Orphaned libvtemm

2020-04-06 Thread Krzesimir Nowak

I orphaned libvtemm package. Currently Haïkel Guémar is a co-maintainer.

I advise against claiming the ownership of this package. It's old and
unmaintained. Nothing depends on it, AFAIK.

I assume that the package will be retired automatically at some point.

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Intent to retire libvtemm

2019-10-05 Thread Krzesimir Nowak

I'm the "upstream maintainer" of libvtemm. In quotes, because last change I
have made to the project was 8 years ago. It depends on an orphaned package
vte (which is based on gtk2). It's also a leaf package. I don't think it
makes sense to even orphan it.

I intend to retire the package within the week. It is also first time I'll
do anything related to fedora packaging since years, so hopefully I won't
break anything.

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Re: fedora-review complains about gschema files in an RPM package

2017-02-25 Thread Krzesimir Nowak
On Feb 25, 2017 16:15, "Michael Catanzaro"  wrote:

On Sat, 2017-02-25 at 07:57 +, Andrew Toskin wrote:
> > > * if the package includes *precompiled* gschema... remove it?
> >
> > No, because these don't exist (at least I don't think so). All
> > installed gschemas are compiled at once based on the schemas
> > installed
> > on the system, and there are no precompiled schemas.
> A few of packages' sources include a gschemas.compiled file.
> $ file schemas/gschemas.compiled
> schemas/gschemas.compiled: GVariant Database file, version 0

Interesting... guess I'm wrong then!

I think that can be deleted?

It's possible that the extension searches for the schema source (not sure
if I'm getting the terminology right) in a specific directory. Something
like some extension did it until we patched it to try the default directory
too -

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Re: /usr/etc?

2013-08-04 Thread Krzesimir Nowak
2013/8/4 Lennart Poettering 

> I noticed this:
> $ rpm -qf /usr/etc
> filesystem-3.2-12.fc19.x86_64
> $ repoquery --whatprovides '/usr/etc/*'
> mirall-common-0:1.3.0-1.fc19.x86_64
> mirall-common-0:1.3.0-1.fc19.i686
> Since when do we have /usr/etc, and what is it for?
> Maybe I am the only one but I see very little benefit in introducing a
> new Fedoraism like this...

That rather looks like CMakeism, which is strange in this case as Mirall
has its own fix for that (
https://github.com/owncloud/mirall/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt#L35). Maybe
that fix is not working here.

> Lennart
> --
> Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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Re: Making rygel build in rawhide

2013-01-26 Thread Krzesimir Nowak
2013/1/26 Nathaniel McCallum 

> Could someone apply this patch to rygel so at least we can get a
> successful build?
> http://git.gnome.org/browse/rygel/commit/?h=wip/new-gupnp-dlna&id=118af0f588879703e0dd7d01787897b5893032e0
That won't do. Gupnp-dlna 0.9.4 has to hit rawhide first. Then instead of
patching, packaging Rygel 0.17.7 should be enough.

> Thanks,
> Nathaniel
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Re: New gcc 4.7 c++ error

2012-01-30 Thread Krzesimir Nowak
2012/1/30 Orion Poplawski :
> On 01/30/2012 11:49 AM, Kalev Lember wrote:
>> On 01/30/2012 08:24 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
>>> I am getting the following error building paraview with gcc 4.7:
>>> In file included from
>>> /builddir/build/BUILD/ParaView-3.12.0/Qt/Core/pqAnimationScene.cxx:57:0:
>>> /builddir/build/BUILD/ParaView-3.12.0/Qt/Core/pqServerManagerSelectionModel.h:75:30:
>>> error: calls to overloaded operators cannot appear in a
>>> constant-expression
>>> code snippet:
>>> class PQCORE_EXPORT pqServerManagerSelectionModel : public QObject
>>> {
>>>   Q_OBJECT
>>> public:
>>>   /// Supported selections flags. These are a subset of
>>>   /// QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags.
>>>   enum SelectionFlag {
>>>     NoUpdate       = QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate,
>>>     Clear          = QItemSelectionModel::Clear,
>>>     Select         = QItemSelectionModel::Select,
>>>     Deselect       = QItemSelectionModel::Deselect,
>>>     ClearAndSelect = Clear | Select
>> Looks like gcc cannot resolve Clear and Select to a
>> constant-expression and you'll need to spell out the
>> scope. Try changing the line above to:
>>     ClearAndSelect = QItemSelectionModel::Clear |
>> QItemSelectionModel::Select
> I did try that, but no go.  I think the | operator is overloaded somewhere.

