[magnolia-dev] Re: magnolia cms run from only one browser

2017-06-12 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Unfortunately you cannot edit your question.
But you can repeat it in a new posting.

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[magnolia-dev] Re: magnolia cms run from only one browser

2017-06-12 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
>>  I want clients to access my website from only machine at a time <<
On the public context or on the author context?

Per default the session-ID is bound to a cookie. (default Java webapp session 

If you want / need to access more than one session from the same machine, you 
can must make sure that your distinct browser windows get distinct sessions.
This topic is not really related to Magnolia.
For instance you can access one with Firefox and access the other with chrome 
or safari.
And i'm sure there are other ways to achieve this goal.

I hope, but i am not sure whether this helps you.
Still not sure whether i got your issue / use case.
Also not sure where the Magnolia specific context is.

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[magnolia-dev] Re: magnolia cms run from only one browser

2017-06-12 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hello nirjon

To be honest, i do not really understand your question.

The website never will be run by a browser.
You can ACCESS the website WITH the browser.
But it is run by a server.

So ... what was your question?

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Using Inheritance for TWO Templates

2017-05-08 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hello Giancarlo

What is a "TWO template"?

Note that you also can use a prototype with the community edition (CE).
On CE you have only one site - but on this site, you can define a prototype.
Depending on the bundle or webapp you are using, the site on a CE bundle maybe 
optimized for travel demo. But you can configure it for your own requirements.

Your last sentence ...
>> I also can't use the "Site" app, since the module is a companion to a normal 
>> Web site, which most likely will use that allowed one Site spot. <<
... i do not understand.

Btw. I recommend to use the latest version - atm this would be Magnolia 5.5.4

Further reading:

- https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Site+definition
- https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Releases

i hope this helps,
kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Angular 2

2016-12-05 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
on the one hand you use magnolia as a JSON "provider" (with REST endpoint(s), 
with jsonfn or prbly. even with pure freemarker)
and on the other hand use angular (or something similar) e.g. to render data.
The code for the latter you also can add to a template or to a file loaded by 
magnolia resources module to avoid violating the same origin policy.

Both tasks ar mostly orthogonal. 

I'm not aware of a fully fledged complete example using angular 2 - however, if 
you have something which is already working with angular 1.x or another js 
framework, it should not be rocket science to port your code to angular 2.

Here are some links which may inspire you, but which do NOT contain angular 2 
(However, this is not an agular forum :-))

- https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/REST+API
- https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/My+first+REST+request
- https://wiki.magnolia-cms.com/display/WIKI/Camera+Collection+module

I hope this helps you at least a little bit,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Deep Link to asset

2016-10-27 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi Philipp

I think it would be (much) easier to use DAM app and store the PDF as an asset.

I just have seen the post from Tom.
I'm really curious whether it works :-)

This would have been my answer before i have seen Toms solution:

When it comes to images, it is kind of easy to have them on any workspace and 
to create links to the images. See
- https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Working+with+images

But this is not applicable 1:1 to PDFs.
The reason is, that the ImagingServlet knows how to resolve the path / link of 
an image and how to respond appropriate.

For a PDF, the DamDownloadServlet would know how to correctly respond for an 
asset which is a PDF (concerning correct response-type, etc. pp). So, for an 
out-of-the-box solution, it looks like you have to use DAM and store the PDF as 
an asset.

For a custome solution handling PDFs stored in another workspace, you may have 
to write your own servlet, for this DamDownloadServlet may inspire you.

If you already havea bunch of content storing PDF binary data in aother 
workspace, it may be quicker to migrate content with a groovy script instead of 
writing custom Servlet etc.

I hope this helps, maybe somebody else has a better idea :-)

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[magnolia-dev] Re: inserting data into database

2016-10-25 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi Vishnu

In the context of Magnolia, why would you want to add data "directly" into the 

Oracle can be the persistence layer of jackrabbit, which is the JCR 
implementation used by Magnolia.
So ... if you add content to the JCR repo, this will add some data to the 
oracle DB "under the hood".

If you just want to add some data to some table of your oracle instance, just 
use an oracle client.
But this would not be related to Magnolia.

To add data directly to the DB which will be available as JCR data doesn't make 
sense at all.

To add relational data to oracle, and to read and display this data with 
Magnolia is possible. For this you may want to create a custom content app with 
RDBMS content connector.

I'm not 100% sure what you try to achieve.

kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: fileupload into magnolia-tmp-dir

2016-10-18 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Thanks a lot Benjamin for providing the infos.

