Election Results: Fedora Board, FESCo, and FAmSCo

2014-02-11 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Greetings, all:

The elections for the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo) and the 
Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee (FAmSCo) have concluded, and the results 
are shown below.

In addition to the election results, there were also 2 candidates for 2 open 
seats on the Fedora Project Board. As the candidates were unopposed, voting was 
not held. Therefore, Neville A. Cross (FAS: yn1v) and Haïkel Guémar (FAS: 
number80) are both elected to the Fedora Board for a full two-release term.


FESCo is electing 4 seats this cycle. A total of 265 ballots were cast, meaning 
a candidate could accumulate up to 1590 votes (265 * 6). The result of the 
FESCo election is as follows:

# votes |  name
- --+--
952 | Dennis Gilmore (FAS: ausil)
947 | Toshio Kuratomi (FAS: abadger1999)
905 | Stephen Gallagher (FAS: sgallagh)
849 | Miloslav Trmač (FAS: mitr)
768 | Marcela Mašláňová (FAS: mmaslano)
649 | Kyle McMartin (FAS: kyle)

Therefore, Dennis Gilmore, Toshio Kuratomi, Stephen Gallagher, and Miloslav 
Trmač are each elected to FESCo for a full two-release term.


FAmSCo is electing 3 seats this cycle. A total of 173 ballots were cast, 
meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 692 votes (173 * 4). The result of 
the FAmSCo election is as follows:

# votes |  name
- --+--
435 | Neville A. Cross (FAS: yn1v)
396 | Jon Disnard (FAS: masta)
379 | Truong Anh Tuan (FAS: tuanta)
291 | Marcel Ribeiro Dantas (FAS: mribeirodantas)

Therefore, Neville Cross, Jon Disnard, and Truong Anh Tuan are each elected to 
FAmSCo for a full two-release term.

Congratulations to all.

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Announcing the release of Fedora 20.

2013-12-17 Thread Robyn Bergeron

We can say with great certainty the Fedora Project is pleased to announce the 
release of Fedora 20 ("Heisenbug"), which coincides with the 10th anniversary 
of the creation of the Fedora Project.  

Download this leading-edge, free and open source operating system now:

Detailed information about this release can be seen in the release notes:

*** Dedicated to Seth Vidal ***

On July 8, the Fedora Project lost Seth Vidal, a dedicated, tireless, and 
brilliant contributor. Seth was a lead developer of Yum and the Fedora update 
repository system. He worked to ensure that the technical and community 
infrastructure of Fedora worked well and consistently for users and 
contributors around the world. Seth touched the lives of hundreds of Fedora 
contributors directly and millions of others indirectly by improving the 
experience of using and updating Fedora. 

The Fedora Project dedicates the Fedora 20 release to Seth and asks that you 
join us in remembering his generous spirit and incredible work that helped make 
Fedora what it is today. We miss you, Seth. 

*** 10 Years of Fedora ***

The Fedora 20 release coincides with Fedora's tenth anniversary. The first 
Fedora release (then called Fedora Core 1) came out on November 6, 2003. The 
Fedora Project community has grown into an active and vibrant one that produces 
a new version of this leading-edge, free and open source operating system 
around every six months. 

*** Desktop Environments and Spins ***

The Fedora Project strives to provide the best desktop experiences possible for 
users, from desktop environment to application selection. We also produce  
nearly a dozen spins tailor-made for desktop users, hardware design, gaming, 
musicians, artists, and early classroom environments.

Spins are available for download here: 

== GNOME 3.10 ==

Fedora 20 comes with GNOME 3.10, which has several new applications and 
features that will please GNOME-lovers. This release includes a new music 
application (gnome-music), a new maps application (gnome-maps), a revamp for 
the system status menu, and Zimbra support in Evolution. 

== KDE Plasma Workspaces 4.11 ==

The Fedora KDE SIG has rebased to KDE 4.11 for Fedora 20. This release includes 
faster Nepomuk indexing, improvements to Kontact, KScreen integration in KWin, 
Metalink/HTTP support for KGet, and much more. 

== Spins ==

Spins are alternate versions of Fedora.  In addition to various desktop 
environments for Fedora, spins are also available as tailored environments for 
various types of users via hand-picked application sets or customizations. 

See all of the Fedora 20 Release Spins here: 

*** ARM as a Primary Architecture ***

While Fedora has supported a number of hardware architectures over the years, 
x86/x86_64 has been the default for the majority of Fedora users and for the 
Linux community in general. 

ARM, however, has been making massive strides. It already dominates the mobile 
market, is becoming a go-to platform for hobbyists and makers, and is showing 
enormous promise for the server market as well. 

In keeping with Fedora's commitment to innovation, the Fedora community has 
been pushing to make ARM a primary architecture to satisfy the needs of users 
and developers targeting the ARM platform.

*** Cloud and Virtualization Improvements ***

The Fedora 20 release continues the Fedora tradition of adopting and 
integrating leading edge technologies used in cloud computing. This release 
includes features that will make working with virtualization and cloud 
computing much easier.

== First-Class Cloud Images ==

The Fedora Cloud SIG has been working hard to provide images that are 
well-suited for running as guests in public and private clouds like Amazon Web 
Services (AWS) and OpenStack. 

If you're using public or private cloud, you should grab one of the 
downloadable Cloud Images or find a supported EC2 image, here:

== VM Snapshot UI with virt-manager ==

Taking VM snapshots is now much easier. Though qemu and libvirt have all the 
major pieces in place for performing safe VM snapshots/checkpoints, there isn't 
any simple, discoverable UI. This feature will track adding that UI to 
virt-manager and any other virt stack bits that need to be fixed/improved, 
including adding functionality to libvirt to support deleting and rebasing to 
external snapshots.

== ARM on x86 with libvirt/virt-manager ==

You can now run ARM VMs on x86 hosts using standard libvirt tools: libvirt 
virsh, virt-manager and virt-install.

*** Big Data ***

The Fedora 20 release includes all the packages you need to run Apache Hadoop 
2.2.0. Hadoop is a widely used, increasingly complete big data platform with a 
strong, growing com

Announcing the release of Fedora 19!

2013-07-02 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Nightly composes of alternate Spins are available here: 

*** Downloads, upgrades, documentation, and common bugs ***

Start by downloading Fedora 19:

If you are upgrading from a previous release of Fedora, refer to:

Fedora now includes FedUp in order to enable an easy upgrade to Fedora 19.

*** Documentation ***

Read the full release notes for Fedora 19, guides for several languages, and 
learn about known bugs and how to report new ones:

Because of the number of changes to the installer, we particularly suggest 
taking a peek at the Installation Guide:

Fedora 19 common bugs are documented at:

This page includes information on several known bugs in the installer, so we 
recommend reading it before installing Fedora 19.

*** Contributing ***

We can't build Fedora inside a box. We need your help! Bug reports are 
especially helpful--if you encounter any issues, please report them!

Fedora is a fantastic, friendly community, and we have many ways in which you 
can contribute, including documentation, marketing, design, QA, and 

To learn how to help us, visit:

*** Fedora 20 ***

Fedora 20 has been in active development for several months already. We plan to 
release it in November 2013, though the final schedule is part of the planning 
process and subject to change:


*** Contact information ***

If you are a journalist or reporter, you can find additional information here:



-Robyn Bergeron
devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Election Season Begins: Fedora Board, FESCo, FAmSCo, and Fedora 20 naming election process

2013-05-14 Thread Robyn Bergeron
It is time again to begin Fedora's election season. This announcement contains 
information regarding the Fedora 20 Naming Election, as well as the Fedora 
Board, Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo), and Fedora Ambassadors 
Steering Committee (FAmSCo) elections.

** Fedora 20 Naming Election **

The suggestion period for names for Fedora 20 is now open (May 15, 2013), and 
will end promptly at the end of the day on May 22, 2013 (23:59:59 UTC). So run 
- don't "paws" - and get your suggestion in for the next Fedora release name.


Fine Print: 

You *must* follow the instructions and guidelines at the page listed above if 
you want your name to be considered. For instance, there must be an "is-a" link 
between the name "Schrödinger's Cat" (from Fedora 19) and the name you suggest. 
That link must be different than previous links for Fedora release names. Names 
of living people and well-known  trademarks will likely be rejected as well. 

You can also find full schedule details for the release naming process on the 
above page. For those of you interested in reviewing the history of Fedora 
release names, there exists an appropriately named wiki page for doing so: 

** Fedora Board, FESCo, and FAmSCo Elections **

The nomination period for elections for the Fedora Board, FAmSCo (Fedora 
Ambassador Steering Committee), and FESCo (Fedora Engineering Steering 
Committee) is now open, and will conclude at the end of day, May 25, 2013 
(23:59:59 UTC).

This election cycle will fill the following seats for a one-year period:
* Fedora Board: 3 elected seats (2 additional seats will be appointed according 
to schedule)
* FESCo (Fedora Engineering Steering Committee): 5 elected seats
* FAmSCo (Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee): 4 elected seats

Full information about the committee elections, including the elections 
schedule, and links to where one may nominate, can be seen here:

Additionally, the elections questionnaire is NOW OPEN for adding questions 
which will be posed to candidates for the listed groups. Following the closing 
of the questionnaire, candidates will be asked to answer questions relevant to 
the position for which they are seeking election. Questions may be added until 
May 23, 2013 (you guessed it - 23:59:59 UTC). Questions should be added here: 

Further information regarding each body's election follows below. As always, I 
encourage everyone to consider serving in an elected seat, or to encourage 
others that they feel would represent Fedora well to run for election.

Finally: I'd like to send a special thank-you to Ankur Sinha for once again 
helping to coordinate elections and the elections schedule. Your work here is 
greatly appreciated!

== Fedora Board ==
This election cycle will fill three elected seats for the Board (seats E3, E4, 
and E5). Two appointed seats (A3 and A4) will also be filled this cycle.


== FESCo ==
This cycle will see candidates elected to five open seats in the Fedora 
Engineering Steering Committee. For information on the nominations and 
elections, see:


== FAmSCo ==
This election cycle will see candidates elected to fill four open seats on the 
Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee.  For more information, refer to:



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[Test-Announce] Announcing the release of Fedora 18.

2013-01-15 Thread Robyn Bergeron
ve feedback on software updates, write and 
edit documentation, design and do artwork, help with all sorts of promotional 
activities, and package free software for use by millions of Fedora users 
worldwide. To get started, visit http://join.fedoraproject.org today!

== Fedora 19 ==

Even as we continue to provide updates with enhancements and bug fixes to 
improve the Fedora number experience, our next release, Fedora 19, is already 
being developed in parallel and has been open for active development for 
several months already. We have an early plan for release at the end of May 
2013, and the final schedule for F19 is going to be based on the results of the 
planning process:


== Feature Deprecation ==

Fedora has always been full of great features, but sometimes we need to cull 
the herd. Saying good-bye is always hard, but here are the ones we had to put 
out to pasture this time around. 

* /etc/sysconfig Deprecations: Several system configurations have moved out of 
/etc/sysconfig. The goal of these changes is to reduce - as described in 
http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/the-new-configuration-files.html - the 
unnecessary differences between Linux distributions and share a standard 
location for common settings. 

For a full list of changes read the release notes. 

== Contact information ==

If you are a journalist or reporter, you can find additional information here:


-Robyn Bergeron
test-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Election Results for FAmSCo, FESCo, and Fedora Board seats

2012-12-09 Thread Robyn Bergeron

The elections for the Fedora Board, Fedora Engineering Steering Committee 
(FESCo), and Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee (FAmSCo) have concluded, and 
the results are IN! and can be seen below.

* * *

The Fedora Board is electing 2 seats this cycle. A total of 201 ballots were 
cast, meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 1,005 votes (201 * 5). The 
results for the Fedora Board elections are as follows:

name| # votes
Jaroslav Reznik (FAS: jreznik, IRC: jreznik)| 855
Michael Scherer (FAS: misc , IRC: misc) | 437
Buddhika Kurera (FAS: bckurera, IRC: bckurera)  | 299
John Dulaney (FAS: jdulaney, IRC: j_dulaney )   | 280
Dan Mashal (FAS: vicodan, IRC: dan408 ) | 266

Therefore, Jaroslav Reznik and Michael Scherer are each elected to the Fedora 
Board for a full two-release term.

* * *

FESCo is electing 4 seats this cycle. A total of 206 ballots were cast, meaning 
a candidate could accumulate up to 1,648 votes (206 * 8). The results for the 
FESCo elections are as follows:

name| # votes
Toshio Kuratomi (FAS: toshio, IRC: abadger1999) |808
Miloslav Trmac (FAS: mitr, IRC: mitr)   |804
Marcela Mašláňová (FAS: mmaslano, IRC: mmaslano)|784
Stephen Gallagher (FAS: sgallagh, IRC: sgallagh)|713
Matthew Garrett (FAS: mjg59, IRC: mjg59)|710
Jon Ciesla (FAS: limb, IRC: limburgher) |612
Martin Sivák (FAS: msivak, IRC: msivak) |511

Therefore, Toshio Kuratomi, Miloslav Trmac, Marcela Mašláňová, and Stephen 
Gallagher are each elected to FESCo for a full two-release term.

* * *

FAmSCo is electing 3 seats this cycle. A total of 102 ballots were cast, 
meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 408 votes (102 * 4). The results of 
the FAmSCo election are as follows:

name| # votes
Alejandro Perez (FAS: aeperezt, IRC: aeperezt)  | 244
Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera
(FAS: bckurera, IRC: bckurera)  | 216
Truong Anh Tuan (FAS: tuanta, IRC: tuanta)  | 198
Elad Alfassa (FAS: elad, IRC: elad661)  | 181

Therefore, Alejandro Perez, Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera, and Truong Anh Tuan 
are each elected to FAmSCo for a full two-release term.

* * *

Congratulations to all of the winning candidates, and thank you to all of those 
who participated in this election, by voting, running for an elected position, 
or helping with various parts of the election process. And a special shout-out 
of thanks goes out to Ankur Sinha for his work in coordinating all of the 
election details this cycle.


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Fedora 19 release name voting

2012-11-08 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Voting for the release name of Fedora 19 has begun.  The pool of names 
submitted by the community has been narrowed down to 8 possible names, 
one of which will become the release name for the successor to Fedora 18 
("Spherical Cow").

This vote began on November 9th, 2012, at 00:00 UTC, and will end at 
23:59:59 on November 15th, 2012.