I guess that Q_DECLARE_FLAGS macro for QItemSelectionModel overrides
this operator.

Possible workaround for it would be:

ClearAndSelect = static_cast(Clear) | static_cast(Select)

> --
> Orion Poplawski
> Technical Manager                     303-415-9701 x222
> NWRA, Boulder Office                  FAX: 303-415-9702
> 3380 Mitchell Lane                  or...@cora.nwra.com
> Boulder, CO 80301              http://www.cora.nwra.com
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Re: /usr/share/gtk-doc status

2011-02-21 Thread Krzesimir Nowak
2011/2/21 80 :
> As for /usr/share/devhelp/books, since a similar issue raised by
> gtk-doc, guidelines should allow us now to own
> /usr/share/devhelp/books since devhelp is an optional functionality.
>> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingGuidelines#Conditional_dependencies
>> The directory is owned by a package which is not required for your package 
>> to function
> best regards,
> H.

I see, so I suppose that no moving/seding/whatnot should be done with
documentation now. I'll try to fix it in my free time.
devel mailing list

Re: /usr/share/gtk-doc status

2011-02-21 Thread Krzesimir Nowak
2011/2/21 80 :
> @krzesimir: thank you, if we settle to /usr/share/doc, then you should
> move devhelp index to /usr/share/devhelp/books.

I moved devhelp2 file to directory owned by gtk-doc because avoiding
dependency on devhelp application seemed sensible to me - it is not
necessary to read doxygen docs.

> Another issue is that
> gtkmm doc subpackages should require base package documentation
> packages (for libvtemm, at least gtkmm24-doc, glibmm24-doc,
> libsigc++20-doc) so that hyperlinks are not broken.

I suppose that in such case those hyperlinks linked to
library.gnome.org, but should be checked.

> H.
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Re: /usr/share/gtk-doc status

2011-02-21 Thread Krzesimir Nowak
2011/2/21 80 :
> Hi, i'm co-maintaining part of the gtkmm stack and a documentation
> location issue has been raised
> (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=678981)
> By default, gtkmm-related packages put their documentation in
> /usr/share/doc, but for historical reason, fedora packages move them
> to /usr/share/gtk-doc.
> Since it's quite error-prone (you have to move documentation and fix
> devhelp index files), and not uniformized, if we don't have any
> mandatory rule to move documentation
> to /usr/share/gtk-doc (technically, gtkmm documentation is generated
> by doxygen and not gtk-doc), i'd like to stick to default location
> (/usr/share/doc).
> Other distro seems to use /usr/share/doc for gtkmm documentation.
> Either way, we need to fix all doc subpackages, but i'd like to gather
> your opinions before doing anything.

I'm maintaining (sort of) libvtemm, which is also a part of mm stack.
In this package I decided to keep docs in /usr/share/doc, but the only
change I did is moving .devhelp2 file from /usr/share/devhelp/... to
/usr/share/gtk-doc. For details, see libvtemm.spec [1].


> best regards,
> H.

Hope this helps,
Krzesimir Nowak

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Re: documentation on Bugzilla bug lifecycle/developer procedures?

2010-02-12 Thread Krzesimir Nowak
On Fri, 2010-02-12 at 10:38 +0100, Till Maas wrote:
> If you need/use it and want to maintain it, you are free to do so. If
> the kernel team knows a better alternative that you should consider,
> then the package should be retired instead of just orphaned and an
> explanation about why it was retired should be added to a dead.package
> file in the CVS devel branch. Usually the latter is not done, so you can
> only ask the previous maintainers. Nevertheless, having a "copy that's
> maintained there" sounds like bad packaging practice.
> Regards
> Till

Maybe it was retired or orphaned because unifdef was superseded by
sunifdef (which is packaged in fedora), which is now superseded by coan
[1] (which is not yet packaged in fedora)?


[1] http://coan2.sourceforge.net/

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