We will investigate the issue.

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[magnolia-dev] Re: fileupload into magnolia-tmp-dir

2016-10-17 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hello Benjamin

Which version of Magnolia are you using?

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Autodeployment

2016-08-24 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

You address a typical Java webapp "issue" - this actually is not specific for 

The WAR file (Web application ARchive) *is* your webapp. If you redeploy the 
WAR file, the webapp is "down" for a certain time.
Since a Magnolia instance is a webapplication - e.g. deployed as WAR file - the 
Magnolia instance is down for a certain time.

In a productive environment you may have more then one public instance. With 
such a scenario you can avoid "down time" for the webiste even when 
See https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Instances

While developing with an IDE such as eclipse or intelliJ (and probably even 
using JRebel) - you won't have to redeploy the complete webapp all the time 
when adding a label (or whatever).
(But that's another story.)

i hope this helps,
kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Autodeployment

2016-08-23 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi Daniel

Once again: What do you want to achieve with the update? What has changed in 
the modules which you want to redeploy?

And: Which servlet container / app-server are you suing? Tomcat? JBoss? 
WebLogic? Websphere? ...

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Autodeployment

2016-08-22 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi Daniel

As far as i know
whether you can do (or not) WAR hot deployment first depends on your Servlet 
container, not all servlet containers have this ability.

Besides that, re-deploying Magnolia Maven modules "usually" requires a Magnolia 
instance restart.
However, here it depends on what has changed in the Magnolia module. Some 
changes require a restart of the Magnolia instance, others don't.
An instance restart will not re-install the Magnolia modules again - if they 
already have been installed earlier; but an update may occur, if you have 
version dependent Module version handler tasks defined.

What do you want to achieve with the update? What has changed in the modules 
which you want to redeploy?

kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: content search not works at component level

2016-07-07 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

Please provide more details about:
- What exactly you want to achieve / to search.
- How you have tried to do it so far.

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Light Module App/SubApp template

2016-06-21 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Dear Mikael

The easiest way to describe what I want to do is How do I make a AppLauncher 
for the Hello Magnolia light module example without any Java?

You want to make an App Launcher ... or i guess you want to add a *App launcher 
Please note that an  *App launcher tile* is meant to launch an app 
See  , https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Apps  to understand 
what an *App* is (in the Magnolia context).
Furthermore, the page 
explains how to add an App launcher tile to your Magnolia instance (to launch 
one of *your* apps).

When following the "Hello Magnolia" tutorial, there is no new app created. All 
what happens, one creates a light module named "hello-magnolia", which contains 
a page template, a component template, 2 dialogs and some css, but NO app.

Neither in (1) nor in (2) you need Java.

A (light) module may contain 0 to many apps, hello-magnolia has none. 
Therefore, no need to add an extra app launcher tile to the app launcher.

I still don't know exactly, what you try to achieve.
However, if your use case requires an app - then create an app - with or 
without Java.
The page 
https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/My+first+content+app  would 
give you some first ideas ho to create an app.


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[magnolia-dev] Re: Light Module App/SubApp template

2016-06-15 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
You are adressing a bunch of topics :-)
Which documentation have you read but were confusing you?

Here are some links which i would propose to have a look at:

This one contains an example about accessing content from a content app via 
angular from the client side: 

This one contains an example about accessing content from a content app via 

For sure you also could do a mixture of (1) and (2) - using angular within a 
freemarker template ... if this makes sense. 

Some more pages which i have recently created for a workshop before the 
Magnolia conference covering very similar topics:
(You may also want to check the sibbling pages)

For the placement of the app launcher tile, have a look at:

The following sentences you have to explain in more detail ... i don't know 
what you want to do exactly. 
>> How do I "link" my BaseSubApp to a freemarker template with my js/css? Is 
>> this possible? <<
However, i hope the links i have provided will be helpfull.


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[magnolia-dev] Re: EE - Magnolia CMS workflow is possible for resources-app

2016-04-19 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
This should be possible - yes.
However, you need to customize some things. 

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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to prevent Main Sub App to be always opened

2016-04-19 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi Jennylyn

What "kind" of app do you have? A content app which is build by configuration 

If my assumption is true:
Create a custom class which extends info.magnolia.ui.contentapp.ContentApp
In your class, override the method
public void start(Location location)
(and other thins if needed).

