Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2009-01-13 Thread bsterne
Sorry I haven't been more vocal on this thread lately.  I think it's
important that we keep our momentum moving forward here if we hope to
get something meaningful implemented any time soon.

I am getting the sense that we aren't in agreement on one or two of
the fundamental goals of this project and I think it potentially
jeopardizes overall progress if we are working with different base
assumptions.  My near-term goal is to start driving toward a stable
design (if not specification) for CSP.  The design is certainly still
open for comments and feedback, but those discussions will be easier
to resolve after we've settled the issue of project goals.  More

On Dec 23 2008, 7:34 am, Gervase Markham wrote:
 I am not arguing we should make CSP work a random 50% of the time. I am
 arguing that CSP is not a security model, it's a phew, I would have
 just got stuffed, but it saved me this time model.  Security models are
 things you rely on. CSP is a second line of defence for when your
 security model fails, and it doesn't promise to save your ass every time.

I think that CSP should be considered part of the browser security
model.  Mike and others have made the excellent point that there are
significant costs to bear for a website that wants to start using this
model: policy development as well as migrating inline scripts to
external script files.  Websites will not be willing to pay this cost
if user agents are not strongly committed to enforcing the policies.
We won't be able to make security guarantees like XSS will never
happen on your site, but we can provide smaller guarantees like
inline script will not execute in this page if the CSP header is

I have previously agreed with Gerv's belt-and-(suspenders|braces)
logic with regard to CSP as it had twofold appeal to me: 1) it is
consistent with the defense-in-depth approach found elsewhere in
computer security, and 2) it provided an escape hatch from design
flaws, implementation bugs, or other deficiencies later discovered
with the model.  It appears now, though, that this issue is impeding
us a bit and I am going to weigh in on the side of stronger commitment
to policy enforcement.  Perhaps a stronger design is produced as the
result of a firm commitment to CSP as a part of the browser security
model (or perhaps it is required by such a commitment).
dev-security mailing list

Re: Site Security Policy

2008-08-15 Thread bsterne
On Jul 12, 10:35 am, Evert | Rooftop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry if this was already brought up in this thread (or if its a
 closed subject), but using headers vs. a policy file is a bad idea,
 for the following reasons:

 * Allows caching
 * Allows usage of the policy on a site where there's no scripting
 available (static content servers?)
 * Allows a policy to enforced on a domain-level, instead of for every
 html page
 * Removes the HEAD before POST requirement

 The last one is an important one for a different reason as well. PHP,
 as an example, will execute scripts the same way regardless if its
 HEAD, POST or GET, so this could produce unwanted results on existing
 sites, not to mention a bandwidth and time overhead.

Hi Evert,

I appreciate your comments and I am working hard on a set of changes
to the proposal based on a lot of feedback I've received both on the
newsgroup and in private communications.  These changes, I think,
encompass the comments you made.

First, we do plan to support both HTTP headers as well as files for
policy transmission.  That request has come from a number of people,
so it seems wise to give the people what they want :-)  I am working
hard on modifying the proposal document to include these changes which
are fairly broad.  I will spare most of the details now and will post
to the newsgroup when those changes have been published.

With regard to your last comment (re: PHP treating all requests
equally), I don't think that's quite accurate.  Applications written
using the $_REQUEST super-global will suffer from that, but using
$_REQUEST only is not a best practice and most web applications should
reasonably be expected to differentiate POST, GET, and HEAD.  However,
this point may be moot as we are starting to consider other options
for CSRF protection rather than the pre-flight requests originally
proposed.  It may be the case that adding such policy requests for all
cross-site POSTs will have too high an impact on bandwidth, round
trips, etc.

Jackson, Barth and Mitchell have written a paper regarding CSRF
protection that utilizes a new HTTP header, Origin:

An Origin header has also been proposed in the W3C's Access-Control
spec.  I would be happy to hear feedback on utilizing this model
instead of the browser-based ingress/egress filtering model which was
originally proposed.  In my opinion, it has several benefits most
notably: 1) ease of implementation for user agents, and 2) adds no
additional round trips and minimal additional bandwidth.  It will also
be consistent with the Access-Control spec.


dev-security mailing list

Re: Site Security Policy

2008-07-11 Thread bsterne
On Jul 10, 8:47 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The problem is that although solutions exist
 to both of these problems, developers have not properly implemented
 the solution.  With your approach of SSP and safe requests, you are
 again relying on the developer to use the solution correctly, and put
 all modifications behind a POST request.  You have not removed the
 reliance on the developer to code correctly, just simply shifted it to
 a different 'thing' that they have to do.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding this point.  Are you suggesting that an
ideal model wouldn't require that web developers do anything
differently than they currently are?  Site Security Policy is intended
to be a belt-and-suspenders tool to protect sites and users, but we
are still advocating that developers keep their web applications free
of vulnerabilities.

 From previous conversation
 with Terri, asking for an example of where a GET request can be used
 to affect change on a web-site is asking for us to find a security
 vulnerability in a website, since this is basically the definition of
 a XSRF.  Large sites are going to be well protected against this type
 of thing, but I'm sure if you look at any of the recent CERT
 vulnerabilities regarding XSRF or XSS you'll notice that they are all
 exploitable through GET requests.

The restriction of CSRF protection to POST was not because we think
CSRF isn't common via GET, it is because there are too many ways that
cross-site GETs are possible, and in current legitimate use, to make
mitigating them worthwhile.
dev-security mailing list

Site Security Policy

2008-06-04 Thread bsterne
I've recently published a proposal for Site Security Policy, a
framework for allowing sites to describe how content in their pages
should behave (thanks, Gerv):

I'm creating a placeholder for any discussion that comes out of that
publication.  I hope to collect here people's ideas for proposed
functionality as well as other details which may be useful in creating
a common specification.
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