The WSO2 Identity Server team is pleased to announce the release of WSO2
Identity Server 5.3.0 Beta. You can download this distribution from
following locations.

Runtime :
Analytics :

Following list contains all the features, improvements and bug fixes
available with this beta release.

Security Vulnerability

   - [IDENTITY-4701 <>] - Move
   all operations in secret key revocation/regeneration, that change server
   state to ajaxprocessors and invoke them via POST


   - [IDENTITY-4250 <>] -
   Userinfo endpoint does not return claims for a valid token.
   - [IDENTITY-4728 <>] - "More
   APIs from Provider" section becomes empty after migrating to API Manager
   1.10 and browse the API Store without login
   - [IDENTITY-4773 <>] -
   Supporting error codes generically for Basic Authenticator
   - [IDENTITY-5108 <>] - Improve
   retrieving roles from cache for users
   - [IDENTITY-5149 <>] -
   Secondary userstore encryption not works when deployed the userstore via
   file system
   - [IDENTITY-5227 <>] - SCIM
   /me call does not return user attributes
   - [IDENTITY-5229 <>] - Carbon
   products are limited to using RSA-SHA1 for Asymmetric key signature
   - [IDENTITY-5280 <>] - Error
   is generated when SAML2 SP is sent a logout request when IDP session has
   been terminated.
   - [IDENTITY-5335 <>] - Cannot
   delete internal roles using SCIM
   - [IDENTITY-5346 <>] - UserDN
   Cache is not invalidated for authentication failures
   - [IDENTITY-5349 <>] - We can
   not define full IDP url in WSO2IS dashboard
   - [IDENTITY-5350 <>] - Cannot
   disable org.wso2.carbon.identity.user.profile.mgt.listener.
   - [IDENTITY-5352 <>] - When
   responseType equal to "id_token" the resulting token is passed back as a
   query parameter
   - [IDENTITY-5356 <>] - SSO and
   SLO configuration for carbon server - Eventhough
   IdentityProviderSLOServiceURL is mentioned in authenticators.xml
   Destination value in SAML request is the SSO url not the SLO url.