* We are using the Range Voting method 

* If this is your first time using the voting system, you may want to 
read the Fedora Elections Guide, located here:


* In order to vote, you must have a valid Fedora Project Contributor 
Agreement (FPCA) on file and be a member of at least one non-CLA group.

Ballots may be cast on the Fedora Elections System here, now!


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Fedora Board, FAmSCo, FESCo Election Season, and Fedora Board Appointment.

2012-11-06 Thread Robyn Bergeron
The nomination period for FAmSCo (Fedora Ambassador Steering Committee), 
FESCo (Fedora Engineering Steering Committee), and the Fedora Board is 
now open, and will close on November 13, 2012, at 23:59:59 UTC.

This election cycle will fill the following seats for a one-year period:
* Fedora Board: 2 elected seats, as well as 2 appointed seats
* FESCo (Fedora Engineering Steering Committee): 4 elected seats
* FAmSCo (Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee): 3 elected seats

Full information about the elections, including the elections schedule, 
and links to where one may nominate, can be seen here:


Running concurrently with the nomination period (and, hence, closing at 
the end of the nomination period), the elections questionnaire is also 
open for adding questions which will be posed to candidates. Following 
the closing of the questionnaire, candidates will be asked to answer 
questions relevant to the position for which they are seeking election.

Questions may be added here, and, again, will also close on November 13, 


As noted above, there are 2 seats on the Fedora Board that will be 
appointed in this cycle, and I'm pleased as can be to announce that 
Major Hayden as the first of these appointments.  I'm sure that many of 
you know Major from IRC (where you may know of him as rackerhacker), or 
perhaps from his blog posts about security or OpenStack, or from the 
Fedora Cloud SIG.  He's enthusiastic, a fountain of knowledge, 
passionate about Fedora, and an all-around awesome guy, and I'm certain 
that he'll be able to bring some unique perspectives to the Board.  
Welcome, Major!

Major will be taking the seat previously occupied by Toshio Kuratomi 
(aka: abadger1999). Toshio has served two years in his appointed seat on 
the Fedora Board, and I am incredibly grateful to him for
his efforts, dedication, and commitment to the Board, and Fedora in 
general.  You are a fantastic role model and contributor - thank you, 
Toshio! :)

Further details regarding each body's election follows below.  I 
encourage everyone to consider running for an elected seat if they have 
the interest and desire to do so, and to encourage others that they feel 
would be ideal representatives for particular Fedora bodies.



== Fedora Board ==
This election cycle will fill two elected seats for the Board (seats
E1 and E2). Two appointed seats (A1 and A2) will also be filled this 
cycle, the first of which is the aforementioned appointment of Major 
Hayden; the remaining seat will be appointed following the election. For 
more information on nominations, and the process refer to:


== FESCo ==
This cycle will see candidates elected to four open seats in the Fedora 
Engineering Steering Committee. For information on the nominations and 


== FAmSCo ==
This election cycle will see candidates elected to fill three open seats 
on the Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee.  For more information, 
refer to:

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Re: Deploying fedora infrastructure (koji) across clouds

2012-10-31 Thread Robyn Bergeron

- Original Message -
> From: "Mo Morsi" 
> To: "aeolus-devel" , "Fedora Cloud SIG" 
> ,
> "Development discussions related to Fedora" 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 2:22:47 AM
> Subject: Deploying fedora infrastructure (koji) across clouds
> // Deploying fedora infrastructure (koji) across clouds
> // As promised, steps to deploy kojihub to an openstack instance
> communicating with builders on ec2
> // Any provider supported by deltacloud will work
> //(lots of em: http://deltacloud.apache.org/drivers.html)
> // A short video of these steps in action can be seen here:
> // http://youtu.be/qF2ctg7ItNc
> // install deltacloud & drivers
> $ sudo yum install wget deltacloud-core deltacloud-core-openstack
> deltacloud-core-ec2
> // start it
> $ deltacloudd -i mock
> // small wrapper script around deltacloud:
> $ wget https://raw.github.com/movitto/mycloud/master/mycloud.rb
> $ chmod +x mycloud.rb
> // template describing kojihub cloud deployment
> $ wget
> https://raw.github.com/aeolus-incubator/templates/master/fedora_infra/koji/fedora-17/koji_f17.xml
> // template describing kojibuild cloud deployment
> $ wget
> https://raw.github.com/aeolus-incubator/templates/master/fedora_infra/koji/fedora-17/koji_builder_f17.xml
> // edit kojihub deployment to contain openstack credentials
> $ vim koji_f17.xml
> // startup an instance on openstack w/ kojihub setup togo
> $ ./mycloud.rb koji_f17.xml
> // grab public address from output, grab kojibuild ssl credentials
> from
> new instance
> $ scp -i ~/os.key ec2-user@kojihub:/etc/pki/koji/kojiadmin.pem .
> $ scp -i ~/os.key ec2-user@kojihub:/etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt .
> // edit kojibuild deployment to deploy to ec2 w/ correct koji
> credentials & hub address
> $ vim koji_builder_f17.xml
> // startup an instance on ec2 w/ kojibuild communicating w/ the hub
> $ ./mycloud.rb koji_builder_f17.xml
> // open up a webbrowser, navigating to http://kojihub/koji to use
> your
> Koji instance!

A few questions:

#1: How does this take things like ARM or other archs into the picture - ie: I 
am guessing we can't really build ARM on ec2? :)

#2: Could there be a way to take a (working) nightly build, build one's package 
against that nightly in a personal build of some sort, and somehow have a 
verification process that it built in that "personal build" before it goes into 
rawhide, etc? (or even... unit tests, etc.)? 

I'm mostly thinking about things like "how to not have perpetually broken 
rawhide" (avoid checking in things that will likely break the build in the 
first place).

Re: the endless anaconda-killing-f18 thread: I know there's been some 
discussion about whether or not the devel process really accommodates what 
needs to happen with something like a full-blown anaconda re-write - and while 
I know that "THE CLOUD" is not the entire solution to that (there are 
obviously, as others have graciously pointed out, many other 
feature/fesco/planning/etc processes intertwined here that also need love) - it 
seems like having these capabilities might fit in to a solution, or at least, 
something on the road to a better devel/build process.

There are plenty of projects doing CI/CD - and having cloud infra makes this 
significantly easier to enable - though obviously not a lot of cases of people 
doing an OS. 


>   -Mo
> ___
> cloud mailing list
> cl...@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/cloud
devel mailing list

Don't have a cow, man: Fedora 19 naming suggestions are now open. Submit your idea!

2012-10-09 Thread Robyn Bergeron

Greetings and salutations!

It is time once again to choose the name for the next release of Fedora. 
Suggestions for names will be accepted beginning RIGHT THIS SECOND 
(October 9, 2012), and ending promptly at the end of the day on October 
16, 2012 (23:59:59 UTC). So mooove on over, and help to pick out an 
udderly fabulous name for the next release.


The awesome fine print:

You *must* follow the instructions and guidelines at the page listed 
above if you want your name to be considered. For instance, there must 
be an "is-a" link between the name "Spherical Cow" (from Fedora 18) and 
the name you suggest. That link must be different than previous links 
for Fedora release names. Names of living people and well-known 
trademarks will likely be rejected as well. (Apologies to those wishing 
to make links between spherical cows having spots, and Tom Callaway.)

You can also find full schedule details for the release naming process 
on the above page. For those of you interested in reviewing the history 
of Fedora release names, there is an appropriately named wiki page for 
doing so: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/History_of_Fedora_release_names

I fully expect that, as always, we will have a delightful (and 
occasionally wacky) assortment of names to choose from - I look forward 
to seeing your suggestions!


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devel mailing list

FUDCon Paris Updates: Subsidy requests opening, hotel reminders

2012-08-03 Thread Robyn Bergeron

Greetings! (...or perhaps I should say bonjour!)

I'd like to share a few reminders and announcements regarding the 
upcoming FUDCon in Paris, France, on October 13-15, 2012.

If you are planning to attend FUDCon and need a travel subsidy to do so, 
the ticketing system is now open for those requests.  Requests will be 
accepted through August 15, 2012. Please note that funding requests 
without a ticket will not be considered. Preference will be given to 
attendees from the EMEA region who are actively contributing to Fedora, 
and have detailed their participation plans for FUDCon in their request.

To place a subsidy request, please follow these steps:

1: Pre-register at 
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Paris_2012#Pre-registration - and 
put an X in the $$$ column
2: Read about the funding request process and place a funding request 
ticket in the FUDCon-planning ticket tracker here: 

Additionally, a few notes regarding the hotel in Paris:

There are other events in Paris during this time period; most notably, 
our first day of FUDCon will be taking place at the Open World Forum 
conference, on the day in which the public is encouraged to participate 
in and learn about open source projects.  OWF had nearly 2000 attendees 
last year.  Accordingly, rooms might be in short supply as we approach 
FUDCon; please, book your hotel as soon as possible, not only for 
affordability purposes, but also so that you have a bed to sleep in. :)

We currently have a rate of EUR81 per night at the ibis Paris La Vilette 
Cite des Sciencesfor the nights of the 12th, 13th, and 14th of October.  
However, this rate will expire at the end of August, and any remaining 
rooms in our block will expire.

For instructions on booking your hotel, please read the Lodging/Hotel 
section of the FUDCon: Paris wiki:


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Fedora Board appointment

2012-06-22 Thread Robyn Bergeron
I am very delighted to announce that John Rose (aka inode0) will be 
joining the Fedora Board in the final appointed slot for this cycle 
(seat A4).  Many of you know John from his work in the Ambassadors team 
and his excellent election wrangling for many election cycles, as well 
as being a familiar face in FUDCon planning, and his care for 
transparency in finances (and transparency in general!).  I believe 
he'll be a fine addition to the Board, and I look forward to his 
contributions and participation.

As John comes on, I'd also like to thank Guillermo Gomez for his work 
done over the past year as the Board member who has been in this seat.  
You will be missed! :)

A friendly reminder, also, that the Board is always happy to have 
community input; please feel welcome to join the Board's mailing list at 
https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/Advisory-board to ask 
questions or participate in discussion.

Welcome, John! :)


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devel mailing list

Fedora Board runoff election results

2012-06-19 Thread Robyn Bergeron


The runoff election for the remaining Fedora Board seat has concluded.

There was one remaining seat available. A total of 182 votes were cast, 
meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 364 votes (182 * 2). The 
results are shown below.

# votes |  name
214 |  Nick Bebout (FAS: nb, IRC: nb)
188 |  Robert 'Bob' Jensen (FAS: bjensen, IRC: EvilBob)

Therefore, Nick Bebout will take the remaining Board seat, replacing Jon 
Stanley. (Many thanks to Jon for his dedication and time spent with the 

And with that - I thank everyone for their participation in this 
interesting runoff election.  News about the remaining appointed Board 
seat will be forthcoming in the next few days.

- Robyn
devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Runoff election for Board seat has begun.

2012-06-12 Thread Robyn Bergeron

As previously announced[1], the recent Board election resulted in a
two-way tie for the third elected seat, between Nick Bebout and Robert
'Bob' Jensen.

The runoff election for this remaining seat has started.  Voting began
today, Tuesday, June 12, at 00:00:00 UTC, and will end Wednesday, June

Please refer to a UTC time zone converter if you are unsure of your
time zone's relation to UTC, such as:

Ballots may be cast on the Fedora Elections System at:

For more general information about the election, including eligibility
information, please refer to:

As noted in previous announcements for elections, information about
the candidates may be seen here:
Fedora Board:
* Nominations and questionnaire answers:
* Town Hall Logs: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections#Fedora_Project_Board

Please remember to cast your vote!


[1] http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/2012-June/003084.html
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Election Results for Fedora Board, FAmSCo, and FESCo seats

2012-06-08 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Greetings, patient friends:

The elections for the Fedora Board, Fedora Engineering Steering
Committee (FESCo), and Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee (FAmSCo)
have concluded, and the results are shown below.

Apparently, we like to keep things interesting around here; the
improbable situation of having a tie for a seat has occurred. Read on
for details!

* * *

FESCo is electing 5 seats this cycle. A total of 236 ballots were
cast, meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 1,888 votes (236 *
8). The results for the FESCo elections are as follows:

# votes | name

1319 | Kevin Fenzi (FAS: kevin, IRC: nirik)
1208 | Bill Nottingham (FAS: notting, IRC: notting)
1028 | Tomáš Mráz (FAS: tmraz, IRC: t8m)
 901 | Peter Jones (FAS: pjones, IRC: pjones)
 890 | Josh Boyer (FAS: jwboyer, IRC: jwb)

 844 | Stephen Gallagher (FAS: sgallagh, IRC: sgallagh)
 474 | John Dulaney (FAS:jdulaney, IRC: j_dulaney)
 350 | Keiran Smith (FAS:affix, IRC:affix)

Therefore, Kevin Fenzi, Bill Nottingham, Tomáš Mráz, Peter Jones, and
Josh Boyer are each elected to FESCo for a full two-release term.

* * *

FAmSCo is electing 7 seats this cycle. As this is a special
transitional election for FAmSCo, all seven seats are open for
election. The four candidates receiving the most votes will be seated
for two release cycles and the next three candidates by vote count
will be seated for one release cycle. As those terms expire, future
elections will be held each release to fill the open seats for two
release terms. A total of 207 ballots were cast, meaning a candidate
could accumulate up to 1,863 votes (207 * 9).

# votes  | name

1152 | Christoph Wickert (FAS: cwickert, IRC: cwickert)
 887 | Jiri Eischmann (FAS: eischmann, IRC: sesivany)
 796 | Clint Savage (FAS: herlo, IRC: herlo)
 576 | Nick Bebout (FAS: nb, IRC: nb)

 553 | Alejandro Perez (FAS: aeperezt, IRC: aeperezt)
 543 | Daniel Bruno (FAS: dbruno, IRC: danielbruno)
 512 | Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera
(FAS: bckurera, IRC: bckurera)

 470 | Truong Anh Tuan (FAS: tuanta, IRC: tuanta)
 340 | Arif Tri Waluyo (FAS: arifiauo, IRC: arifiauo)

Therefore, Christoph Wickert, Jiri Eischmann, Clint Savage, and Nick
Bebout are each elected to FAmSCo for a two-release term; Alejandro
Perez, Daniel Bruno, and Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera are each elected
to FAmSCo for a one-release term.

