>>> Technical Lead; WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com*
>>> Member; Apache Software Foundation; http://apache.org
>>> E-mail: senaka AT wso2.com
>>> **P: +1 408 754 7388; ext: 51736*; *M: +94 77 322 1818
>>> Linked-In: http://linkedin.com/in/senakafernando
>>> *Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
>> --
>> Subash Chaturanga
>> Software Engineer
>> WSO2 Inc. http://wso2.com
>> email - sub...@wso2.com
>> phone - 077 2225922
> --
> Subash Chaturanga
> Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc. http://wso2.com
> email - sub...@wso2.com
> phone - 077 2225922

*Senaka Fernando*
Member - Integration Technologies Management Committee;
Technical Lead; WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com*
Member; Apache Software Foundation; http://apache.org

E-mail: senaka AT wso2.com
**P: +1 408 754 7388; ext: 51736*; *M: +94 77 322 1818
Linked-In: http://linkedin.com/in/senakafernando

*Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
Dev mailing list

[Dev] Developer Studio 3.0.0 Milestone 1 Released !

2012-11-15 Thread Kalpa Senanayake
Hi All,

*Developer Studio 3.0.0 Milestone 1 Released !*

Milestone available at [1] and installed eclipse distribution available at


   - [TOOLS-1335 ] - Importing a
   multi-maven project requires the parent directory to have the project name
   - [TOOLS-1366 ] - Proxy
   service's name should be appeared in the proxy figure.
   - [TOOLS-1367 ] - In
   connections there is a discontinuous behavior between arrow and the arrow
   - [TOOLS-1372 ] - If we create
   a new endpoint or sequence by dragging and dropping, they don't get added
   to artifact.xml
   - [TOOLS-1373 ] - First element
   of the Out Sequence should be able to hold multiple incoming links from


   - [TOOLS-1365 ] - If we connect
   an endpoint to a mediator, editor should generate the send mediator.
   - [TOOLS-1370 ] - API
   Resource's InSequence, OutSequence & FaultSequence can be named sequences.
   - [TOOLS-1376 ] - Sort the
   Project Artifact List in the C-App project editor according to the lexical
   order for clarity

We welcome your feedback and would love to hear your thoughts on this
release of WSO2 Developer Studio. And also please report bugs at [3].

Thanks and Regards
WSO2 Developer Studio Team.

[1] -

[2] -

[3] - https://wso2.org/jira/browse/TOOLS
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Branch - kernel 4.0.5

2012-11-15 Thread Kasun Weranga
On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 5:23 PM, Vijayaratha Vijayasingam

> So, kasun did you update all 4.0.5 products with the latest version of the
> Kernel?

I didn't update the kernel version in 4.0.5 products.
Product teams please update your products with kernel 4.5.0.


> On 15 November 2012 14:00, Kasun Weranga  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> FYI, I have created 4.0.5 kernel for fixing[1]. You can commit 4.0.5
>> kernel fixes there.
>> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/STRATOS-2173
>> Thanks,
>> KasunW.
>> ___
>> Dev mailing list
>> Dev@wso2.org
>> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev

*Kasun Weranga*
Software Engineer
*WSO2, Inc.
mobile : +94 772314602
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Please update the 4.0.5 products when you create new version for components

2012-11-15 Thread Ajith Vitharana
The process that we followed in past releases was ,

1) Person who create new components complete until the features level.
2) Product teams are periodically  updated their p2-profile according to
new features.


On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 5:30 PM, Vijayaratha Vijayasingam

> $ subject
> tahnks
> ___
> Dev mailing list
> Dev@wso2.org
> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev

Ajith Vitharana.
WSO2 Inc. - http://wso2.org
Email  :  aji...@wso2.com
Mobile : +94714631794
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [BUILD FAILED] WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x Platform_4.0.5 build #5

2012-11-15 Thread Krishantha Samaraweera
We haven't created Clarity 4.0.5 branch yet. Will add it once done. Please
proceed with removing it from builder profile.


