[Dev] [VOTE] Release WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.2 RC3

2015-10-16 Thread Manuri Amaya Perera
Hi Devs,

WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.2 RC3 Release Vote.

This release fixes the following issues:

Please download and test your products with kernel 4.4.2 RC3 and vote. Vote
will be open for 72 hours or longer as needed.

*​Source and binary distribution files:*

*Maven staging repository:*

*The tag to be voted upon:*

[ ] Broken - do not release (explain why)
[ ] Stable - go ahead and release

Thank you
Carbon Team


*Manuri Amaya Perera*

*Software Engineer*

*WSO2 Inc.*

*Blog: http://manuriamayaperera.blogspot.com
Dev mailing list

[Dev] WSO2 Carbon Kernel 5.0.0 - Milestone 05 Released!

2015-10-16 Thread Aruna Karunarathna
WSO2 Carbon Kernel 5.0.0 - Milestone 05 Released!

We are pleased to inform you the 5th milestone release of Carbon Kernel
5.0.0 is now available to download from here
Source and Tag Location for this release is available *here

Carbon 5 [C5] is the next generation of WSO2 Carbon platform. The existing
Carbon platform has served as a modular middleware platform for more than 5
years now. We've built many different products, solutions based on this
platform. All the previous major releases of Carbon were sharing the same
high level architecture, even though we've changed certain things time to

Base architecture of the Carbon is modeled using the Apache Axis2's kernel
architecture. Apache Axis2 is Web service engine. But it also has
introduced a rich extensible server framework with a configuration and
runtime model, deployment engine and a implementation, etc. We extended
this architecture and built a OSGI based modular server development
framework called Carbon Kernel. It is tightly coupled with Apache Axis2.
But now Apache Axis2 is becoming a dead project. We don't see enough active
development on the trunk. Therefore we thought of getting rid of this tight
coupling to Apache Axis2.

Carbon kernel has gained weight over the time. There are many unwanted
modules there. When there are more modules, the rate of patching or the
rate of doing patch releases increases. This is why we had to release many
patch releases of Carbon kernel in the past. This can become a maintenance
nightmare for developers as well as for the users. We need to minimize
Carbon kernel releases.

The other reason for C5 is to make Carbon kernel a general purpose OSGi
runtime, specialized in hosting servers. We will implement the bare minimal
features required for server developers in the Carbon kernel.

Our primary goal of C5 is to re-architect the Carbon platform from the
ground up with the latest technologies and patterns to overcome the
existing architectural limitations as well as to get rid of the
dependencies to the legacy technologies like Apache Axis2. We need to build
a next generation middleware platform that will last for the next 10 years.

This milestone release is a step towards building an OSGi based server
development framework. It includes following new features.

New Features


   Pax Exam OSGi Test Framework Support

   Logging framework backend upgraded to log4j 2.0 support

Key Features


   Pluggable runtimes framework


   Artifact deployment engine

   Centralized logging back-end

   Carbon launcher framework

   Transport Management Framework

   Java 8 Support



   WSO2 Carbon Kernel 5.0.0 - Documentation

Fixed Issues


   WSO2 Carbon Kernel 5.0.0 - Fixed Issues

How To Contribute

You can find more instructions on how to contribute
 on our
documentation site.

If you have any suggestions or interested in C5 discussions, please do so
via dev@wso2.org or architect...@wso2.org mailing lists .
Reporting Issues
Carbon Kernel development is at it's early stages, We encourage you to
report issues, documentation faults that you come across and feature
regarding this milestone release of WSO2 C5 through the public issue
tracking system .


WSO2 Carbon Team


*Aruna Sujith Karunarathna *| Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc | lean. enterprise. middleware.
#20, Palm Grove, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
Mobile: +94 71 9040362 | Work: +94 112145345
Email: ar...@wso2.com | Web: www.wso2.com
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [EMM][JAGGERY]Jaggery XML parsing

2015-10-16 Thread Dilshan Edirisuriya
Hi Lalanke,

What you have done will work but its not a cleaner way of doing things. We
could have done it using simple string manipulation like this but what we
are just looking for is a way to assign this into a XML object in Jaggery
and through e4x grab the portion which corresponds to this assertion.



On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 1:02 PM, Lalanke Athauda  wrote:

> Hi Inosh,
> We are using SAML response to get access token from IS. So we need SAML
> Assertion extracted from SAML response and it works fine. We followed these
> steps.
> // Decode SAML response, extract SAML assertion string and encode SAML 
> assertion string
> String encodedSAMLAssertion = 
> Base64.encodeBytes(SAML2GrantManager.getSamlAssertionString(
> new String(Base64.decode(SAMLResponse))).getBytes());
> In SAML2GrantManager class,
> public static String getSamlAssertionString(String SAMLResponse) throws 
> ScriptException {
> String assertionStartMarker = " String assertionEndMarker = "";
> int assertionStartIndex = SAMLResponse.indexOf(assertionStartMarker);
> int assertionEndIndex = SAMLResponse.indexOf(assertionEndMarker);
> if (assertionStartIndex != -1 && assertionEndIndex != -1) {
> return SAMLResponse.substring(assertionStartIndex, assertionEndIndex) 
> + assertionEndMarker;
> } else {
> throw new ScriptException("Invalid SAML response. SAML response has 
> no valid assertion string.");
> }
> }
> Then you have the encoded SAML Assertion and you can decode it if need. If
> you need further details, refer *OAuthHostObject.java *[1] and
> *SAML2GrantManager.java *[2].
> [1]
> https://github.com/lalankea/jaggery-extensions/blob/master/oauth/resources/org.jaggeryjs.modules.oauth/src/main/java/org/jaggeryjs/modules/oauth/OAuthHostObject.java
> [2]
> https://github.com/lalankea/jaggery-extensions/blob/master/oauth/resources/org.jaggeryjs.modules.oauth/src/main/java/org/jaggeryjs/modules/oauth/SAML2GrantManager.java
> Hope this helps.
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:29 AM, Inosh Perera  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> When working with SAML2Bearer grant type, in our Jaggery app, we need to
>> extract the SAML Assertion from the SAML response, and we tried as bellow,
>> var assertionXML = new XML(decode(assertion));
>> var extractedAssertion = assertionXML..*::["Assertion"].toXMLString();
>> When doing so, it seem to be adding formatting to XML, which causes,
>> signature validation issues in IS side. Is there a way to extract the
>> assertion without formatting?
>> Regards,
>> Inosh
>> --
>> Inosh Perera
>> Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
>> Tel: 0785293686
>> ___
>> Dev mailing list
>> Dev@wso2.org
>> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev
> --
> Lalanke Athauda
> Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc.
> Mobile: 0772264301

Dilshan Edirisuriya
Senior Software Engineer - WSO2
Mob: + 94 777878905
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [JS] how tosend headers with redirect in Javascript

2015-10-16 Thread Shani Ranasinghe
Hi Lasantha,

Thank you for the information.

Actually this is in the JS, not in a Jag. I am using location.href
currently to do the redirection.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Lasantha Samarakoon 

> Hi Shani,
> in Jaggey, the response.sendRedirect() method invokes the
> HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() method which sends "302 Found" response
> to the browser. Then the browser initiates a new request to the URL which
> is passed via the "Location" HTTP header.
> ex:
> HTTP/1.1 302 Found
> Location: http://www.example.com/
> Therefore, you won't be able to pass a custom HTTP header along with the
> response.sendRedirect() method.
> [1]
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17227511/pass-header-parameters-with-sendredirect-url
> Regards,
> *Lasantha Samarakoon* | Software Engineer
> WSO2, Inc.
> #20, Palm Grove, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
> Mobile: +94 (71) 214 1576
> Email:  lasant...@wso2.com
> Web:www.wso2.com
> lean . enterprise . middleware
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Shani Ranasinghe  wrote:
>> [+ WSO2 Dev]
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Shani Ranasinghe 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a requirement where I need to do a redirect from a Javascript,
>>> and I need to send some headers along with it too.
>>> The scenario is as follows.
>>> From my jaggery layer, I use a JS.At the JS, I receive a callbackURL  &
>>> a workflow reference Id, I need to pass this to the external party to which
>>> I would redirect so that they could use those information to communicate
>>> back to the APIM.  It is better if we can send this via headers from the JS
>>> (because in HTTPS headers will be secured).
>>> Cookies, is not a good choice, as browsers can disable them, Forms put
>>> in an additional popup & notifies that the data is transmitted insecurely,
>>> hence forms are not a good option as well.
>>> Could we use XMLHttpRequest for this? however, we are not expecting a
>>> response.
>>> Are there any other alternatives?
>>> Any help is appreciated.
>>> --
>>> Thanks and Regards
>>> *,Shani Ranasinghe*
>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>> mobile: +94 77 2273555
>>> Blog: http://waysandmeans.blogspot.com/
>>> linked in: lk.linkedin.com/pub/shani-ranasinghe/34/111/ab
>> --
>> Thanks and Regards
>> *,Shani Ranasinghe*
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>> mobile: +94 77 2273555
>> Blog: http://waysandmeans.blogspot.com/
>> linked in: lk.linkedin.com/pub/shani-ranasinghe/34/111/ab

Thanks and Regards
*,Shani Ranasinghe*
Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com

mobile: +94 77 2273555
Blog: http://waysandmeans.blogspot.com/
linked in: lk.linkedin.com/pub/shani-ranasinghe/34/111/ab
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [EMM][JAGGERY]Jaggery XML parsing

2015-10-16 Thread Lalanke Athauda
Hi Inosh,
We are using SAML response to get access token from IS. So we need SAML
Assertion extracted from SAML response and it works fine. We followed these

// Decode SAML response, extract SAML assertion string and encode SAML
assertion string
String encodedSAMLAssertion =
new String(Base64.decode(SAMLResponse))).getBytes());

In SAML2GrantManager class,

public static String getSamlAssertionString(String SAMLResponse)
throws ScriptException {
String assertionStartMarker = " wrote:

> Hi all,
> When working with SAML2Bearer grant type, in our Jaggery app, we need to
> extract the SAML Assertion from the SAML response, and we tried as bellow,
> var assertionXML = new XML(decode(assertion));
> var extractedAssertion = assertionXML..*::["Assertion"].toXMLString();
> When doing so, it seem to be adding formatting to XML, which causes,
> signature validation issues in IS side. Is there a way to extract the
> assertion without formatting?
> Regards,
> Inosh
> --
> Inosh Perera
> Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
> Tel: 0785293686
> ___
> Dev mailing list
> Dev@wso2.org
> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev

Lalanke Athauda
Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.
Mobile: 0772264301
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [JS] how tosend headers with redirect in Javascript

2015-10-16 Thread Thilini Cooray

An example for setting custom headers using xmlHttp.setRequestHeader is
mentioned in [1].
Please have a look whether it can be useful.



On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Thusitha Thilina Dayaratne <
thusit...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Shani,
> AFAIU When you use location.href for the redirection it makes a http
> request. There we can't add custom headers[1].
> But according to the post you can use cookies. Hope it might help you.
> [1] -
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24130004/adding-http-headers-to-window-location-href-in-angular-app
> Thanks
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:17 PM, Shani Ranasinghe  wrote:
>> Hi Lasantha,
>> Thank you for the information.
>> Actually this is in the JS, not in a Jag. I am using location.href
>> currently to do the redirection.
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Lasantha Samarakoon > > wrote:
>>> Hi Shani,
>>> in Jaggey, the response.sendRedirect() method invokes the
>>> HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() method which sends "302 Found" response
>>> to the browser. Then the browser initiates a new request to the URL which
>>> is passed via the "Location" HTTP header.
>>> ex:
>>> HTTP/1.1 302 Found
>>> Location: http://www.example.com/
>>> Therefore, you won't be able to pass a custom HTTP header along with the
>>> response.sendRedirect() method.
>>> [1]
>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17227511/pass-header-parameters-with-sendredirect-url
>>> Regards,
>>> *Lasantha Samarakoon* | Software Engineer
>>> WSO2, Inc.
>>> #20, Palm Grove, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
>>> Mobile: +94 (71) 214 1576
>>> Email:  lasant...@wso2.com
>>> Web:www.wso2.com
>>> lean . enterprise . middleware
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Shani Ranasinghe 
>>> wrote:
 [+ WSO2 Dev]

 On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Shani Ranasinghe 

> Hi,
> I have a requirement where I need to do a redirect from a Javascript,
> and I need to send some headers along with it too.
> The scenario is as follows.
> From my jaggery layer, I use a JS.At the JS, I receive a callbackURL
> & a workflow reference Id, I need to pass this to the external party to
> which I would redirect so that they could use those information to
> communicate back to the APIM.  It is better if we can send this via 
> headers
> from the JS (because in HTTPS headers will be secured).
> Cookies, is not a good choice, as browsers can disable them, Forms put
> in an additional popup & notifies that the data is transmitted insecurely,
> hence forms are not a good option as well.
> Could we use XMLHttpRequest for this? however, we are not expecting a
> response.
> Are there any other alternatives?
> Any help is appreciated.
> --
> Thanks and Regards
> *,Shani Ranasinghe*
> Senior Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
> lean.enterprise.middleware
> mobile: +94 77 2273555
> Blog: http://waysandmeans.blogspot.com/
> linked in: lk.linkedin.com/pub/shani-ranasinghe/34/111/ab

 Thanks and Regards
 *,Shani Ranasinghe*
 Senior Software Engineer
 WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com

 mobile: +94 77 2273555
 Blog: http://waysandmeans.blogspot.com/
 linked in: lk.linkedin.com/pub/shani-ranasinghe/34/111/ab

>> --
>> Thanks and Regards
>> *,Shani Ranasinghe*
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>> mobile: +94 77 2273555
>> Blog: http://waysandmeans.blogspot.com/
>> linked in: lk.linkedin.com/pub/shani-ranasinghe/34/111/ab
>> ___
>> Dev mailing list
>> Dev@wso2.org
>> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev
> --
> Thusitha Dayaratne
> Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc. - lean . enterprise . middleware |  wso2.com
> Mobile  +94712756809
> Blog  alokayasoya.blogspot.com
> Abouthttp://about.me/thusithathilina
> ___
> Dev mailing list
> Dev@wso2.org
> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev

Best Regards,

*Thilini Cooray*
Software Engineer
Mobile : +94 (0) 774 570 112 <%2B94%20%280%29%20773%20451194>
E-mail : thili...@wso2.com

WSO2 Inc. www.wso2.com
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [JS] how tosend headers with redirect in Javascript

2015-10-16 Thread Manuranga Perera
Hi Shani,

using axaj will not cause a redirect so this is not what you want.

please try [1], This way you can send POST params in a redirect which are
not visible in browser URL and are protected by HTTPS.
we use this IS for redirect [2]


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 1:25 PM, Thilini Cooray  wrote:

> Hi,
> An example for setting custom headers using xmlHttp.setRequestHeader is
> mentioned in [1].
> Please have a look whether it can be useful.
> [1]
> http://forums.asp.net/t/2027077.aspx?Set+requestHeader+in+javascript+and+fetch+its+value+in+controller+
> Thanks.
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Thusitha Thilina Dayaratne <
> thusit...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi Shani,
>> AFAIU When you use location.href for the redirection it makes a http
>> request. There we can't add custom headers[1].
>> But according to the post you can use cookies. Hope it might help you.
>> [1] -
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24130004/adding-http-headers-to-window-location-href-in-angular-app
>> Thanks
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:17 PM, Shani Ranasinghe 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Lasantha,
>>> Thank you for the information.
>>> Actually this is in the JS, not in a Jag. I am using location.href
>>> currently to do the redirection.
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Lasantha Samarakoon <
>>> lasant...@wso2.com> wrote:
 Hi Shani,

 in Jaggey, the response.sendRedirect() method invokes the
 HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() method which sends "302 Found" response
 to the browser. Then the browser initiates a new request to the URL which
 is passed via the "Location" HTTP header.