Then, in the configuration of your app, change the value of the property 
[i]appClass[/i], as a value use the fully qualified class name of your custom 

I hope this helps,
kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to stop uploading infected/virus images in magnolia cms?

2016-04-04 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
This is a duplicate.
Please see 

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Protecting public Site via authentication and Authorization

2016-03-29 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

 will not give you a complete tutorial about how to create and use content 
restricted to a specific group of users.
However - you will need the above mentioned  module and it is worth to 
understand it.
We will update the page in order to give more infos about how using PUR module 
for restricted content.

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Protecting public Site via authentication and Authorization

2016-03-29 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hello Shanaka

Please have a look at
The public user registration module is actually thought to do these kind of 
things which you are looking for.

kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Multiple availableComponents in area

2016-02-26 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi Vitaliy

[i]availableComponents[/i] of your example gets converted into a (Java) map by 
Map2BeanConverter - so [i]availableComponents[/i] must be already a proper YAML 
"map" too.

btw.: There is no need to repeat the renderType on the area definition if it is 
the same as on top / on the page definition.

kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Forum doesn't work properly - please use the mailing lists meanwhile

2016-02-01 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi There

The forum is back. It works again. :-)
Once again we apologize for this inconvenience!

We are aware that the Magnolia community forum is not really what you expect 
from a present-day forum. We are evaluating a better solution and hope to come 
with a more suitable solution in the future.

Kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Any plans on upgrading to Freemarker 2.3.23?

2015-12-18 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi Simon

We agree that freemarker 2.3.23 contains a bunch of interesting improvements 
and it is planned to integrate it into Magnolia.
- https://jira.magnolia-cms.com/browse/SUPPORT-5181
- https://jira.magnolia-cms.com/browse/MAGNOLIA-6373

There is a certain chance that it will be part of one of the next 5.4.x 
releases. However, usually such changes won't happen during maintenance 
release. So, maybe it won't make it before 5.5.

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Build tutorial project failed due to not able to fetch magnolia-setproperty-maven-plugin

2015-12-17 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
And before trying anything else:
Make sure your maven is setup correctly!
See https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DEV/Maven+setup

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Download PDF from content app

2015-12-16 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi Miguel

Generally, [i][b]i[/b][/i] usually prefer storing "assets" in DAM over storing 
them in another workspace (e.g. website).
DAM makes it easier to reuse the asset for different purposes. A DAM asset also 
provides already a bunch of fields ... which you may not need them all, but 
since they are already there, ...

When it comes to your content app which is using a BasicUploadFieldDefinition 
right now ...
... you could change it in the following way: Replace the 
BasicUploadFieldDefinition with a LinkField to choose an asset from DAM. This 
way you store a reference to an asset from DAM instead of uploading the binary.
=> For an example see 

The relevant part for the field in your dialog:
- name: image
  class: info.magnolia.ui.form.field.definition.LinkFieldDefinition
  targetWorkspace: dam
  appName: assets
  label: Select image
contentPreviewClass: info.magnolia.dam.app.ui.field.DamFilePreviewComponent

i hope this helps :-)
cheers, Christoph

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Unknown templete in public instance

2015-11-13 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
So ... it seems you have published "content" (nodes form the JCR workspace 
"website") but you miss the templates to render the content on the public 
Make sure that your templates are available on the public instance as well.

How have you done your templates. With YAML files or as JCR nodes? "Where" are 
your templates on the author instance?

In case you use Magnolia 5.4.x and if you haven't read 
https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Resources yet; read it, it 
will give you an idea about how Magnolia handles resources (and templates are 

Kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Status of move to Stash?

2015-10-26 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi Edgar

The git repos have been moved; we are using bitbucket now. See 
More details will be announced soon.

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Status of move to Stash?

2015-09-09 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi Edgar

The process of moving to stash is ongoing - looks promising. 
Unfortunately  we can not give you a precise time schedule at the moment. 
Bu we will definitely announce it once the "move" is completed.


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[magnolia-dev] Re: Bugfixes in Imaging-Moule 2.2.6

2015-09-03 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi Benjamin

4.5.25 is the latest version on 4.5.x branch. It uses imaging 2.6, true. 
If you encounter bugs in imaging 2.6, please let us know. 
It is also possible that "your bug" (?) was already gathered in JIRA 

4.5 branch is still supported and released on regular base, but less often as 
thew newer 5.x branches.