On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 5:56 PM, Muhammed Shariq  wrote:

> Hi Maheshika,
> This error occurs because the following module is listed in the root pom's
> builder profile;
> platform-integration/clarity-framework
> but such a module does not exist .. So I am gonna remove it from the room
> builder profile ..
> @Automation folks - please add this module back if you branch for 4.0.5 ..
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 5:43 PM, Maheshika Goonetilleke <
> mahesh...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> The Platform_4.0.5 build has failed due to the following error;
>> 15-Nov-2012 03:32:46 [ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help
>> 1]15-Nov-2012 03:32:46 [ERROR]   15-Nov-2012 03:32:46 [ERROR]   The
>> project org.wso2.carbon:platform-patch-releases:4.0.5
>> (/home/bamboo/Bamboo-3.4/source-repository/build-dir/WCB001-PLA005-JOB1/patch-releases/4.0.5/pom.xml)
>> has 1 error 15-Nov-2012 03:32:46[ERROR] Child module
>> /home/bamboo/Bamboo-3.4/source-repository/build-dir/WCB001-PLA005-JOB1/patch-releases/4.0.5/platform-integration/clarity-framework
>> of
>> /home/bamboo/Bamboo-3.4/source-repository/build-dir/WCB001-PLA005-JOB1/patch-releases/4.0.5/pom.xml
>> does not exist 15-Nov-2012 03:32:46 [ERROR]
>> Appreciate if this could be rectified.
>> http://wso2.org/bamboo/browse/WCB001-PLA005-5/log
>> --
>> Thanks & Best Regards,
>> Maheshika Goonetilleke
>> Engineering Process Coordinator
>> WSO2 Inc
>> www.wso2.com/
>> M : 0773 596707
> --
> Thanks,
> Shariq.
> Phone: +94 777 202 225
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [BUILD FAILED] WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x Platform_4.0.5 build #5

2012-11-15 Thread Muhammed Shariq
Hi Maheshika,

This error occurs because the following module is listed in the root pom's
builder profile;


but such a module does not exist .. So I am gonna remove it from the room
builder profile ..

@Automation folks - please add this module back if you branch for 4.0.5 ..

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 5:43 PM, Maheshika Goonetilleke

> Hi all
> The Platform_4.0.5 build has failed due to the following error;
> 15-Nov-2012 03:32:46 [ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help
> 1]15-Nov-2012 03:32:46 [ERROR]   15-Nov-2012 03:32:46 [ERROR]   The
> project org.wso2.carbon:platform-patch-releases:4.0.5
> (/home/bamboo/Bamboo-3.4/source-repository/build-dir/WCB001-PLA005-JOB1/patch-releases/4.0.5/pom.xml)
> has 1 error 15-Nov-2012 03:32:46[ERROR] Child module
> /home/bamboo/Bamboo-3.4/source-repository/build-dir/WCB001-PLA005-JOB1/patch-releases/4.0.5/platform-integration/clarity-framework
> of
> /home/bamboo/Bamboo-3.4/source-repository/build-dir/WCB001-PLA005-JOB1/patch-releases/4.0.5/pom.xml
> does not exist 15-Nov-2012 03:32:46 [ERROR]
> Appreciate if this could be rectified.
> http://wso2.org/bamboo/browse/WCB001-PLA005-5/log
> --
> Thanks & Best Regards,
> Maheshika Goonetilleke
> Engineering Process Coordinator
> WSO2 Inc
> www.wso2.com/
> M : 0773 596707

Phone: +94 777 202 225
Dev mailing list

[Dev] [BUILD FAILED] WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x Platform_4.0.5 build #5

2012-11-15 Thread Maheshika Goonetilleke
Hi all

The Platform_4.0.5 build has failed due to the following error;

15-Nov-2012 03:32:46[ERROR] The build could not read 1 project ->
[Help 1]15-Nov-2012
03:32:46[ERROR]   15-Nov-2012 03:32:46[ERROR]   The project
has 1 error15-Nov-2012 03:32:46[ERROR] Child module
does not exist15-Nov-2012 03:32:46[ERROR]

Appreciate if this could be rectified.