* * *

The Fedora Board is electing 3 seats this cycle. Atotal of 199 ballots
were cast, meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 796 votes (199 *

# votes | name

 534 | Peter Robinson (FAS: pbrobinson, IRC: pbrobinson)
 505 | Eric Christensen (FAS: sparks, IRC: sparks)
 358 | Nick Bebout (FAS: nb, IRC: nb)
 358 | Robert 'Bob' Jensen (FAS:bjensen, IRC: EvilBob)

Therefore: Peter Robinson and Eric Christensen are elected to the
Board for a full two-release term.

Additionally: Nick Bebout and Robert 'Bob' Jensen have tied for the
remaining seat; a runoff election will be held to determine the
remaining seat, beginning Tuesday, June 12, and ending Tuesday, June

* * *

Congratulations to the winning candidates, and a hearty thank-you to
all nominees for running and participating in this elections cycle.

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Re: glusterfs rename

2012-06-05 Thread Robyn Bergeron
On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 12:25 PM, Peter Robinson  wrote:
> On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 8:03 PM, Kaleb S. KEITHLEY  
> wrote:
>> On 05/30/2012 02:23 PM, Peter Robinson wrote:
>>> Yes, for the Fedora side of things I think gluster 3.2 is the best
>>> strategy with a fedorapeople repo of 3.3 if it's considered worthwhile
>>> for those that wish to play. For gluster 3.3 I suggest a feature page
>>> for F-18 / rawhide. Is it feasible for the missing hekafs features to
>>> be merged into the 3.3 release train by October when F-18 is due to be
>>> released?
>> I was under the impression that glusterfs would be automatically carried
>> forward from f17 into f18, as it apparently was from f16 into f17.
> It will be carried forward but a major change of features and
> enhancements is worth doing a feature page to advertise the feature
> improvements (see the gnome feature page as an example[1] ), it's
> something for marketing to use and allows you to also detail things
> like the removal or merge of HekaFS.
>> F18 builds (of 3.2.6) are already available in koji. Until now I haven't
>> heard that a feature page is needed for 3.2.x (or 3.3.x) to be included in
>> f18. (But how to deprecate HekaFS on f18 once the glusterfs-3.3.0 build is
>> available.)
> See above for feature page details. For deprecate HekaFS you add the
> the appropriate obsoletes/provides as necessary to the gluster package
> and follow the process for removing/obsoleteing a package in the wiki.
>> The features that are in HekaFS (in f16 and f17) will get merged into
>> glusterfs-3.3.1+, as I indicated previously, but I won't promise how many of
>> them will be there when f18 ships. We certainly hope that all of them will
>> be, but we aren't making any promises.
> So that's something that can be documented in a feature page in the
> wiki and updated as things progress through both the gluster devel
> process and the fedora release process :)

Okay, as a slightly more detailed version:

You should follow the full feature process, to be put in the
FeatureList for F18.  If you want to see what that process looks like,
you probably want to look at this diagram:


And make your feature page according to the template noted on that
wiki page, and submit it to the feature wrangler (via a wiki category
change) so that they can have it approved by fesco, at which point it
can be added to the actual feature list :)


> Peter
> [1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Gnome3.4
> --
> devel mailing list
> devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel
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Reminder: Voting has begun in Fedora Board, FAmSCo, and FESCo elections, ends June 7th

2012-06-04 Thread Robyn Bergeron

A friendly reminder that the elections for the Fedora Board, Fedora
Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo), and the Fedora Ambassadors
Steering Committee (FAmSCo) began on June 1st, 2012, at 00:00:01 UTC,
and will end Thursday, June 7th, 2012 at 23:59:59 UTC.

Please refer to a UTC time zone converter if you are unsure if your
time zone's relation to UTC, such as:

Ballots may be cast on the Fedora Elections System at:

If this is the first time you've used the voting system, please refer
to the Fedora Elections Guide, currently located at:

I encourage everyone to read about the candidates for each body; in
addition to their nominations, candidates were also asked to
participate in questionnaires and IRC town halls, and links for that
information is shown below for each group of nominees.

Fedora Board:
* Nominations and questionnaire answers:
* Town Hall Logs: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections#Fedora_Project_Board

Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo):
* Nominations and questionnaire answers:
* Town Hall Logs:

Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee (FAmSCo):
* Nominations and questionnaire answers:
* Town Hall Logs:
* Please note that voting for FAmSCo is no longer restricted to
Ambassadors only; eligible voters need only be part of the cla_done
and any other non-cla group in the Fedora Account System.

For more general information about the election, including eligibility
information, please refer to:

Please remember to cast your vote!

-Robyn "I just wrote an email without any hot dog puns" Bergeron
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devel mailing list

Announcing Fedora 17. Relish it.

2012-05-29 Thread Robyn Bergeron
"At the heat of a thousand hot dog cookers, the seventeenth release of 
Fedora shall be forged by contributors the world over, and it will be 
known as: Beefy Miracle. The mustard shall indicate progress.

For six months, participants in the Fedora Project shall freely 
contribute to the release of the distribution, in the spirit of the Four 
Foundations -- Freedom, Friends, Features,  and First -- and moreover, 
they shall relish in Fun, as a community without Fun would be like a day 
without sunshine.

Upon release, a free and open source operating system shall be available 
to  all, catering to a variety of tastes -- those of end-users, systems 
administrators, and developers, with a common thread that binds them 
all: No, not their love for hot dogs, silly, as we certainly know that 
Fedora shall be created and used by those whose dietary preference could 
be either Beefy or Leafy.  Freedom, my friends, Freedom is the Great 
Condiment, which shall enable all users of the Beefy Miracle to Create, 
Share, and Do."

-- The Book of Sauerkraut, Chapter 12, Verse 529

The Beefy Miracle hath arrived. Behold, for it is available to download now:

And lo, detailed information about this release can be seen in the 
release notes:


== Condiments ==

Frankly, we believe this is the beefiest release ever -- chock full of 
condiments, more commonly known as Features, to customize your 
experience to your tastes. We take pride in our toppings, and in our 
fine ingredients; Fedora 17 includes both over- and  under-the-bun 
improvements that show off the power and flexibility of the advancing 
state of free (range) software.

On the desktop: GNOME 3.4 introduces many user experience improvements, 
including new search capabilities in the activities overview, improved 
themes, and enhancements to the Documents and Contacts applications. A 
new application, GNOME-boxes, provides easy access to virtual machines.  
Additionally, GIMP 2.8, the newest version  of the GNU Image 
Manipulation Program, brings new improvements, such as single-window 
mode, layer groups, and on-canvas editing.

For developers: You never sausage a great array of development tools! 
Fedora 17 includes a pre-release of Juno, the release of the  Eclipse 
SDK expected in June 2012.  Java 7 (and OpenJDK 7) is the default Java 
runtime and Java build toolset, and GCC 4.7.x is now the primary 
compiler in Fedora.  Other language refreshes include shipping Ruby 
1.9.3, the latest stable version of the Ruby language; PHP 5.4, the 
latest PHP stack; an update of Erlang to the R15 release; and the D 
language has been updated to the 2.058 release.

Under the hood, and in the cloud: Serving up hot dogs all day long? 
Increase your reliability and versatility with the new enhancements to 
the clustering stack in Fedora  17. Load balancing and high availability 
improvements have been made, allowing systems administrators to deploy 
Fedora in environments requiring greater availability and clustered file 
systems. JBoss Application Server (AS) 7 has also been added to Fedora 
17; this fast, lightweight, and modular application server allows you to 
run full Java EE applications. oVirt, a server virtualization management 
system with advanced capabilities for hosts and guests, is also 
included.  The automatic multi-seat feature enables multiple, concurrent 
end-users to utilize a desktop from a single machine, which any systems 
administrator can relish. And we couldn't possibly write this without 
talking about our foray into Hot Dogs as a Service (HDaaS)... oh, just 
kidding, we just had to make a cloudy joke. In all seriousness, though, 
OpenStack, a collection of services that can be used to set up and run 
cloud compute and storage infrastructure, has been updated to the latest 
release, 2012.1 (Essex), in Fedora 17.

Ketchup with the full list of features for Fedora 17 here:


=== Download and Upgrade ===

Fedora 17: It's bun-believable. Get it now: http://get.fedoraproject.org

If you are upgrading from a previous release of Fedora, refer to:


Fedora 17 full release notes and guides for several languages are 
available at:


Fedora 17 common bugs are documented at: 

=== Fedora Spins ===

Fedora spins are alternate version of Fedora, tailored for various types 
of users via hand-picked application set or customizations. They can be 
found at:


== Contributing ==

There are many ways to contribute beyond bug reporting.  You can help 
translate software and content, test and give feedback on software 
updates, write and edit documentation, design and do artwork, help with  
all sorts of promotional activities, and package free software for use  

Fedora 17 Final is declared GOLD!

2012-05-24 Thread Robyn Bergeron
At the Fedora 17 Final Go/No-Go meeting today, the F17 Final Release 
(RC4) was declared GOLD and ready for GA on May 29, 2012.

Thanks to everyone who came today, and to everyone who helped get the 
Beefy Miracle ready for public devouring. :) Links to meeting minutes 
and logs follow below.



Meeting Minutes: 

#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora 17 Final Go NoGo Meeting Round 2

Meeting started by rbergeron at 17:01:09 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* Why are we here  (rbergero, 17:05:46)
  * The purpose of this meeting is to determine the "shippiness" of the
final release of F17 (RC4, to be specific). All blocker bugs must be
resolved, the test matrices need to be completed, we need to meet
final release criteria, QA needs to be on board. :)  (rbergero,

* Blocker Bugs  (rbergero, 17:07:23)
  * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers
(tflink, 17:08:21)

* (824191) nfsiso install hangs during reboot  (tflink, 17:09:32)
  * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=824191   (tflink,
  * Proposed Blocker, NEW  (tflink, 17:09:32)
  * AGREED: - 824191 - RejectedBlocker - While this is a bug, it doesn't
directly violate any of the Fedora 17 release criteria (the install
completes, the installed system works). Given that it should only
affect a minority of users and could be fixed with an updates.img -
it doesn't need to block release.  (tflink, 17:18:12)

* (824641) kernel 3.3 crashes with blk_dump_rq_flags+ when using a
  file:/// backend instead of phy:// backend  (tflink, 17:18:29)
  * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=824641   (tflink,
  * Proposed Blocker, NEW  (tflink, 17:18:35)
  * AGREED: - 824641 - RejectedBlocker - This appears to be a Dom0 issue
instead of a DomU issue which does not violate any of the Fedora 17
release criteria. In addition, the use of file:// storage backends
is not recommended and phy:// storage backends do not seem affected
by this bug  (tflink, 17:34:24)

* Release Criteria and Test Matrices  (rbergero, 17:35:34)
  * LINK:
(tflink, 17:36:14)
  * LINK:
(tflink, 17:36:28)
  * 813257 is waived as a blocker as the only options are to wait
indefinitely for a fix or drop kdepim entirely; we can't just drop
the offending application as it's part of kdepim, which we need
(adamw, 17:46:13)
  * 819275 agreed not to be worthy of blocker consideration as it
affects fallback mode only, and fallback mode is niche now  (adamw,

* Ship or not to ship, that is the question  (rbergero, 18:04:32)
  * AGREED: We shall ship the Beefy Miracle (aka F17) on Tuesday, May 29
(rbergero, 18:05:56)

Meeting ended at 18:07:23 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* adamw (90)
* tflink (56)
* rbergero (47)
* dgilmore (24)
* darnok (13)
* akshayvyas (7)
* nirik (6)
* red_alert (5)
* zodbot (5)
* kparal (3)
* mbroyles__ (3)
* ADSLLC (1)
* rbergeron (1)
* satellit_Tris55R (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot

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Fedora 17 FINAL Go/No-Go Meeting (#2), Thursday, May 24, @13:00 Eastern

2012-05-23 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Please join us on irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting-1 for this 
important meeting, wherein we shall determine the shipment readiness of 
F17 Final.

Thursday, May 24, 2012 @ 17:00 UTC (13:00 EDT/10:00 PDT)

"Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering meet 
to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular release. 
This meeting is called the Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of 
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

In the meantime: Keep an eye on the blocker list here:

Let's ship the beefy miracle, folks! :)

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Fedora Board, FESCo, and FAmSCo elections: Town hall meeting schedule

2012-05-23 Thread Robyn Bergeron
As you have (hopefully) heard by now, elections for the Fedora Board, 
FESCo, and FAmSCo are quickly approaching.

In each election cycle, a series of town hall meetings is held to give 
community members and opportunity to ask candidates questions - and hear 
their answers - via IRC.

The town hall schedule for the upcoming election is as follows:

Fedora Project Board:
* Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 17:00 UTC
* Wednesday, May 30, 2012 at 20:00 UTC

FESCo (Fedora Engineering Steering Committee):
* Wednesday, May 30, 2012 at 17:00 UTC
* Thursday, May 31, 2012 at 20:00 UTC

FAmSCo (Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee):
* Sunday, May 27, 2012 at 16:00 UTC
* Monday, May 28 at 17:00 UTC

Not sure what time that is? Use a handy-dandy time zone calculator to 
find out when to show up:


Important information about how you can participate in the town halls 
via IRC, as well as the details of each town hall meeting, can be seen 
on the wiki here:


Additional details about the upcoming elections, including who the 
candidates are and the schedule for elections, can be seen here:


IRC town halls are a great and interesting way to get to know the 
candidates for the various bodies. I encourage you to come and 
participate, and bring your questions!


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F17 GA to slip by one week.

2012-05-17 Thread Robyn Bergeron
At the Go/No-Go meeting today, it was decided to slip the GA of Fedora 
17 by one week[1]. There are currently 4 remaining release blockers[2], 
necessitating the creation of RC2. Minutes follow below.

GA for F17 is now scheduled for 2012-05-29.  Adjustments to the 
schedule[3] and wiki will be completed later today.

We will be meeting again next Thursday, 2012-05-24, for another Go/No-Go 

Thanks for your patience!



