Summary: AudioContexts are very useful objects, but they use quite a lot
of CPU time (they use a very high priority thread that wakes up often to
compute and output audio), keep the audio hardware awake and in low
latency mode. In other words, authors should try to dispose of their
AudioContext when they don't need them. This has been the cause of
multiple B2G battery life regression, as the Dialer app uses an
AudioContext to output the DTMF tones.

This API allow authors to simply `suspend()` the processing for an
already existing Web Audio API graph, effectively "freezing" all time
and processing. The high priority thread stops, the audio hardware can
go to sleep. When needed again, a call to `resume()` start the
processing again. `close()` tells the graph to close its audio output,
to release the underlying platform audio stream as fast as possible.
This is important because some platforms have a strict and low limit on
the number of AudioContext that can simultaneously exist. Since those
are inherently asynchronous operation (platform audio APIs can take some
time to stop/start, etc.), Promises are returned to notify content that
the operation has finished.


Link to standard:

Platform coverage: all

Will ship in: 40

Preference behind which this will be implemented: none

DevTools bug:

Other browser support: Blink

Tests: dom/media/webaudio/test/test_audioContextSuspendResumeClose.html

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