Thanks & Best Regards,

Maheshika Goonetilleke
Engineering Process Coordinator
WSO2 Inc


M : 0773 596707
Dev mailing list

[Dev] Please update the 4.0.5 products when you create new version for components

2012-11-15 Thread Vijayaratha Vijayasingam
$ subject

Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Branch - kernel 4.0.5

2012-11-15 Thread Vijayaratha Vijayasingam
So, kasun did you update all 4.0.5 products with the latest version of the

On 15 November 2012 14:00, Kasun Weranga  wrote:

> Hi all,
> FYI, I have created 4.0.5 kernel for fixing[1]. You can commit 4.0.5
> kernel fixes there.
> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/STRATOS-2173
> Thanks,
> KasunW.
> ___
> Dev mailing list
> Dev@wso2.org
> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev
Dev mailing list

[Dev] [Bamboo-Build] WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x > Platform 4.0.5 > #5 has FAILED. Change made by janaka and shariq.

2012-11-15 Thread Bamboo

WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x > Platform 4.0.5 > #5 failed.
Code has been updated by janaka, shariq.
No failed tests found, a possible compilation error.


Currently Responsible

No one is responsible for fixing this build.

Failing Jobs
  - Default Job (Default Stage): No tests found.

Code Changes
shariq (147907):

>Branching registration ui.

shariq (147925):

>Update throttling manager feature dependencies ..

shariq (147909):

>Branch throttling manager.

This message is automatically generated by Atlassian Bamboo___
Dev mailing list

[Dev] [Architecture] The WSO2 API Manager 1.2.0 Released

2012-11-15 Thread Sanjeewa Malalgoda
The WSO2 API Manager 1.2.0 Released!

The WSO2 API Manager team is pleased to announce the release of version
1.2.0 of the Open Source API Manager.

WSO2 API Manager is a platform for creating, managing, consuming and
monitoring APIs. It employs proven SOA best practices to solve a wide range
of API management challenges such as API provisioning, API governance, API
security and API monitoring. It combines some of the most powerful and
mature components of the WSO2's state-of-the-art Carbon platform to deliver
a smooth and end-to-end API management experience while catering to both
API publisher and API consumer requirements.

WSO2 API Manager is comprised of several modules.

   - *API provider:* Define new APIs and manage them
   - *API store:* Browse published APIs and subscribe to them
   - *API gateway:* The underlying API runtime based on WSO2 ESB

WSO2 API Manager is developed on top of the revolutionary WSO2 Carbon
platform  (Middleware a' la carte), an
OSGi based framework that provides seamless modularity to your SOA via
componentization. This release also contains many new features and a range
of optional components (add-ons) that can be installed to customize the
behavior of the API Manager. Further, any existing features of the product
which are not required in your environment can be easily removed using the
underlying provisioning framework of Carbon. In brief, WSO2 API Manager can
be fully customized and tailored to meet your exact API management needs.

For more information on WSO2 API Manager please visit
http://wso2.com/products/api-manager. Also take a look at the online
How to Run

   1. Extract the downloaded zip
   2. Go to the bin directory in the extracted folder
   3. Run the wso2server.sh or wso2server.bat as appropriate
   4. Launch a web browser and navigate to
http://localhost:9763/publisherto access the API provider webapp
   5. Navigate to http://localhost:9763/store to access the API store
   6. Use "admin", "admin" as the username and password to login as an admin
   7. If you need to start the OSGi console with the server use the
   property -DosgiConsole when starting the server. The INSTALL.txt file found
   on the installation directory will give you a comprehensive set of options
   and properties that can be passed into the startup script