Help is always appreciated - thanks for your offer!
Check https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Contribute for more 
information about contributing :-)

kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to render a MultiValueField

2015-08-11 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

Once again: The key to figure out how to access content is to know the 
structure of the saved content.
To figure out the structure of the saved content, please use the app named JCR 
browser and search the content node which stores the multi value field.
= see https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS53/JCR+browser
You should do that yourself. 

Once you know the structure, you may use templating functions [i]cmsfn[/i] to 
navigate on content nodes, to read properties, etc. 
= see https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/cmsfn

regards, Christoph

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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to render a MultiValueField

2015-08-11 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Add on for Sergio:

Note that Magnolia provides different field transformer classes which lead to 
different content structure (when saving the field).
Have a look at 


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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to render a MultiValueField

2015-08-10 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi Sergio

I recommend using the JCR-Browser 
 to have a look at the content which stores the value(s) of this multifield. 
Usually when you understand how the content is stored, you also know how to 
fetch it.

regards, Christoph

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Unable to find FTL files in a custom module

2015-07-27 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Dear Atul

Please do not post the same question on 2 different threads. That makes it hard 
to follow the discussion.
Please go ahead there: = 

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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to render fields from multi value containing a composite field

2015-07-27 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

It usually helps to know the content structure and how it was saved to JCR.
Use JCR app to browse JCR content of the workspace website. = 

And then it works as usual :-) 
Within a template script you have a content node (referenced as content) ... 
which could be the node of the page or the node of the component ... depends on 
what template you are in.
To get these basics please have a look at 
(which also includes JSP sample code)

i hope that helps,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: how footer designed in magnolia

2015-07-24 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

The code of the new demo travel is public.
Clone it from git = 
http://git.magnolia-cms.com/gitweb/?p=modules/demo-projects.git;a=summary and 
add it to your favorite IDE.
To analyze the code to figure out how the footer was done is a good exercise 
for a beginner :-)

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[magnolia-dev] Re: how footer designed in magnolia

2015-07-24 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Learn to read area definition.
Use our documentation. https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/
Have a look at

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Multivalue containing a composite field not working

2015-07-23 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
By the way ...
... when using the 
 you can add YAML code in a way that it shows the indentation which makes it 
much more easier to read.

  - name: events
class: info.magnolia.ui.form.field.definition.MultiValueFieldDefinition
label: Events
  class: info.magnolia.ui.form.field.definition.CompositeFieldDefinition
- name: title
  class: info.magnolia.ui.form.field.definition.TextFieldDefinition
  label: Title
- name: date
  class: info.magnolia.ui.form.field.definition.DateFieldDefinition
  label: Date


Otherwise it is really hard to read.

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Multivalue containing a composite field not working

2015-07-23 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
The post above was just about nicely displaying YAML files.

Now to your problem.


  label: Multi value composite field :-)))
  description: Multi value composite field desc. :-)
- name: tab1
  label: Some fields
- name: events
  label: Events
name: compositeField
  - name: title
label: Title
  - name: date
label: Date


This file will do the job. Note that i've added a few things.

Probably the most important one was on line 21.  [i]name: compositeField[/i] 

You must add the name property to the field which is a property of 
MultiValueSubChildrenNodePropertiesTransformer. This is not really obvious at 
first sight, however when debugging it becomes clear. 

Hopefully we can simplify handling of the name property in the near future in a 
way that the YAML parser (and other involved classes) become more tolerant.


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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to repicant the total dialog form as a container and replicant the container

2015-07-22 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

Your yaml file was valid :-). However, i think you won't get with it what you 
are looking for.
Also repeating the tab with these 3 fields is not the solution for what you 
want - i if i understood you right.

I recommend you reading more about dialogs, about the different kind of fields 
we have, etc.
I guess what you are looking for is a combination of a Multivalue and a 
Composite field. See:
- https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Multivalue+field
- https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Composite+field

This should be feasible. 
However, since you considered yourself as a Magnolia beginner ... do your stuff 
You should rather understand what you do then expecting complete solutions for 
complex use cases.

My last recommendation:
- Create a dialog with a multi value field (to understand the multi value 
- Do the same with a composite field.
- Try to combine these 2 approaches.

Good luck!

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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to repicant the total dialog form

2015-07-21 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Dear forum user

Please avoid asking the same question twice. It makes it harder to follow the 
Thanks for your comprehension.