 HTTP/1.1 302 Found
 Location: http://www.example.com/

 Therefore, you won't be able to pass a custom HTTP header along with
 the response.sendRedirect() method.



 *Lasantha Samarakoon* | Software Engineer
 WSO2, Inc.
 #20, Palm Grove, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
 Mobile: +94 (71) 214 1576
 Email:  lasant...@wso2.com

 lean . enterprise . middleware

 On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Shani Ranasinghe 

> [+ WSO2 Dev]
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Shani Ranasinghe 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a requirement where I need to do a redirect from a Javascript,
>> and I need to send some headers along with it too.
>> The scenario is as follows.
>> From my jaggery layer, I use a JS.At the JS, I receive a callbackURL
>> & a workflow reference Id, I need to pass this to the external party to
>> which I would redirect so that they could use those information to
>> communicate back to the APIM.  It is better if we can send this via 
>> headers
>> from the JS (because in HTTPS headers will be secured).
>> Cookies, is not a good choice, as browsers can disable them, Forms
>> put in an additional popup & notifies that the data is transmitted
>> insecurely, hence forms are not a good option as well.
>> Could we use XMLHttpRequest for this? however, we are not expecting a
>> response.
>> Are there any other alternatives?
>> Any help is appreciated.
>> --
>> Thanks and Regards
>> *,Shani Ranasinghe*
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>> mobile: +94 77 2273555
>> Blog: http://waysandmeans.blogspot.com/
>> linked in: lk.linkedin.com/pub/shani-ranasinghe/34/111/ab
> --
> Thanks and Regards
> *,Shani Ranasinghe*
> Senior Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
> lean.enterprise.middleware
> mobile: +94 77 2273555
> Blog: http://waysandmeans.blogspot.com/
> linked in: lk.linkedin.com/pub/shani-ranasinghe/34/111/ab

>>> --
>>> Thanks and Regards
>>> *,Shani Ranasinghe*
>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>> mobile: +94 77 2273555
>>> Blog: http://waysandmeans.blogspot.com/
>>> linked in: lk.linkedin.com/pub/shani-ranasinghe/34/111/ab
>>> ___
>>> Dev mailing list
>>> Dev@wso2.org
>>> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev
>> --
>> Thusitha Dayaratne
>> Software Engineer
>> WSO2 Inc. - lean . 

[Dev] [DEV] [IS] [user-mgt] "embedded-apacheds LDAP" config does not allow to add user via UI console, if SCIM enabled - OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION error

2015-10-16 Thread Kavitha Subramaniyam
Hi IS team,

When I make SCIM enable = ture, at "embedded-apacheds LDAP" config, It does
not allow to add user via UI console.
Comment the default R/W LDAP configuration
Remove comments for "embedded-apacheds LDAP"
Make SCIM enable =true
Save and Run the server
Add a new user to primary : OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION error observed

I could observed there are mismatches in user-mgt.xml for default LDAP
configurations as below:

Default commented 'embedded-apacheds LDAP' have missing properties with
comparing to by default un-commented 'ReadWriteLDAPUserStoreManager' (used
by Identity Server (IS) as its default user manager)
mismatches are:

If I modify the property "UserEntryObjectClass" value on from 'wso2Person'
to 'identityPerson' (as observed at default config) at user-mgt, for
'embedded-apacheds LDAP' configureation with scim enabled, I could be able
to add users.

Please look into this issue and clarify which configuration should be the
correct and which should be the default way.

Thanks & Kind regards,

*Software Engineer -QA*
Mobile : +94 (0) 771538811 <%2B94%20%280%29%20773%20451194>
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [JS] how tosend headers with redirect in Javascript

2015-10-16 Thread Lasantha Samarakoon
Hi Shani,

in Jaggey, the response.sendRedirect() method invokes the
HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() method which sends "302 Found" response
to the browser. Then the browser initiates a new request to the URL which
is passed via the "Location" HTTP header.

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: http://www.example.com/

Therefore, you won't be able to pass a custom HTTP header along with the
response.sendRedirect() method.



*Lasantha Samarakoon* | Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc.
#20, Palm Grove, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
Mobile: +94 (71) 214 1576
Email:  lasant...@wso2.com

lean . enterprise . middleware

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Shani Ranasinghe  wrote:

> [+ WSO2 Dev]
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Shani Ranasinghe  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a requirement where I need to do a redirect from a Javascript, and
>> I need to send some headers along with it too.
>> The scenario is as follows.
>> From my jaggery layer, I use a JS.At the JS, I receive a callbackURL  & a
>> workflow reference Id, I need to pass this to the external party to which I
>> would redirect so that they could use those information to communicate back
>> to the APIM.  It is better if we can send this via headers from the JS
>> (because in HTTPS headers will be secured).
>> Cookies, is not a good choice, as browsers can disable them, Forms put in
>> an additional popup & notifies that the data is transmitted insecurely,
>> hence forms are not a good option as well.
>> Could we use XMLHttpRequest for this? however, we are not expecting a
>> response.
>> Are there any other alternatives?
>> Any help is appreciated.
>> --
>> Thanks and Regards
>> *,Shani Ranasinghe*
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>> mobile: +94 77 2273555
>> Blog: http://waysandmeans.blogspot.com/
>> linked in: lk.linkedin.com/pub/shani-ranasinghe/34/111/ab
> --
> Thanks and Regards
> *,Shani Ranasinghe*
> Senior Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
> lean.enterprise.middleware
> mobile: +94 77 2273555
> Blog: http://waysandmeans.blogspot.com/
> linked in: lk.linkedin.com/pub/shani-ranasinghe/34/111/ab
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [JS] how tosend headers with redirect in Javascript

2015-10-16 Thread Thusitha Thilina Dayaratne
Hi Shani,

AFAIU When you use location.href for the redirection it makes a http
request. There we can't add custom headers[1].
But according to the post you can use cookies. Hope it might help you.

[1] -


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:17 PM, Shani Ranasinghe  wrote:

> Hi Lasantha,
> Thank you for the information.
> Actually this is in the JS, not in a Jag. I am using location.href
> currently to do the redirection.
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Lasantha Samarakoon 
> wrote:
>> Hi Shani,
>> in Jaggey, the response.sendRedirect() method invokes the
>> HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() method which sends "302 Found" response
>> to the browser. Then the browser initiates a new request to the URL which
>> is passed via the "Location" HTTP header.
>> ex:
>> HTTP/1.1 302 Found
>> Location: http://www.example.com/
>> Therefore, you won't be able to pass a custom HTTP header along with the
>> response.sendRedirect() method.
>> [1]
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17227511/pass-header-parameters-with-sendredirect-url
>> Regards,
>> *Lasantha Samarakoon* | Software Engineer
>> WSO2, Inc.
>> #20, Palm Grove, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
>> Mobile: +94 (71) 214 1576
>> Email:  lasant...@wso2.com
>> Web:www.wso2.com
>> lean . enterprise . middleware
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Shani Ranasinghe 
>> wrote:
>>> [+ WSO2 Dev]
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Shani Ranasinghe 
>>> wrote:


 I have a requirement where I need to do a redirect from a Javascript,
 and I need to send some headers along with it too.

 The scenario is as follows.

 From my jaggery layer, I use a JS.At the JS, I receive a callbackURL  &
 a workflow reference Id, I need to pass this to the external party to which
 I would redirect so that they could use those information to communicate
 back to the APIM.  It is better if we can send this via headers from the JS
 (because in HTTPS headers will be secured).

 Cookies, is not a good choice, as browsers can disable them, Forms put
 in an additional popup & notifies that the data is transmitted insecurely,
 hence forms are not a good option as well.

 Could we use XMLHttpRequest for this? however, we are not expecting a

 Are there any other alternatives?

 Any help is appreciated.

 Thanks and Regards
 *,Shani Ranasinghe*
 Senior Software Engineer
 WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com

 mobile: +94 77 2273555
 Blog: http://waysandmeans.blogspot.com/
 linked in: lk.linkedin.com/pub/shani-ranasinghe/34/111/ab

>>> --
>>> Thanks and Regards
>>> *,Shani Ranasinghe*
>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>> mobile: +94 77 2273555
>>> Blog: http://waysandmeans.blogspot.com/
>>> linked in: lk.linkedin.com/pub/shani-ranasinghe/34/111/ab
> --
> Thanks and Regards
> *,Shani Ranasinghe*
> Senior Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
> lean.enterprise.middleware
> mobile: +94 77 2273555
> Blog: http://waysandmeans.blogspot.com/
> linked in: lk.linkedin.com/pub/shani-ranasinghe/34/111/ab
> ___
> Dev mailing list
> Dev@wso2.org
> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev

Thusitha Dayaratne
Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc. - lean . enterprise . middleware |  wso2.com

Mobile  +94712756809
Blog  alokayasoya.blogspot.com
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Enabling security with user name token

2015-10-16 Thread Hasintha Indrajee
Hi Rajith,

Ideally even if you do not add authorization headers (xml), it should work.
Ie POX handler converts basicAuth headers to xml security headers. In the
current master branch of carbon-identity, this works as expected.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:08 AM, Rajith Vitharana  wrote:

> Hi Hasintha,
> I was able to resolve the error with help of ESB team, There was an error
> in our deployment flow as well. How ever when we use Soap UI, it still
> doesn't send the security headers itself, where as we have to manually add
> the security header to the request
> This was working fine with earlier ESB versions (4.8.0 where security was
> enabled via security management UI) the same flow doesn't work in ESB
> 4.9.0. In DSS as well, this is the case now (have to add authorization
> header manually).
> Soap UI version I'm using is 5.0.0
> Thanks,
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 2:45 PM, Hasintha Indrajee 
> wrote:
>> Are you calling the service with security headers in the request it self
>> ?.
>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 8:37 PM, Rajith Vitharana 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Hasintha,
>>> We are using carbon-identity 4.5.6
>>> @Firzan we are using [1] as the policy file which contains the element
>>> you mentioned above.
>>> [1] -
>>> http://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/people/isuruu/qos/synapse-configs/default/local-entries/p1.xml
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 5:12 PM, Hasintha Indrajee 
>>> wrote:
 Can you please tell me the carbon-identity version you are using ?

 On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 3:04 PM, Rajith Vitharana 

> + Asela
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 1:13 PM, Rajith Vitharana 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have enabled security in DSS service specifying the policy file
>> (roles included in the policy). But when invoking the service with 
>> username
>> password, it throws below exception.
>> java.lang.ClassCastException:
>> org.apache.axiom.om.impl.dom.ElementImpl cannot be cast to
>> org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPHeaderBlock
>> at
>> org.wso2.carbon.security.pox.POXSecurityHandler.isSOAPWithoutSecHeader(POXSecurityHandler.java:362)
>> at
>> org.wso2.carbon.security.pox.POXSecurityHandler.invoke(POXSecurityHandler.java:102)
>> at org.apache.axis2.engine.Phase.invokeHandler(Phase.java:340)
>> at org.apache.axis2.engine.Phase.invoke(Phase.java:313)
>> at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.invoke(AxisEngine.java:261)
>> at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.sendFault(AxisEngine.java:515)
>> at
>> org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.handleFault(AxisServlet.java:433)
>> at
>> org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.processAxisFault(AxisServlet.java:398)
>> at
>> org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.doPost(AxisServlet.java:188)
>> at
>> org.wso2.carbon.core.transports.CarbonServlet.doPost(CarbonServlet.java:231)
>> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:646)
>> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:727)
>> at
>> org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ServletRegistration.service(ServletRegistration.java:61)
>> at
>> org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ProxyServlet.processAlias(ProxyServlet.java:128)
>> at
>> org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ProxyServlet.service(ProxyServlet.java:68)
>> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:727)
>> at
>> org.wso2.carbon.tomcat.ext.servlet.DelegationServlet.service(DelegationServlet.java:68)
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:303)
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:208)
>> at
>> org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(WsFilter.java:52)
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:241)
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:208)
>> at
>> org.wso2.carbon.ui.filters.CSRFPreventionFilter.doFilter(CSRFPreventionFilter.java:88)
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:241)
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:208)
>> at
>> org.wso2.carbon.ui.filters.CRLFPreventionFilter.doFilter(CRLFPreventionFilter.java:59)
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:241)
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:208)
>> at

Re: [Dev] [VOTE] Release WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.2 RC2

2015-10-16 Thread Pandula Kariyawasam
Hi Johann/Kishanthan,

Both issue [2][3] were observed rarely on IS510 pack received on 8th Oct
2015, which was based on kernel 4.4.1.
We didn't experience these issue up to now, on the pack received on 13th
Oct 2015, which is based on kernel 4.4.2.
So I think we can reduce the priority of these issues, and keep eye on them
in latest packs with kernel 4.4.2.