New Features of WSO2 API Manager 1.2.0

This release of API Manager comes with a horde of new features and bug
Bug Fixes

   - [APIMANAGER-342 ] -
   Cannot login to API-Publisher/Store when context root is present
   - [APIMANAGER-711 ] - Error
   while starting the server : after install API manager features to carbon
   - [APIMANAGER-724 ] -
   Refresh token should not re-generate new tokens for tokens marked in-active
   - [APIMANAGER-730 ] - Login
   API not stable, sometimes 60s timeout,sometimes 500 Internal Error
   - [APIMANAGER-766 ] -
   Statistics publishing database hardcoded in hive scripts
   - [APIMANAGER-770 ] -
   Default database for BAM configuration is wrong
   - [APIMANAGER-778 ] -
   Displays an error log,when trying to invoke a publsihed API through
   - [APIMANAGER-780 ] -
   Remove hard-coded user-credentials defined in site.json
   - [APIMANAGER-784 ] - Users
   are not allowed to add documents for APIs if special characters are
   included in document name
   - [APIMANAGER-786 ] - When
   we use a Hostname to bind ,APi manager throws exception
   - [APIMANAGER-790 ] - UI
   Issue of changing the label 'Sandbox' as 'Production' when generating the
   sandbox key
   - [APIMANAGER-791 ] -
   Trying to access a published API gives a blank page in Store
   - [APIMANAGER-792 ] -
   Cannot login to API Publisher webapp when the server runs with a
   WebContextRoot "Unable to log you in! Transport error: 404 Error: Not Found"
   - [APIMANAGER-797 ] - API
   MANAGER 1.1.0: NullPointerException when listing Metadata
   - [APIMANAGER-798 ] - Need
   to update apimgt server feature to enable create APIM database while
   installing APIMgt features from p2-repo
   - [APIMANAGER-799 ] -
   Duplicate module.xml
   - [APIMANAGER-800 

Re: [Dev] 4.0.2AF? What is that?

2012-11-15 Thread Tharindu Mathew
OK, it's not practical to checkout from the root source anymore. With tags
and 4.0.2AF.

I encountered problems when users/customers try to checkout and end up with
a never ending checkout of a source tree.

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 3:30 PM, Janaka Ranabahu  wrote:

> Hi Tharindu,
> This was a branch we created to do the Appfactory release work.
> Thanks,
> Janaka
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 3:04 PM, Tharindu Mathew wrote:
>> Why do we have this in our source tree?
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Tharindu
>> blog: http://mackiemathew.com/
>> M: +9459908
>> ___
>> Dev mailing list
>> Dev@wso2.org
>> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev
> --
> Janaka Ranabahu
> Senior Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc.
> Mobile +94 718370861
> Email : jan...@wso2.com
> Blog : janakaranabahu.blogspot.com



blog: http://mackiemathew.com/
M: +9459908
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] 4.0.2AF? What is that?

2012-11-15 Thread Janaka Ranabahu
Hi Tharindu,

This was a branch we created to do the Appfactory release work.


On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 3:04 PM, Tharindu Mathew  wrote:

> Why do we have this in our source tree?
> --
> Regards,
> Tharindu
> blog: http://mackiemathew.com/
> M: +9459908
> ___
> Dev mailing list
> Dev@wso2.org
> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev

Janaka Ranabahu
Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.

Mobile +94 718370861
Email : jan...@wso2.com
Blog : janakaranabahu.blogspot.com
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Compilation failure in throttling.agent

2012-11-15 Thread Muhammed Shariq
On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Amila De Silva  wrote:

> Hi,
> Both the service-stubs/org.wso2.carbon.throttling.agent.stub/4.0.5 and
> platform/4.0.0/components/stratos/throttling/org.wso2.carbon.throttling.agent/
> 2.0.5. are at
> 147970 after updating. Still I get the same error.
> Pom inside the service-stubs/org.wso2.carbon.throttling.agent.stub/4.0.5
> is missing the version tag. It's after fixing that part, the above
> compilation failure occurred.

Had some local changes that i hadn't committed in the agent stub ..
committed it in r147981 .. please update and build .. sorry about the
confusion .. :)

> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Muhammed Shariq  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes the stub is in patch release pom .. please update the stub
>> (service-stubs/org.wso2.carbon.throttling.agent.stub/4.0.5) and also update
>> the component and try building it .. ?!
>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 12:26 PM, Amila Maha Arachchi wrote:
>>> Pls check whether you have built throttling agent stub 4.0.5.
>>> Shariq,
>>> Did you add it to patch-release pom?
>>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 12:16 PM, Amila De Silva wrote:
 Following failure occured when building

 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) @
 org.wso2.carbon.throttling.agent ---
 [INFO] Compiling 18 source files to
 [INFO] -
 [INFO] -
 executeThrottlingRules() in
 cannot be applied to (int)
 [INFO] 1 error
 [INFO] -
 [INFO] Total time: 5.086s
 [INFO] Finished at: Thu Nov 15 12:06:13 IST 2012
 [INFO] Final Memory: 31M/286M
 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
 (default-compile) on project org.wso2.carbon.throttling.agent: Compilation
 executeThrottlingRules() in
 cannot be applied to (int)
 [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
 [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with
 the -e switch.
 [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
 [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
 please read the following articles:
 [ERROR] [Help 1]