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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to repicant the total dialog form as a container and replicant the container

2015-07-21 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Dear asrith

It would really make sense if you could paste a complete and valid YAML file 
with one complete tab.
With such a file i could show you how to reuse a field, or a complete tab or 
something else within the same dialog (or even reusing a YAML snippet from many 
other YAML files).
It would help to understand what you really want to do and you also would learn 
You may want to use an online YAML validator such as 
http://codebeautify.org/yaml-validator to check validity of your YAML files.

Until now i can only guess what you want to do ... however i'm not completely 
Start with a simple example which fulfills your most basic requirements ... 
then explain me about the more advanced requirements which you don't know how 
to do at the moment.
And a last point: It usually doesn't make sense to have a dialog which contains 
a bunch of exactly same fields.
You rather have a dialog with one such field and then in the template you have 
an area where you allow to add the component with that field many times.

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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to create a tab component in Magnolia 5.4

2015-07-20 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
= Ok. 
Discussion goes on there: 

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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to repicant the total dialog form

2015-07-20 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

I kindly ask you to write more precisely what exactly you want to do.

You want to duplicate a dialog?
If you want to use / reference the same dialog from several places, no 
But to replicate it exactly probably doesn't really make sense.

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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to repicant the total dialog form as a container and replicant the container

2015-07-20 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

I still do not understand why you want to have the same tab definition twice 
within the same dialog.
However ...
... this would be a very nice example of defining and re-using a variable 
within YAML or we could use the include mechanism.

Please provide me your dialog definition YAML file - preferably on gisthub or 
pastebin - and i'll give you then the solution to reuse the tab definition with 
the same file.

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[magnolia-dev] Re: how to create layout in magnolia5.4

2015-07-14 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hello bhargav

Do you want to know where to implement the layout of a page template?
This hasn't changed with new Magnolia version. 
However, since Magnolia 5.4 we recommend using MTE instead of STK if you start 
a new project.
See https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/MTE+and+STK

The layout of a template is part of the template script. See 
If you're new to Magnolia you may have a look at 


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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to create multiple areas in magnolia 5.4

2015-07-14 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

 Have a look at 
 If you are new to Magnolia, i recommend to start with 

Feel free to go ahead asking more question, but try to ask as specific as 
possible and please also search and read in 
https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com about the topic which you are interested 


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[magnolia-dev] Re: Creation of Menu Header

2015-07-13 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Dear Duddu Asrith

Try to write down your questions as precise as possible. This makes it easier 
to respond.
I'm not 100% sure what you are trying to achieve.

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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to create a tab component in Magnolia 5.4

2015-07-13 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

What exactly do you want to do?
Is it about configuring a tab within a dialog?
If yes, please have a look at 
https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Dialog+definition and 
subpages and probably 
https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Hello+Magnolia also helps 

Kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Help in creating new public instance

2015-07-13 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi nguyenlong7888

What exactly have you downloaded from Maven. A complete bundle? Which version.
Do you start tomcat from an IDE (e.g. Eclispe or IntelliJ), or do you start it 
from console?
Are you sure that you have 2 instances (author and public) deployed within your 
container / app-server?

Please also have a look at 

kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Developing Menu Header

2015-07-13 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

Please try to avoid to open 2 threads for the same topic. :-) Thanks.

Which Magnolia version are you working with? 5.4 or 5.3?
If you work with 5.3, have a look at 
We hope to provide documentation about creating navigations with Magnolia 5.4 
However, if you are new to Magnolia, we recommend working with Magnolia 5.4

Generally you should try to use Magnolia in a way that it is creating the 
Navigation for you. 
Learn how to iterate over nodes of the website workspace, how to grep its page 
title and how to bring this all together to create Links for navigation.
If you've understand these principles make the next steps. Recursive iteration; 
showing children pages only on click or on mouseover events, styling, etc.

hover effects and similar things is not really Magnolia specific but rather 
concerns CSS and JavaScript.

templating essential module[/url] which is part of new Magnolia 5.4 will 
provide some functions which will ease the creation of navigations in near 

kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Developing Menu Header

2015-07-13 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Test ...

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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to import sample data into JCR

2015-06-24 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hello Nguyen Long

The XML import function is intented to import content (as XML) which once has 
been exported before from the app.
You could create manually your XML to import ... but this would be cumbersome 
and very error-prone.

First try out adding new product(s) by using the action Add product from the 
action bar. Add a few products.
If this works fine, you may export now the products as XML. This XML could be 
used to import somewhen later ...
... or you could extend and edit this XML before importing it ... however, this 
probably doesn't really make sense.