[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers

[3] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Schedule

#fedora-meeting-1: F17 Final Go No Go Meeting

Meeting started by rbergeron at 17:03:17 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* Gathering the Peeps  (rbergeron, 17:03:43)

* Purpose of this meeting  (rbergeron, 17:04:50)
  * Purpose of this meeting is to see whether or not F17 Final is ready
for shipment, according to the release criteria.  (rbergeron,
  * This is determined in a few ways:  (rbergeron, 17:05:37)
  * No remaining blocker bugs  (rbergeron, 17:05:46)
  * Test matrices are fully completed  (rbergeron, 17:06:01)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers
(rbergeron, 17:06:26)
  * LINK:
(rbergeron, 17:07:01)
  * LINK:
(rbergeron, 17:08:28)

* Blocker Bugs  (rbergeron, 17:09:31)
  * 5 proposed blockers  (tflink, 17:09:45)
  * 2 accepted blockers  (tflink, 17:09:45)

* (821077) Firstboot window does not fit the screen after install from
  F17 TC4 Final KDE Live  (tflink, 17:10:47)
  * LINK: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=821077   (tflink,
  * Accepted Blocker, NEW  (tflink, 17:10:53)
  * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/attachment.cgi?id=585074   (spot,
  * packaging the C code outside of firstboot seems like the best
solution for now  (tflink, 17:21:19)
  * ACTION: spot to get patch packaged, get ajax to sanity check patch
(rbergeron, 17:23:02)
  * ACTION: tflink to coordinate with mgracik re: firstboot changes
(rbergeron, 17:27:40)

* (822123) Graphical grub is unusable slow  (tflink, 17:28:11)
  * LINK: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=822123   (tflink,
  * Accepted Blocker, MODIFIED  (tflink, 17:28:11)
  * workedaround, just need to wait for RC2  (rbergeron, 17:31:00)
  * anaconda-17.28-1 should workaround this to the point where it's no
longer a blocker  (tflink, 17:31:01)

* (794927) PackageKit cannot import GPG keys - Fatal error:
  Invalid input passed to daemon: char '<' in text!  (tflink, 17:31:54)
  * LINK: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=794927   (tflink,
  * Proposed Blocker, MODIFIED  (tflink, 17:32:01)
  * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=998   (nirik,
  * AGREED: - 794927 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the Fedora 17 alpha
release criterion "The installed system must be able to download and
install updates with yum and the default graphical package manager
in all release-blocking desktops"  (tflink, 17:42:27)

* (748320) automatically import default GPG keys  (tflink, 17:42:37)
  * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=748320   (tflink,
  * Proposed Blocker, NEW  (tflink, 17:42:39)
  * AGREED: - 748320 - RejectedBlocker, AcceptedNTH - This doesn't
directly hit any of the Fedora 17 release criteria and we've been
shipping like this for a while now - rejected as blocker. However,
this would improve the user experience and a tested fix would be
considered for inclusion past code freeze  (tflink, 17:47:12)

* (822430) PK is stuck after installing a single update  (tflink,
  * LINK: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=822430   (tflink,
  * Proposed Blocker, NEW  (tflink, 17:47:20)
  * no kittens will be harmed during the triage and fix for this bug ...
if all goes according to plan  (tflink, 18:03:59)
  * AGREED: - 822430 - RejectedBlocker, AcceptedNTH - This doesn't
completely hit any of the Fedora 17 release criteria and has a
simple workaround - install all of the updates. Thus it can be fixed
by an update and does not need to block release. However, it does
cause problems with certain update use cases and would be considered
for freeze break. Separa

Fedora 17 FINAL Go/No-Go Meeting, Thursday, May 17, @13:00 Eastern

2012-05-16 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Please join us on irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting-1 for this 
important meeting, wherein we shall determine the shipment readiness of 
F17 Final.

Thursday, May 17, 2012 @ 17:00 UTC (13:00 EDT/10:00 PDT)

"Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering meet 
to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular release. 
This meeting is called the Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of 
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

Note that we have historically had Go/No-go on Wednesdays, and Tuesdays 
for Final; we have been pushing the final call consistently to 
Thursdays, and thus (by popular demand) we are going to attempt having 
the meeting on Thursday itself, rather than dragging it out.  The 
release readiness meeting will still follow this meeting, on Thursday.

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Fedora Elections: General information, and questionnaire opening.

2012-04-27 Thread Robyn Bergeron


It is once again time for election season to begin.  As noted in the 
elections schedule[1], the elections questionnaire is now open to 
populate with questions for candidates, and will close on May 8th.  The 
elections nomination period will begin AFTER the questionnaire period 
has closed.

You may add your burning questions for candidates to answer here:

The following seats are available in this election:

* Fedora Project Board: 3 seats
* FESCo (Fedora Engineering Steering Committee):  5 seats
* FAmSCo (Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee): 7 seats

Please take note of the following changes for this election:

* All questions for the questionnaire must be submitted by May 8th, 
prior to the beginning of nominations. As seen in the schedule above, 
the nomination period does not start until May 9th.
* As noted on announce-list[2], FAmSCo is electing all 7 seats this 
cycle, with the goal of having staggered elections similar to the Board 
and FESCo. Additionally, voting eligibility has been widened to allow 
anyone who has signed the FPCA AND is a member of at least one 
additional non-FPCA/CLA group. (In other words: No longer just 
ambassadors, but those part of other teams as well.)

Full election information may be seen here:

Participating in these bodies are one of many ways to contribute to 
Fedora; I encourage you to consider running, or to urge those you 
believe are excellent candidates to run.  Additionally, your 
contributions are welcomed in helping to keep the elections running 
smoothly; volunteers are needed to help collect questionnaire answers 
from candidates, as well as for scheduling and moderating town halls.  
If you are interested in helping with those efforts, please contact John 

And a big thank you! to John for coordinating the elections thus far, 
your efforts are very much appreciated.



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devel mailing list

Fedora 17 Beta is declared GOLD.

2012-04-11 Thread Robyn Bergeron
At today's F17 Beta Go/No-Go meeting, the Fedora 17 Beta release was 
declared gold. F17 Beta will be released Tuesday, April 17, 2012.

Thanks to everyone involved for pulling this one together and 
participating in the meetings, things came together well this week. :)

For those interested in the details:


Full minutes follow below.



#fedora-meeting-1: F17 Beta go no go meeting

Meeting started by rbergeron at 21:00:32 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* welcome, again  (rbergeron, 21:06:00)
  * need clean bill of health on release blockers, testing done, etc.
(rbergeron, 21:06:45)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=804216  (tflink, 21:09:00)
  * AGREED: - 804216 - RejectedBlocker (beta) - This is a little nasty
but it can be worked around by installing the langpacks manually
post-install or enabling a network repo  (tflink, 21:14:21)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=811412  (tflink, 21:14:51)
  * AGREED: - 811412 - RejectedBlocker - Respun lives from RC4.1 will be
accepted for beta. Since RC4.1 is not affected by this bug, dropping
as a blocker for F17 beta  (tflink, 21:20:01)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=811438  (tflink, 21:20:13)
  * AGREED: - 811438 - RejectedBlocker - The oversized KDE spins were a
direct consequence of moving to livecd-creator 17.7. Since the lives
from RC4.1 are using livecd-creator 17.3, this bug does not apply to
beta and thus is not a beta blocker  (tflink, 21:23:13)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=810451  (tflink, 21:24:00)
  * this bug has been reported to be fixed, one contrary report seems to
be talking about a different bug  (tflink, 21:25:12)
  * LINK:
(tflink, 21:30:46)

* test matrices  (rbergeron, 21:30:49)
  * LINK:
(tflink, 21:35:24)
  * LINK:
(tflink, 21:39:35)

* go or no go?  (rbergeron, 21:41:07)
  * blockers clear, matrices green  (rbergeron, 21:41:36)
  * AGREED: ship rc4 and 4.1, we are a go for beta on 17th  (rbergeron,
  * ACTION: rbergeron to ship minutes / shipment notice after her child
is done at dentist  (rbergeron, 21:44:29)
  * ACTION: adamw or tflink to update blockers with resolutions tonight
(rbergeron, 21:46:08)
  * HOORAY BETA  (rbergeron, 21:46:52)

Meeting ended at 21:48:46 UTC.

Action Items

* rbergeron to ship minutes / shipment notice after her child is done at
* adamw or tflink to update blockers with resolutions tonight

Action Items, by person
* adamw
  * adamw or tflink to update blockers with resolutions tonight
* rbergeron
  * rbergeron to ship minutes / shipment notice after her child is done
at dentist
* tflink
  * adamw or tflink to update blockers with resolutions tonight
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* tflink (64)
* rbergeron (59)
* adamw (47)
* Viking-Ice (11)
* brunowolff (10)
* zodbot (7)
* dgilmore (6)
* spot (5)
* nirik (4)
* jsmith (4)
* nb (3)
* jskladan (1)
* KookyMan (1)
* bodhi_zazen (1)
* gnafu (1)
* robatino (0)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot

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Fedora 17 Beta Go/No-Go Meeting, Round 3, Wednesday, April 11, @17:00 Eastern

2012-04-10 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Please join us on irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting-1 for this 
important meeting. This will be Round 3 of this meeting for the Beta 
release of F17.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 @21:00 UTC (17:00 EDT/14:00 PDT)

"Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering meet 
to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular release. 
This meeting is called the Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of 
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

In the meantime, keep an eye on the Fedora 17 Beta Blocker list:

Ongoing Beta RC test results can be seen here:

See you there, Wednesday, in #fedora-meeting-1.

-Robyn, fingers and toes crossed thoroughly

devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

F17 Beta to slip by an additional week.

2012-04-05 Thread Robyn Bergeron
At the Go/No-Go meeting it was decided to slip the Beta by an additional 
week[1]. Minutes follow below.

Though the QA team was able to get through all validation testing, it 
was found that preupgrade was not functioning at an acceptable level, 
thus becoming an additional blocker which prevents us from shipping RC3, 
and necessitating the creation of an RC4.

As a result, ALL MAJOR MILESTONES, and their dependent tasks, will be 
pushed out by one week. Beta will now be looking at an expected release 
of 2012-04-17, and F17 GA is now scheduled for 2012-05-22. This is the 
second one-week slip of beta.

Adjustments to the full F17 schedule have been completed and now reflect 
the above Beta and GA dates, and high-level milestones have been updated 
as well on the Schedule wiki page[3].

We will be meeting again next Wednesday  for another Go/No-Go meeting 
(2012-04-11.)  All hail our QA pals and the anacondanistas for their 
dedication (and many, many others as well).


[1] Minutes: 


[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers

[3] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Schedule


#fedora-meeting-1: Go/No Go Continuation, Round Two, RC3, F17

Meeting started by rbergeron at 15:00:38 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* Who's up  (rbergeron, 15:01:03)

* Test Results  (rbergeron, 15:11:31)
  * LINK:
(rbergeron, 15:11:37)
  * LINK:
(rbergeron, 15:12:11)
  * LINK:
(rbergeron, 15:12:22)
  * AGREED: we are okay with the level of test coverage as of now on RC3
(rbergeron, 15:16:31)

* Blockers  (rbergeron, 15:16:41)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=741594  (adamw, 15:18:19)
  * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=741594#c14
(Martix, 15:18:54)
  * AGREED: 741594 does not hit any of the criteria and the cited
scenarios are not significant enough to worry about delaying the
beta  (adamw, 15:29:18)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=810226  (adamw, 15:31:12)
  * LINK: http://patchwork.freedesktop.org/patch/9198/   (adamw,

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=810161  (adamw, 15:48:57)
  * AGREED: 810161 is rejected as a blocker because the impact is minor
(it's essentially a cosmetic bug, desktop is still usable), also it
only hits one specific virt configuration so it can at least be
worked around. accepted as NTH and will be commonbugs'ed if we ship
with it  (adamw, 16:13:56)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=810289  (adamw, 16:14:24)
  * AGREED: #810289 is rejected as a blocker on the basis that we've
never actually checked for low space on upgrade (and hence have
implictly never considered it a blocking issue). anaconda will just
try to upgrade and explode. so this isn't in fact a regression
compared to earlier releases, and we don't have a specific
requirement for a low space check in criteria or anywhere else.
accepted as NTH  (adamw, 16:31:38)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=810136  (adamw, 16:31:59)
  * AGREED: 810136 turns out to be a dupe of 810005, moving discussion
(adamw, 19:45:37)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=810005  (adamw, 19:45:42)
  * AGREED: 810005 is accepted as a blocker per criterion "The installer
must be able to successfully complete an upgrade installation from a
clean, fully updated default installation (from any official install
medium) of the previous stable Fedora release, either via preupgrade
or by booting to the installer manually. The upgraded system must
meet all release criteria". the known workaround has too many
limitations to be considered 'good enough'  (adamw, 19:53:23)

* Go or no-go?  (rbergeron, 19:54:12)
  * we have a blocker.  (rbergeron, 19:54:27)
  * qa votes no-go, as do various others from engineering, fesco, pm
(rbergeron, 19:55:18)
  * AGREED: we are no-go on F17 Beta RC3 sadly  (adamw, 19:58:27)
  * ACTION: rbergeron to update schedule again  (rbergeron,
  * ACTION: rbergero to send slip mail  (rbergeron, 20:00:19)
  * ACTION: tflink to do blocker meeting mail following slip notice
(rbergeron, 20:00:38)

Fedora 17 Beta Go/No-Go Meeting, Wednesday, April 4, @17:00 Eastern

2012-04-02 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Please join us on irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting-1 for this 
important meeting. This will be Round 2 of this meeting for the Beta 
release of F17.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 @21:00 UTC (17:00 EDT/14:00 PDT)

"Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering meet 
to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular release. 
This meeting is called the Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of 
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

In the meantime, keep an eye on the Fedora 17 Beta Blocker list:

Ongoing Beta RC test results can be seen here:

See you there, Wednesday, in #fedora-meeting-1 (1, 1, !!!111, make a 
note of it!)

devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

F17 Beta to slip by one week.

2012-03-29 Thread Robyn Bergeron
At the Go/No-Go meeting it was decided to slip the Beta by one week[1]. 
Minutes follow below.

Despite valiant efforts by many awesome people, two new blockers 
appeared between RC1 and RC2, for which fixes are still incoming and 
will require the creation of an RC3 [2].

As a result, ALL MAJOR MILESTONES, and their dependent tasks, will be 
pushed out by one week. Beta will now be looking at an expected release 
of 2012-04-10, and F17 GA is now scheduled for 2012-05-15.

The adjustments to the full F17 schedule will be done (very late) 
tonight, and published to the Schedule wiki page[3]. Please note that 
the high-level milestones shown on the wiki page have already been 
updated to reflect the Beta slip.

Thanks for your patience.  We will be meeting again next Wednesday for 
another Go/No-Go meeting.


