
This is regarding adding custom life cycles for applications in AF. [1]

Currently in AF the life cycle is attached to the application version
artifact at the creation of application versions. If the app is uploaded
then it attaches 'UploadableApplicationLifeCycle' and if the app is created
then it  attaches 'ApplicationLifecycle'.

It doesn't store life cycle in 'appinfo' artifact.

But when changing life cycle name of an application, the current way of
attaching life cycle is not applicable.

The solution I found is attaching life cycle name to  'appinfo' artifact
when creating an application and do a data migration for old tenants.

Is it okay if I use the solution I suggested?

Your comments are highly valued.

[1] Please prefer Configurable Lifecycle Stages for AppFactory in
Architecture mailing list for details.


Bimali Dayananda
Intern-Software Engineering
Mobile : +94(77) 571 6618
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