[2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
[3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Johann Nallathamby  wrote:

> Hi Kishanthan,
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Johann Nallathamby 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
>>> We have added the test case as well to the same PR.
>> Thanks Johann.
>> @MB Team, could you guys verify that all your scenarios are now
>> passing?.  We will start the next RC build once this is confirmed ASAP.
>>> Also can we get CARBON-15505 merged? The PR for master is a very old PR
>>> which we have missed to review and merge. This mainly contains some
>>> reordering of fields in the UI to make it more consistent and reorder
>>> properties in user-mgt.xml to be consistent with UI. Hope we don't need any
>>> tests for this.
>> I think its better not to add any more changes at this stage. We will
>> merge this for next patch release.
>>> Any update on the 3 issues raised above ?
>> For [1], we need more information to reproduce (LB & IS config, example
>> requests, HTTP access logs on both LB and IS side with this issue). Will
>> send a separate mail on that, but I believe its not a blocker for the IS
>> release right?
> I will request Hasanthi to upload the artifacts you requested.
> I may be not the right person to say if this is blocker or not.
> @QA Team, please give your opinion if we can consider this as not a
> blocker and go ahead with the release.
> Regards.
>> [2] and [3], we haven't seen this error previously and according the
>> trace, it looks like the "distributedCache" instance is becoming null in
>> CacheImpl class. If the exact steps can be found or given on how to
>> reproduce this, then we can work on finding the root cause for this.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Johann.
>>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Johann Nallathamby 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,

 We are in the process writing the test case for the issue. Should be
 able to send it before end of day.

 [1] has been reported in another thread. This issue in particular looks
 critical to me, because AFAIK there are many users using proxyContextPath.
 Not sure about WebContextRoot though. Apart from that WSO2 QA has reported
 [2,3] in IS 5.1.0 SNAPSHOT pack. May be its harmless, but looks like it is
 coming from kernel and would like to get your thoughts on this if this is
 critical and needs to be fixed.

 [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15475
 [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
 [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817

 And also it will be great if we can change the default value of
 XSSPreventionConfig.Enabled to 'false' because this was added in order to
 prevent XSS centrally, however the approach is not 100% bug free. Whoever
 has this enabled needs to test all their functionality well. Therefore what
 I suggest is to make it 'false' by default and whatever product that needs
 it can enable it at product level. WDYT ? Can we do this ?


 On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
 kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Can we also have test case for this fix please?
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:13 PM, Isura Karunaratne 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This issue is fixed in [1].
>> Thanks
>> isura
>> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15517
>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Johann Nallathamby > > wrote:
>>> Hi Isura,
>>> Can you look into this issue urgently. I remember you fixing an
>>> issue related to this.
>>> Thanks.
>>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 7:16 AM, Indika Sampath 
>>> wrote:
 Hi All,

 I debug code of our and found issue. It seems implementation of
 some API changed in user-core. Let me explain the flow.

 Our queue/topic creation has two call.

 1. We create internal role when adding queue and assign
 "changePermission", "publish", "consume"  permissions to it. Which 
 that, user who created particular queue can update permission, publish 

Re: [Dev] [VOTE] Release WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.2 RC2

2015-10-16 Thread Anjana Fernando
Guys, can we please continue with the next RC quickly, since the DAS
release is waiting for this, and have some hard deadlines. We are planning
on putting an RC next Wednesday, so appreciate if the Kernel 4.4.2 be
available by then.


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah  wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Johann Nallathamby 
> wrote:
>> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
>> We have added the test case as well to the same PR.
> Thanks Johann.
> @MB Team, could you guys verify that all your scenarios are now passing?.
> We will start the next RC build once this is confirmed ASAP.
>> Also can we get CARBON-15505 merged? The PR for master is a very old PR
>> which we have missed to review and merge. This mainly contains some
>> reordering of fields in the UI to make it more consistent and reorder
>> properties in user-mgt.xml to be consistent with UI. Hope we don't need any
>> tests for this.
> I think its better not to add any more changes at this stage. We will
> merge this for next patch release.
>> Any update on the 3 issues raised above ?
> For [1], we need more information to reproduce (LB & IS config, example
> requests, HTTP access logs on both LB and IS side with this issue). Will
> send a separate mail on that, but I believe its not a blocker for the IS
> release right?
> [2] and [3], we haven't seen this error previously and according the
> trace, it looks like the "distributedCache" instance is becoming null in
> CacheImpl class. If the exact steps can be found or given on how to
> reproduce this, then we can work on finding the root cause for this.
>> Thanks,
>> Johann.
>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Johann Nallathamby 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
>>> We are in the process writing the test case for the issue. Should be
>>> able to send it before end of day.
>>> [1] has been reported in another thread. This issue in particular looks
>>> critical to me, because AFAIK there are many users using proxyContextPath.
>>> Not sure about WebContextRoot though. Apart from that WSO2 QA has reported
>>> [2,3] in IS 5.1.0 SNAPSHOT pack. May be its harmless, but looks like it is
>>> coming from kernel and would like to get your thoughts on this if this is
>>> critical and needs to be fixed.
>>> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15475
>>> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
>>> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
>>> And also it will be great if we can change the default value of
>>> XSSPreventionConfig.Enabled to 'false' because this was added in order to
>>> prevent XSS centrally, however the approach is not 100% bug free. Whoever
>>> has this enabled needs to test all their functionality well. Therefore what
>>> I suggest is to make it 'false' by default and whatever product that needs
>>> it can enable it at product level. WDYT ? Can we do this ?
>>> Regards,
>>> Johann.
>>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
>>> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:
 Can we also have test case for this fix please?

 On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:13 PM, Isura Karunaratne 

> Hi,
> This issue is fixed in [1].
> Thanks
> isura
> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15517
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Johann Nallathamby 
> wrote:
>> Hi Isura,
>> Can you look into this issue urgently. I remember you fixing an issue
>> related to this.
>> Thanks.
>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 7:16 AM, Indika Sampath 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I debug code of our and found issue. It seems implementation of some
>>> API changed in user-core. Let me explain the flow.
>>> Our queue/topic creation has two call.
>>> 1. We create internal role when adding queue and assign
>>> "changePermission", "publish", "consume"  permissions to it. Which means
>>> that, user who created particular queue can update permission, publish 
>>> or
>>> consume.
>>> - Below code line used to get internal role name:
>>> UserCoreUtil.addInternalDomainName(QUEUE_ROLE_PREFIX +
>>> queueName.replace(".","-").replace("/", "-"))
>>> result = {java.lang.String@10289}"*Internal/Q_userQueue*"
>>> value = {char[21]@10290}
>>> hash = 0
>>> hash32 = 0
>>> - assign permission as below:
>>> userStoreManager.addRole(roleName, user, null);
>>> userRealm.getAuthorizationManager().authorizeRole(roleName, queueId,
>>> userRealm.getAuthorizationManager().authorizeRole(roleName, queueId,
>>> TreeNode.Permission.CONSUME.toString().toLowerCase());

Re: [Dev] [VOTE] Release WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.2 RC2

2015-10-16 Thread Sasikala Kottegoda
Hi all,

We tested MB 3.0.0 with kernel 4.4.2-RC2 with the additional fixes and no
issues were identified.

Thank you

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Pandula Kariyawasam 

> Hi Johann/Kishanthan,
> Both issue [2][3] were observed rarely on IS510 pack received on 8th Oct
> 2015, which was based on kernel 4.4.1.
> We didn't experience these issue up to now, on the pack received on 13th
> Oct 2015, which is based on kernel 4.4.2.
> So I think we can reduce the priority of these issues, and keep eye on
> them in latest packs with kernel 4.4.2.
> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
> Thanks,
> Pandula
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Johann Nallathamby 
> wrote:
>> Hi Kishanthan,
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
>> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Johann Nallathamby 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,

 We have added the test case as well to the same PR.

>>> Thanks Johann.
>>> @MB Team, could you guys verify that all your scenarios are now
>>> passing?.  We will start the next RC build once this is confirmed ASAP.

 Also can we get CARBON-15505 merged? The PR for master is a very old PR
 which we have missed to review and merge. This mainly contains some
 reordering of fields in the UI to make it more consistent and reorder
 properties in user-mgt.xml to be consistent with UI. Hope we don't need any
 tests for this.

>>> I think its better not to add any more changes at this stage. We will
>>> merge this for next patch release.

 Any update on the 3 issues raised above ?

>>> For [1], we need more information to reproduce (LB & IS config, example
>>> requests, HTTP access logs on both LB and IS side with this issue). Will
>>> send a separate mail on that, but I believe its not a blocker for the IS
>>> release right?
>> I will request Hasanthi to upload the artifacts you requested.
>> I may be not the right person to say if this is blocker or not.
>> @QA Team, please give your opinion if we can consider this as not a
>> blocker and go ahead with the release.
>> Regards.
>>> [2] and [3], we haven't seen this error previously and according the
>>> trace, it looks like the "distributedCache" instance is becoming null in
>>> CacheImpl class. If the exact steps can be found or given on how to
>>> reproduce this, then we can work on finding the root cause for this.

 On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Johann Nallathamby 

> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
> We are in the process writing the test case for the issue. Should be
> able to send it before end of day.
> [1] has been reported in another thread. This issue in particular
> looks critical to me, because AFAIK there are many users using
> proxyContextPath. Not sure about WebContextRoot though. Apart from that
> WSO2 QA has reported [2,3] in IS 5.1.0 SNAPSHOT pack. May be its harmless,
> but looks like it is coming from kernel and would like to get your 
> thoughts
> on this if this is critical and needs to be fixed.
> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15475
> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
> And also it will be great if we can change the default value of
> XSSPreventionConfig.Enabled to 'false' because this was added in order to
> prevent XSS centrally, however the approach is not 100% bug free. Whoever
> has this enabled needs to test all their functionality well. Therefore 
> what
> I suggest is to make it 'false' by default and whatever product that needs
> it can enable it at product level. WDYT ? Can we do this ?
> Regards,
> Johann.
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Can we also have test case for this fix please?
>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:13 PM, Isura Karunaratne 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This issue is fixed in [1].
>>> Thanks
>>> isura
>>> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15517
>>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Johann Nallathamby <
>>> joh...@wso2.com> wrote:
 Hi Isura,

 Can you look into this issue urgently. I remember you fixing an
 issue related to this.


 On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 7:16 AM, Indika Sampath 

> Hi All,
> I debug code of our and found issue. It seems implementation of
> some API changed in user-core. 

Re: [Dev] WARN messages in log while accessing dashboard

2015-10-16 Thread Malith Dhanushka
This issue popped up again [1]. Looks like this relates to shindig
configuration [2].

[1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/DAS-213

On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 8:02 AM, Manuranga Perera  wrote:

> I am not sure this is coming form UES side, more likely it's some DAS code
> since error is coming from Ehcache. please ping when you see this.
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 8:31 PM, Gokul Balakrishnan 
> wrote:
>> UES team, any suggestions for this?
>> On Thursday, 10 September 2015, Gokul Balakrishnan 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi UES team,
>>> We're seeing the following warning repeatedly when accessing the
>>> dashboard, seems this has been known for a while. Are there any adverse
>>> effects, or is it OK to hide this warn from the console?
>>> [2015-09-10 17:34:26,149]  WARN {net.sf.ehcache.pool.sizeof.SizeOf} -
>>>  The configured limit of 1,000 object references was reached while
>>> attempting to calculate the size of the object graph. This can be avoided
>>> by adding stop points with @IgnoreSizeOf annotations. Since the CacheManger
>>> or Cache  elements maxDepthExceededBehavior is set to
>>> "abort", the sizing operation has stopped and the reported cache size is
>>> not accurate. If performance degradation is NOT an issue at the configured
>>> limit, raise the limit value using the CacheManager or Cache 
>>> elements maxDepth attribute. For more information, see the Ehcache
>>> configuration documentation.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> Gokul Balakrishnan
>>> Senior Software Engineer,
>>> WSO2, Inc. http://wso2.com
>>> Mob: +94 77 593 5789 | +1 650 272 9927
>> --
>> Gokul Balakrishnan
>> Senior Software Engineer,
>> WSO2, Inc. http://wso2.com
>> Mob: +94 77 593 5789 | +1 650 272 9927
> --
> With regards,
> *Manu*ranga Perera.
> phone : 071 7 70 20 50
> mail : m...@wso2.com
> ___
> Dev mailing list
> Dev@wso2.org
> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev

Malith Dhanushka
Senior Software Engineer - Data Technologies
*WSO2, Inc. : wso2.com *
*Mobile*  : +94 716 506 693
Dev mailing list

[Dev] [Carbon] DSS DB Console is not available in kernel 4.4.0

2015-10-16 Thread Madhawa Gunasekara
Hi Carbon Team,

Please find the created jira [1]. This is a regression issue.

Previously in DSS 3.2.2 (4.2.0), users were able to view db console using
https://localhost:9443/dbconsole/login.jsp and
https://localhost:9443/carbon/dbconsole/login.jsp urls.

