Re: [b2g] FirefoxOS Mapping [was: Dogfooding Results]

2014-12-17 Thread Matěj Cepl
On 17/12/14 14:52, Adrian Custer wrote:
> You may be mixing two different ideas: overall data quality versus 
> specific data errors. Curating involves making sure that small
> errors don't ruin the rest of the data; it is not a data gathering
> effort at all nor a comment on the overall data quality of a data
> set. Sometimes a single small street is connected in a strange way to
> a major autoroute or even to a train track or something similar and
> that tiny error leads to huge visual or algorithmic problems.
> Curating involves inspecting the data and correcting these tiny
> errors that have big impacts. This ends up being critical when doing
> routing, or address matching, or other advanced mapping stuff and
> sometimes even in simply rendering the data.

Do you know much effort goes exactly in this kind of QA around OSM?
Czech community just starts with
but it is by far not the only system of discovering exactly this kind of

A lot of fun is with, completely addictive if
you are into such stuff.

And yes, my conclusions about quality of v. OSM v. Google Maps
are based on many attempts to use both for routing. Quality of routing
varies for ALL maps, but quite strongly OSM and Google are almost always
way above Nokia Maps which generates sometimes very wild routes (500+ km
route from Prague to Krakow, which suddenly goes in the middle through a
unpaved cart track is probably the top achievement). Yes, they have some
traffic information which is useful (contrary to OSM).

And it is not only in Czech republic ... in rural Italy, OSM is
consistently best for routing (way ahead even of Google). Nokia Maps
have most of the three most outdated maps (missing cross-roads, road
extenstions, etc.).

> Right. There are two different things going on. First is a simple
> map widget that shows tiles. Second is getting a blob of actual data
> and being able to render or to do analysis on that data. The first is
> vastly easier than the second. However, both require a web service
> willing to furnish FirefoxOS devices in general with either tiles or
> prepared data---a non-trivial investment.

And the third is actual vector data covered by ODbL. Which is what I meant.

> As for the apps you mention, lantea-maps for some reason is using
> the OSM tile servers directly, which may or may not be legal. I
> suspect osm-viewer is doing the same, though have not seen its source
> code. Both are probably under the radar enough not to matter.

That was my point. There is an opportunity to develop your map for free,
and only when it becomes popular (if it becomes popular) you have
negotiate with OSM some resolution of your situation.

> In a general solution aiming to make FirefoxOS rock, if Mozilla were
> to take on this role, it could ensure a free of charge and free of
> registration barriers access to map data for all apps on the device,
> along with free software code able to evolve and grow.

Actually this doesn't *require* modular design of Firefox OS mapping
software (of course, it would be helpful if some mapping source module
would be part of the Firefox OS system itself). It could be a tremendous
help to the situation of mapping applications, if Mozilla just provided
a tile servers etc. for free for anybody developing and deploying
FxOS-compatible mapping applications.

Is this Mozilla-provided data source what you had on mind?

> Unfortunately, this work involving data management, setting up 
> services, developing code, extending the IPC system, and building
> user apps, is unlikely to happen. The need to monetize the work
> conflicts with the goal to having a fully open, freely licensed 
> mapping service, code, and application. Mozilla, which could take on 
> this work, has other priorities. So, despite the usefulness to users 
> of having a mapping app and having a mapping service available to
> any other app that wants it, I suspect mapping is not going to happen
> on FirefoxOS in this way.

You actually start to persuade me. My Flame fell on the floor other day
and the glass broke. So, I have been thinking about buying new phone.
After reading your messages you have mostly persuaded me, that if I want
a decent phone (better than your average $25-phone), I have to buy
Android in the end, because FxOS will never provide decent service (and
yes, decent phone for me includes an equivalent of OSMAnd). It is sad,
but you might be right in the end. Perhaps FxOS is really only about
“phones for Bangladesh” and even decent HTML5-apps are better served via
Fennec on Android.



