RE: Help adding private CA to cert7 file with NSS 3.6

2008-10-04 Thread Matthews, Tim R
> You bet.  Welcome.

Thank-you Nelson :)

[Upgrade to cert8 snipped]

That sounds like a much better option from a support point of view. I 
had to do some LD_ tweaking to get a system running versions of NSS/NSPR 
that still worked with cert7 formats and I was concerned that the normal app 
team may find this tricky in the future. I will raise this with the 
application owner. In the meantime I'll run strings on the executable just 
in case.

> I think I know what's wrong, and it's pretty simple.  But to be sure,
> I want you to explain more about the clients and servers.

In my defence I posted the cry for help at the end of a 15 hour work day :)
I read it through twice thinking I'd included everything I needed but missed
the architecture - doh!

Remedy is the client and the load balanced Adams are the servers. The client
cert is indeed for the adam server and references it by name. In test I'm 
doing this with 1 client and one LDAPS server. In production it will be 
1 client and many LDAPS servers.

The servers will all have SSL certs issued by the same CA. Because the 
number of servers *will* increase over time I need to do this properly by 
trusting the CA, rather than trusting a load of server certs.

Thank you for your help so far; I've been battling this for a *long* time.


Ps As an aside the Remedy docs suggesting installing Netscape browser, 
to an SSL website secured by the intended certificate, adding it through the 
dialog box and then copying the cert7/key3 pair into the Remedy folder.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Microtec CA inclusion request

2008-10-04 Thread Eddy Nigg
On 10/03/2008 12:43 AM, Frank Hecker:
> * This CA is based in Hungary. Though it provides a lot of information
> in English (including a helpful CA hierarchy diagram) unfortunately all
> of its CPS documents are currently available in Hungarian only.

Frank, I think we should buy some tool that helps us with translating 
such stuff. Apparently Google doesn't support Hungarian -> English yet, 
but I searched and found some useful tools on the net which can do that. 
Please get something that can translate the CP/CPS and publish it 
somewhere so we can read about it.

Additionally I went to and after accepting the 
security exception when browsing to I received first 
received ssl_error_handshake_failure_alert. I realized that I have to 
add their CA root, so I did that, but then I got 
sec_error_ocsp_malformed_request. The default settings of FF3 is to use 
OCSP and as you mentioned, this isn't going to work (as you mentioned 

Can you have a look into both issues above? I really would like to read 
the CP/CPS and a translation tool for a few bucks would help...


Signer: Eddy Nigg, StartCom Ltd.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Assertation failure in my server test that no ciphers are present or enabled is zero

2008-10-04 Thread Claes Jakobsson

I'm writing a test-case for the Perl bindings that basically is just  
server from SSLsample. However when I try to connect to it I get an  
assertation failure: PR_Assert (s=0x86d2c "numPresent > 0 ||  
numEnabled == 0", file=0x86ced "ssl3con.c", ln=670). My NSS is 3.12

The code below shows what I'm doing

   use Crypt::NSS config_dir => "db", cipher_suite => "US";

   my $sock = Net::NSS::SSL->create_socket("tcp");
   $sock->set_option(Blocking => 1);

   $sock->bind("", $port);
   $sock->configure_as_server($private_cert, $private_key);

   my $client = $sock->accept(); # <- does an automatic SSL_ImportFD  
on the new fd
   $client->set_option(Blocking => 1);
   $client->set_option(SSL_SECURITY, SSL_OPTION_ENABLE);


   my $buff;
   while($client->read($buff) > 0) {
   if ($buff eq "quit") {
   $client->write(reverse $buff);


The DB I'm using is created using the instructions on 
  and works with the server app in SSLsample.

Any obvious things I'm doing wrong or missing?

oh, and sorry for the quite ugly API right now.. the "new" constructor  
will hide the bind/listen stuff and accept take options to hide the  
set_option etc calls for you.


dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Assertation failure in my server test that no ciphers are present or enabled is zero

2008-10-04 Thread Nelson B Bolyard
Claes Jakobsson wrote, On 2008-10-04 06:10:
> Hi,
> I'm writing a test-case for the Perl bindings that basically is just  
> server from SSLsample. However when I try to connect to it I get an  
> assertation failure: PR_Assert (s=0x86d2c "numPresent > 0 ||  
> numEnabled == 0", file=0x86ced "ssl3con.c", ln=670). My NSS is 3.12

That assertion means that there are NO SSL "cipher suites" that are able
to be used, for one of the following reasons (in no particular order):

a) No cipher suites have been enabled by (user) preference.
b) No cipher suites have been enabled by application policy.
c) No PKCS#11 module is available that supports all of the necessary
ciphers for any one of the enabled cipher suites.

Every cipher suite has two ways of being enabled/disabled by the
application.  They can be enabled/disabled by (user) preference, and
they can be enabled/disabled by application policy.
To actually be used, it must be enabled both ways.