[1] Minutes: 

[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers

[3] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Schedule
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devel mailing list

Fedora 17 Beta Go/No-Go Meeting, Wednesday, March 28, @17:00 Eastern

2012-03-26 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Please join us on irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting-1 for this 
important meeting. Will the Beefy Miracle live up to the latter half of 
its name? Attend this meeting and find out! :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 @21:00 UTC (17:00 EDT/14:00 PDT)

"Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering meet 
to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular release. 
This meeting is called the Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of 
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

In the meantime, keep an eye on the Fedora 17 Beta Blocker list:

Ongoing Beta RC test results can be seen here:

Cheers! (And do note that we will be in #fedora-meeting-1!)

devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

It is time for another episode of: NAME THAT FEDORA RELEASE

2012-03-19 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Oh, Beefy Miracle, I have relished your name for months, but as your day 
for widespread consumption (release day) approaches, it is time for the 
community to choose the name of Fedora 18.  This process begins with 
*you,* dear readers and contributors, as potential names are accepted 
for submission over the course of the next week, beginning now, March 
20th, and ending March 27th (at 23:59:59 UTC, for those of you who can't 
mustard up any ideas until the last possible second).

Frankly, I'm expecting an a-bun-dance of suggestions, and not just from 
people who cannot take my punni-ness any longer.  Rules and guidelines 
for suggestions, as well as the location in which you may make your name 
suggestions, are on this wiki page:


A quick word on details:

You *must* follow the guidelines at the page listed above for your name 
to be considered.  These guidelines include the following items:

* There must be an "is-a" link between the name "Beefy Miracle" (the 
name of F17) and your suggested name.

* That link must be different from any previous links between release names.
* Names of living people and well-known trademarks will likely be 
rejected as well.

Schedule details for release naming are also shown on the F18 naming 
wiki page.

I know that it may be hard to *top* Beefy Miracle (ahahahaha, get it? As 
in toppings!) but I do have every bit of faith that many of you have 
already thought of name suggestions that may or may not be more mature, 
or more neutral with regards to dietary restrictions. :) I do look 
forward to seeing your suggested names and recommend, as always, to have 


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devel mailing list

Re: Summary & minutes for today's FESCo meeting (2012-03-19)

2012-03-19 Thread Robyn Bergeron

On 03/19/2012 06:38 PM, Jon Ciesla wrote:

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 8:26 PM, Josh Boyer  wrote:

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 3:46 PM, Jon Ciesla  wrote:

* #830 F18 Feature: ARM as Primary Arch --
  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/FedoraARM  (limburgher,
  * LINK:
(nirik, 18:45:42)
  * AGREED: ask qa, rel-eng, kernel and infra teams to provide feedback
on the proposal. Ask fesco members to come up with critera that they
would want to add and revisit next week.  (+8,-:0,0:0)  (limburgher,

It's fairly disappointing this was discussed during this meeting without
being on the agenda that was sent out.  This is a rather large item that
needs a lot of discussion among the various groups in Fedora, and I'm sure
that I'm not the only person that wasn't aware it was even going to be in
the meeting today.  (Even ignoring the fact that the agenda was sent without
a proper Subject and easily skipped.)

It's plain irritating that per the logs, the proposers of this thought it
was just going to be covered in the 'Open Floor' section.  Seriously, this
is not the way to start off on a great foot for such a major proposal.

Agreed, my apologies.  I'm still getting the hang of chairing meetings
and only saw the ARM feature after I sent the agenda.  I added it to
the meeting thinking additional discussion would be helpful, not
necessarily that it needed a definitive vote.  I'll certainly be more
careful all around next time.
My apologies on this as well (EVERYWHERE TONIGHT) - this feature went my 
way late Friday, I went back and forth with feature owners a bit over 
the weekend, and added the ticket as "open floor (for today) or meeting 
(next week)" figuring that there was not going to be a definitive vote, 
but that there was likely going to be numerous rounds of questions, and 
leaving it to the discretion of FESCo to decide if they wanted to even 
address it today vs. just acknowledge that "THIS IS COMING." Perhaps I 
could have made that clearer in the ticket, or more inherently known 
that "we cannot possibly look at a ticket without immediately having one 
million questions," but I don't think this should be put on the feature 
owners themselves as a bad way to start off; they were just looking to 
start the discussion as way-before-F18 as possible. Throw the blame my 
way, and I am pretty sure that the team of folks working on this are 
well aware that this is not going to be a cut-and-dry decision, and 
understand that it will likely take a while to get through the 
discussion of the feature with all involved parties.  They made 
themselves quite available today, and I don't doubt that they will be 
doing the same in future meetings should this continue to go forward.



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devel mailing list

Re: when does Fedora 18 Release Naming start?

2012-03-19 Thread Robyn Bergeron
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 6:23 PM, Chuck Anderson  wrote:
> So according to the Wiki, naming hasn't started yet, but it is also
> almost over :-)
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Name_suggestions_for_Fedora_18
> Naming Period: 13 March 13 through 20 March
> So when does it really start?

Per the schedule published here:

http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-17/f-17-fpl.html  (see line 76)

 tomorrow, or technically tonight sometimeish for all good things
UTC. The sometime-tonight-ish is the "when I send out the
announcement" part.

Yes, I realize the wiki says something different, I was toying around
with dates to avoid Easter, decided it was better to stick with the
published schedule, and failed to undo the wiki page changes, what
with my non-perfect-ism and all. :)

Anyhoo, I'll fix the dates on the wiki before I ship out any announcements.

Thanks for being detail-oriented, please see me for your voucher for
one beef- or vegan- filled hot dog. :D


> --
> devel mailing list
> devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel
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FUDCon Kuala Lumpur travel subsidy requests are now open

2012-03-15 Thread Robyn Bergeron


As you may know, there is a planned APAC FUDCon in Kuala Lumpur coming 
up soon, May 18-20 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


If you are planning to attend FUDCon Kuala Lumpur and need a travel 
subsidy, the ticketing system is currently open for requests. Requests 
will be accepted through March 27, 2012. Please note that funding 
requests without a ticket will not be considered.  The travel budget is 
limited, and preference will be given to attendees from the APAC region 
who are actively contributing to Fedora, and have detailed their 
participation plans for FUDCon in their subsidy request.

To place a subsidy request, please follow these steps:

1: Pre-register at 

2: Put an X in the $$$ column
3: Read about the funding request process and place a funding request 
ticket in the FUDCon-planning ticket tracker here: 

Thank you!

devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Re: Fedora 18 feature processing?

2012-03-05 Thread Robyn Bergeron

On 03/05/2012 07:54 AM, Josh Boyer wrote:

On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Panu Matilainen


I'm wondering whether there's some kind of disconnect in the feature process
at the moment: In order to avoid the kind of last-minute inclusion craze
that everybody hates, we decided to postpone rpm-4.10 for F18 and hoped to
get a pre-release version into rawhide right after branching F17, but it's
been almost a month now since filing the feature
(https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/RPM4.10) ready for wrangler, with
no signs of activity from the wrangler to pass it on to FESCo (or request
corrections) that I can see.

Any idea what's up here? Lots of people are understandably busy with F17
preparations at this point, but now would also be the perfect time to start
introducing features deemed for F18 into rawhide, rather than day before
feature freeze. I'd rather have my "feature" done and dealt with well before
F18 alpha even appears on the horizon.

Sorry, your feature wrangler has been slightly preoccupied. :)

I'll get the existing wrangler submissions reviewed/submitted for next 
week's FESCo meeting.

I don't think you need to wait for the Feature wrangler here.  Just commit it
to the master branch and build for F18.  It's not like kernel, gcc, and glibc
upgrades sit around waiting on a Feature page to get looked at.

Unless there is something that requires a large coordination with other
packages, I think you're good.


devel mailing list

Fedora 17 Alpha is hereby declared GOLD(en mustard color)!

2012-02-22 Thread Robyn Bergeron
At the F17 Alpha Go/No-Go meeting today, the Fedora 17 Alpha release 
(RC4) was declared GOLD, and ready for shipment on February 28, 2012.

GOLD is the color of mustard, and, as you know, mustard indicates 
progress. A huge thank you to everyone who made this on-time(!!!) Alpha 
release possible. My (occasionally inaccurate) research tells me that 
the last time we shipped an Alpha according to schedule was Fedora 10. 
That is some excellent progress, in my humble opinion :)

Meeting details can be seen here:
Minutes (text): 

Full minutes are posted below.



#fedora-meeting-1: F17 Alpha Go No-Go Meeting

Meeting started by rbergeron at 22:00:00 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* Roll Call  (rbergeron, 22:00:19)
  * tflink is here for QA  (rbergeron, 22:00:45)
  * nirik here for fesco/devel in some way; dgilmore here for rel-eng
(rbergeron, 22:01:49)
  * also present: rbergeron for wranglin', brunowolff for awesomeness
and helpfulness  (rbergeron, 22:02:07)

* We are Gathered to Serve a Alpha Taste Test of The Beefy Miracle, and
  determine if we are ready to ship said Holiness.  (rbergeron,
  * Looking have the blocker list clear:
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers  (rbergeron,
  * Test Matrices need to be complete  (rbergeron, 22:03:17)
  * LINK:
(rbergeron, 22:03:30)
  * LINK:
(rbergeron, 22:03:44)
  * This will determine if release criteria have been met, if we can
ship.  (rbergeron, 22:03:57)

* Release Blocker Review  (rbergeron, 22:05:07)
  * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers
(rbergeron, 22:05:16)
  * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=796261   (tflink,
  * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=796261   (tflink,
  * Bootloader not installed? (F17 Alpha RC4)  (tflink, 22:07:18)
  * AGREED: - 796261 - RejectedBlocker - This seems to be an isolated
incident since we have several positive results and only the one
negative  (tflink, 22:10:30)
  * No more remaining blockers for F17 alpha.  (rbergeron, 22:10:44)

* Test Matrices  (rbergeron, 22:12:04)
  * LINK:
(rbergeron, 22:12:19)
  * LINK:
(rbergeron, 22:12:22)
  * remaining failures on test cases for alpha are not blockers (related
to creation of usb media; issue is with livecd-tools and not alpha
itself, should have a new build in the next few days)  (rbergeron,
  * AGREED: Test Matrices are acceptably complete, given livecd-tools
fix coming, things look great and we have many other install methods
working properly.  (rbergeron, 22:16:32)

* The Hot Dog Looks Tasty and Ready. Can we ship F17 Alpha?  (rbergeron,
  * AGREED: All criteria for shipping F17 alpha are met; QA, rel-eng,
devel are prepared to ship on tuesday.  (rbergeron, 22:20:45)
  * AGREED: F17 Alpha RC4 is accepted as Alpha!  (rbergeron, 22:21:23)
  * Thanks to everyone for an on-time Alpha release, you rock! RELEASE
THE HOT DOGS!  (rbergeron, 22:22:17)
  * ACTION: rbergeron to send out GOLD announcement and meeting logs
(rbergeron, 22:22:34)

* Any other business?  (rbergeron, 22:22:40)

Meeting ended at 22:24:50 UTC.

Action Items

* rbergeron to send out GOLD announcement and meeting logs

Action Items, by person
* rbergeron
  * rbergeron to send out GOLD announcement and meeting logs
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* rbergeron (65)
* tflink (20)
* adamw (14)
* dgilmore (7)
* nirik (6)
* brunowolff (5)
* zodbot (5)
* satellit_ (3)
* jsmith (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot

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devel mailing list

Fedora 17 Alpha Go/No-Go Meeting, Wednesday, February 22 @ 17:00 EST

2012-02-20 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Join us on irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting for this important 
meeting, wherein we shall determine the readiness of the Alpha 
taste-testing of the Beefy Miracle, better known as Fedora 17.

Wednesday, February 22, 2011 @22:00 UTC (17:00 EST/14:00 PST)

"Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering meet 
to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular release. 
This meeting is called the Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of 
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

In the meantime, keep an eye on the Fedora 17 Alpha Blocker list:


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devel mailing list

Fedora 17 Feature Freeze is TOMORROW, February 7.

2012-02-06 Thread Robyn Bergeron

A friendly reminder as we move towards a miraculous, beefy release:

* Feature freeze is tomorrow, February 7, 2012.  At this point, all 
accepted features should be substantially complete, and testable. 
Additionally, if a feature is to be enabled by default, it must be so 
enabled at Feature Freeze.


If you are a FEATURE OWNER:

* The percentage of completion on your feature's wiki page should 
reflect your current progress.  Feature pages should be updated *at 
least* monthly.


* Features which do not appear to be substantially complete will be sent 
to FESCo for review as to whether or not they should continue to be 
listed as a release feature.  Your feature's wiki page status and 
indication of progress is what determines whether or not it will be sent 
to FESCo.

Please, for the love of Beefy, UPDATE YOUR PAGES. There are 62 features 
() currently slated for F17. Updating your feature page's completion 
percentage, along with the date that you updated your page, prevents me 
from having to relentlessly beg you all individually via e-mail to do 
the same thing. :)

If you have questions, concerns, flames, or winning lottery tickets 
which will prevent you from completing your feature, please don't 
hesitate to contact me.

devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Wireless Access at FUDCon Blacksburg

2012-01-06 Thread Robyn Bergeron
If you are attending FUDCon:Blacksburg next week (January 13-15), you 
need to request a guest internet access account in order to use the 
guest wireless access on the Virginia Tech campus. It is requested that 
you sign up for this account PRIOR to your arrival at FUDCon. Pretty please.

Directions for obtaining wireless access are listed on the FUDCon 
Blacksburg wiki page:


However, since I'm really nice, I'll spell it out in this email as well:

1. Go to the guest wireless registration page, here: 

2. Enter start date: 1/13/2012, for example
3. Enter end date: 1/15/2012, for example
4. Sponsoring Department: Select "Mathematics"
5. Contact Person: Enter "Ben Williams" (our awesome, gracious host and 
contact at VT)

6. Purpose: FUDCon
7. Click the "Create Request" button
8. Enter email address and select "New Guest"
9. Fill out form including secret questions, password boxes, and agree 
to the Acceptable Use Policy

10. Click "Create Account"
11. Receive email in your inbox and verify your request.

Thanks, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone next week in 
Blacksburg! :)

devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Re: Self Introduction

2011-12-01 Thread Robyn Bergeron
On 12/01/2011 02:12 AM, Schwickerath Ulrich wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Ulrich Schwickerath, I'm working at CERN for the IT division, 
> where I've done some rpm packaging of internally used software for
> many years. I got involved in virtualization and cloud computing activities, 
> and have been working with OpenNebula. Recently, we upgraded
> our OpenNebula server to SL6 and OpenNebula 3.0, for which I had to do some 
> packaging of ruby gems which I believe are useful for the
> community as well. I started in August with one request [1] which I would 
> like to complete, to start with.
> Thanks to all,
> Ulrich
> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=719854
Hi Ulrich,

A big cloudy welcome to you as well (gee, look at all the cloudy 
introductions today!)

