WSO2 Identity Server 5.1.0 Alpha Released !!
Date: 14th September 2015The WSO2 Identity Server team is pleased to
announce the release of WSO2 Identity Server 5.1.0 Alpha. You can download
this distribution from

Following list [1] contains all bug fixes and improvements available with
alpha release. We encourage you to report issues, improvements and feature
requests regarding WSO2 Identity Server through the public WSO2 Identity
Server JIRA <>

~ The WSO2 Identity Server Team ~

[1] Release Notes - WSO2 Identity Server - Version 5.1.0-Alpha


   - [IDENTITY-836 <>] - The
   pagination on the google chrome shows a box around the paginations numbers
   and next previous/ first last words
   - [IDENTITY-1163 <>] - Disable
   use of a generated OAuth token by a user,when that user locked [removed
   from users-store] from current users-base.
   - [IDENTITY-1217 <>] -
   Passwords in Ldap are stored in plain text
   - [IDENTITY-1830 <>] - When a
   tenant is created in one node of the IS cluster; at the first attempt of
   login; if the request is redirected to the other node of the cluster; login
   will be failed
   - [IDENTITY-2512 <>] -
   [Cluster setup] [Tenant mode] SAML2 SSO login fails in one node
   - [IDENTITY-2525 <>] -
   [Cluster] [Tenant mode] Error observed in SAML -> SAML federated scenario
   - [IDENTITY-2553 <>] -
   "ForceAuthn" parameter in SAML SSO request must be passed to federated
   SAML2 SSO authenticators by default
   - [IDENTITY-2585 <>] -
   AuthnContextClassRef is hardcoded.
   - [IDENTITY-2602 <>] - IDP are
   not loading in tenant mode under home realm discovery mode in Application
   - [IDENTITY-2675 <>] -
   NullPointerException thrown when trying to access an already authenticated
   session at IdP
   - [IDENTITY-2754 <>] - SCIM
   filtering Eq not adhering to the SCIM 1.1 specification
   - [IDENTITY-2781 <>] -
   updateRolesOfUser(String userName, String[] newUserList) in UserAdmin
   service does not working
   - [IDENTITY-2796 <>] - Support
   for HTTP-POST binding for SAML2 SSO federated authenticator
   - [IDENTITY-2861 <>] - Receive
   fault response from RemoteClaimManagerService
   - [IDENTITY-2904 <>] -
   exception when searching for an internal user role
   - [IDENTITY-2983 <>] - Define
   Custom SSL context SSO Agent client library.
   - [IDENTITY-3102 <>] -
   Creating a identity provider with malformed certificate cause to disappear
   the IdP's edit view and certificate file content validation needed when
   adding IdP certificate
   - [IDENTITY-3152 <>] - User
   name case sensitivity issue with Oracle as user store.
   - [IDENTITY-3195 <>] - Add
   Identity Provider page of the carbon console doesn't validate "Identity
   Provider Public Certificate" uploaded by the user.
   - [IDENTITY-3230 <>] - After
   setting a user store from Inbound Provisioning SCIM, for creating groups
   and listing users SCIM uses PRIMARY user store.
   - [IDENTITY-3236 <>] - There
   is no UI Entry to add DisplayNameAttribute value when creating a Secondary
   user stores
   - [IDENTITY-3254 <>] - Error
   when evaluate XAML request via Tryit tool
   - [IDENTITY-3301 <>] - Users
   in different tenants can log in to non-saas apps when response/assertion
   signing disabled
   - [IDENTITY-3316 <>] - OAuth
   clientid, client secret encryption does not work
   - [IDENTITY-3354 <>] - SAML to
   OAuth Grant not working for Tenant (Travelocity)
   - [IDENTITY-3359 <>] - When
   trying creating a role with existing name all the permissions get removed
   from the existing role
   - [IDENTITY-3370 <>] - SSO
   with IWA broken after the security patch
   - [IDENTITY-3416 <>] - Tenant
   Creation failed When pointing to ActiveDirectory
   - [IDENTITY-3424 <>] -
   Hazelcast NPE observed in a IS node when starting servers
   - [IDENTITY-3425 <>] - Session
   time out not handle properly for "Home > Configure > Users and Roles >
   Roles" page
   - [IDENTITY-3438 <>] - When
   role name contains block letters permissions are not get assigned to the
   - [IDENTITY-3458 <>] - Passive
   STS does not work with PassiveSTSSampleApp
   - [IDENTITY-3460 <>] - Warning
   at startup ; WARN - DefaultSchemaGenerator We don't support method
   overloading. Ignoring [validateAudienceRestriction]
   - [IDENTITY-3465 <>] -
   java.lang.NullPointerException returned when accessing an axis2 service
   with invalid security from one of the nodes
   - [IDENTITY-3484 <>] - A user
   is provisioned twice when using the SCIM outbound connector at a fresh
   start of the server
   - [IDENTITY-3514 <>] -
   org.wso2.carbon.identity.mgt component should not export the internal
   - [IDENTITY-3530 <>] - When
   try to change the password without providing current password exception get
   print in the console
   - [IDENTITY-3531 <>] - NPE on
   login after a session time out
   - [IDENTITY-3533 <>] -
   "unlockUserAccount email notifications" is not working for users in the
   secondary user store
   - [IDENTITY-3543 <>] -
   Licensing issue in org.wso2.carbon.user.mgt.feature-4.5.5 when installing
   CEP 4.0.0 features to the kernel-4.4.1