 Dev mailing list

>>> --
>>> *Amila Maharachchi*
>>> Technical Lead
>>> Member, Management Committee - Cloud & Platform TG
>>> WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>> Blog: http://maharachchi.blogspot.com
>>> Mobile: +94719371446
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Shariq.
>> Phone: +94 777 202 225

Phone: +94 777 202 225
Dev mailing list

[Dev] 4.0.2AF? What is that?

2012-11-15 Thread Tharindu Mathew
Why do we have this in our source tree?



blog: http://mackiemathew.com/
M: +9459908
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Build failure in 4.0.5 platform

2012-11-15 Thread Janaka Ranabahu
Also you need to take an update of
/components/mediators/dblookup and features/mediators


On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 2:51 PM, Janaka Ranabahu  wrote:

> Hi Rajika,
> Just fixed it. Please take an svn update of patch release 4.0.5 features
> pom
> Thanks,
> Janaka
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Rajika Kumarasiri wrote:
>> [rajika@localhost 4.0.5]$ mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -o
>> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
>> [ERROR] The build could not read 4 projects -> [Help 1]
>> [ERROR]
>> [ERROR]   The project org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.1.3-wso2v3
>> (/home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/dependencies/httpcore/4.1.3-wso2v3/pom.xml)
>> has 1 error
>> [ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM: The repository system is offline
>> but the artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.1.3 is
>> not available in the local repository. and 'parent.relativePath' points at
>> wrong local POM @ line 30, column 11 -> [Help 2]
>> [ERROR]
>> [ERROR]   The project org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore-nio:4.1.3-wso2v3
>> (/home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/dependencies/httpcore-nio/4.1.3-wso2v3/pom.xml)
>> has 1 error
>> [ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM: The repository system is offline
>> but the artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.1.3 is
>> not available in the local repository. and 'parent.relativePath' points at
>> wrong local POM @ line 30, column 11 -> [Help 2]
>> [ERROR]
>> [ERROR]   The project
>> org.wso2.carbon:org.wso2.carbon.mediator.dblookup.ui:4.0.0
>> (/home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/components/mediators/dblookup/org.wso2.carbon.mediator.dblookup.ui/4.0.5/pom.xml)
>> has 1 error
>> [ERROR] 'modelVersion' must be one of [4.0.0] but is '4.0.5'. @ line
>> 26, column 19
>> [ERROR]
>> [ERROR]   The project
>> org.wso2.carbon:platform-patch-releases-features:4.0.5
>> (/home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/patch-releases/4.0.5/features/pom.xml)
>> has 2 errors
>> [ERROR] Child module
>> /home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/patch-releases/4.0.5/features/../../../features/org.wso2.carbon.mediators.ui.feature/4.0.5
>> of
>> /home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/patch-releases/4.0.5/features/pom.xml
>> does not exist
>> [ERROR] Child module
>> /home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/patch-releases/4.0.5/features/../../../features/org.wso2.carbon.mediators.feature/4.0.5
>> of
>> /home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/patch-releases/4.0.5/features/pom.xml
>> does not exist
>> [ERROR]
>> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the
>> -e switch.
>> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
>> [ERROR]
>> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
>> please read the following articles:
>> [ERROR] [Help 1]
>> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/ProjectBuildingException
>> [ERROR] [Help 2]
>> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/UnresolvableModelException
>> ___
>> Dev mailing list
>> Dev@wso2.org
>> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev
> --
> Janaka Ranabahu
> Senior Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc.
> Mobile +94 718370861
> Email : jan...@wso2.com
> Blog : janakaranabahu.blogspot.com

Janaka Ranabahu
Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.