But in Crabon 4.4.0 users can't find the db console.

Any help on this matter is highly appreciated.

[1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15524


*Madhawa Gunasekara*
Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com

mobile: +94 719411002 <+94+719411002>
blog: *http://madhawa-gunasekara.blogspot.com
linkedin: *http://lk.linkedin.com/in/mgunasekara
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [Carbon] DSS DB Console is not available in kernel 4.4.0

2015-10-16 Thread Madhawa Gunasekara
Hi KasunG,

Yes, I know that thing, but my point is we can't access the mentioned urls,
I'm getting following response.
HTTP Status 405 - HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:47 PM, KasunG Gajasinghe  wrote:

> Hi Madhawa,
> We never shipped the dbconsole in kernel. AFAIK, only DSS shipped this
> feature.
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:45 PM, Madhawa Gunasekara 
> wrote:
>> Hi Carbon Team,
>> Please find the created jira [1]. This is a regression issue.
>> Previously in DSS 3.2.2 (4.2.0), users were able to view db console using
>> https://localhost:9443/dbconsole/login.jsp and
>> https://localhost:9443/carbon/dbconsole/login.jsp urls.
>> But in Crabon 4.4.0 users can't find the db console.
>> Any help on this matter is highly appreciated.
>> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15524
>> Thanks,
>> Madhawa
>> --
>> *Madhawa Gunasekara*
>> Software Engineer
>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>> mobile: +94 719411002 <+94+719411002>
>> blog: *http://madhawa-gunasekara.blogspot.com
>> *
>> linkedin: *http://lk.linkedin.com/in/mgunasekara
>> *
> --
> *Kasun Gajasinghe*Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
> email: kasung AT spamfree wso2.com
> linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/in/gajasinghe
> blog: http://kasunbg.org

*Madhawa Gunasekara*
Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com

mobile: +94 719411002 <+94+719411002>
blog: *http://madhawa-gunasekara.blogspot.com
linkedin: *http://lk.linkedin.com/in/mgunasekara
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [Carbon] DSS DB Console is not available in kernel 4.4.0

2015-10-16 Thread KasunG Gajasinghe
Did you install the dbconsole feature in DSS? Why is this reported against

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:57 PM, Madhawa Gunasekara 

> Hi KasunG,
> Yes, I know that thing, but my point is we can't access the mentioned
> urls, I'm getting following response.
> HTTP Status 405 - HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL
> Thanks,
> Madhawa
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:47 PM, KasunG Gajasinghe 
> wrote:
>> Hi Madhawa,
>> We never shipped the dbconsole in kernel. AFAIK, only DSS shipped this
>> feature.
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:45 PM, Madhawa Gunasekara 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Carbon Team,
>>> Please find the created jira [1]. This is a regression issue.
>>> Previously in DSS 3.2.2 (4.2.0), users were able to view db console
>>> using https://localhost:9443/dbconsole/login.jsp and
>>> https://localhost:9443/carbon/dbconsole/login.jsp urls.
>>> But in Crabon 4.4.0 users can't find the db console.
>>> Any help on this matter is highly appreciated.
>>> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15524
>>> Thanks,
>>> Madhawa
>>> --
>>> *Madhawa Gunasekara*
>>> Software Engineer
>>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>> mobile: +94 719411002 <+94+719411002>
>>> blog: *http://madhawa-gunasekara.blogspot.com
>>> *
>>> linkedin: *http://lk.linkedin.com/in/mgunasekara
>>> *
>> --
>> *Kasun Gajasinghe*Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
>> email: kasung AT spamfree wso2.com
>> linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/in/gajasinghe
>> blog: http://kasunbg.org
> --
> *Madhawa Gunasekara*
> Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
> lean.enterprise.middleware
> mobile: +94 719411002 <+94+719411002>
> blog: *http://madhawa-gunasekara.blogspot.com
> *
> linkedin: *http://lk.linkedin.com/in/mgunasekara
> *


*Kasun Gajasinghe*Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
email: kasung AT spamfree wso2.com
linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/in/gajasinghe
blog: http://kasunbg.org
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [VOTE] Release WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.2 RC2

2015-10-16 Thread Johann Nallathamby
Hi Kishanthan,

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah  wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Johann Nallathamby 
> wrote:
>> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
>> We have added the test case as well to the same PR.
> Thanks Johann.
> @MB Team, could you guys verify that all your scenarios are now passing?.
> We will start the next RC build once this is confirmed ASAP.
>> Also can we get CARBON-15505 merged? The PR for master is a very old PR
>> which we have missed to review and merge. This mainly contains some
>> reordering of fields in the UI to make it more consistent and reorder
>> properties in user-mgt.xml to be consistent with UI. Hope we don't need any
>> tests for this.
> I think its better not to add any more changes at this stage. We will
> merge this for next patch release.
>> Any update on the 3 issues raised above ?
> For [1], we need more information to reproduce (LB & IS config, example
> requests, HTTP access logs on both LB and IS side with this issue). Will
> send a separate mail on that, but I believe its not a blocker for the IS
> release right?

I will request Hasanthi to upload the artifacts you requested.

I may be not the right person to say if this is blocker or not.
@QA Team, please give your opinion if we can consider this as not a blocker
and go ahead with the release.


> [2] and [3], we haven't seen this error previously and according the
> trace, it looks like the "distributedCache" instance is becoming null in
> CacheImpl class. If the exact steps can be found or given on how to
> reproduce this, then we can work on finding the root cause for this.
>> Thanks,
>> Johann.
>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Johann Nallathamby 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
>>> We are in the process writing the test case for the issue. Should be
>>> able to send it before end of day.
>>> [1] has been reported in another thread. This issue in particular looks
>>> critical to me, because AFAIK there are many users using proxyContextPath.
>>> Not sure about WebContextRoot though. Apart from that WSO2 QA has reported
>>> [2,3] in IS 5.1.0 SNAPSHOT pack. May be its harmless, but looks like it is
>>> coming from kernel and would like to get your thoughts on this if this is
>>> critical and needs to be fixed.
>>> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15475
>>> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
>>> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
>>> And also it will be great if we can change the default value of
>>> XSSPreventionConfig.Enabled to 'false' because this was added in order to
>>> prevent XSS centrally, however the approach is not 100% bug free. Whoever
>>> has this enabled needs to test all their functionality well. Therefore what
>>> I suggest is to make it 'false' by default and whatever product that needs
>>> it can enable it at product level. WDYT ? Can we do this ?
>>> Regards,
>>> Johann.
>>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
>>> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:
 Can we also have test case for this fix please?

 On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:13 PM, Isura Karunaratne 

> Hi,
> This issue is fixed in [1].
> Thanks
> isura
> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15517
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Johann Nallathamby 
> wrote:
>> Hi Isura,
>> Can you look into this issue urgently. I remember you fixing an issue
>> related to this.
>> Thanks.
>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 7:16 AM, Indika Sampath 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I debug code of our and found issue. It seems implementation of some
>>> API changed in user-core. Let me explain the flow.
>>> Our queue/topic creation has two call.
>>> 1. We create internal role when adding queue and assign
>>> "changePermission", "publish", "consume"  permissions to it. Which means
>>> that, user who created particular queue can update permission, publish 
>>> or
>>> consume.
>>> - Below code line used to get internal role name:
>>> UserCoreUtil.addInternalDomainName(QUEUE_ROLE_PREFIX +
>>> queueName.replace(".","-").replace("/", "-"))
>>> result = {java.lang.String@10289}"*Internal/Q_userQueue*"
>>> value = {char[21]@10290}
>>> hash = 0
>>> hash32 = 0
>>> - assign permission as below:
>>> userStoreManager.addRole(roleName, user, null);
>>> userRealm.getAuthorizationManager().authorizeRole(roleName, queueId,
>>> userRealm.getAuthorizationManager().authorizeRole(roleName, queueId,
>>> TreeNode.Permission.CONSUME.toString().toLowerCase());

Re: [Dev] Enabling security with user name token

2015-10-16 Thread Rajith Vitharana
Hi Hasintha,

What I'm saying is that Soap UI doesn't send basic auth header, we have to
manually add that.


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:05 PM, Hasintha Indrajee 

> Hi Rajith,
> Ideally even if you do not add authorization headers (xml), it should
> work. Ie POX handler converts basicAuth headers to xml security headers. In
> the current master branch of carbon-identity, this works as expected.
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:08 AM, Rajith Vitharana 
> wrote:
>> Hi Hasintha,
>> I was able to resolve the error with help of ESB team, There was an error
>> in our deployment flow as well. How ever when we use Soap UI, it still
>> doesn't send the security headers itself, where as we have to manually add
>> the security header to the request
>> This was working fine with earlier ESB versions (4.8.0 where security was
>> enabled via security management UI) the same flow doesn't work in ESB
>> 4.9.0. In DSS as well, this is the case now (have to add authorization
>> header manually).
>> Soap UI version I'm using is 5.0.0
>> Thanks,
>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 2:45 PM, Hasintha Indrajee 
>> wrote:
>>> Are you calling the service with security headers in the request it self
>>> ?.
>>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 8:37 PM, Rajith Vitharana 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Hasintha,

 We are using carbon-identity 4.5.6

 @Firzan we are using [1] as the policy file which contains the element
 you mentioned above.

 [1] -


 On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 5:12 PM, Hasintha Indrajee 

> Can you please tell me the carbon-identity version you are using ?
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 3:04 PM, Rajith Vitharana 
> wrote:
>> + Asela
>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 1:13 PM, Rajith Vitharana 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have enabled security in DSS service specifying the policy file
>>> (roles included in the policy). But when invoking the service with 
>>> username
>>> password, it throws below exception.
>>> java.lang.ClassCastException:
>>> org.apache.axiom.om.impl.dom.ElementImpl cannot be cast to
>>> org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPHeaderBlock
>>> at
>>> org.wso2.carbon.security.pox.POXSecurityHandler.isSOAPWithoutSecHeader(POXSecurityHandler.java:362)
>>> at
>>> org.wso2.carbon.security.pox.POXSecurityHandler.invoke(POXSecurityHandler.java:102)
>>> at org.apache.axis2.engine.Phase.invokeHandler(Phase.java:340)
>>> at org.apache.axis2.engine.Phase.invoke(Phase.java:313)
>>> at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.invoke(AxisEngine.java:261)
>>> at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.sendFault(AxisEngine.java:515)
>>> at
>>> org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.handleFault(AxisServlet.java:433)
>>> at
>>> org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.processAxisFault(AxisServlet.java:398)
>>> at
>>> org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.doPost(AxisServlet.java:188)
>>> at
>>> org.wso2.carbon.core.transports.CarbonServlet.doPost(CarbonServlet.java:231)
>>> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:646)
>>> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:727)
>>> at
>>> org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ServletRegistration.service(ServletRegistration.java:61)
>>> at
>>> org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ProxyServlet.processAlias(ProxyServlet.java:128)
>>> at
>>> org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ProxyServlet.service(ProxyServlet.java:68)
>>> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:727)
>>> at
>>> org.wso2.carbon.tomcat.ext.servlet.DelegationServlet.service(DelegationServlet.java:68)
>>> at
>>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:303)
>>> at
>>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:208)
>>> at
>>> org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(WsFilter.java:52)
>>> at
>>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:241)
>>> at
>>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:208)
>>> at
>>> org.wso2.carbon.ui.filters.CSRFPreventionFilter.doFilter(CSRFPreventionFilter.java:88)
>>> at
>>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:241)
>>> at
>>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:208)
>>> at
>>> org.wso2.carbon.ui.filters.CRLFPreventionFilter.doFilter(CRLFPreventionFilter.java:59)
>>> at

Re: [Dev] [Carbon] DSS DB Console is not available in kernel 4.4.0

2015-10-16 Thread KasunG Gajasinghe
Hi Madhawa,

We never shipped the dbconsole in kernel. AFAIK, only DSS shipped this

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:45 PM, Madhawa Gunasekara 

> Hi Carbon Team,
> Please find the created jira [1]. This is a regression issue.
> Previously in DSS 3.2.2 (4.2.0), users were able to view db console using
> https://localhost:9443/dbconsole/login.jsp and
> https://localhost:9443/carbon/dbconsole/login.jsp urls.
> But in Crabon 4.4.0 users can't find the db console.
> Any help on this matter is highly appreciated.
> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15524
> Thanks,
> Madhawa
> --
> *Madhawa Gunasekara*
> Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
> lean.enterprise.middleware
> mobile: +94 719411002 <+94+719411002>
> blog: *http://madhawa-gunasekara.blogspot.com
> *
> linkedin: *http://lk.linkedin.com/in/mgunasekara
> *


*Kasun Gajasinghe*Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
email: kasung AT spamfree wso2.com
linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/in/gajasinghe
blog: http://kasunbg.org
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [VOTE] Release WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.2 RC2

2015-10-16 Thread Kishanthan Thangarajah
On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Johann Nallathamby 

> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
> We have added the test case as well to the same PR.

Thanks Johann.

@MB Team, could you guys verify that all your scenarios are now passing?.
We will start the next RC build once this is confirmed ASAP.

> Also can we get CARBON-15505 merged? The PR for master is a very old PR
> which we have missed to review and merge. This mainly contains some
> reordering of fields in the UI to make it more consistent and reorder
> properties in user-mgt.xml to be consistent with UI. Hope we don't need any
> tests for this.

I think its better not to add any more changes at this stage. We will merge
this for next patch release.

> Any update on the 3 issues raised above ?

For [1], we need more information to reproduce (LB & IS config, example
requests, HTTP access logs on both LB and IS side with this issue). Will
send a separate mail on that, but I believe its not a blocker for the IS
release right?
[2] and [3], we haven't seen this error previously and according the trace,
it looks like the "distributedCache" instance is becoming null in CacheImpl
class. If the exact steps can be found or given on how to reproduce this,
then we can work on finding the root cause for this.