   - [IDENTITY-3868 <>] - Can't
   authorize with 'remember me' checked
   - [IDENTITY-4754 <>] - Cannot
   call setUserClaimValues when user store is readOnly.
   - [IDENTITY-4922 <>] - Cannot
   login after clearing the database and run -Dsetup.
   - [IDENTITY-5165 <>] - Error
   when IS is started with -Dsetup pointing to a MYSQL DB
   - [IDENTITY-5170 <>] - CNF
   when calling OIDC DCR endpoint to register a client
   - [IDENTITY-5177 <>] - Clear
   samlssotokenid cookie after SAML2 SSO loging out from IS
   - [IDENTITY-5183 <>] - OIDC
   DCR does not work without dynamic imports
   - [IDENTITY-5186 <>] -
   NoClassDefFoundError At Server startup from IWA authenticator
   - [IDENTITY-5228 <>] -
   Permission is denied when trying to authorize concurrently
   - [IDENTITY-5247 <>] - Invalid
   response status when authentication headers are not sent to secured REST
   API via Genric Authentication
   - [IDENTITY-5250 <>] - IS
   dashboard not working after installing KM features
   - [IDENTITY-5253 <>] - Invalid
   response status from selfsignup API when trying to add user with existing
   - [IDENTITY-5254 <>] - Error
   when updating user roles in tenant from Management console
   - [IDENTITY-5256 <>] - When
   secured REST APIs via Genric Authentication, permissions doesn't get
   dynamically updated for the Autherization valve
   - [IDENTITY-5257 <>] - When
   email username is enabled cannot login to management console as tenant users
   - [IDENTITY-5262 <>] - Error
   in account lock while adding users to secondary userstore via selfsignup
   - [IDENTITY-5265 <>] - Error
   when admin force passsword reset for users in secondary user store
   - [IDENTITY-5271 <>] - Broken
   user experience for selfsignup users to default IS-dashboard
   - [IDENTITY-5274 <>] - Add DB
   script for IDN_SAML2_ASSERTION_STORE creation
   - [IDENTITY-5284 <>] - Need to
   validate all 3 fields Firstname, Lastname and email in Username recovery
   - [IDENTITY-5285 <>] -
   Dashboard uses hostname defined in carbon.xml to send SAML post request to
   Identity Server
   - [IDENTITY-5286 <>] - Error
   when "---BEGIN CERTIFICATE----" and "---END CERTIFICATE---" are not present
   in uploaded certificate
   - [IDENTITY-5288 <>] - Claims
   displayed in the User Registration form should be configurable
   - [IDENTITY-5291 <>] - Cannot
   login to dashboard with secondary userstore usernames
   - [IDENTITY-5295 <>] - Balana
   build fails on Java 8
   - [IDENTITY-5302 <>] -
   "buildAttributeStatement" method must be protected in
   - [IDENTITY-5304 <>] -
   reCaptcha doesn't work properly
   - [IDENTITY-5307 <>] - When
   mandatory claims are defined in SP, authentication flow breaks in firefox
   - [IDENTITY-5308 <>] - Error
   when self-sign up to secondory user stores via dashboard app
   - [IDENTITY-5321 <>] -
   Incorrect Response for Authentication fail of Entitlement Rest Service
   - [IDENTITY-5322 <>] -
   Entitlement Rest Service use only super tenant as PDP
   - [IDENTITY-5323 <>] -
   Internal Server error when adding External Claim with incorrect Mapped
   Local Claim
   - [IDENTITY-5324 <>] - User is
   prompted to fill Mandatory attributes in OIDC authentication flow even
   though they are already filled
   - [IDENTITY-5325 <>] - Revoke
   and Regenerate Secret buttons of a OAuth/OIDC app does not work as expected
   - [IDENTITY-5328 <>] - Null
   values in permission tree entries in management console
   - [IDENTITY-5333 <>] - Account
   Lock after maximum allowed login attempt fail doesn't work when secondary
   user store is enabled
   - [IDENTITY-5338 <>] -
   AccountSuspensionNotificationHandler needs to consider having secondary
   user stores
   - [IDENTITY-5339 <>] - No
   challenge questions displayed for a user when admin doesn't specify any
   challenge questions for user's locale
   - [IDENTITY-5364 <>] - Improve
   exception handling in Account lock handler
   - [IDENTITY-5365 <>] - Make
   claim cache entries serializable
   - [IDENTITY-5372 <>] - API
   Access allow across the tenant
   - [IDENTITY-5379 <>] -
   kmarket-trading-sample is not working
   - [IDENTITY-5380 <>] - KMarket
   Sample : WSO2IdentityAgent is not presentable
   - [IDENTITY-5381 <>] - Getting
   a Null Pointer Exception in Authentication framework
   - [IDENTITY-5386 <>] - Error
   while invoking entitlement REST APIs for tenants
   - [IDENTITY-5389 <>] -
   Assertion query profile feature should have the option to enable\disable
   - [IDENTITY-5390 <>] - For
   entitlement REST APIs when tenant domain in path and authenticated user
   tenant domain is different API call should be terminated before actual
   service implementation
   - [IDENTITY-5395 <>] -
   Analytics integration test is failing after upgrading version
   - [IDENTITY-5404 <>] - Provide
   ability to use old email template configuration if needed (without
   - [IDENTITY-5405 <>] - Admin
   console entitlement UIs responds with blank pages
   - [IDENTITY-5414 <>] - Display
   names are "null" for a permission in the permission tree
   - [IDENTITY-5415 <>] - Error
   issuing access token for tenant users
   - [IDENTITY-5418 <>] - Setting
   supported by default doesn't apply until server restart