Mobile +94 718370861
Email : jan...@wso2.com
Blog : janakaranabahu.blogspot.com
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Build failure in 4.0.5 platform

2012-11-15 Thread Janaka Ranabahu
Hi Rajika,

Just fixed it. Please take an svn update of patch release 4.0.5 features pom


On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Rajika Kumarasiri  wrote:

> [rajika@localhost 4.0.5]$ mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -o
> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
> [ERROR] The build could not read 4 projects -> [Help 1]
> [ERROR]   The project org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.1.3-wso2v3
> (/home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/dependencies/httpcore/4.1.3-wso2v3/pom.xml)
> has 1 error
> [ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM: The repository system is offline
> but the artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.1.3 is
> not available in the local repository. and 'parent.relativePath' points at
> wrong local POM @ line 30, column 11 -> [Help 2]
> [ERROR]   The project org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore-nio:4.1.3-wso2v3
> (/home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/dependencies/httpcore-nio/4.1.3-wso2v3/pom.xml)
> has 1 error
> [ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM: The repository system is offline
> but the artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.1.3 is
> not available in the local repository. and 'parent.relativePath' points at
> wrong local POM @ line 30, column 11 -> [Help 2]
> [ERROR]   The project
> org.wso2.carbon:org.wso2.carbon.mediator.dblookup.ui:4.0.0
> (/home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/components/mediators/dblookup/org.wso2.carbon.mediator.dblookup.ui/4.0.5/pom.xml)
> has 1 error
> [ERROR] 'modelVersion' must be one of [4.0.0] but is '4.0.5'. @ line
> 26, column 19
> [ERROR]   The project
> org.wso2.carbon:platform-patch-releases-features:4.0.5
> (/home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/patch-releases/4.0.5/features/pom.xml)
> has 2 errors
> [ERROR] Child module
> /home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/patch-releases/4.0.5/features/../../../features/org.wso2.carbon.mediators.ui.feature/4.0.5
> of
> /home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/patch-releases/4.0.5/features/pom.xml
> does not exist
> [ERROR] Child module
> /home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/patch-releases/4.0.5/features/../../../features/org.wso2.carbon.mediators.feature/4.0.5
> of
> /home/rajika/projects/carbon/branch/4.0.0/platform/patch-releases/4.0.5/features/pom.xml
> does not exist
> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the
> -e switch.
> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
> please read the following articles:
> [ERROR] [Help 1]
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/ProjectBuildingException
> [ERROR] [Help 2]
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/UnresolvableModelException
> ___
> Dev mailing list
> Dev@wso2.org
> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev

Janaka Ranabahu
Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.

Mobile +94 718370861
Email : jan...@wso2.com
Blog : janakaranabahu.blogspot.com
Dev mailing list

[Dev] Build failure in 4.0.5 platform

2012-11-15 Thread Rajika Kumarasiri
[rajika@localhost 4.0.5]$ mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -o
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[ERROR] The build could not read 4 projects -> [Help 1]
[ERROR]   The project org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.1.3-wso2v3
has 1 error
[ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM: The repository system is offline but
the artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.1.3 is not
available in the local repository. and 'parent.relativePath' points at
wrong local POM @ line 30, column 11 -> [Help 2]
[ERROR]   The project org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore-nio:4.1.3-wso2v3
has 1 error
[ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM: The repository system is offline but
the artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.1.3 is not
available in the local repository. and 'parent.relativePath' points at
wrong local POM @ line 30, column 11 -> [Help 2]
[ERROR]   The project
has 1 error
[ERROR] 'modelVersion' must be one of [4.0.0] but is '4.0.5'. @ line
26, column 19
[ERROR]   The project
has 2 errors
[ERROR] Child module
does not exist
[ERROR] Child module
does not exist
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] [Help 2]
Dev mailing list

[Dev] [Bamboo-Build] Developer Studio > Eclipse-Tools > #543 was SUCCESSFUL. Change made by melan.

2012-11-15 Thread Bamboo

Developer Studio > Eclipse-Tools > #543 was successful.
Code has been updated by melan.


Code Changes
melan (147969):

>Adding synapse API deserializer

This message is automatically generated by Atlassian Bamboo___
Dev mailing list

[Dev] Branch - kernel 4.0.5

2012-11-15 Thread Kasun Weranga
Hi all,

FYI, I have created 4.0.5 kernel for fixing[1]. You can commit 4.0.5 kernel
fixes there.

[1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/STRATOS-2173

Dev mailing list