   - [IDENTITY-979 <>] - Need to
   sort claim URIs alphabetically in all pages
   - [IDENTITY-2007 <>] - Service
   Provider based login page customization in SAML SSO
   - [IDENTITY-2858 <>] -
   Configurable SAML2 SSO Elements
   - [IDENTITY-3129 <>] -
   PasswordTimeStamp claim does not updated on every method which allow change
   - [IDENTITY-3163 <>] - Create
   - [IDENTITY-3227 <>] - two
   request of logout generate an internal error
   - [IDENTITY-3464 <>] - XACML
   based axis2 handler to authorize web service requests.
   - [IDENTITY-3476 <>] - Add an
   auto increment ID in IDN_OAUTH_CONSUMER_APPS and use it as the foreign key
   from other necessary tables rather than using the CONSUMER_KEY
   - [IDENTITY-3493 <>] -
   UserStoreActionListener come up with work flaw support should be the first
   - [IDENTITY-3496 <>] - Add
   additional configurations to sso-idp-config.xml file

New Feature

   - [IDENTITY-3472 <>] -
   Workflow Support for IS


   - [IDENTITY-2913 <>] - OpenID
   prompt=none is not working
   - [IDENTITY-3209 <>] - Getting
   errors while loading service providers for LDAP users
   - [IDENTITY-3311 <>] - Control
   Case Sensitivity of Username in each User Store with a Property
   - [IDENTITY-3422 <>] - Single
   Logout with Shibboleth as IDP not working
   - [IDENTITY-3423 <>] - Dead
   Lock encountered when deleting a hybrid role
   - [IDENTITY-3480 <>] -
   IdentityUserMgtListener performs unnecessary registry calls on user deletion
   - [IDENTITY-3488 <>] - Roles
   are not assigned when JIT Provisioning in Custom Federated Authenticator
   scenario for secondary user stores
   - [IDENTITY-3510 <>] - SAML2
   SSO/SLO Requests must be able to be signed by Super Tenant or Tenant if its
   a Shared IDP
   - [IDENTITY-3511 <>] -
   Dead-Lock occurred at cluster startup
   - [IDENTITY-3550 <>] - WSO2 IS
   4.6.0 intermittent failure of user self registration "lock on create"
   - [IDENTITY-3554 <>] - User
   passwords cannot contain colon (:) when using request path authentication
   with basicauth
   - [IDENTITY-3563 <>] -
   Aggregate existing patches for IS 5.0.0


   - [IDENTITY-2178 <>] - Waffle
   1.6 library in GIT needs to be released as an orbit bundle
   - [IDENTITY-2652 <>] - TODO
   list for CARBON-14744
   - [IDENTITY-2741 <>] - Remove
   servlets from authenticationendpoint.war
   - [IDENTITY-2792 <>] - Upgrade
   Jaggery version in IS
   - [IDENTITY-2930 <>] - Create
   a separate feature to pack common configurations and dbscripts for
   applications concept in IS
   - [IDENTITY-3495 <>] - Remove
   provisioning handler implementation from scim.common component
   - [IDENTITY-3513 <>] -
   Documentation related changes for


   - [IDENTITY-2686 <>] - Need to
   write a DB based Security Policy Deployer for STS
   - [IDENTITY-3166 <>] - XSS and
   CSRF prevention
   - [IDENTITY-3367 <>] - Create
   IS dashboard gadget for workflow feature
   - [IDENTITY-3492 <>] - Provide
   support get workflow requests initiated by a user at workflow core level
   - [IDENTITY-3500 <>] -
   Workflow feature should handle conflicts occur when two operations which
   depend on each other are on workflows simultanously
   - [IDENTITY-3501 <>] - UI in
   Management Console to Check Workflow Status
   - [IDENTITY-3502 <>] - Encrypt
   passwords stored within workflow component
   - [IDENTITY-3506 <>] - Listing
   Workflow Pending Entities in the Management Console
   - [IDENTITY-3518 <>] - Extend
   workflows to support multiple workflows for single operation
   - [IDENTITY-3521 <>] - P2
   Profile for workflow features
   - [IDENTITY-3522 <>] -
   Multiple Steps Support for Approval
   - [IDENTITY-3523 <>] - Generic
   User/Role Search Page to add approval list
   - [IDENTITY-3544 <>] -
   [Migration] Migration from IS 5.0.0 SP01 to IS 5.1.0
   - [IDENTITY-3558 <>] - Ability
   to enable/disable workflow triggering globally

Hasintha Indrajee
Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc.
Mobile:+94 771892453
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