Re: Use of instanceof SomeDOMInterface in chrome and extensions

2012-12-30 Thread Robert O'Callahan
On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 11:23 AM, Andreas Gal wrote:

 I think it would be extremely surprising to chrome JS authors if
 instanceof works differently in content and chrome, resulting in very hard
 to diagnose bugs.

What if we made it work that way in content as well?

Yes, ultra-dirty and all that, but in terms of least-surprise, stuff like
iframe.contentDocument.documentElement instanceof Node being false is
pretty surprising to most authors too.

Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the
Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority
over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among
you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your
slave — just
as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his
life as a ransom for many.” [Matthew 20:25-28]
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Use of instanceof SomeDOMInterface in chrome and extensions

2012-12-30 Thread Neil

Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Alternately, we could do something where the proto chain of an Xray 
for a content object passes through the corresponding chrome 
prototypes, not through Xrays for the content window's prototypes.  
That would presumably make el instanceof 
el.ownerDocument.defaultView.HTMLAnchorElement return false and might 
have other issues.

I don't think that would work, because you wouldn't expect the Xray for 
a content object to have methods that you added to the prototype of the 
chrome object. (I would actually expect the proto of an Xray for a 
content object to be an [xpconnect wrapped native prototype], but I'm 
probably asking too much.)

Warning: May contain traces of nuts.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Use of instanceof SomeDOMInterface in chrome and extensions

2012-12-30 Thread Bobby Holley
Sorry for taking so long to weigh in here.

There are two main cases to consider.

Content-Content, same-origin (via transparent CrossCompartmentWrappers):
This is the most web-visible area, and thus the one where we should be the
most careful. I don't think we should unilaterally implement any kind of
non-ECMA hacks that the web doesn't already depend on. It would only
further fracture the ecosystem that we're working so hard to mend. If we
think that such behavior would seriously improve the web as a platform, we
should get consensus from other vendors and get Hixie to put an explicit
ECMA deviation in HTML5 (which has been done before).

Chrome-Content, Xray delegation: This is the primary case that Boris was
asking about.

In the long term, I'd like for Xray wrappers to behave more logically with
respect to the prototype chain than they have in the past. I believe that
Peter has already taken the first step by giving us meaningful Xrays to DOM
prototypes and interface objects, but the resolution still happens via the
one-stop-shop resolveNativeProperty (via
XrayWrapper::getPropertyDescriptor) which queries the entire spectrum of
inherited properties directly on then Xray-ed object. I would prefer this
to happen properly via the wrapped prototype chain, so that native
properties on Xrayed objects could be shadowed via expandos on the (Xrayed)
prototype chain. This seems most correct to me, and IMO best captures the
spirit of Xrays: we want the Xrayed objects to behave as normally as
possible, but just be free of any tampering by script associated with their

So while Boris' suggestion of remapping the prototypes of Xray-ed
prototypes would work (indeed, we've proven it's possible with COWs), I
don't think we should do it. It violates the above-mentioned spirit of
Xrays with very unintuitive behavior, which is likely to lead to the kinds
of inconsistencies that Gal mentioned. In particular, content DOM objects
from multiple scopes would then appear to share prototypes. What's more,
this puts us in a near-impossible position when Xrays are waived (via
.wrappedJSObject or XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap()): do we remap the prototypes
(violating the guarantee of transparency) or not (making the behavior of
waived objects inconsistent with other objects for seemingly arbitrary

Given that, it would appear that we have two options:
(1) Implement a HasInstance hook for Paris Binding interface objects in
chrome scopes only.
(2) Force addons to change.

(2) is always an option, but IMO it should be a pretty high bar. We can
only do so much of that, and I'm not convinced that the compatibility hacks
here will cost of very much. It seems like we could just do (1) with very
little code, by just checking the JSClass. But maybe I'm missing something?

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Use of instanceof SomeDOMInterface in chrome and extensions

2012-12-30 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/29/12 11:19 AM, smaug wrote:

And doesn't work for data documents which don't have defaultView

Hrm... Yes.

You mean something like, HTMLAnchorElement); ?

Or HTMLAnchorElement.isHTMLAnchorElement(element) or or something


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Use of instanceof SomeDOMInterface in chrome and extensions

2012-12-30 Thread Bobby Holley
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 10:12 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 12/30/12 4:50 PM, Bobby Holley wrote:

 It seems like we could just do (1) with very
 little code, by just checking the JSClass.

 Right now we can even do it simply by delegating to QI (see
 hasInstanceInterface annotations in Bindings.conf), but yes, adding code to
 check the protoid chain in the JSClass would be very simple.

Well, you mentioned that one of the costs of maintaining this behavior
would be maintaining the nsIDOMFoo interfaces right? So I'm suggesting that
we use codegen and the JSClass to short-circuit that stuff.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Use of instanceof SomeDOMInterface in chrome and extensions

2012-12-30 Thread Andreas Gal

On Dec 31, 2012, at 8:08 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 12/30/12 2:16 PM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
 How bad would it be to make expr instanceof expression resolving to
 WebIDL interface special-cased to re-map the RHS to the appropriate
 WebIDL interface object for expr?
 In terms of implementation complexity on our end, it's trivial as long as we 
 don't follow the WebIDL spec and make things like HTMLAnchorElement actual 
 Function instances.
 In terms of specs and getting other UAs to go along... I don't know.

In this sea of terrible choices, how about making HTMLAnchorElement an actual 
function, but having it return object for typeof? That should be reasonably 


 dev-platform mailing list

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Use of instanceof SomeDOMInterface in chrome and extensions

2012-12-30 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/30/12 10:34 PM, Andreas Gal wrote:

In this sea of terrible choices, how about making HTMLAnchorElement an actual function, 
but having it return object for typeof?

Apart from being an ES violation (which we're in the business of anyway, 
at the moment), what does that actually buy us?

Right now, in my tree, HTMLAnchorElement is an object with a [[Call]], 
so typeof returns function and it has a JSClass that lets us override 
the behavior of instanceof.

But if it were an actual function then we couldn't change how instanceof 
behaves (it would just look up the proto chain of the LHS for the value 
of HTMLAnchorElement.prototype), right?  What do we get from making its 
typeof return object?

Feel like I'm missing something,
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Use of instanceof SomeDOMInterface in chrome and extensions

2012-12-30 Thread Bobby Holley
In case anyones' eyes glazed over reading my last post, here's my reduced

1)  How do we want this to work going forward for chrome touching content?

|obj instanceof Node| should return true.

 2)  How do we want this to work going forward for web pages touching other
 web pages?

|obj instanceof Node| should return false until the standards community
decides something to the contrary and specs it.

 3)  Can we make #1 and #2 look identical?


 3)  If #2 doesn't match what WebIDL/ES5 does right now, can we get the
 relevant specs and other UAs to align with what we want?

See (2). I'm in favor of Mozilla taking the back seat on this one - I'm
happy to implement it if other vendors are pushing for it, but think we
have bigger things to be pushing for ourselves.

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