As I said to Troy - you're welcome to also join the Cloud SIG mailing 
list - we have a number of people interested in swapping cloudy package 
reviews, discussing things, etc.


I see in your bz that IRC access is not an option right now, which is a 
bummer, but we are always happy to converse on list.


devel mailing list

Re: Self Introduction

2011-12-01 Thread Robyn Bergeron
On 11/30/2011 04:25 PM, Troy Dawson wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been creating rpm packages for Fermi Linux for over 10 years, and
> Scientific Linux 8 years, but I never had time to do anything for Fedora
> and EPEL.  Now that I'm not with Scientific Linux, I've got the time.
> I'd like to help with the OpenShift client packages for Fedora and EPEL.
>   So I'm going to sign up to be a co-maintainer for rubygem-rhc, and
> rubygem-json-pure (a new dependancy for rhc).
> Troy Dawson
Can I please roll out a giant blue carpet to welcome you? :)

You should consider also joining the Cloud SIG mailing list - we'd love 
to hear about your progress in openshift-land, and help out where we 
can. (We also have IRC meetings on Fridays, and you're of course welcome 
to join, and we hang out in #fedora-cloud.)


devel mailing list

Minutes from today's town hall meeting for FESCo election candidates

2011-11-21 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Minutes and logs from today's town hall for the FESCo candidates can be 
seen here:



devel mailing list

[Test-Announce] FUDCon Blacksburg subsidies announcement, and general planning update.

2011-11-21 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Greetings everyone,

A few updates on the upcoming FUDCon in Blacksburg, VA in January 2012:

* We will be having our second subsidy meeting on Wednesday, November 
23rd.  This meeting will be for evaluating and processing any available 
subsidy monies for international attendees, as well as processing any 
new North America-based subsidy requests.  If you are requesting a 
subsidy, please ensure that your Trac ticket for requesting subsidies is 
complete, particularly and especially with detail to what you plan to 
accomplish / do while at FUDCon.  With more than ten international 
requests, and limited funding, it is especially important for the people 
attending the meeting to have a clear picture of your plans in order to 
make a decision on funding.

The subsidy meeting is open for anyone to attend.  Please feel free to 
participate, especially if you have requested funding, so that we may 
ask questions and get answers in a timely manner.  The meeting occurs 
this Wednesday (during the normal FUDCon planning meeting time) at 17:00 
UTC in #fedora-meeting on irc.freenode.net (9am Pacific, Noon Eastern).

For more information on applying for a subsidy, please read 

* Pre-registration for FUDCon is open. If you are planning to attend, 
please visit the event wiki page at 
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Blacksburg_2012 to add your name to 
the registration list.

* Rooms at the hotel for FUDCon can be booked now.  The block is open 
until December 28, 2011. Details on booking your room can be seen here: 

* As always, your participation is welcomed, and your help is 
appreciated.  Signing up on the fudcon-planning mailing list is a great 
way to find out how you can help, and to get more details about FUDCon 
as the event draws near.  Sign up at  
https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/fudcon-planning to get 
on the list.

Thanks, and I hope to see you at FUDCon! :)


test-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

[Test-Announce] Announcing the release of Fedora 16.

2011-11-08 Thread Robyn Bergeron
The Fedora Project is pleased to announce the release of Fedora 16 

Fedora is a leading-edge, free and open source operating system that 
continues to deliver innovative features to many users, with a new 
release about every six months. Fedora 16 brings exciting new features 
for desktop users, for system administrators, and for developers. 
Highlights of these features can be found below. If the mere mention of 
Fedora 16 is all you need, download options can be found at:

For detailed information, see the release notes:

== Dedication==

During the preparation of Fedora 16, the computing world lost one of its 
great contributors: Dennis Ritchie. Ritchie co-invented Unix and the C 
language. He also co-authored The C Programming Language, a book that 
taught many programmers just at the time personal computing was 
exploding. Without Ritchie computing would be nothing like it is today.

A humble man, not well-known outside his field, Dennis will always be 
remembered by those of us who practice the craft. Thank you, Dennis.

== What's New in Fedora 16? ==

For desktop users: a journey to the center of the desktop...

* GNOME 3.2, the latest update to the most popular desktop environment, 
brings new features, including:
 o System Settings gains an "Online Accounts" panel, which provides 
a central point for managing online accounts like Google, Facebook, etc.
 o A new contact management application is integrated with Empathy, 
Evolution and the new "Online Accounts" settings panel
 o A new document management application provides a simpler 
alternative to traditional file management for both local and "in-cloud" 
* KDE 4.7, the most recent version of this feature-rich desktop 
environment, brings substantial updates, including:
 o DigiKam 2.0 adds face detection and recognition, geotagging and more.
 o An updated Plasma Workspaces window manager (KWin) makes KDE 
better suited for mobile devices, and also adds improvements for desktop 
 o A new shutdown dialog allows users with multiple operating 
systems to select the OS to boot next.

For developers: Twenty thousand lines in C...

* Perl 5.14, a new version of Perl, brings many enhancements, including 
Unicode 6.0 support.
* GCC Python Plugins extend GCC with Python 2 and 3, without dealing 
with the C internals of GCC.
* D2: Fedora 16 is the first Linux distribution to include the newest 
version of D, a systems programming language combining the power and 
high performance of C and C++ with the programmer productivity of modern 
languages such as Ruby and Python.

For system administrators: around the world in eighty columns...

* GRUB2: This leap forward allows better configuration options and 
better support for non-x86 architectures.
* New system account ID numbering: Fedora 16 starts user IDs at 1000, 
providing more room for system accounts and making it easier for 
administrators not have services run as root. This improves 
interoperability with other Linux distributions that start user IDs at 1000.
* Chrony: Chrony provides network time protocol (NTP) client and server 
pieces which are more tolerant of unstable clocks and Internet 
connections which are not always on.
* ext4 driver mounts ext2 and ext3: Fedora 16 uses the ext4 driver to 
mount ext2 and ext3 file systems, reducing the size of the kernel code.
* Improved virtualization tools:
 o Fedora 16 provides improvements to virtual networking, making 
large deployments easier.
 o Virt-manager guest inspection is a unique-to-Fedora tool allowing 
read-only access to guest file systems, applications, and Windows registry.
 o Fedora 16 provides locking of virtual disks to prevent a disk 
being used by multiple virtual machines simultaneously.
* Cloud goodies galore:
 o Aeolus, a cross-cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 
platform, which consists of a web-based user interface and tools for 
managing cloud instances across heterogenous clouds.
 o OpenStack, another IaaS platform, which takes form as a 
collection of services for setting up and running a cloud compute and 
storage infrastructure.
 o Pacemaker-cloud, which provides application service high 
availability for cloud environments.
 o HekaFS, a cloud-ready version of GlusterFS, which extends the 
filesystem to be suitable for deployment by a cloud provider by adding 
in stronger authentication and authorization, encryption, and multi-tenancy.

This is only a taste of what is included in Fedora 16. A more detailed 
list can be found at:

== Download and Upgrade ==

Fedora 16 is not science fiction. It is here right now:

To launch Fedora 16 instances in the cloud, refer to:

If you are upgrading from a previous release of F

Re: Nomination period for Fedora Board, FESCo, and FAmSCo elections closes Nov. 5

2011-11-05 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Sorry (about the lack of clarification, *and* for top-posting - on a sucky 
client) -

I was going for brevity, and mistakenly thought that the policies/requirements 
for each election was on the main election page and/or each nomination page - 
and it's not, which should also be corrected.


- Original Message -
From: "Bruno Wolff III" 
To: "Robyn Bergeron" 
Cc: t...@lists.fedoraproject.org, devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 3:29:38 PM
Subject: Re: Nomination period for Fedora Board, FESCo, and FAmSCo elections 
closes Nov. 5

On Fri, Nov 04, 2011 at 08:16:57 -0700,
  Robyn Bergeron  wrote:
> Full information about the elections, including the elections schedule, 
> and links to where one may nominate, can be seen here:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections

This misses an important link. FESCO has their policy for elections at:

One of the listed requirements is that nominees be members of the packager
group. We currently have a FESCO nominee who participates in QA who
does not qualify for FESCO if the information on that page is still
accurate. This should probably get clarified before the election gets

I think FESCO dates back before there was a formal QA group and it may make
sense to modify the requirements for FESCO members in light of changes
over the last 3 years.
devel mailing list

Nomination period for Fedora Board, FESCo, and FAmSCo elections closes Nov. 5

2011-11-04 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Greetings and salutations,

It is time for yet another edition of "Robyn's Fedora Public Service 
Announcements" :)

I'd like to give you a friendly reminder that the nomination period for 
the upcoming Fedora elections will be closing promptly TOMORROW, 
Saturday, November 5, 2011, at 23:59:59 UTC (US 19:59:59 EDT, 16:59:59 PDT).

Full information about the elections, including the elections schedule, 
and links to where one may nominate, can be seen here:

This election cycle will fill the following seats for a one-year period:
* Fedora Board: 2 elected seats, as well as 2 appointed seats
* FESCo (Fedora Engineering Steering Committee): 4 elected seats
* FAmSCo (Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee): 7 elected seats

Running concurrently with the nomination period (and, hence, closing at 
the end of the nomination period), the elections questionnaire is also 
open for adding questions which will be posed to candidates.  Following 
the closing of the questionnaire, candidates will be asked to answer 
questions relevant to the position for which they are seeking election.

Questions may be added here, and, again, will also close on Saturday, 
November 5, 2011:

If you are planning on seeking election to one of these bodies, please 
remember to complete your self-nomination *prior* to the deadline. 
Additionally, if you have a fellow contributor who had indicated 
interest and has not yet self-nominated, be a Friend and remind them to 
act promptly.


devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

[Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Final Release Declared GOLD!

2011-11-03 Thread Robyn Bergeron
At the Fedora 16 Final Go/No-Go meeting today, the Fedora 16 Final 
Release was declared GOLD and ready for release on November 8, 2011.

And to clarify: It is a nice, golden, almost... mustard-like color. :)

Thank you to EVERYONE for your sleepless nights, endless testing, prompt 
bug-fixing, and endless patience through 5 release candidates.

A reminder that the Fedora 16 Release Wide Readiness Meeting will take
place Today, pretty much now, at 19:00 UTC (3 PM Eastern/ 12 PM Pacific) at
irc.freenode.net #fedora-meeting-1

#fedora-meeting: F16 Final Go or No Go Meeting Round Two

Meeting started by rbergeron at 18:00:29 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* Gathering Friends  (rbergeron, 18:00:47)

* Why are we here  (rbergeron, 18:01:27)
   * Purpose of this meeting is to determine if all the Release Criteria
 have been met, so we can ship this puppy out the door.  (rbergeron,
   * LINK:
 (rbergeron, 18:02:36)

* Blocker Bugs  (rbergeron, 18:02:53)
   * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers
 (rbergeron, 18:03:03)
   * Look at his beady, majestic eyes.  (rbergeron, 18:03:35)
   * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=750469 was just
 reopened  (robatino, 18:03:56)
   * LINK:
 (tflink, 18:17:42)

* Test Matrices and etc.  (rbergeron, 18:25:30)
   * AGREED: 750469 needs to be fixed but does not need to delay f16
 release; we can fix by updating l-i-t-d in all extant releases (14,
 15)  (adamw, 18:25:43)
   * absolutely all tests are covered and pass or warn  (rbergeron,

* Release Engineering  (rbergeron, 18:29:03)
   * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/4967#comment:17
 (tflink, 18:31:09)

* Anything else before we Set Sail?  (rbergeron, 18:35:01)

* To Go, or Not To Go?  (rbergeron, 18:36:49)
   * F16 is declared GOLD! Ship it.  (rbergeron, 18:38:51)
   * AGREED: F16 is declared GOLD! Ship it.  (rbergeron, 18:39:04)
   * Thanks to EVERYONE for your sleepless nights, your hard work, your
 bug fixing.  (rbergeron, 18:39:34)
   * And endless testing, and endless building.  (rbergeron, 18:39:45)
   * There is a readiness meeting in ~20 minutes here in #fedora-meeting.
 (rbergeron, 18:40:04)
   * rbergeron will send out a GOLDEN GOLD MAIL to mailing lists.
 (rbergeron, 18:40:22)
   * in #fedora-meeting-1.  (rbergeron, 18:40:39)
   * Grats to everyone on shipping yet another INCREDIBLY feature-filled
 release.  (rbergeron, 18:41:27)

Meeting ended at 18:42:18 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
   * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* rbergeron (88)
* adamw (54)
* thedonvaughn (25)
* nirik (20)
* jsmith (10)
* tflink (9)
* N1tr0g3n (9)
* bcl (8)
* zodbot (5)
* dlehman (5)
* kparal1 (2)
* red_alert (2)
* robatino (1)
* hno_ (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot

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[Test-Announce] Fedora 16 FINAL Go/No-Go Meeting is WEDNESDAY, not TODAY, sorry!

2011-11-01 Thread Robyn Bergeron
See below; everything still applies, except:

Meeting is Wednesday, November 2, 2011, at 21:00 UTC (17:00 EDT, 14:00 PDT).

I'm just, you know, making sure y'all are paying attention. AdamW is the 
winner today! :D


On 11/01/2011 05:02 AM, Robyn Bergeron wrote:
> Join us on irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting for this important 
> meeting, Tuesday, November 1, 2011, at 21:00 UTC (17:00 EDT, 14:00 PDT).
> "Before each public release Development, QA, and Release Engineering
> meet to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular
> release. This meeting is called the: Go/No-Go Meeting."
> "Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of
> the QA Team."
> For more details about this meeting see:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Go_No_Go_Meeting
> And while you wait, keep an eye on the current F16 final blockers, and 
> help fill out the test result matrices:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Fedora_16_Final_RC_Test_Results

test-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

[Test-Announce] Fedora 16 FINAL Go/No-Go Meeting, TUESDAY, November 1, 2011 @ 21:00 UTC (17:00 EDT/14:00 PDT)

2011-11-01 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Join us on irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting for this important 
meeting, Tuesday, November 1, 2011, at 21:00 UTC (17:00 EDT, 14:00 PDT).