> Thanks,
> Johann.
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Johann Nallathamby 
> wrote:
>> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
>> We are in the process writing the test case for the issue. Should be able
>> to send it before end of day.
>> [1] has been reported in another thread. This issue in particular looks
>> critical to me, because AFAIK there are many users using proxyContextPath.
>> Not sure about WebContextRoot though. Apart from that WSO2 QA has reported
>> [2,3] in IS 5.1.0 SNAPSHOT pack. May be its harmless, but looks like it is
>> coming from kernel and would like to get your thoughts on this if this is
>> critical and needs to be fixed.
>> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15475
>> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
>> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
>> And also it will be great if we can change the default value of
>> XSSPreventionConfig.Enabled to 'false' because this was added in order to
>> prevent XSS centrally, however the approach is not 100% bug free. Whoever
>> has this enabled needs to test all their functionality well. Therefore what
>> I suggest is to make it 'false' by default and whatever product that needs
>> it can enable it at product level. WDYT ? Can we do this ?
>> Regards,
>> Johann.
>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
>> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> Can we also have test case for this fix please?
>>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:13 PM, Isura Karunaratne 
>>> wrote:

 This issue is fixed in [1].


 [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15517

 On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Johann Nallathamby 

> Hi Isura,
> Can you look into this issue urgently. I remember you fixing an issue
> related to this.
> Thanks.
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 7:16 AM, Indika Sampath 
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I debug code of our and found issue. It seems implementation of some
>> API changed in user-core. Let me explain the flow.
>> Our queue/topic creation has two call.
>> 1. We create internal role when adding queue and assign
>> "changePermission", "publish", "consume"  permissions to it. Which means
>> that, user who created particular queue can update permission, publish or
>> consume.
>> - Below code line used to get internal role name:
>> UserCoreUtil.addInternalDomainName(QUEUE_ROLE_PREFIX +
>> queueName.replace(".","-").replace("/", "-"))
>> result = {java.lang.String@10289}"*Internal/Q_userQueue*"
>> value = {char[21]@10290}
>> hash = 0
>> hash32 = 0
>> - assign permission as below:
>> userStoreManager.addRole(roleName, user, null);
>> userRealm.getAuthorizationManager().authorizeRole(roleName, queueId,
>> userRealm.getAuthorizationManager().authorizeRole(roleName, queueId,
>> TreeNode.Permission.CONSUME.toString().toLowerCase());
>> userRealm.getAuthorizationManager().authorizeRole(roleName, queueId,
>> TreeNode.Permission.PUBLISH.toString().toLowerCase());
>> 2. User can select some other role listed in in queue add page. He
>> can select these role when adding queue or later by updating queue. So in
>> update permission we checked whether any of user's role has above assign
>> change permission.
>> - get role list of user:
>> userRealm.getUserStoreManager().getRoleListOfUser(loggedInUser)

Re: [Dev] Service provider (SaaS enabled) is not visible to tenants

2015-10-16 Thread Harshan Liyanage
Hi all,

Please find the JIRA created for this [1].

[1]. https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3876


Harshan Liyanage
Software Engineer
Mobile: *+94724423048*
Email: hars...@wso2.com
Blog : http://harshanliyanage.blogspot.com/
*WSO2, Inc. :** wso2.com *

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 6:52 PM, Harshan Liyanage  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have created a service provider (with SaaS app option enabled) in super
> tenant space and configured Oauth settings. But when I try to get an oauth
> token for a user in another tenant domain (wso2.com) I'm getting the
> below NPE because application mgt components could not find the OAuth
> application using the client-key in that tenant domain (wso2.com).
> I believe making a SP as a SaaS application makes it visible to all the
> tenants. We are using identity 4.6.0-M2 components. Could please someone
> from IS team can look into this?
> [2015-10-15 18:40:09,542] ERROR
> {org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.OAuth2Service} -  Error occurred while
> issuing the access token for Client ID : GuBe541o5FiUtdfQ65hs6J2pmkYa, User
> ID hars...@wso2.com, Scope : [emm] and Grant Type : password
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at
> org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.mgt.ApplicationManagementServiceImpl.getServiceProviderNameByClientId(ApplicationManagementServiceImpl.java:594)
> at
> org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.mgt.ApplicationManagementServiceImpl.getServiceProviderByClientId(ApplicationManagementServiceImpl.java:648)
> at
> org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.token.handlers.grant.PasswordGrantHandler.validateGrant(PasswordGrantHandler.java:64)
> at
> org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.token.AccessTokenIssuer.issue(AccessTokenIssuer.java:145)
> at
> org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.OAuth2Service.issueAccessToken(OAuth2Service.java:195)
> at
> org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth.endpoint.token.OAuth2TokenEndpoint.getAccessToken(OAuth2TokenEndpoint.java:252)
> at
> org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth.endpoint.token.OAuth2TokenEndpoint.issueAccessToken(OAuth2TokenEndpoint.java:116)
> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> at
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
> at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)
> at
> org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.performInvocation(AbstractInvoker.java:188)
> at
> org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.invoke(AbstractInvoker.java:104)
> at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke(JAXRSInvoker.java:204)
> at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke(JAXRSInvoker.java:101)
> at
> org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor$1.run(ServiceInvokerInterceptor.java:58)
> at
> org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor.handleMessage(ServiceInvokerInterceptor.java:94)
> at
> org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain.doIntercept(PhaseInterceptorChain.java:272)
> at
> org.apache.cxf.transport.ChainInitiationObserver.onMessage(ChainInitiationObserver.java:121)
> at
> org.apache.cxf.transport.http.AbstractHTTPDestination.invoke(AbstractHTTPDestination.java:249)
> at
> org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.ServletController.invokeDestination(ServletController.java:248)
> at
> org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.ServletController.invoke(ServletController.java:222)
> at
> org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.ServletController.invoke(ServletController.java:153)
> at
> org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFNonSpringServlet.invoke(CXFNonSpringServlet.java:171)
> at
> org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.AbstractHTTPServlet.handleRequest(AbstractHTTPServlet.java:289)
> at
> org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.AbstractHTTPServlet.doPost(AbstractHTTPServlet.java:209)
> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:646)
> at
> org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.AbstractHTTPServlet.service(AbstractHTTPServlet.java:265)
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:303)
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:208)
> at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(WsFilter.java:52)
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:241)
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:208)
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:220)
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:122)
> at
> org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(AuthenticatorBase.java:504)
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:170)
> at
> org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:103)
> at
> org.wso2.carbon.tomcat.ext.valves.CompositeValve.continueInvocation(CompositeValve.java:99)

Re: [Dev] [VOTE] Release WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.2 RC2

2015-10-16 Thread Rajith Vitharana
Or can we remove this required features section? since this will limit us
to do releases on limited version range if we are using specific kernel


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Rajith Vitharana  wrote:

> [+Kishanthan]
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Rajith Vitharana 
> wrote:
>> Hi Kishanthan,
>> In "org.wso2.carbon.application.deployer" component's
>> "required-features.xml" it was mentioned "[4.4.0, 4.5.0)"
>> as "org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.server.feature.group" required version
>> range, since we(carbon-data) are still on 4.3.3-SNAPSHOT, capp deployment
>> fails in DSS latest, Can we change this version range to "[4.3.0,4.5.0)"?
>> Thanks,
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Sasikala Kottegoda 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> We tested MB 3.0.0 with kernel 4.4.2-RC2 with the additional fixes and
>>> no issues were identified.
>>> Thank you
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Pandula Kariyawasam 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Johann/Kishanthan,

 Both issue [2][3] were observed rarely on IS510 pack received on 8th
 Oct 2015, which was based on kernel 4.4.1.
 We didn't experience these issue up to now, on the pack received on
 13th Oct 2015, which is based on kernel 4.4.2.
 So I think we can reduce the priority of these issues, and keep eye on
 them in latest packs with kernel 4.4.2.

 [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
 [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817


 On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Johann Nallathamby 

> Hi Kishanthan,
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Johann Nallathamby > > wrote:
>>> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
>>> We have added the test case as well to the same PR.
>> Thanks Johann.
>> @MB Team, could you guys verify that all your scenarios are now
>> passing?.  We will start the next RC build once this is confirmed ASAP.
>>> Also can we get CARBON-15505 merged? The PR for master is a very old
>>> PR which we have missed to review and merge. This mainly contains some
>>> reordering of fields in the UI to make it more consistent and reorder
>>> properties in user-mgt.xml to be consistent with UI. Hope we don't need 
>>> any
>>> tests for this.
>> I think its better not to add any more changes at this stage. We will
>> merge this for next patch release.
>>> Any update on the 3 issues raised above ?
>> For [1], we need more information to reproduce (LB & IS config,
>> example requests, HTTP access logs on both LB and IS side with this 
>> issue).
>> Will send a separate mail on that, but I believe its not a blocker for 
>> the
>> IS release right?
> I will request Hasanthi to upload the artifacts you requested.
> I may be not the right person to say if this is blocker or not.
> @QA Team, please give your opinion if we can consider this as not a
> blocker and go ahead with the release.
> Regards.
>> [2] and [3], we haven't seen this error previously and according the
>> trace, it looks like the "distributedCache" instance is becoming null in
>> CacheImpl class. If the exact steps can be found or given on how to
>> reproduce this, then we can work on finding the root cause for this.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Johann.
>>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Johann Nallathamby >> > wrote:
 Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,

 We are in the process writing the test case for the issue. Should
 be able to send it before end of day.

 [1] has been reported in another thread. This issue in particular
 looks critical to me, because AFAIK there are many users using
 proxyContextPath. Not sure about WebContextRoot though. Apart from that
 WSO2 QA has reported [2,3] in IS 5.1.0 SNAPSHOT pack. May be its 
 but looks like it is coming from kernel and would like to get your 
 on this if this is critical and needs to be fixed.

 [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15475
 [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
 [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817

 And also it will be great if we can change the default value of
 XSSPreventionConfig.Enabled to 'false' because this was added in order 
 prevent XSS centrally, however the approach is not 100% bug free. 
 has this enabled needs to 

Re: [Dev] Service provider (SaaS enabled) is not visible to tenants

2015-10-16 Thread Harshan Liyanage

This issue was fixed when sending client credentials as a basic auth header.

curl -k -d "grant_type=password=t...@wso2.com=test123" -H
"Authorization: Basic
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"


Harshan Liyanage
Software Engineer
Mobile: *+94724423048*
Email: hars...@wso2.com
Blog : http://harshanliyanage.blogspot.com/
*WSO2, Inc. :** wso2.com *

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:07 PM, Harshan Liyanage  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Please find the JIRA created for this [1].
> [1]. https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3876
> Thanks,
> Harshan Liyanage
> Software Engineer
> Mobile: *+94724423048*
> Email: hars...@wso2.com
> Blog : http://harshanliyanage.blogspot.com/
> *WSO2, Inc. :** wso2.com *
> lean.enterprise.middleware.
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 6:52 PM, Harshan Liyanage 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have created a service provider (with SaaS app option enabled) in super
>> tenant space and configured Oauth settings. But when I try to get an oauth
>> token for a user in another tenant domain (wso2.com) I'm getting the
>> below NPE because application mgt components could not find the OAuth
>> application using the client-key in that tenant domain (wso2.com).
>> I believe making a SP as a SaaS application makes it visible to all the
>> tenants. We are using identity 4.6.0-M2 components. Could please someone
>> from IS team can look into this?
>> [2015-10-15 18:40:09,542] ERROR
>> {org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.OAuth2Service} -  Error occurred while
>> issuing the access token for Client ID : GuBe541o5FiUtdfQ65hs6J2pmkYa, User
>> ID hars...@wso2.com, Scope : [emm] and Grant Type : password
>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>> at
>> org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.mgt.ApplicationManagementServiceImpl.getServiceProviderNameByClientId(ApplicationManagementServiceImpl.java:594)
>> at
>> org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.mgt.ApplicationManagementServiceImpl.getServiceProviderByClientId(ApplicationManagementServiceImpl.java:648)
>> at
>> org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.token.handlers.grant.PasswordGrantHandler.validateGrant(PasswordGrantHandler.java:64)
>> at
>> org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.token.AccessTokenIssuer.issue(AccessTokenIssuer.java:145)
>> at
>> org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.OAuth2Service.issueAccessToken(OAuth2Service.java:195)
>> at
>> org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth.endpoint.token.OAuth2TokenEndpoint.getAccessToken(OAuth2TokenEndpoint.java:252)
>> at
>> org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth.endpoint.token.OAuth2TokenEndpoint.issueAccessToken(OAuth2TokenEndpoint.java:116)
>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>> at
>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
>> at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)
>> at
>> org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.performInvocation(AbstractInvoker.java:188)
>> at
>> org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.invoke(AbstractInvoker.java:104)
>> at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke(JAXRSInvoker.java:204)
>> at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke(JAXRSInvoker.java:101)
>> at
>> org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor$1.run(ServiceInvokerInterceptor.java:58)
>> at
>> org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor.handleMessage(ServiceInvokerInterceptor.java:94)
>> at
>> org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain.doIntercept(PhaseInterceptorChain.java:272)
>> at
>> org.apache.cxf.transport.ChainInitiationObserver.onMessage(ChainInitiationObserver.java:121)
>> at
>> org.apache.cxf.transport.http.AbstractHTTPDestination.invoke(AbstractHTTPDestination.java:249)
>> at
>> org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.ServletController.invokeDestination(ServletController.java:248)
>> at
>> org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.ServletController.invoke(ServletController.java:222)
>> at
>> org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.ServletController.invoke(ServletController.java:153)
>> at
>> org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFNonSpringServlet.invoke(CXFNonSpringServlet.java:171)
>> at
>> org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.AbstractHTTPServlet.handleRequest(AbstractHTTPServlet.java:289)
>> at
>> org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.AbstractHTTPServlet.doPost(AbstractHTTPServlet.java:209)
>> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:646)
>> at
>> org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.AbstractHTTPServlet.service(AbstractHTTPServlet.java:265)
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:303)
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:208)
>> at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(WsFilter.java:52)
>> at

Re: [Dev] [VOTE] Release WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.2 RC2

2015-10-16 Thread Johann Nallathamby
Hi Pandula,

Thanks. But actually the JIRA in concern is
https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15475 . Can you please provide your
feedback on this.


