Re: Angebot: Spam-Adressen fuer News

2004-03-09 Diskussionsfäden Michael Heydekamp
Thomas Gohel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 09.03.04:

> On 06 Mar 04, in article "Re: Angebot: Spam-Adressen fuer News",
> Michael Heydekamp  wrote:

>> Schon wenn ich z.B. auf ein Posting von HJT von gestern antworte,
>> kann ich nicht ausschließen, daß er heute morgen seinen Alias bei
>> T-Online geändert oder gleich ganz den Provider gewechselt hat.
>> Zum Zeitpunkt des Postens war die Adresse erreichbar, das ist
>> entscheidend.

> Entscheidend ist, ob die Adresse noch erreichbar ist, wenn der User
> darauf antworten will (*1).

Sagt bitte wer?

Das kann in Jahren sein, der Provider längst pleite, der User inzwischen
ausgewandert, verheiratet, gestorben oder hat schlicht vor dem Spam
kapituliert und seinen Alias geändert (siehe Jochen Gehring z.B.).  Ab
diesem Tag kann niemand mehr auf das Posting von gestern antworten - wo
willst Du denn da die Grenze ziehen?

Ich könnte jetzt nur nochmal alles wiederholen, was ich bereits gesagt
habe, aber ich beschränke mich nur auf:

>> Wenn das so wäre, dann könnte kein Usenet-Teilnehmer ab dem Moment,
>> an dem er irgendwann mal ein Posting in eine x-beliebige Gruppe mit
>> einer bestimmten Adresse gesetzt hat, mehr den Provider wechseln,
>> seinen Alias bei T-Online ändern oder ähnliches.

Ich wüßte nicht, wie man an der Argumentation vorbeikommen könnte.

> Da dieses aber bei Deiner Methode in keinster Weise garantiert ist,

Das ist *nie* garantiert, bei keiner "Methode".  Und nochmal: Es ist
nicht "meine" Methode, sondern die von vielen Seiten - u.a. vom
T-Online-Team - empfohlene und allseits praktizierte.


FreeXP Entwickler-Mailingliste

The 2004 edition of The American Medical Directory doctors, physicians, itpr

2004-03-09 Diskussionsfäden Dana Kuhn
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Content preview:  EXCLUSIVELY ON CD-ROM The 2004 edition of The American
  Medical Directory & Physicians Guide has just been completed. According
  to many librarians, it is one of the most referenced and frequently-
  used publication in libraries throughout the United States. [...] 

Content analysis details:   (7.1 points, 5.0 required)

 pts rule name  description
 -- --
 4.4 DATE_SPAMWARE_Y2K  Date header uses unusual Y2K formatting
 1.2 MISSING_MIMEOLEMessage has X-MSMail-Priority, but no X-MimeOLE
 1.6 FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook

The original message was not completely plain text, and may be unsafe to
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it, it may be safer to save it to a file and open it with an editor.

--- Begin Message ---

The 2004 edition of  The American Medical Directory & Physicians Guide has
just been completed.

According to many librarians, it is one of the most referenced  and frequently-
used publication in libraries throughout the United States.

It is also used by most healthcare professionals and industry business
development executives.

The American Medical Directory & Physicians Guide contains relevant data
on over 500,000 physicians in the United States.

Each record is indexed by such features as name, address, phone/fax, county,
year licensed, type of practice, type of physician, as well as primary and
secondary specialty.

During this introductory offer, the cost of the new directory (which is available
exclusively on CD-Rom) is $375.00 (reg. $795).

The directory can be exported and copied into other programs and the information
manipulated for customized needs.

It is also offered on an unlimited use basis.

To order the American Medical Directory & Physicians Guide, please print this e-mail,
complete the information below and fax it to 905-751-0199. (tel: 905-751-0919).










InfoSource Group of Companies is a leading information publishing firm with
offices throughout North America and Europe.

zq jlhmr ezaj rfx
 pvcqqhlis huhl z bu  yyuxrub lf fzv
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FreeXP Entwickler-Mailingliste

Subscribers benefit from our special stock updates vjw

2004-03-09 Diskussionsfäden Giovanni Kilgore
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has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or block
similar future email.  If you have any questions, see
the administrator of that system for details.