"Before each public release Development, QA, and Release Engineering
meet to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular
release. This meeting is called the: Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

And while you wait, keep an eye on the current F16 final blockers, and 
help fill out the test result matrices:

test-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

F16 Final Change Deadline is Monday, Oct. 24.

2011-10-22 Thread Robyn Bergeron

This is your friendly reminder that the Final Change Deadline for F16 is 
Monday, October 24, 2011.


"After the change deadlines for the Final release no more updates are
made to the branched development repository (e.g.

The only exceptions are accepted blocker and "nice to have" bugs:

All updates after this time are considered zero day updates of the
release, and are pushed to the updates repository which is available on
the public availability date. For example, the repository for Fedora 16
is /pub/fedora/linux/updates/16."

The next step in the process is to create a final release candidate (RC)
to pass on to QA for testing as soon as possible. The RC is scheduled to be
created on Tuesday, October 25.  Outstanding blocker bugs can delay the
creation of the RC, possibly resulting in a one-week slip of the schedule.

Current outstanding blocker bugs can be seen here:

devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Subsidy requests for FUDCon Blacksburg are now OOOOOPEN!

2011-10-13 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Greetings, FUDCon friends, near and far:

As you are probably aware, the 2012 North American FUDCon will be held 
in Blacksburg, Virginia, on the campus of Virginia Tech.  If you are 
planning on attending, it's never too early to pre-register, and to 
start thinking about your travel plans. FUDCon Blacksburg will take 
place January 13-15, 2012.


I'm happy to announce that we are officially accepting subsidy requests 
for travel to Blacksburg. If you are requesting a subsidy, we just have 
a few steps that we ask you to follow:

1: Register on the FUDCon: Blacksburg wiki page in the pre-registration 
2: Put an X in the $$$ column.
3: Create a funding request ticket in the FUDCon trac at:

General information about being sponsored can be found at 
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Sponsoring_event_attendees .

Requests are processed in a first-come, first-served manner, though 
generally prioritization is giving to local travel over international 
travel first.  Requests will be reviewed by fellow Fedora community 
members at FUDCon subsidy request meetings over the next few weeks.

The first subsidy meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 9th.  
The time and IRC channel will be announced as we approach that day.

As always, participation both in planning as well as subsidy granting is 
ALWAYS welcome.  Please join us on the fudcon-planning mailing list for 
information about meetings, as well as for general FUDCon updates, and 
see the "meetings" section of your FUDCon's wiki page for meeting 

Mailing list: 
FUDCon Blacksburg Meetings: 
devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

[Test-Announce] F16 Beta Go/No Go Meeting, Round 2.5, + report-out on yesterday's meeting.

2011-09-29 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Join us on irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting for the second half of 
this important meeting.

Thanks to the tireless* efforts of our outstanding QA folks, testing on 
RC4, created late yesterday, has been ongoing all night long.  We'll be 
having the second-and-a-half round of our F16 Beta Go/No-Go TODAY.  The 
first half of this meeting occurred yesterday[1][2], and it was decided 
that we would make a stretched effort to have another RC including fixes 
by midnight last night that looked viable, which actually happened. (Had 
it not been viable, we would have called it No-Go by midnight.)

Thursday, September 29, 2011 @21:00 UTC (17:00 EDT/14:00 PDT)

"Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering
meet to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular
release. This meeting is called the: Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

In the meantime, keep an eye on the Fedora 16 Beta Blocker list:


* Though I know you guys are *very* tired, and your work is MONDO 

[1] Minutes: 
[2] Logs: 

Meeting Minutes from Go/No-Go Round 2.0:

#fedora-meeting: F16 Beta Go No Go Meeting Round two

Meeting started by rbergeron at 21:00:24 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* Who is here?  (rbergeron, 21:00:53)
   * present: jdulaney, nirik, rbergero  (rbergeron, 21:01:03)

* Why are we here?  (rbergeron, 21:01:47)
   * Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to see whether or not the
 beta release criteria have been met.  (rbergeron, 21:02:28)
   * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_16_Beta_Release_Criteria
 (rbergeron, 21:02:43)

* Current release blockers  (rbergeron, 21:05:29)
   * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers
 (rbergeron, 21:05:38)

* http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=727522  (adamw, 21:08:57)
   * AGREED: 727522 is really fixed, the apparent rc2/rc3 reproducers
 were pilot error  (adamw, 21:11:50)

* http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=737731  (adamw, 21:11:53)
   * 737731 doesn't block f16 image creation, will get fixed by an F15
 update.  (rbergeron, 21:13:06)

* http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=741655  (adamw, 21:13:45)
   * AGREED: 741655 is not a beta blocker as it's a crazy custom
 partition layout, moved to final  (adamw, 21:15:51)

* http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=741781  (adamw, 21:16:14)
   * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=741781#c19
 provides an explanation of the two bugs, if you want a quickish
 catch-up  (adamw, 21:18:29)
   * AGREED: If we have a built anaconda and RC4 by midnight pacific
 tonight, opt to do go/no-go tomorrow. Otherwise, slip one week.
 (rbergeron, 21:37:28)
   * if we don't have what is needed by midnight pacific, Robyn will send
 out the No-Go Mail.  (rbergeron, 21:39:32)
   * ACTION: nirik will be coordinating the RC; he needs to be told when
 anaconda/grub is ready.  (rbergeron, 21:39:48)
   * For status updates/questions, please check in #fedora-qa
 (rbergeron, 21:41:42)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=741817  (adamw, 21:43:10)
   * AGREED: 741817 not a blocker as long as it leaves f15 install
 bootable, adamw will check that  (adamw, 21:53:56)

* Re-No/Go Meeting time  (rbergeron, 21:54:13)
   * AGREED: will meet tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel, to do
 final go/no-go decision.  (rbergeron, 21:56:32)
   * robyn will be out tomorrow  (rbergeron, 21:56:44)

Meeting ended at 21:58:19 UTC.

Action Items

* nirik will be coordinating the RC; he needs to be told when
   anaconda/grub is ready.

Action Items, by person
* nirik
   * nirik will be coordinating the RC; he needs to be told when
 anaconda/grub is ready.
   * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* rbergeron (142)
* adamw (125)
* jdulaney (28)
* nirik (27)
* dgilmore (26)
* jsmith (24)
* pjones (11)
* VileGent (4)
* zodbot (4)
* tflink (3)
* hno (3)
* brunowolff (1)
* tk009 (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot

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devel mailing list

[Test-Announce] F16 Beta Go/No Go Meeting, Round 2.

2011-09-27 Thread Robyn Bergeron

Join us on irc.freenode.net #fedora-meeting for this important meeting.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 @21:00 UTC (17:00 EDT/14:00 PDT)

"Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering
meet to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular
release. This meeting is called the: Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

In the meantime, keep an eye on the Fedora 16 Beta Blocker list:


test-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

[Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Beta to slip by one week.

2011-09-22 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Late yesterday at the Go/No-Go meeting it was decided to slip the Beta 
release of F16 by one week [1]. Minutes follow below.

There are numerous unresolved blockers at this time [2], resulting in 
the inability to compose a viable release candidate.

As a result, ALL MAJOR MILESTONES, and their dependent tasks, will be 
pushed out by one week.

We will proceed with having the F16 Beta readiness meeting today, 
2011-09-22, as previously announced on the Logistics mailing list.  We 
will have another F16 Beta Blocker Bug meeting this Friday.

The adjustments to the F16 schedule will be done as soon as humanly 
possible, and published to the Schedule wiki page[3].

Thanks for your patience.  We will be meeting again next Wednesday for 
another Go/No-Go meeting.



[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers

[3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/16/Schedule

#fedora-meeting-1: F16 Beta Go/No-Go Meeting

Meeting started by rbergeron at 21:02:12 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* Gathering Bodies and Minds  (rbergeron, 21:02:28)

* Why are we here?  (rbergeron, 21:03:53)
   * The purpose is to decide whether the *beta* release criteria hav
 ebeen met.  (rbergeron, 21:04:34)
   * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_16_Beta_Release_Criteria
 (rbergeron, 21:05:13)

* Remaining Blocker Bugs  (rbergeron, 21:06:02)
   * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers
 (rbergeron, 21:06:14)
   * LINK: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=738803   (adamw,
   * LINK: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=737731   (adamw,
   * Big outstanding bugs are 738803, 737731, 738964.  (rbergeron,
   * we have fixes for 738803, 738964, but landed recently and we dont'
 have a compose with them yet.  (rbergeron, 21:09:55)

* http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=738964  (adamw, 21:11:52)
   * Unable to make system bootable due to bootloader choice  (tflink,
   * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=738964   (tflink,
   * AGREED: - 738964 - AcceptedBlocker - This can cause lots of problems
 with existing disks and installations. The fix needs quite a bit of
 testing by nature  (tflink, 21:19:12)

* http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=738803  (adamw, 21:19:27)
   * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=738803   (tflink,
   * SELinux denial(s) prevent(s) gnome-shell from starting on F16 Beta
 RC1  (tflink, 21:20:30)

* http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=737731  (adamw, 21:22:25)
   * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=737731   (tflink,
   * Bootloader is left in F15 configuration when preupgrading to F16
 (tflink, 21:24:26)

* http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=735866  (adamw, 21:26:41)
   * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=735866   (tflink,
   * boot hangs with udevadm settle - timeout of 120 seconds  (tflink,
   * will make final call on 735866 staying as blocker or not on friday
 (rbergeron, 21:37:27)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=737774  (adamw, 21:38:10)
   * AGREED: 737774 is a blocker  (adamw, 21:41:05)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=739258  (adamw, 21:41:13)
   * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=739258   (tflink,
   * Graphical firstboot runs, even if /etc/sysconfig/firstboot has
 RUN_FIRSTBOOT=NO  (tflink, 21:41:38)
   * AGREED: 739258: jsmith is sure about this one but no-one else can
 reproduce, ask jsmith to look into it more closely and re-evaluate
 on friday  (adamw, 21:49:16)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=739345  (adamw, 21:49:51)
   * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=739345   (tflink,
   * pylorax throws an exception when used with fedora-logos-16.0.2
 (tflink, 21:50:19)
   * AGREED: 739345 is a blocker as it can make it impossible to generate
 images  (adamw, 21:55:48)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=739910  (adamw, 21:56:14)
   * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=739910   (tflink,
   * gnome-packagekit fails when trying to update - The package id's ''
 are not valid  (tflink, 21:56:46)
   * AGREED: 739910 is not a blocker or nth as the affected
 gnome-packagekit is not in the beta frozen package set  (adamw,

* https

[Test-Announce] F16 Beta Go/No-Go meeting

2011-09-20 Thread Robyn Bergeron

Join us on irc.freenode.net #fedora-meeting for this important meeting.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 @21:00 UTC (17:00 EDT/14:00 PDT)

"Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering
meet to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular
release. This meeting is called the: Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

In the meantime, keep an eye on the Fedora 16 Alpha Blocker list:


test-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Fedora 16 Alpha is hereby declared GOLD!

2011-08-17 Thread Robyn Bergeron
At the F16 Alpha Go/No-Go Meeting that just occurred, the Fedora 16 
Alpha release was declared GOLD.  F16 Alpha will be released Tuesday, 
August 23, 2011.

Thanks to all of those who helped out to make this happen, as always -- 
we wouldn't be here without everyone's assistance and hard work.

For those interested in the details...


Documentation folks: Please note that there is a known bug that is being 
requested to be documented in the Alpha release notes; details are in 
the logs/minutes. Thank you!!



Full minutes follow below:

#fedora-meeting: F16 Alpha Go/No-Go Meeting (redux)

Meeting started by adamw at 21:05:45 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* roll call  (adamw, 21:06:18)
   * present nirik tflink, thedonvaughn, pjones, athmane, gr72, nb,
 cebbert, viking_ice, boblfoot  (adamw, 21:07:33)

* preamble  (adamw, 21:07:49)
   * the Purpose of the Go/No-Go is to gather yay/nay's from Release
 Engineering, QA, and devel on whether or not what we have put
 together is ready for release and meets the release criteria.
 (adamw, 21:08:18)
   * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Alpha_Release_Criteria
 (rbergeron, 21:10:36)
   * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_16_Alpha_Release_Criteria
 (rbergeron, 21:11:13)
   * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers
 (rbergeron, 21:11:32)
   * LINK:
 (adamw, 21:11:49)
   * LINK:
 (adamw, 21:11:58)
   * There are no remaining proposed blockers, and no unresolved approved
 blockers.  (rbergeron, 21:11:58)
   * LINK:
 (adamw, 21:12:11)
   * AGREED: : document 731529 as a known bug, to be fixed by beta as it
 is a blocker, in alpha release notes  (rbergeron, 21:18:41)
   * AGREED: document 731529 as a known bug, to be fixed by beta as it is
 a blocker, in alpha release notes  (rbergeron, 21:19:05)
   * ACTION: rbergeron to copy docs for release notes purposes on meeting
 minutes  (rbergeron, 21:19:30)
   * QA is a 'go' - no remaining unresolved blockers, test matrices look
 good.  (rbergeron, 21:20:20)

* release engineering  (rbergeron, 21:20:24)
   * release engineering is a 'go', no issues are known, nirik is
 channeling dgilmore. :)  (rbergeron, 21:22:52)

* Devel  (rbergeron, 21:22:58)
   * Nirik is in for fesco/devel - he is a go.  (rbergeron, 21:23:26)

* It's a go!  (rbergeron, 21:23:34)
   * Release will be tuesday, 2011-08-23.  (rbergeron, 21:23:55)
   * ACTION: rbergeron to send out meeting notes to appropriate lists.
 (rbergeron, 21:24:05)
   * RC5 is our guy. All parties needed for this meeting agree that we
 are GO.  (rbergeron, 21:24:27)

* Any other business?  (rbergeron, 21:25:33)
   * dgilmore has verified that releng is a go.  (rbergeron, 21:30:31)

Meeting ended at 21:30:52 UTC.

Action Items

* rbergeron to copy docs for release notes purposes on meeting minutes
* rbergeron to send out meeting notes to appropriate lists.