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Pandula Kariyawasam 

> Hi Johann/Kishanthan,
> Both issue [2][3] were observed rarely on IS510 pack received on 8th Oct
> 2015, which was based on kernel 4.4.1.
> We didn't experience these issue up to now, on the pack received on 13th
> Oct 2015, which is based on kernel 4.4.2.
> So I think we can reduce the priority of these issues, and keep eye on
> them in latest packs with kernel 4.4.2.
> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
> Thanks,
> Pandula
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Johann Nallathamby 
> wrote:
>> Hi Kishanthan,
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
>> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Johann Nallathamby 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,

 We have added the test case as well to the same PR.

>>> Thanks Johann.
>>> @MB Team, could you guys verify that all your scenarios are now
>>> passing?.  We will start the next RC build once this is confirmed ASAP.

 Also can we get CARBON-15505 merged? The PR for master is a very old PR
 which we have missed to review and merge. This mainly contains some
 reordering of fields in the UI to make it more consistent and reorder
 properties in user-mgt.xml to be consistent with UI. Hope we don't need any
 tests for this.

>>> I think its better not to add any more changes at this stage. We will
>>> merge this for next patch release.

 Any update on the 3 issues raised above ?

>>> For [1], we need more information to reproduce (LB & IS config, example
>>> requests, HTTP access logs on both LB and IS side with this issue). Will
>>> send a separate mail on that, but I believe its not a blocker for the IS
>>> release right?
>> I will request Hasanthi to upload the artifacts you requested.
>> I may be not the right person to say if this is blocker or not.
>> @QA Team, please give your opinion if we can consider this as not a
>> blocker and go ahead with the release.
>> Regards.
>>> [2] and [3], we haven't seen this error previously and according the
>>> trace, it looks like the "distributedCache" instance is becoming null in
>>> CacheImpl class. If the exact steps can be found or given on how to
>>> reproduce this, then we can work on finding the root cause for this.

 On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Johann Nallathamby 

> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
> We are in the process writing the test case for the issue. Should be
> able to send it before end of day.
> [1] has been reported in another thread. This issue in particular
> looks critical to me, because AFAIK there are many users using
> proxyContextPath. Not sure about WebContextRoot though. Apart from that
> WSO2 QA has reported [2,3] in IS 5.1.0 SNAPSHOT pack. May be its harmless,
> but looks like it is coming from kernel and would like to get your 
> thoughts
> on this if this is critical and needs to be fixed.
> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15475
> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
> And also it will be great if we can change the default value of
> XSSPreventionConfig.Enabled to 'false' because this was added in order to
> prevent XSS centrally, however the approach is not 100% bug free. Whoever
> has this enabled needs to test all their functionality well. Therefore 
> what
> I suggest is to make it 'false' by default and whatever product that needs
> it can enable it at product level. WDYT ? Can we do this ?
> Regards,
> Johann.
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Can we also have test case for this fix please?
>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:13 PM, Isura Karunaratne 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This issue is fixed in [1].
>>> Thanks
>>> isura
>>> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15517
>>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Johann Nallathamby <
>>> joh...@wso2.com> wrote:
 Hi Isura,

 Can you look into this issue urgently. I remember you fixing an
 issue related to this.


 On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 7:16 AM, Indika Sampath 

> Hi All,
> I debug code of our and found issue. It seems implementation of

[Dev] [APIM] [OSGI] Removal of dynamic imports causes CNF on extention points

2015-10-16 Thread Shani Ranasinghe

In APIM current code (1.10), we have removed the * from all packages at the moment.

We faced an issue now, where an extension point would not work with this
change. i.e. if we put a external jar into the
/repository/components/lib folder, that class will not be picked
up by the component OSGI bundle because of the aforementioned reason.

Discussing with KasunG, I learned that we cannot remove the
statement, if the components use Class.forName() or
because the OSGI bundle would not be able to identify the external class.

As a possible solution, what we thought of is, to move the Class.forName()
to a central location, possibily to the org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl
package, and have the
* to that package. Then all
other packages that used to have the Class.forName() can be referred to the
method introduced in the org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl package.

@KasunG, Kishanthan, is this the correct approach?

Are there any other approaches that we could look into?
Thanks and Regards
*,Shani Ranasinghe*
Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com

mobile: +94 77 2273555
Blog: http://waysandmeans.blogspot.com/
linked in: lk.linkedin.com/pub/shani-ranasinghe/34/111/ab
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [VOTE] Release WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.2 RC2

2015-10-16 Thread Manuri Amaya Perera
Hi all,

We are calling this vote off due to [1] and will start a new vote for Kernel
 4.4.2 RC3 release.

[1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15517

Thank you

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 5:31 PM, Rajith Vitharana  wrote:

> Hi Kishanthan,
> Tested this by editing the jar file manually with(version range in
> "required-features.xml" file) "[4.3.0,5.0.0)" and it works fine.
> Thanks,
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 5:29 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> I think making this as [4.3.0, 5.0.0) is the correct solution from kernel
>> side. This file ideally should not be part of kernel, but its there due to
>> "DefaultAppDeployer" is the one which deploys data-services and this class
>> is in currently in kernel code base.
>> @Rajith, could you quickly test this locally and see? We will change the
>> version range on this file as above, and in long time, we will see whether
>> we could remove this file from kernel code base.
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:38 PM, Rajith Vitharana 
>> wrote:
>>> Or can we remove this required features section? since this will limit
>>> us to do releases on limited version range if we are using specific kernel
>>> version?
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Rajith Vitharana 
>>> wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Rajith Vitharana 

> Hi Kishanthan,
> In "org.wso2.carbon.application.deployer" component's
> "required-features.xml" it was mentioned "[4.4.0, 4.5.0)"
> as "org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.server.feature.group" required version
> range, since we(carbon-data) are still on 4.3.3-SNAPSHOT, capp deployment
> fails in DSS latest, Can we change this version range to "[4.3.0,4.5.0)"?
> Thanks,
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Sasikala Kottegoda  > wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We tested MB 3.0.0 with kernel 4.4.2-RC2 with the additional fixes
>> and no issues were identified.
>> Thank you
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Pandula Kariyawasam <
>> pand...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Johann/Kishanthan,
>>> Both issue [2][3] were observed rarely on IS510 pack received on 8th
>>> Oct 2015, which was based on kernel 4.4.1.
>>> We didn't experience these issue up to now, on the pack received on
>>> 13th Oct 2015, which is based on kernel 4.4.2.
>>> So I think we can reduce the priority of these issues, and keep eye
>>> on them in latest packs with kernel 4.4.2.
>>> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
>>> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
>>> Thanks,
>>> Pandula
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Johann Nallathamby >> > wrote:
 Hi Kishanthan,

 On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
 kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Johann Nallathamby <
> joh...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
>> We have added the test case as well to the same PR.
> Thanks Johann.
> @MB Team, could you guys verify that all your scenarios are now
> passing?.  We will start the next RC build once this is confirmed 
>> Also can we get CARBON-15505 merged? The PR for master is a very
>> old PR which we have missed to review and merge. This mainly 
>> contains some
>> reordering of fields in the UI to make it more consistent and reorder
>> properties in user-mgt.xml to be consistent with UI. Hope we don't 
>> need any
>> tests for this.
> I think its better not to add any more changes at this stage. We
> will merge this for next patch release.
>> Any update on the 3 issues raised above ?
> For [1], we need more information to reproduce (LB & IS config,
> example requests, HTTP access logs on both LB and IS side with this 
> issue).
> Will send a separate mail on that, but I believe its not a blocker 
> for the
> IS release right?

 I will request Hasanthi to upload the artifacts you requested.

 I may be not the right person to say if this is blocker or not.
 @QA Team, please give your opinion if we can consider this as not a
 blocker and go ahead with the release.


> [2] and [3], we haven't seen this error previously and according
> the trace, it looks like the "distributedCache" instance is becoming 

Re: [Dev] [VOTE] Release WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.2 RC2

2015-10-16 Thread Rajith Vitharana
Hi Kishanthan,

Tested this by editing the jar file manually with(version range in
"required-features.xml" file) "[4.3.0,5.0.0)" and it works fine.


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 5:29 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah  wrote:

> I think making this as [4.3.0, 5.0.0) is the correct solution from kernel
> side. This file ideally should not be part of kernel, but its there due to
> "DefaultAppDeployer" is the one which deploys data-services and this class
> is in currently in kernel code base.
> @Rajith, could you quickly test this locally and see? We will change the
> version range on this file as above, and in long time, we will see whether
> we could remove this file from kernel code base.
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:38 PM, Rajith Vitharana 
> wrote:
>> Or can we remove this required features section? since this will limit us
>> to do releases on limited version range if we are using specific kernel
>> version?
>> Thanks,
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Rajith Vitharana 
>> wrote:
>>> [+Kishanthan]
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Rajith Vitharana 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Kishanthan,

 In "org.wso2.carbon.application.deployer" component's
 "required-features.xml" it was mentioned "[4.4.0, 4.5.0)"
 as "org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.server.feature.group" required version
 range, since we(carbon-data) are still on 4.3.3-SNAPSHOT, capp deployment
 fails in DSS latest, Can we change this version range to "[4.3.0,4.5.0)"?


 On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Sasikala Kottegoda 

> Hi all,
> We tested MB 3.0.0 with kernel 4.4.2-RC2 with the additional fixes and
> no issues were identified.
> Thank you
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Pandula Kariyawasam  > wrote:
>> Hi Johann/Kishanthan,
>> Both issue [2][3] were observed rarely on IS510 pack received on 8th
>> Oct 2015, which was based on kernel 4.4.1.
>> We didn't experience these issue up to now, on the pack received on
>> 13th Oct 2015, which is based on kernel 4.4.2.
>> So I think we can reduce the priority of these issues, and keep eye
>> on them in latest packs with kernel 4.4.2.
>> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
>> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
>> Thanks,
>> Pandula
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Johann Nallathamby 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Kishanthan,
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
>>> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Johann Nallathamby <
 joh...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
> We have added the test case as well to the same PR.

 Thanks Johann.

 @MB Team, could you guys verify that all your scenarios are now
 passing?.  We will start the next RC build once this is confirmed ASAP.

> Also can we get CARBON-15505 merged? The PR for master is a very
> old PR which we have missed to review and merge. This mainly contains 
> some
> reordering of fields in the UI to make it more consistent and reorder
> properties in user-mgt.xml to be consistent with UI. Hope we don't 
> need any
> tests for this.

 I think its better not to add any more changes at this stage. We
 will merge this for next patch release.

> Any update on the 3 issues raised above ?

 For [1], we need more information to reproduce (LB & IS config,
 example requests, HTTP access logs on both LB and IS side with this 
 Will send a separate mail on that, but I believe its not a blocker for 
 IS release right?

>>> I will request Hasanthi to upload the artifacts you requested.
>>> I may be not the right person to say if this is blocker or not.
>>> @QA Team, please give your opinion if we can consider this as not a
>>> blocker and go ahead with the release.
>>> Regards.
 [2] and [3], we haven't seen this error previously and according
 the trace, it looks like the "distributedCache" instance is becoming 
 in CacheImpl class. If the exact steps can be found or given on how to
 reproduce this, then we can work on finding the root cause for this.

> Thanks,
> Johann.
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Johann Nallathamby <
> joh...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,

[Dev] [CEP] [Siddhi] Error when using custom function in Siddhi Query

2015-10-16 Thread Thanuja Uruththirakodeeswaran
Hi All,

I need to get the current time when executing a siddhi query in CEP 3.0.0.
For that I wrote a custom function called 'now()' as below:

import org.wso2.siddhi.core.config.SiddhiContext;
import org.wso2.siddhi.core.executor.function.FunctionExecutor;
import org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.definition.Attribute;
import org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.extension.annotation.SiddhiExtension;

@SiddhiExtension(namespace = "stratos", function = "now")
public class TimeWindowProcessor extends FunctionExecutor {
Attribute.Type returnType = Attribute.Type.LONG;
public void init(Attribute.Type[] types, SiddhiContext siddhiContext) {

protected Object process(Object obj) {
return System.currentTimeMillis();

public void destroy() {

public Attribute.Type getReturnType() {
return returnType;

Then I tried to use the above function in siddhi query as below:

from avg_rif_stat
   select cluster_id, cluster_instance_id, network_partition_id,
   stratos:concat(cluster_id, '-' ,cluster_instance_id) as
   insert into avg_rif_concat;
define partition avg_rif_cluster_partition by
from avg_rif_concat#window.timeBatch(1 min)
   select *stratos:now() as timestamp*, cluster_id,
cluster_instance_id, network_partition_id,
avg(in_flight_request_count) as count
   insert into average_in_flight_requests
   partition by avg_rif_cluster_partition;

When I stratos server startup I'm getting the below exception:

[2015-10-16 14:24:21,940]  INFO
-  Trying to redeploy configuration files for stream:
[2015-10-16 14:24:21,941] ERROR
-  Externally defined stream:
nickName='average in-flight requests',
description='average of in-flight request count',
*payloadData=[Attribute{name='timestamp', type=LONG},
Attribute{name='cluster_id', type=STRING},
Attribute{name='cluster_instance_id', type=STRING},
Attribute{name='network_partition_id', type=STRING},
Attribute{name='count', type=DOUBLE}],*
 is different from the existing stream :
*payloadData=[Attribute{name='timestamp', type=LONG}],*

When events are being published following exception is thrown:
[2015-10-16 15:56:57,716] ERROR
{org.wso2.siddhi.core.query.processor.window.TimeBatchWindowProcessor} -
 Index: 1, Size: 1
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:635)
at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:411)
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:471)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:262)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

I think I have a problem in using the custom function now() in siddhi
query. *If we don't have a parameter to pass in custom method, shall I use
it as now()?*

Please suggest a way to fix this problem.