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dev-b2g mailing list

[b2g] FirefoxOS Mapping [was: Dogfooding Results]

2014-12-17 Thread Adrian Custer

On 12/17/14 10:00 AM, Matěj Cepl wrote:

On 17/12/14 03:07, Adrian Custer wrote:


'curating' data is a common term for checking data, fixing errors,
finding mismatches, and generally not using a raw data dump but doing
some work with the data before use. Reports generally from people
using OSM data is that the data need work before use.

This is IMHO very very much dependent on the location.


OSM provides maps
of the similar quality to Google, and everything else (namely Nokia
Maps) are distant distant second.

You may be mixing two different ideas: overall data quality versus 
specific data errors. Curating involves making sure that small errors 
don't ruin the rest of the data; it is not a data gathering effort at 
all nor a comment on the overall data quality of a data set. Sometimes a 
single small street is connected in a strange way to a major autoroute 
or even to a train track or something similar and that tiny error leads 
to huge visual or algorithmic problems. Curating involves inspecting the 
data and correcting these tiny errors that have big impacts. This ends 
up being critical when doing routing, or address matching, or other 
advanced mapping stuff and sometimes even in simply rendering the data.

The OSM terms:

Oh, tiles ... tiles are not data I meant,

Right. There are two different things going on. First is a simple map 
widget that shows tiles. Second is getting a blob of actual data and 
being able to render or to do analysis on that data. The first is vastly 
easier than the second. However, both require a web service willing to 
furnish FirefoxOS devices in general with either tiles or prepared 
data---a non-trivial investment.

and yes if OSM mapping app

would be part of FxOS, then it is probably (and rightfully, IMHO)
expected from Mozilla to have its own servers. But that should be
covered IMHO just by providing hardware and administration of
FLOSS software on it, so not much development needs to be involved,
hopefully. And also this starts to be consideration once the app is
widely deployed. I don’t think anybody limits or

Well actually this is why things like Mapbox and providers of data and 
javascript widgets other than Google exist. Without prior agreement, 
HTML widgets, and especially web apps, are not supposed to hit the OSM 
tile servers. Other providers allow this if you sign up and register and 
... but their code is generally not free software and the limits on use 
sometimes conflict with something users want to do, like store tiles for 
offline use.

As for the apps you mention, lantea-maps for some reason is using the 
OSM tile servers directly, which may or may not be legal. I suspect 
osm-viewer is doing the same, though have not seen its source code. Both 
are probably under the radar enough not to matter.

As I said, I don’t think there is anything wrong in saying that, but
your statement read to me like “OSM mapping cannot be done, because we
don’t have a way how to share data with other apps”. If I misunderstood
you, then I am sorry for confusion.

Cool. Now we are getting somewhere. This is *not* what I was saying at all.

Rather, I am saying something along the lines of:

  For FirefoxOS to rock, it needs a good mapping app provided by
  default, one that works offline as well as online.

  In order for such an app to happen, some work will be required to
  curate data, set up servers (first tiles, then data), and develop
  code. (The gathering data step can, thankfully, be skipped since OSM
  is a suitable source of data.) In a general solution aiming to make
  FirefoxOS rock, if Mozilla were to take on this role, it could ensure
  a free of charge and free of registration barriers access to map data
  for all apps on the device, along with free software code able to
  evolve and grow.

  A modular approach to that work would think in terms of two functions
  on the FirefoxOS device: one part to manage data (select a region,
  download data from the service, store the relevant data, serve the
  data either raw or rendered to the data using code, and erase
  data no longer needed), another part to use the data for some
  'mapping' purpose, presumably, in a first instance, for a map viewer
  and geolocator. These can be part of the same 'app' but are two very
  different sets of actions.

  A modular approach to the work, would split these two
  functions. This naturally leads to the ability to offer map
  data as an inherent functionality available to all other web apps on
  the device. This allows third-parties to build on the work
  and develop alternative apps which gives mapping room to grow. That
  is, a well built, modular mapping app can transcend being an app to
  being a map engine for the platform. One issue to this approach is
  that it does require a different IPC mechan