Re: Studying Lossy Image Compression Efficiency

2013-10-17 Thread cryopng
HDR-VDP-2 is relatively recent metric that produces predictions for difference 
visibility and quality degradation.
It could been interesting to add this metric in future studies.

Rafał Mantiuk (the guy behind HDR-VDP-2) also worked on this paper: "New 
Measurements Reveal Weaknesses of Image Quality Metrics in Evaluating Graphics 

Which leads to think that doing some blinded experiment (real people evaluating 
the images) to compare compressed images has still some value. It could be fun 
to conduct such an experience, presenting 2 or 3 versions of the same image 
compressed with different methods and asking a wide panel (could be open to 
anyone on the web) to pick their favorite one.
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Re: Studying Lossy Image Compression Efficiency

2013-10-17 Thread cryopng
Thank you for publishing this study, here are my first questions:
- Why didn't you include JPEG 2000?

- Correct me if I'm wrong but JPEG-XR native color space is not Y'CbCr this 
means that this format had to perform an extra (possibly lossy) color space 

- I suppose that the final lossless step used for JPEGs was the usual Huffman 
encoding and not arithmetic coding, have you considered testing the later one 

- The image set is some what biased toward outdoor photographic images and 
highly contrasted artificial black and white ones, what about fractal 
renderings, operating systems and 2D/3D games screen-shots, blurry, out of 
frame or night shots?

- I've found only two cats and not a single human face in the Tecnick image 
set, no fancy à la Instagram filters, this can't be seriously representative of 
web images, a larger image corpus would be welcome.
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