Thanuja Uruththirakodeeswaran
Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.;http://wso2.com

mobile: +94 774363167
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [VOTE] Release WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.2 RC2

2015-10-16 Thread Kishanthan Thangarajah
I think making this as [4.3.0, 5.0.0) is the correct solution from kernel
side. This file ideally should not be part of kernel, but its there due to
"DefaultAppDeployer" is the one which deploys data-services and this class
is in currently in kernel code base.

@Rajith, could you quickly test this locally and see? We will change the
version range on this file as above, and in long time, we will see whether
we could remove this file from kernel code base.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:38 PM, Rajith Vitharana  wrote:

> Or can we remove this required features section? since this will limit us
> to do releases on limited version range if we are using specific kernel
> version?
> Thanks,
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Rajith Vitharana 
> wrote:
>> [+Kishanthan]
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Rajith Vitharana 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Kishanthan,
>>> In "org.wso2.carbon.application.deployer" component's
>>> "required-features.xml" it was mentioned "[4.4.0, 4.5.0)"
>>> as "org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.server.feature.group" required version
>>> range, since we(carbon-data) are still on 4.3.3-SNAPSHOT, capp deployment
>>> fails in DSS latest, Can we change this version range to "[4.3.0,4.5.0)"?
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Sasikala Kottegoda 
>>> wrote:
 Hi all,

 We tested MB 3.0.0 with kernel 4.4.2-RC2 with the additional fixes and
 no issues were identified.

 Thank you

 On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Pandula Kariyawasam 

> Hi Johann/Kishanthan,
> Both issue [2][3] were observed rarely on IS510 pack received on 8th
> Oct 2015, which was based on kernel 4.4.1.
> We didn't experience these issue up to now, on the pack received on
> 13th Oct 2015, which is based on kernel 4.4.2.
> So I think we can reduce the priority of these issues, and keep eye on
> them in latest packs with kernel 4.4.2.
> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
> Thanks,
> Pandula
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Johann Nallathamby 
> wrote:
>> Hi Kishanthan,
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
>> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Johann Nallathamby <
>>> joh...@wso2.com> wrote:
 Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,

 We have added the test case as well to the same PR.

>>> Thanks Johann.
>>> @MB Team, could you guys verify that all your scenarios are now
>>> passing?.  We will start the next RC build once this is confirmed ASAP.

 Also can we get CARBON-15505 merged? The PR for master is a very
 old PR which we have missed to review and merge. This mainly contains 
 reordering of fields in the UI to make it more consistent and reorder
 properties in user-mgt.xml to be consistent with UI. Hope we don't 
 need any
 tests for this.

>>> I think its better not to add any more changes at this stage. We
>>> will merge this for next patch release.

 Any update on the 3 issues raised above ?

>>> For [1], we need more information to reproduce (LB & IS config,
>>> example requests, HTTP access logs on both LB and IS side with this 
>>> issue).
>>> Will send a separate mail on that, but I believe its not a blocker for 
>>> the
>>> IS release right?
>> I will request Hasanthi to upload the artifacts you requested.
>> I may be not the right person to say if this is blocker or not.
>> @QA Team, please give your opinion if we can consider this as not a
>> blocker and go ahead with the release.
>> Regards.
>>> [2] and [3], we haven't seen this error previously and according the
>>> trace, it looks like the "distributedCache" instance is becoming null in
>>> CacheImpl class. If the exact steps can be found or given on how to
>>> reproduce this, then we can work on finding the root cause for this.

 On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Johann Nallathamby <
 joh...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
> We are in the process writing the test case for the issue. Should
> be able to send it before end of day.
> [1] has been reported in another thread. This issue in particular
> looks critical to me, because AFAIK there are many users using
> proxyContextPath. Not sure about WebContextRoot though. Apart from 
> that
> WSO2 QA has reported [2,3] 

Re: [Dev] [DEV] [IS] [user-mgt] "embedded-apacheds LDAP" config does not allow to add user via UI console, if SCIM enabled - OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION error

2015-10-16 Thread Isura Karunaratne

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:36 AM, Kavitha Subramaniyam 

> Hi IS team,
> When I make SCIM enable = ture, at "embedded-apacheds LDAP" config, It
> does not allow to add user via UI console.
> Steps:
> Comment the default R/W LDAP configuration
> Remove comments for "embedded-apacheds LDAP"
> Make SCIM enable =true
> Save and Run the server
> Add a new user to primary : OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION error observed
> I could observed there are mismatches in user-mgt.xml for default LDAP
> configurations as below:
> Default commented 'embedded-apacheds LDAP' have missing properties with
> comparing to by default un-commented 'ReadWriteLDAPUserStoreManager' (used
> by Identity Server (IS) as its default user manager)
> mismatches are:
> If I modify the property "UserEntryObjectClass" value on from 'wso2Person'
> to 'identityPerson' (as observed at default config) at user-mgt, for
> 'embedded-apacheds LDAP' configureation with scim enabled, I could be able
> to add users.
> Please look into this issue and clarify which configuration should be the
> correct and which should be the default way.
> What is the IS version you tested?


> Thanks & Kind regards,
> --
> Kavitha.S
> *Software Engineer -QA*
> Mobile : +94 (0) 771538811 <%2B94%20%280%29%20773%20451194>
> kavi...@wso2.com 
> ___
> Dev mailing list
> Dev@wso2.org
> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev

Isura Dilhara Karunaratne
Senior Software Engineer

Mob +94 772 254 810
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [DEV] [IS] [user-mgt] "embedded-apacheds LDAP" config does not allow to add user via UI console, if SCIM enabled - OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION error

2015-10-16 Thread Kavitha Subramaniyam
Hi Isura,

I have used the latest test pack kernal rc2


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 5:54 PM, Isura Karunaratne  wrote:

> Hi,
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:36 AM, Kavitha Subramaniyam 
> wrote:
>> Hi IS team,
>> When I make SCIM enable = ture, at "embedded-apacheds LDAP" config, It
>> does not allow to add user via UI console.
>> Steps:
>> Comment the default R/W LDAP configuration
>> Remove comments for "embedded-apacheds LDAP"
>> Make SCIM enable =true
>> Save and Run the server
>> Add a new user to primary : OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION error observed
>> I could observed there are mismatches in user-mgt.xml for default LDAP
>> configurations as below:
>> Default commented 'embedded-apacheds LDAP' have missing properties with
>> comparing to by default un-commented 'ReadWriteLDAPUserStoreManager' (used
>> by Identity Server (IS) as its default user manager)
>> mismatches are:
>> If I modify the property "UserEntryObjectClass" value on from
>> 'wso2Person' to 'identityPerson' (as observed at default config) at
>> user-mgt, for 'embedded-apacheds LDAP' configureation with scim enabled, I
>> could be able to add users.
>> Please look into this issue and clarify which configuration should be the
>> correct and which should be the default way.
>> What is the IS version you tested?
> Thanks
> Isura
>> Thanks & Kind regards,
>> --
>> Kavitha.S
>> *Software Engineer -QA*
>> Mobile : +94 (0) 771538811 <%2B94%20%280%29%20773%20451194>
>> kavi...@wso2.com 
>> ___
>> Dev mailing list
>> Dev@wso2.org
>> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev
> --
> Isura Dilhara Karunaratne
> Senior Software Engineer
> Mob +94 772 254 810

*Software Engineer -QA*
Mobile : +94 (0) 771538811 <%2B94%20%280%29%20773%20451194>
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [VOTE] Release WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.2 RC2

2015-10-16 Thread Rajith Vitharana
Hi Kishanthan,

In "org.wso2.carbon.application.deployer" component's
"required-features.xml" it was mentioned "[4.4.0, 4.5.0)"
as "org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.server.feature.group" required version
range, since we(carbon-data) are still on 4.3.3-SNAPSHOT, capp deployment
fails in DSS latest, Can we change this version range to "[4.3.0,4.5.0)"?


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Sasikala Kottegoda 

> Hi all,
> We tested MB 3.0.0 with kernel 4.4.2-RC2 with the additional fixes and no
> issues were identified.
> Thank you
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Pandula Kariyawasam 
> wrote:
>> Hi Johann/Kishanthan,
>> Both issue [2][3] were observed rarely on IS510 pack received on 8th Oct
>> 2015, which was based on kernel 4.4.1.
>> We didn't experience these issue up to now, on the pack received on 13th
>> Oct 2015, which is based on kernel 4.4.2.
>> So I think we can reduce the priority of these issues, and keep eye on
>> them in latest packs with kernel 4.4.2.
>> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
>> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
>> Thanks,
>> Pandula
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Johann Nallathamby 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Kishanthan,
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
>>> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Johann Nallathamby 

> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
> We have added the test case as well to the same PR.

 Thanks Johann.

 @MB Team, could you guys verify that all your scenarios are now
 passing?.  We will start the next RC build once this is confirmed ASAP.

> Also can we get CARBON-15505 merged? The PR for master is a very old
> PR which we have missed to review and merge. This mainly contains some
> reordering of fields in the UI to make it more consistent and reorder
> properties in user-mgt.xml to be consistent with UI. Hope we don't need 
> any
> tests for this.

 I think its better not to add any more changes at this stage. We will
 merge this for next patch release.

> Any update on the 3 issues raised above ?

 For [1], we need more information to reproduce (LB & IS config, example
 requests, HTTP access logs on both LB and IS side with this issue). Will
 send a separate mail on that, but I believe its not a blocker for the IS
 release right?

>>> I will request Hasanthi to upload the artifacts you requested.
>>> I may be not the right person to say if this is blocker or not.
>>> @QA Team, please give your opinion if we can consider this as not a
>>> blocker and go ahead with the release.
>>> Regards.
 [2] and [3], we haven't seen this error previously and according the
 trace, it looks like the "distributedCache" instance is becoming null in
 CacheImpl class. If the exact steps can be found or given on how to
 reproduce this, then we can work on finding the root cause for this.

> Thanks,
> Johann.
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Johann Nallathamby 
> wrote:
>> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
>> We are in the process writing the test case for the issue. Should be
>> able to send it before end of day.
>> [1] has been reported in another thread. This issue in particular
>> looks critical to me, because AFAIK there are many users using
>> proxyContextPath. Not sure about WebContextRoot though. Apart from that
>> WSO2 QA has reported [2,3] in IS 5.1.0 SNAPSHOT pack. May be its 
>> harmless,
>> but looks like it is coming from kernel and would like to get your 
>> thoughts
>> on this if this is critical and needs to be fixed.
>> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15475
>> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
>> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
>> And also it will be great if we can change the default value of
>> XSSPreventionConfig.Enabled to 'false' because this was added in order to
>> prevent XSS centrally, however the approach is not 100% bug free. Whoever
>> has this enabled needs to test all their functionality well. Therefore 
>> what
>> I suggest is to make it 'false' by default and whatever product that 
>> needs
>> it can enable it at product level. WDYT ? Can we do this ?
>> Regards,
>> Johann.
>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
>> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> Can we also have test case for this fix please?
>>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:13 PM, Isura Karunaratne 
>>> wrote:

 This issue is fixed in [1].


Re: [Dev] [VOTE] Release WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.2 RC2

2015-10-16 Thread Rajith Vitharana

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Rajith Vitharana  wrote:

> Hi Kishanthan,
> In "org.wso2.carbon.application.deployer" component's
> "required-features.xml" it was mentioned "[4.4.0, 4.5.0)"
> as "org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.server.feature.group" required version
> range, since we(carbon-data) are still on 4.3.3-SNAPSHOT, capp deployment
> fails in DSS latest, Can we change this version range to "[4.3.0,4.5.0)"?
> Thanks,
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Sasikala Kottegoda 
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We tested MB 3.0.0 with kernel 4.4.2-RC2 with the additional fixes and no
>> issues were identified.
>> Thank you
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Pandula Kariyawasam 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Johann/Kishanthan,
>>> Both issue [2][3] were observed rarely on IS510 pack received on 8th Oct
>>> 2015, which was based on kernel 4.4.1.
>>> We didn't experience these issue up to now, on the pack received on 13th
>>> Oct 2015, which is based on kernel 4.4.2.
>>> So I think we can reduce the priority of these issues, and keep eye on
>>> them in latest packs with kernel 4.4.2.
>>> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
>>> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
>>> Thanks,
>>> Pandula
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Johann Nallathamby 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Kishanthan,

 On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
 kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Johann Nallathamby 
> wrote:
>> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
>> We have added the test case as well to the same PR.
> Thanks Johann.
> @MB Team, could you guys verify that all your scenarios are now
> passing?.  We will start the next RC build once this is confirmed ASAP.
>> Also can we get CARBON-15505 merged? The PR for master is a very old
>> PR which we have missed to review and merge. This mainly contains some
>> reordering of fields in the UI to make it more consistent and reorder
>> properties in user-mgt.xml to be consistent with UI. Hope we don't need 
>> any
>> tests for this.
> I think its better not to add any more changes at this stage. We will
> merge this for next patch release.
>> Any update on the 3 issues raised above ?
> For [1], we need more information to reproduce (LB & IS config,
> example requests, HTTP access logs on both LB and IS side with this 
> issue).
> Will send a separate mail on that, but I believe its not a blocker for the
> IS release right?

 I will request Hasanthi to upload the artifacts you requested.

 I may be not the right person to say if this is blocker or not.
 @QA Team, please give your opinion if we can consider this as not a
 blocker and go ahead with the release.