If you cannot add a product with the app using the action, then something is 
wrong with your app. In this case you may want to add the stacktrace from the 
log here.

I hope this helps :-)
kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Help in creating new app in Magnolia

2015-06-12 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

I'd like to recommend you reading some of the following topics:
— https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Parts+of+a+content+app
— https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/My+first+content+app ... 
there especially Content views
— prbly. 
https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Content+app+framework could 
help too

Actually, documentation.magnolia-cms.com does contain some material which 
should help you to solve your problem.

Give it another try :-)

Kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Help in creating new app in Magnolia

2015-06-09 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

I'm glad to hear that your subapp works now :-)
Concerning the tutorials you have used ... to be honest, i don't know them very 

When it comes to AppController and location change management ...
... have a look at:
— https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/App+framework

Beside that ... if you really want to understand the inner details ... it is 
always helpful to debug a running application.

I hope that helps for the moment.
Otherwise go ahead asking. :-)

kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Help in creating new app in Magnolia

2015-06-08 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

Please have a also a look at 
It explains the details about how to configure a subapp.
If this won't help ... ask again :-) ... and tell us on what specific point 
your subapp fails probably providing an error message or a stacktrace.

Good luck  kind regards,

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Help in creating new app in Magnolia

2015-06-08 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi (again) :-)

The java.lang.ClassNotFoundException indicates your missing a dependency on 
your project.
info.magnolia.dam.app.ui.field.definition.DamUploadFieldDefinition belongs to 
DAM ...
... so ... make sure your project / bundle includes the artifact for magnolia 

  versiondepends on the magnlia version you are using .../version

On which bundle or version are you working?
And what tutorial are you following (you've written: Follow the instruction in 
hello word app)

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Help in creating new app in Magnolia

2015-06-08 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
MgnlInstantiationException can have several reasons ... hard to just guess.

Make sure you have an IoC configuration for the class HelloWorldMainSubApp 
somewhere  (see https://goo.gl/ln4CJY).
Also ensure that all (probably injected) params have public constructors ... 
and if these constructors have arguments ... you also require IoC configuration 
for these classes ... but usually they already are configured for IoC.

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[magnolia-dev] Re: How to create Action link for Pages

2015-05-27 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

Basically you have to implement 2 classes (an action and an action definition) 
and then you have to configure your subapp to enable the action / to get a link 
on the action bar.

— action definition should implement 
— action should implement info.magnolia.ui.api.action.Action

Have a look at  
— https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Actions
— https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Action+definition 
— https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Action+bar+definition

I hope this helps you as a starting point.

kind regards, 

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Getting and parsing JSON from server.

2014-12-11 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

Magnolia's REST Web service allows you to manipulate content through a Web API.
Have a look at 
[url=http://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/REST+module and ]Rest 
Module[/url] and 
[url=http://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/REST+API]REST API[/url].

i hope that helps / kind regards / christoph

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Getting and parsing JSON from server.

2014-12-11 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
sorry, the 1st link is broken (why ever), here it is again:

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Magnolia Development Roadmap

2014-10-28 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

It depends a little bit on what you want to do with Magnolia.

Magnolia Academy might be a good starting poinf for you.
See http://academy.magnolia-cms.com/ and 
http://academy.magnolia-cms.com/display/MA/My+role+is .

To set up your development environment it is advantageous to know the basics of 
Maven and Git.
See http://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Development+environment.

Anyway installing and using existing Magnolia modules does not require Java 
and you also can create new modules only by configuration without Java.
However to get the complete power of Magnolia - Java is your friend :-)

I hope this helps.
Feel free to ask more specific questions.

kind regards,
 Christoph Meier

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[magnolia-dev] Re: The future of the forum module

2014-03-24 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi Chris

Version 3 of the forum was introduced with Magnolia 5; version 3.3 now allows 
to really use the forum together with Magnolia 5.
Version 3 cannot be used with Magnolia 4.5, amongst others its admin-UI is a 
„typical“ M5 app  which will never run on M4.5.
If you want to run a forum with Magnolia 4.5, use the latest 1.3.x version 
which currently is 1.3.4.

The priority to rewrite 
 is quite low.

An important reason to re-enable forum on Magnolia 5 was to „bring-back“ 
commenting which requires the forum.
More improvements in the future are possible but we have no concrete plans, yet.

I hope that helps.
Kind regards,  

P.S. If you want to contribute patches to fix any of the listed tickets 
 those would be gratefully accepted and applied!

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