Content preview:  Market Mover Stock Report's Last Pick (CWTD) exploded
  from $1.19 to $9.20, a gain of over 670% in 5 days (Feb 12 - 17)!!!
  Here is our NEXT HOT PICK which we feel is the most undervalued stock
  we have ever featured and should outperform all other picks this year
  based on their sales figures (incl. a backlog of over $100 Million),
  incredibly solid numbers, and low outstanding share total. [...] 

Content analysis details:   (11.2 points, 5.0 required)

 pts rule name  description
 -- --
 0.3 RCVD_NUMERIC_HELO  Received: contains a numeric HELO
 4.4 DATE_SPAMWARE_Y2K  Date header uses unusual Y2K formatting
 0.7 DATE_IN_PAST_03_06 Date: is 3 to 6 hours before Received: date
 3.0 FORGED_RCVD_NET_HELO   Host HELO'd using the wrong IP network
 1.2 MISSING_MIMEOLEMessage has X-MSMail-Priority, but no X-MimeOLE
 1.6 FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook

The original message was not completely plain text, and may be unsafe to
open with some email clients; in particular, it may contain a virus,
or confirm that your address can receive spam.  If you wish to view
it, it may be safer to save it to a file and open it with an editor.

--- Begin Message ---
Market Mover Stock Report's Last Pick (CWTD) exploded from $1.19 to
$9.20, a gain of over 670% in 5 days (Feb 12 - 17)!!!

Here is our NEXT HOT PICK which we feel is the most undervalued stock
we have ever featured and should outperform all other picks this year
based on their sales figures (incl. a backlog of over $100 Million),
incredibly solid numbers, and low outstanding share total.

Life Energy and Technology Holdings, Inc.
Current Price: 2.40
Near-Term Target: 7.00
Projected High for '04: 15.00

UNDERVALUED STOCK ON THE OTCBB to our millions of subscribers for substantial
profits immediately!
Sales orders received by LETH exceed $150 Million over the past year
while major news was just released that adds multi-millions to the bottom 
line. LETH has experienced a recent spike in price and volume
indicating heavy accumulation of shares which is a sign of even bigger things to
come for this emerging world leader in the conversion of waste
materials into electrical energy, an industry with such high global demand that
it is impossible to assign a value to the size of the market.

Solving a Dual Crisis - Waste and Energy:

LETH is utilizing the unique proprietary technology of their Biosphere
Process System to generate revenue from the disposal of a wide variety
of waste products at 5 to 7 tons per hour which makes a major impact on
the global waste problem. This profitable and environmentally safe
process converts into clean, "green" electricity such waste materials as
Municipal Solid Waste, agricultural wastes, forestry wastes, medical
wastes, industrial wastes, sewage sludge, shale oil, sour natural gas, and
the huge market of used tires. LETH profits from the sale of
electricity created from the waste conversion on a continuous basis by generating
5 to 10 mega-watts per hour of electricity which is then sold to
replenish the local or national grid.

(Mar 3 '04) LETH Releases Major Product Delivery and Net Profit News

LETH delivered 12 Biosphere Process Systems which resulted in a net
profit of $3.5 Million, the equivalent of .12 cents per share. LETH is
scheduled to receive an additional $7 Million translating into an
additional .24 cents per share which is the balance of this completed contract
over the next 6 months. The net profit per share from just this single
contract would value the stock above $6 by calculating the .36 cents
per share total at an average industry PE of 18 - 22.

Examining LETH - By The Numbers:

Total Assets: 36.8 Million = 1.26 per share of assets
Cash: 23.4 Million = .80 cents per share of cash
Shares Outstanding: 29 million (down from 31.8 million) after 2.8
million shares retired in Feb. '04
Additional Shares to be Retired: 1.3 million per Company press release
Estimated Shares in Float: 7 million
Completed Biosphere Process Systems Now in Operation: 26

Record Backlog of Sales for LETH:

During the past year, over 20 additional Biosphere Process Systems have
been ordered, which upon completion represents a backlog exceeding over
$100 Million in upcoming sales. Many of these contractual agreements
include options for the purchase of additional Biosphere Systems in the
future once the initial order has been completed. The options vary from
hundreds to thousands of units which would send sh