> [2] and [3], we haven't seen this error previously and according the
> trace, it looks like the "distributedCache" instance is becoming null in
> CacheImpl class. If the exact steps can be found or given on how to
> reproduce this, then we can work on finding the root cause for this.
>> Thanks,
>> Johann.
>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Johann Nallathamby 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
>>> We are in the process writing the test case for the issue. Should be
>>> able to send it before end of day.
>>> [1] has been reported in another thread. This issue in particular
>>> looks critical to me, because AFAIK there are many users using
>>> proxyContextPath. Not sure about WebContextRoot though. Apart from that
>>> WSO2 QA has reported [2,3] in IS 5.1.0 SNAPSHOT pack. May be its 
>>> harmless,
>>> but looks like it is coming from kernel and would like to get your 
>>> thoughts
>>> on this if this is critical and needs to be fixed.
>>> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15475
>>> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
>>> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
>>> And also it will be great if we can change the default value of
>>> XSSPreventionConfig.Enabled to 'false' because this was added in order 
>>> to
>>> prevent XSS centrally, however the approach is not 100% bug free. 
>>> Whoever
>>> has this enabled needs to test all their functionality well. Therefore 
>>> what
>>> I suggest is to make it 'false' by default and whatever product that 
>>> needs
>>> it can enable it at product level. WDYT ? Can we do this ?
>>> Regards,
>>> Johann.
>>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
>>> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:

Re: [Dev] [CEP] [Siddhi] Error when using custom function in Siddhi Query

2015-10-16 Thread Mohanadarshan Vivekanandalingam
Hi Thanuja,

I have debugged through the code.. It seems like an issue with old Siddhi
engine on handling function extensions.. I have fixed that.. You can get a
fix for that..


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:48 PM, Thanuja Uruththirakodeeswaran <
thanu...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I need to get the current time when executing a siddhi query in CEP 3.0.0.
> For that I wrote a custom function called 'now()' as below:
> import org.wso2.siddhi.core.config.SiddhiContext;
> import org.wso2.siddhi.core.executor.function.FunctionExecutor;
> import org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.definition.Attribute;
> import org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.extension.annotation.SiddhiExtension;
> @SiddhiExtension(namespace = "stratos", function = "now")
> public class TimeWindowProcessor extends FunctionExecutor {
> Attribute.Type returnType = Attribute.Type.LONG;
> @Override
> public void init(Attribute.Type[] types, SiddhiContext siddhiContext) {
> }
> @Override
> protected Object process(Object obj) {
> return System.currentTimeMillis();
> }
> @Override
> public void destroy() {
> }
> @Override
> public Attribute.Type getReturnType() {
> return returnType;
> }
> }
> Then I tried to use the above function in siddhi query as below:
> from avg_rif_stat
>select cluster_id, cluster_instance_id, network_partition_id, 
> in_flight_request_count,
>stratos:concat(cluster_id, '-' ,cluster_instance_id) as 
> avg_rif_cluster_network
>insert into avg_rif_concat;
> define partition avg_rif_cluster_partition by 
> avg_rif_concat.avg_rif_cluster_network;
> from avg_rif_concat#window.timeBatch(1 min)
>select *stratos:now() as timestamp*, cluster_id, cluster_instance_id, 
> network_partition_id, avg(in_flight_request_count) as count
>insert into average_in_flight_requests
>partition by avg_rif_cluster_partition;
> When I stratos server startup I'm getting the below exception:
> [2015-10-16 14:24:21,940]  INFO
> {org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.internal.listener.EventReceiverStreamNotificationListenerImpl}
> -  Trying to redeploy configuration files for stream:
> average_in_flight_requests:1.0.0
> [2015-10-16 14:24:21,941] ERROR
> {org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.internal.CarbonEventProcessorService}
> -  Externally defined stream:
> StreamDefinition{
> streamId='average_in_flight_requests:1.0.0',
> name='average_in_flight_requests',
> version='1.0.0',
> nickName='average in-flight requests',
> description='average of in-flight request count',
> tags=null,
> metaData=null,
> correlationData=null,
> *payloadData=[Attribute{name='timestamp', type=LONG},
> Attribute{name='cluster_id', type=STRING},
> Attribute{name='cluster_instance_id', type=STRING},
> Attribute{name='network_partition_id', type=STRING},
> Attribute{name='count', type=DOUBLE}],*
> }
>  is different from the existing stream :
> StreamDefinition{
> streamId='average_in_flight_requests:1.0.0',
> name='average_in_flight_requests',
> version='1.0.0',
> nickName='null',
> description='null',
> tags=null,
> metaData=null,
> correlationData=null,
> *payloadData=[Attribute{name='timestamp', type=LONG}],*
> }
> When events are being published following exception is thrown:
> [2015-10-16 15:56:57,716] ERROR
> {org.wso2.siddhi.core.query.processor.window.TimeBatchWindowProcessor} -
>  Index: 1, Size: 1
> java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
> at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:635)
> at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:411)
> at
> org.wso2.siddhi.core.query.selector.QuerySelector.process(QuerySelector.java:282)
> at
> org.wso2.siddhi.core.query.processor.window.TimeBatchWindowProcessor.run(TimeBatchWindowProcessor.java:115)
> at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:471)
> at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:262)
> at
> java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:178)
> at
> java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:292)
> at
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
> at
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
> I think I have a problem in using the custom function now() in siddhi
> query. *If we don't have a parameter to pass in custom method, shall I
> use it as now()?*
> Please suggest a way to fix this problem.
> Thanks.
> --
> Thanuja Uruththirakodeeswaran
> Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc.;http://wso2.com
> lean.enterprise.middleware
> mobile: +94 774363167
> ___
> Dev mailing list
> Dev@wso2.org

[Dev] Removing default service provider from IS 5.1.0 onwards

2015-10-16 Thread Pushpalanka Jayawardhana
Hi All,

We are to remove default service provider from IS 5.1.0 version.
This default service provider was added in IS 5.0.0 to make the migration
process easier from IS 4.6.0.
This has resulted in few validations been complex and skipped in scenarios.
Eg: OAuth client id
validation for SaaS, non-SaaS applications.

Please raise if you notice any concerns with the $subject.

Pushpalanka Jayawardhana, B.Sc.Eng.(Hons).
Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Lanka (pvt) Ltd;  wso2.com/
Mobile: +94779716248
Blog: pushpalankajaya.blogspot.com/ | LinkedIn:
lk.linkedin.com/in/pushpalanka/ | Twitter: @pushpalanka
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Removing default service provider from IS 5.1.0 onwards

2015-10-16 Thread Dulanja Liyanage
AFAIK migration wasn't the main reason. Main reason was the support for
OpenID. OpenID should not need a registered SP in the IdP.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 6:48 PM, Pushpalanka Jayawardhana 

> Hi All,
> We are to remove default service provider from IS 5.1.0 version.
> This default service provider was added in IS 5.0.0 to make the migration
> process easier from IS 4.6.0.
> This has resulted in few validations been complex and skipped in
> scenarios.
> Eg: OAuth client id
> validation for SaaS, non-SaaS applications.
> Please raise if you notice any concerns with the $subject.
> Thanks,
> Pushpalanka.
> --
> Pushpalanka Jayawardhana, B.Sc.Eng.(Hons).
> Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Lanka (pvt) Ltd;  wso2.com/
> Mobile: +94779716248
> Blog: pushpalankajaya.blogspot.com/ | LinkedIn:
> lk.linkedin.com/in/pushpalanka/ | Twitter: @pushpalanka

Thanks & Regards,
Dulanja Liyanage
WSO2 Inc.
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] [VOTE] Release WSO2 Carbon Kernel 4.4.2 RC2

2015-10-16 Thread Pandula Kariyawasam
Hi Johann,

Still we are working on to identify the correct nginx config for this

>From the QA perspective, we need to get this issue fixed, because if there
is a customer who will use this scenario, we will end up with a support

So, either need to get this fixed on 4.4.2 or have to wait for a fix on



On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 6:26 PM, Johann Nallathamby  wrote:

> Hi Pandula,
> Thanks. But actually the JIRA in concern is
> https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15475 . Can you please provide your
> feedback on this.
> Thanks.
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Pandula Kariyawasam 
> wrote:
>> Hi Johann/Kishanthan,
>> Both issue [2][3] were observed rarely on IS510 pack received on 8th Oct
>> 2015, which was based on kernel 4.4.1.
>> We didn't experience these issue up to now, on the pack received on 13th
>> Oct 2015, which is based on kernel 4.4.2.
>> So I think we can reduce the priority of these issues, and keep eye on
>> them in latest packs with kernel 4.4.2.
>> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
>> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
>> Thanks,
>> Pandula
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Johann Nallathamby 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Kishanthan,
>>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
>>> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Johann Nallathamby 

> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
> We have added the test case as well to the same PR.

 Thanks Johann.

 @MB Team, could you guys verify that all your scenarios are now
 passing?.  We will start the next RC build once this is confirmed ASAP.

> Also can we get CARBON-15505 merged? The PR for master is a very old
> PR which we have missed to review and merge. This mainly contains some
> reordering of fields in the UI to make it more consistent and reorder
> properties in user-mgt.xml to be consistent with UI. Hope we don't need 
> any
> tests for this.

 I think its better not to add any more changes at this stage. We will
 merge this for next patch release.

> Any update on the 3 issues raised above ?

 For [1], we need more information to reproduce (LB & IS config, example
 requests, HTTP access logs on both LB and IS side with this issue). Will
 send a separate mail on that, but I believe its not a blocker for the IS
 release right?

>>> I will request Hasanthi to upload the artifacts you requested.
>>> I may be not the right person to say if this is blocker or not.
>>> @QA Team, please give your opinion if we can consider this as not a
>>> blocker and go ahead with the release.
>>> Regards.
 [2] and [3], we haven't seen this error previously and according the
 trace, it looks like the "distributedCache" instance is becoming null in
 CacheImpl class. If the exact steps can be found or given on how to
 reproduce this, then we can work on finding the root cause for this.

> Thanks,
> Johann.
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Johann Nallathamby 
> wrote:
>> Hi Kishanthan/Kernel Team,
>> We are in the process writing the test case for the issue. Should be
>> able to send it before end of day.
>> [1] has been reported in another thread. This issue in particular
>> looks critical to me, because AFAIK there are many users using
>> proxyContextPath. Not sure about WebContextRoot though. Apart from that
>> WSO2 QA has reported [2,3] in IS 5.1.0 SNAPSHOT pack. May be its 
>> harmless,
>> but looks like it is coming from kernel and would like to get your 
>> thoughts
>> on this if this is critical and needs to be fixed.
>> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15475
>> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3815
>> [3] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-3817
>> And also it will be great if we can change the default value of
>> XSSPreventionConfig.Enabled to 'false' because this was added in order to
>> prevent XSS centrally, however the approach is not 100% bug free. Whoever
>> has this enabled needs to test all their functionality well. Therefore 
>> what
>> I suggest is to make it 'false' by default and whatever product that 
>> needs
>> it can enable it at product level. WDYT ? Can we do this ?
>> Regards,
>> Johann.
>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Kishanthan Thangarajah <
>> kishant...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> Can we also have test case for this fix please?
>>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:13 PM, Isura Karunaratne 
>>> wrote:

 This issue is fixed in [1].

[Dev] Start servers with public ip on ec2 instance

2015-10-16 Thread Anuruddha Liyanarachchi
Hi Devs,

I am trying start a wso2esb in ec2 instance. But the server is starting
with private ip instead of public IP.

How can I set the public ip to server when it is starting up.

*Thanks and Regards,*
Anuruddha Lanka Liyanarachchi
Software Engineer - WSO2
Mobile : +94 (0) 712762611
Tel  : +94 112 145 345
a nurudd...@wso2.com
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Start servers with public ip on ec2 instance

2015-10-16 Thread Nadeesha Gamage
Hi Anuruddha,
Please try the instruction in the following article

Thank you,

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:04 PM, Anuruddha Liyanarachchi <
anurudd...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Devs,
> I am trying start a wso2esb in ec2 instance. But the server is starting
> with private ip instead of public IP.
> How can I set the public ip to server when it is starting up.
> --
> *Thanks and Regards,*
> Anuruddha Lanka Liyanarachchi
> Software Engineer - WSO2
> Mobile : +94 (0) 712762611
> Tel  : +94 112 145 345
> a nurudd...@wso2.com

Nadeesha Gamage
Associate Technical Lead - Solutions Engineering
T : +94 77 394 5706
B : https://nadeesha678.wordpress.com/
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Start servers with public ip on ec2 instance

2015-10-16 Thread Akila Ravihansa Perera
Hi Anuruddha,

You need to set bind-address parameter in your transport receivers in
axis2.xml as follows;

hostname or IP

Read [1] for more info.

[1] https://docs.wso2.com/display/ESB481/Setting+Up+Host+Names+and+Ports


On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 10:46 AM, Nadeesha Gamage  wrote:

> Hi Anuruddha,
> Please try the instruction in the following article
> http://wso2.com/library/knowledge-base/2011/01/custom-urls-wso2-esb-proxy-services/
> Thank you,
> Nadeesha
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:04 PM, Anuruddha Liyanarachchi <
> anurudd...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi Devs,
>> I am trying start a wso2esb in ec2 instance. But the server is starting
>> with private ip instead of public IP.
>> How can I set the public ip to server when it is starting up.
>> --
>> *Thanks and Regards,*
>> Anuruddha Lanka Liyanarachchi
>> Software Engineer - WSO2
>> Mobile : +94 (0) 712762611
>> Tel  : +94 112 145 345
>> a nurudd...@wso2.com
> --
> Nadeesha Gamage
> Associate Technical Lead - Solutions Engineering
> T : +94 77 394 5706
> B : https://nadeesha678.wordpress.com/

Akila Ravihansa Perera
WSO2 Inc.;  http://wso2.com/

Blog: http://ravihansa3000.blogspot.com
Dev mailing list