Version 2.6 of the policy has been reviewed and (with some minor changes to
section 7.3) approved by Mozilla's Legal department. I've set the effective
date to July 1, 2018 and requested publication of the new version.
Meanwhile, it can be found here:

I'll be working on a CA Communication and blog post to ensure that everyone
is aware of these changes.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this update.

- Wayne

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 6:54 PM Wayne Thayer <> wrote:

> I have incorporated the final changes from our policy discussions, as well
> as some corrections and clarifications that Kathleen and I found during our
> review, into the latest draft of the policy:
> I would
> encourage everyone to review the changes and respond with any comments.
> On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 11:11 AM Wayne Thayer <> wrote:
>> We're concluding discussions on all of the issues identified for version
>> 2.6 of the policy [1].
>> You can find a complete set of changes here:
>> Two of the changes [2][3] require CAs to update their CP/CPS. For many
>> CAs the current practice is to wait for the next required annual review
>> (usually coinciding with their audit) to make CP/CPS changes. Do we want to
>> allow that practice to continue, or set a date by which we expect CP/CPSs
>> to reflect the new requirements? This was previously discussed [4], with
>> the outcome being that we would make these decisions on a case-by-case
>> basis.
>> >
> Since there were no comments on the question above, we'll continue with
> the status-quo: there will be no defined enforcement date for the CP/CPS
> changes required by the 2.6 version of our policy. CAs are expected to
> update their CP/CPSs within a reasonable period of time of the 2.6
> effective date. I expect the 2.6 effective date to be sometime in June.
> >
>> - Wayne
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
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