   - [IDENTITY-4689 <>] - OSGi
   bundle creation best practices not followed in
   - [IDENTITY-5171 <>] -
   Identity Management Rest API Docs are Outdated, need to generate from
   - [IDENTITY-5215 <>] - Move
   all Provisioning connector & Local Authenticator jars from plugins to
   - [IDENTITY-5221 <>] - Move
   Governance Connectors to Resident IDP UI as top level connectors
   - [IDENTITY-5261 <>] - Why
   duplicate configs in Identity Governance
   - [IDENTITY-5361 <>] - Add
   tenant domain to Rest API endpoint for authorization handlers
   - [IDENTITY-5368 <>] - Need to
   update claim values in cache for setUserClaimValue
   - [IDENTITY-5388 <>] - IS
   5.2.0 to 5.3.0 Migration
   - [IDENTITY-5394 <>] - Update
   identity governance config
   - [IDENTITY-5396 <>] - Move to
   carbon-multitenancy 4.6.1
   - [IDENTITY-5398 <>] - Change
   permissions /permission/admin/configure/security/* to


   - [IDENTITY-4752 <>] - Improve
   logic of handling events during tenant admin creation
   - [IDENTITY-4889 <>] - No
   getter for ObligationId in Balana Obligation
   - [IDENTITY-5040 <>] - No
   public constructor for Balana MultiRequests
   - [IDENTITY-5041 <>] - Public
   method in PDP that can convert a given XACML String to ResponseCtx object
   in Balana
   - [IDENTITY-5147 <>] -
   Password Policy Validation need to be implemented with Event Handler
   - [IDENTITY-5169 <>] -
   Supports for LDAP fail over properly
   - [IDENTITY-5293 <>] - Update
   Locale claim by selecting from a list of supported locales in user profile
   - [IDENTITY-5354 <>] - Add
   Caching in Claim Metadata Manager
   - [IDENTITY-5355 <>] - Improve
   usability in claim metadata management UI
   - [IDENTITY-5358 <>] -
   Introspection endpoint MUST be secured
   - [IDENTITY-5369 <>] - Improve
   Add SAML Service Provider UI with SAML metadata options
   - [IDENTITY-5373 <>] - Improve
   idp add SAML configuration
   - [IDENTITY-5377 <>] -
   Shouldn't we enforce authentication for DCR endpoint by default


   - [IDENTITY-4430 <>] - List
   users via scim: missing user profile attributes
   - [IDENTITY-4859 <>] - Support
   arbitrary data parameters to populate the email templates
   - [IDENTITY-5269 <>] - Error
   when setting challange questions for password recovery for secondary
   userstore users
   - [IDENTITY-5272 <>] - User
   Profile Gadget doesn't work properly for selfsigned up users
   - [IDENTITY-5276 <>] - Access
   Denied for Associated Accounts Gadget for self-signed up users in dashboard
   - [IDENTITY-5277 <>] - Monitor
   Users Login Sessions gadget only should be available to users who has admin
   - [IDENTITY-5391 <>] -
   Database schema migration
   - [IDENTITY-5392 <>] - Claim
   Data Migration


   - [ANLYIS-179 <>] - Remove
   abnormal token refresh scenario
   - [ANLYIS-180 <>] - Improve
   SuspiciousLoginDetection execution plan
   - [ANLYIS-181 <>] - Adding pdf
   export support to datatables in IS analytics

*How To Contribute*
Your feedback are most welcome!
Mailing Lists
Join our mailing list and correspond with the developers directly.

   - Developer List : | Subscribe <> | Mail
   Archive <>
   - User Forum : StackOverflow

Reporting Issues
We encourage you to report issues, improvements and feature requests
regarding WSO2 Identity Server through public WSO2 Identity Server Runtime
JIRA <> and Analytics JIRA

~ The WSO2 Identity Server Team ~

*Pulasthi Mahawithana*
Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.,
Mobile: +94-71-5179022

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