Hi All,

WSO2 Storage Server team is pleased to announce the release of WSO2 Storage
Server 1.5.0 - RC. The distribution is available to download at [1].

This release includes the following Improvements and Bug Fixes.

   - [SS-84 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-84>] - Breadcrumb issue in
   Cassandra Explorer
   - [SS-136 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-136>] - JDBC URL of databases
   created in storage server is malformed.
   - [SS-171 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-171>] - Wrong JDBC driver
   name and jdbc URL is populated when connecting to Database Console
   - [SS-238 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-238>] - Database Console Save
   & Remove button either be disabled or should work
   - [SS-283 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-283>] - Notify the user
   properly when the database server not available
   - [SS-284 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-284>] - User WARN popup
   content need to be changed on "Attach database user" page
   - [SS-306 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-306>] - Getting WARN
   {org.wso2.carbon.hdfs.mgt.HDFSAdminComponentManager} - Kinit Failed at new
   tenant login
   - [SS-311 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-311>] - Error:
   java.sql.SQLException: PooledConnection has already been closed
   - [SS-323 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-323>] - attachUser operation
   soap request should not generate with edit user privileges entries
   - [SS-324 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-324>] - [HDFS] When user
   paginate to a particular page number it's not highlighted
   - [SS-327 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-327>] - Thrift Error: when
   cassandra cluster monitoring is enabled
   - [SS-355 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-355>] - Getting a
   NoClassDefinition exception
   - [SS-368 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-368>] - Cannot login to the
   management console
   - [SS-369 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-369>] - for a secondary user
   store user to gain access to the Cassandra explorer, the user has to enter
   the domain name
   - [SS-384 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-384>] - Navigate to Cassandra
   Keyspace throwing exception and a dead page
   - [SS-398 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-398>] - Cassandra-Thrift
   should be exposed as an independant OSGi bundle
   - [SS-403 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-403>] - If the BAM tenants
   credentials are given within the output adaptor of CEP an error is thrown
   - [SS-416 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-416>] - Error when trying to
   access cassandra explorer
   - [SS-418 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-418>] - Navigate to Cassandra
   Keyspaces List throwing exception when primary datasource point to open LDAP
   - [SS-419 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-419>] - Give a way to find
   out whether an user is attached to more than one database
   - [SS-423 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-423>] - Tenants with hyphens
   in their domain name, cannot create a DB using RSS
   - [SS-424 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-424>] - SS : Remove
   Application Logs Monitoring in Storage server
   - [SS-432 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-432>] - DB Explorer feature
   is much needed for Storage server
   - [SS-433 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-433>] - Cassandra
   authentication is not working with Email as username
   - [SS-448 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-448>] - Data publishing using
   wrong Cassandra data source credential result in nested NPE
   - [SS-449 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-449>] - Remove any jpa
   related configurations from the product and the carbon storage management
   - [SS-450 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-450>] - Jasper exception
   occurrred during adding users or roles
   - [SS-451 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-451>] - Cassandra related
   property logs are not displayed during server startup
   - [SS-455 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-455>] - Breadcrump growing
   when create instances on UI
   - [SS-456 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-456>] - Add database
   operation fails with ERROR
   {org.wso2.carbon.rssmanager.core.manager.AbstractRSSManager} - Error while
   creating the database
   - [SS-457 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-457>] - Observed ERROR
   {org.wso2.carbon.rssmanager.core.manager.impl.h2.H2SystemRSSManager} while
   trying to create database snapshot
   - [SS-458 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-458>] - Display an
   understandable error message to users when try to create a user with
   already existing user name
   - [SS-459 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-459>] - RSSInstance's defined
   on the rss-config.xml allows to Edit and Delete on the management console UI
   - [SS-460 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-460>] - RSS Instance Name*
   property display as null in EditDatabase User page for a user who created
   under the USER_DEFINED instance type
   - [SS-462 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-462>] - null popuout shown
   when adding a new RSS Instance.
   - [SS-463 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-463>] -
   addDatabasePrivilegeTemplate admin service missing the some permission
   selections coming with the UI
   - [SS-464 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-464>] -
   addDatabasePrivilegeTemplate admin service operation fails and return a
   soap fault
   - [SS-465 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-465>] - Some attribute fields
   on addRSSInstance admin service soap request should be corrected
   - [SS-468 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-468>] - When try to create
   users with same name on SYSTEM and USER_DEFINED RSS instances, Getting
   ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.rssmanager.core.dao.impl.DatabaseUserDAOImpl} -
   Failed to add database
   - [SS-469 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-469>] - Optional feilds are
   also required for creating a RSS instance.
   - [SS-470 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-470>] - Two database users
   with same name does not allow to create on different RSS instances created
   with USER_DEFINED instance type
   - [SS-471 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-471>] - Getting the ERROR
   - Unexpected Error : No event Data to publish, when try to publish SS stat
   data to BAM
   - [SS-472 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-472>] - Getting ERROR
   when down the BAM server
   - [SS-476 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-476>] - RSSInstance edit
   feature doesnot work as expected
   - [SS-477 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-477>] - When try to create a
   single database user, create many databse users (Similar to no of existing
   SYSTEM RSS Instances)
   - [SS-479 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-479>] - Driver details
   missing from the created Data Source
   - [SS-481 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-481>] - error while getting
   - [SS-482 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-482>] - Getting "ERROR
   {org.wso2.carbon.rssmanager.core.manager.AbstractRSSManager} - Error while
   creating the database", when creating a database with instance type SYSTEM
   within a tenant space
   - [SS-487 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-487>] - Error when create a
   database through existing db instance - mysql
   - [SS-489 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-489>] - 'Test Connection'
   fails - MSSQL
   - [SS-490 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-490>] - Test Connection fails
   for Postgresql - RSS Instance
   - [SS-493 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-493>] - Configuring the
   default RSS environment with Postgresql is not working
   - [SS-494 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-494>] - User priiviledges not
   shown properly
   - [SS-495 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-495>] - NPE thrown when
   takinf snapshot without configuring
   - [SS-496 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-496>] - Issue configuring
   cassandra multiple nodes
   - [SS-497 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-497>] - Cancel button not
   functioning in cassandra keyspace permission edit
   - [SS-498 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-498>] - Encrypt rss instance
   password in database
   - [SS-501 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-501>] - Invalid reference
   when try to connect mysql instance.
   - [SS-503 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-503>] - Exception when
   checking cassandra stats
   - [SS-507 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-507>] - Error getting the
   token range of the keyspace thrown when viewing the keyspace
   - [SS-512 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-512>] - Invalid error when
   creating a user in SQL Server
   - [SS-513 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-513>] -
   java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid privilege set defined when adding user
   to SQL Server database
   - [SS-515 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-515>] - Integration Tests are
   failing due to MT feature's export issue
   - [SS-516 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-516>] - Updating user
   previledges does not apply to the database
   - [SS-518 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-518>] - DB user is getting
   created in metarepo even it fail on db side - MSSQL
   - [SS-519 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-519>] - [Docs] "Encrypting
   Passwords with Cipher Tool" section should be up to date.
   - [SS-520 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-520>] -
   com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster cannot be cast to
   - [SS-525 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-525>] - Cannot detach user
   from db - mssql
   - [SS-527 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-527>] - Exception when
   edit/delete user of user-defined instances - MSSQL


   - [SS-119 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-119>] - Control user access
   to different storage provisioning environments based on a permission model
   - [SS-296 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-296>] - [RSS] [DOC] Defaultly
   shipping configuration contents on SS pack can be improved
   - [SS-427 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-427>] - SS - Keep a default
   database privilege group already created.
   - [SS-436 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-436>] - BAM tool boxes are in
   SS home folder.
   - [SS-475 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-475>] - Ability to take
   database snapshots

New Feature

   - [SS-96 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-96>] - Cassandra Mgt UI should
   be able to manage Cassandra Clusters hosted independently from Carbon
   - [SS-409 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-409>] - Role based permission
   model for Cassandra environments
   - [SS-446 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-446>] - Hector based carbon
   data sources for accessing Cassandra


   - [SS-344 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-344>] - Database url doesn't
   contain the db name.


   - [SS-81 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-81>] - SS about page needs to
   be re-written
   - [SS-363 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-363>] - Complete git moving
   process in wso2-dev branch and stabilize the product build
   - [SS-444 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-444>] - SS 1.5.0 - Upgrade
   - [SS-447 <https://wso2.org/jira/browse/SS-447>] - Add automated tests
   for user define rss instance provisioning tasks


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