Typically, the "policy" controls are hard coded into the application,
and the user preferences are user configurable. This system allows the
user to express his choices and also allows the application to disallow
certain cipher suites that may be disallowed by law or regulation in the
country where the application is used.

The defaults for the user preferences are that some cipher suites are
enabled, but most are not.  The set that is enabled by default is a
set of quite old cipher suites.  None of the new cipher suites that have
been devised in the last 8 years is enabled by default in preferences.
This is necessary to maintain backwards binary compatibility.

The defaults for policy are that NO cipher suites are enabled until the
application enables them.

The c language APIs for controlling these flags allow each cipher suite
to be configured separately, but there are also some functions that set
all the cipher suites according to some preset configurations.  One of
those enables all cipher suites.

I'd guess that the most likely explanation is that your code is not
setting any policy flags on cipher suites, and so they're all disabled
by policy.  That's just a guess.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Help adding private CA to cert7 file with NSS 3.6

2008-10-04 Thread Nelson B Bolyard
Matthews, Tim R wrote, On 2008-10-04 03:34:

> Remedy is the client and the load balanced Adams are the servers. The
> client cert is indeed for the adam server and references it by name.

Thanks for confirming what I suspected.  I'll write more about it below.

> In test I'm doing this with 1 client and one LDAPS server. In production
> it will be 1 client and many LDAPS servers.

Only 1 client, but many servers?

> The servers will all have SSL certs issued by the same CA. Because the 
> number of servers *will* increase over time I need to do this properly by
> trusting the CA, rather than trusting a load of server certs.

Well, of course, if you only have one client, then it's not a big
administrative burden to put each server's cert into it.  But if you have
tens or hundreds of clients, then of course using a CA is a big win.
Your plan of using a CA sounds like the right plan to me.

> Ps As an aside the Remedy docs suggesting installing Netscape browser,
> connecting to an SSL website secured by the intended certificate, adding
> it through the dialog box and then copying the cert7/key3 pair into the
> Remedy folder.

This must be some OLD documentation.  Is it publicly available, as a web
page, perhaps?

Below, I will propose another diagnostic step for you to do to understand
the problem with your certs, but first I will give some background
explanation, and a discussion of the load balancing issue.

The thing that you're calling a "client certificate" is actually known as
a SERVER certificate in SSL specifications.  It identifies the server, and
with it, the client to be sure that the system at the other end of the
connection really is the desired server system.  (I wonder, does the Remedy
documentation call it a client certificate?)

There are also certificates that exist to identify the client to the server.
 They bear the client's (user's) name, not the server's.  They
are known as client certificates.  With one of them, the server can be
sure that the program at the other end of the connection really belongs
to a particular certain client (user).  I'm pretty sure that you don't
have those, and are not using those.

I think one of the replies you previously received was describing the
things necessary to make a client certificate work, but since you are not
using a client certificate, but rather a server certificate, that advice
does not apply to your situation.

Regarding load balancing: There are a number of different ways to achieve
load balancing.  Most of them try to make a bunch of servers appear to
the client to be the same system, or more precisely, to have the same
DNS name.  Depending on the particular method used to do that load
balancing, those different servers may appear to the client to all have
the same IP address, or they may appear to have different IP addresses.
But either way, they all appear to have the same DNS name, e.g. all
appearing to be  The client attempts to connect to (e.g.), and it may end up talking to any one of the servers, but
as far as the client knows, it is talking to

In a configuration where all the servers appear to the client to all have
the same DNS name AND the same IP address, the servers are configured to all
have the same identical certificate and the same private key.  In the case
where they have the same DNS name but different IP addresses, they
may all share a single certificate and private key, OR they may have
separate certificates with separate public and private keys, but all of
those certificates must bear that same exact single DNS name by which
they appear to the client (e.g. in the example).

If the servers all appear to the client as a single DNS name (say, but they have certificates that do NOT bear that common name,
so that the client will attempt to connect to, but gets a
certificate from the server that identifies the server by another name,
such as (say), and does not also bear the name,
the client must REJECT such a certificate as having the wrong name.
If the client does not do that, the client will be vulnerable to the
pernicious "Man In The Middle" (MITM) attack.  Server certificates may
have multiple DNS names in them, but they MUST have a name that matches
the name by which the client attempted to connect to the server.
It might be a good idea to test your Remedy client, to see if it accepts
or rejects a server certificate with the wrong DNS server name.

Now, about that diagnostic step, please try the following series of certutil
commands using the same cert DB that you used in your original
message on this subject.  These steps will start by setting the "trust"
flags on the cert to be as they should be for a normal trusted-CA setup,
then they will test the server cert as a server cert, and will tell us
what (if anything) it doesn't like about that server cert.  For now,
we'll ignore the fact that the name of your server ce