Action Items, by person
* rbergeron
   * rbergeron to copy docs for release notes purposes on meeting minutes
   * rbergeron to send out meeting notes to appropriate lists.
   * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* rbergeron (57)
* adamw (49)
* nirik (16)
* gr72 (11)
* thedonvaughn (9)
* jsmith (7)
* nb (5)
* zodbot (5)
* Viking_Alpha (5)
* pjones (4)
* robatino (3)
* tflink (2)
* cebbert (2)
* dgilmore (2)
* BobLfoot (1)
* jforbes_kvmforum (1)
* clumens (1)
* athmane (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot

devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Re: [Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Alpha Go/No-Go Meeting #2, Wednesday, August 17 @ 17:00 EDT

2011-08-17 Thread Robyn Bergeron
On 08/17/2011 07:23 AM, Robyn Bergeron wrote:
> Sorry for belated notice, though I've talked to almost everyone 
> involved about the timing - have been travelling.
> Join us on irc.freenode.net #fedora-meeting for this important meeting.
> Wednesday, August 17, 2011 @22:00 UTC (17:00 EDT/14:00 PDT)
This should state 2100 UTC, which is still 17:00 EDT/14:00 PDT.

I apologize for my (apparently ongoing) inability to correctly convert 
timezones, despite even double-checking things in a converter. :)


> "Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering
> meet to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular
> release. This meeting is called the: Go/No-Go Meeting."
> "Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of
> the QA Team."
> For more details about this meeting see:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Go_No_Go_Meeting
> In the meantime, keep an eye on the Fedora 16 Alpha Blocker list:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers
> -Robyn

test-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

[Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Alpha Go/No-Go Meeting #2, Wednesday, August 17 @ 17:00 EDT

2011-08-17 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Sorry for belated notice, though I've talked to almost everyone involved 
about the timing - have been travelling.

Join us on irc.freenode.net #fedora-meeting for this important meeting.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011 @22:00 UTC (17:00 EDT/14:00 PDT)

"Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering
meet to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular
release. This meeting is called the: Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

In the meantime, keep an eye on the Fedora 16 Alpha Blocker list:


test-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

[Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Alpha to slip by one week.

2011-08-10 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Today at the Go/No-Go meeting it was decided to slip the Alpha by one 
week[1]. Minutes follow below.

There are numerous unresolved blocker bugs at this time[2], requiring 
the creation of an RC4 once these blockers are resolved.

As a result, ALL MAJOR MILESTONES, and their dependent tasks, will be 
pushed out by one week.

We will proceed with having the F16 Alpha readiness meeting tomorrow, 
2011-08-11, as previously announced on the Logistics mailing list.  We 
will have another F16 Alpha Blocker Bug meeting this Friday.

The adjustments to the F16 schedule will be done (very late) tonight, 
and published to the Schedule wiki page[3].

Thanks for your patience.  We will be meeting again next Wednesday for 
another Go/No-Go meeting.


[1] Logs: 

[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers

[3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/16/Schedule

#fedora-meeting: F16 Alpha Go/No-Go Meeting

Meeting started by rbergeron at 21:00:26 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* present: spot, codeblock, dgilmore, pjones, athmane, cebbert,
   jsmith-mobile, adamw  (rbergeron, 21:03:42)
* Go/No-Go Meeting  (rbergeron, 21:04:07)
   * the Purpose of the Go/No-Go is to gather yay/nay's from Release
 Engineering, QA, and devel on whether or not what we have put
 together is ready for release and meets the release criteria.
 (rbergeron, 21:05:28)
   * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Go_No_Go_Meeting   (adamw,
   * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers <--
 that one I know by heart, though.  (rbergeron, 21:06:42)

* Proposed Blockers  (rbergeron, 21:09:50)
   * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=729563
 (rbergeron, 21:10:04)
   * clumens has an updates image (linked in BZ) for people to try out.
 (rbergeron, 21:12:33)
   * AGREED: : #729563, NTH Alpha, consider adding criterion for selinux
 must be enabled by default later.  (rbergeron, 21:14:39)

* http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=729500  (rbergeron,
   * Error while installing updates on Fedora 16 Alpha RC3  (rbergeron,
   * AGREED: revisit #729563 at Blocker meeting friday, try to get more
 (rbergeron, 21:17:34)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=729528  (rbergeron,
   * #729528 - Unable to configure events in reporter to forward in
 anaconda for F-16-Alpha-RC3  (rbergeron, 21:18:09)
   * AGREED: #729528 Alpha Blocker, per criterion of installer must be
 able to report failures to BZ, wiht appropriate info included.
 (rbergeron, 21:22:19)

* http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=729537  (rbergeron,
   * 729537 - Anaconda cannot report crashes in text mode in F16 Alpha
 RC3 due to missing report-cli  (rbergeron, 21:23:14)
   * AGREED: 729537 Alpha Blocker, per criterion of installer must be
 able to report failures to BZ, with appropriate info included.
 (rbergeron, 21:25:32)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=728707  (rbergeron,
   * 728707 - on package upgrade RPM is removing empty directories
 accidentally  (rbergeron, 21:26:02)
   * AGREED: 728707 is a blocker under 'must be able to install updates'
 criterion - this constitutes not installing updates properly
 (adamw, 21:33:36)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=729600  (adamw, 21:37:37)
   * LINK:
 (jlk, 21:47:30)
   * AGREED: 729600 not blocker or nth, installing from a dd'ed DVD iso
 is expected to require extra configuration. documentation should be
 improved to outline the steps required  (adamw, 21:56:27)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=728863  (adamw, 21:57:30)

* go/no-go vote  (adamw, 22:00:30)
   * AGREED: Fedora 16 Alpha is no-go at this time  (adamw, 22:01:32)
   * ACTION: rbergeron will take care of updating the schedules  (adamw,

* open floor  (adamw, 22:03:40)

Meeting ended at 22:05:08 UTC.

Action Items

* rbergeron will take care of updating the schedules

Action Items, by person
* rbergeron
   * rbergeron will take care of updating the schedules
   * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* adamw (167)
* rbergeron (73)
* pjones (66)
* jlk (49)
* dgilmore (36)
* Viking_Alpha (35)
* tfli

Re: Btrfs status for F16

2011-08-08 Thread Robyn Bergeron
On 08/08/2011 05:44 AM, Josef Bacik wrote:
> Hello,
> In order to hopefully (and I understand this is a unrealistically big
> hope) stem the amount of hostile comments and random remarks about
> Btrfs not being ready for F16 that I get with _every_ bz that get's
> filed against it, let me announce this as clearly as possible
> Fesco outlined basic requirements that needed to be met by Alpha for
> the switch to be allowed to happen and we have not met those
> requirements so it won't be happening for F16.
> I appreciate those who will continue to use it and report bugs, we are
> working very hard on trying to get everything more stable and it is a
> slow going process.  With your help we will be in a better situation
> for F17.  Thanks,
Thanks for the update. I'm going to take it off the Feature List, and 
recategorize the Feature back to FeaturePageIncomplete.

Next time! :)

> Josef

devel mailing list

Re: [Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Alpha Go/No-Go Meeting, Wednesday, August 10 @ 17:00 EDT

2011-08-08 Thread Robyn Bergeron
On 08/08/2011 08:15 AM, Robyn Bergeron wrote:
> Join us on irc.freenode.net #fedora-meeting for this important meeting.
> Wednesday, August 10, 2011 @22:00 UTC (17:00 EDT/14:00 PDT)
My mistake - 21:00 UTC. 17:00 EDT/14:00 PDT still applies.


test-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

[Test-Announce] Fedora 16 Alpha Go/No-Go Meeting, Wednesday, August 10 @ 17:00 EDT

2011-08-08 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Join us on irc.freenode.net #fedora-meeting for this important meeting.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011 @22:00 UTC (17:00 EDT/14:00 PDT)

"Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering
meet to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular
release. This meeting is called the: Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

In the meantime, keep an eye on the Fedora 16 Alpha Blocker list:


test-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Re: New feature for Fedora 16: new mkdumprd

2011-07-14 Thread Robyn Bergeron
On 07/14/2011 03:35 AM, Josh Boyer wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 11:08 PM, Américo Wang  
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Tomasz Torcz  wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 03:50:07PM +0200, Tomasz Torcz wrote:
>> Would any of you kindly help to review my proposed feature
>> for Fedora 16?
>> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/NewMkdumprd
Feature proposal dealing was yesterday?
>>>   deadline, of course.
>> Am I too late? I made the page before the deadline, just sent
>> it out a little late. :-/
> The deadline is for FESCo to review it by, so yes you're a little late.
> However, you can still do the work and get it into F16.  The only
> thing you won't get is some possible marketing as a feature.  You can
> still get it mentioned in the release notes though.
> josh
A few things here:

Yes, the feature proposal deadline is for *FESCo* to have reviewed and 
accepted features, as laid out here:

However, as Feature Wrangler, I'd argue that the milestone name is 
slightly misleading -- and this used to be far more easily dealt with 
when FESCo meetings occurred on Tuesdays, which is the same date as the 
feature submission deadline.

It doesn't help that Feature Wrangler (me) is still fairly new at this 
in some ways... and thus I myself didn't realize that the "submission" 
deadline is actually an "acceptance" deadline.  Which means there are 
currently 14 features waiting for FESCo review that came in between 
about an hour *before* the FESCo meeting, and the end of the day on 
7/12, that I should have pushed back on, but didn't.

I'll follow up to the devel-list on a separate mail that will hopefully 
catch a few more eyeballs, but essentially I'm going to propose to FESCo 
that this feature, along with all of the other features submitted at the 
last moment, be able to be considered.

devel mailing list

Fedora 16 Schedule Reminders - Feature Submission and Feature Freeze.

2011-07-11 Thread Robyn Bergeron
A few friendly reminders:

* The Feature Submission deadline for Fedora 16 is *tomorrow*, July 12. 
The current process for submitting a feature for Fedora 16 can be seen 
here: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Policy

* Feature Freeze comes quickly after the Feature Submission deadline, on 
July 26.  Please note that at this point, Features should be 
*substantially complete and in a testable state.*  For more information 
on the Feature Freeze policy, please read: 

And finally for those of you interested in seeing how the Feature 
List is shaping up for Fedora 16, it is up to date with the latest and 
greatest approvals from today's FESCo meeting.


This is where I'm going to put on my Gentle Reminder Hat, and give 
everyone a chance to go into their individual feature pages and update 
their percentage complete, and update their "Last Updated" date, which I 
will apply to the main FeatureList page.  Your efforts here are 
appreciated, and help a number of groups understand how close you are to 
completion, or conversely, if you are at risk of not making deadlines.

If percentages don't start getting updated, and "last-updated" dates 
aren't getting touched, I'll be reaching out to folks individually, but 
I would prefer to see that people take the initiative and keep those 
things up.  Otherwise I have to get out the not-so-Gentle-Reminder-Hat, 
and frankly, I don't look very good in that one.

Communication is the key here.  If you believe you are *at risk* of not 
making the Feature Freeze, please update your feature page accordingly.

The rest of the schedule, as always, can be seen here: 


devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Reminder: Fedora Engineering Steering Committee election town hall is today.

2011-05-31 Thread Robyn Bergeron


As previously announced, the town hall for the Fedora Engineering
Steering Committee (FESCo) is today, May 31, 2011.

The town hall will be taking place at 1800 UTC (2pm US-Eastern).

For information on how to participate, please see:

Further information about the elections, including the schedule and
process, can be seen here:

There are 5 seats open in this FESCo election, and 8 candidates. Please
consider attending the town hall today, and bringing your questions to
be asked of the nominees during the course of the town hall.

A summary and the IRC log will be posted and linked from the wiki after
the discussion, if you're unable to watch it live.

FESCo candidates and their information can be seen here:



devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Fedora 15 Final Release is declared GOLD!

2011-05-17 Thread Robyn Bergeron

At the Fedora 15 Final Go/No-Go meeting today, the Fedora 15 Final
Release was declared GOLD and ready for release on May 24, 2011.

Please note that the Fedora 15 Release Wide Readiness Meeting will take
place on Thursday at 19:00 UTC (3 PM Eastern/ 12 PM Pacific) on
irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting.


Thanks to everyone for doing your part to get Fedora 15 out the door! :)

#fedora-meeting: Fedora 15 Go or No go Meeting

Meeting started by rbergeron at 21:00:33 UTC. The full logs are
available at


Meeting summary
* Who's here?  (rbergeron, 21:00:54)

* Why are we here?  (rbergeron, 21:02:11)
  * The purpose of this meeting is to decide whether the final release
criteria have been met  (rbergeron, 21:02:30)
  * LINK:
(rbergeron, 21:02:50)

* To Go, or Not to Go? That is the question.  (rbergeron, 21:03:51)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers
(rbergeron, 21:04:16)
  * the four proposed blockers are not blockers, per yesterday's QA
meeting.  (rbergeron, 21:07:04)
  * AGREED: We are technically blocker free.  (rbergeron, 21:09:57)

* Test Matrices  (rbergeron, 21:10:13)
  * LINK:
(rbergeron, 21:10:48)
  * LINK:
(rbergeron, 21:11:10)
  * We will be composing a sugar live image late with some
sugar-specific fixes pulled in.  (rbergeron, 21:12:49)
  * Only desktop and KDE can block the release.  (rbergeron, 21:13:03)
  * AGREED: Test matrices are acceptable for a go.  (rbergeron,

* Rel-eng  (rbergeron, 21:14:11)

* FESCo/Devel  (rbergeron, 21:15:14)

* GOLD?  (rbergeron, 21:16:31)
  * AGREED: Fedora 15 is declared gold. shipit!  (rbergeron, 21:18:09)

* open floor  (rbergeron, 21:18:48)
  * Thanks to the systemd and gnome/desktop guys as both groups did a
lot of work to get those large features working well.  (rbergeron,
  * and Thanks! to everyone else as well!  (rbergeron, 21:19:36)
  * ACTION: rbergeron to send out GOLD email to the lists  (rbergeron,
  * Please note there is a readiness meeting on Thursday, email has been
sent to logistics list as well as attendees needed to be present.
(rbergeron, 21:20:21)

Meeting ended at 21:22:46 UTC.

Action Items

* rbergeron to send out GOLD email to the lists

Action Items, by person
* rbergeron
  * rbergeron to send out GOLD email to the lists
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* rbergeron (58)
* adamw (29)
* dgilmore (8)
* cwickert (6)
* Viking-Ice_ (6)
* brunowolff (5)
* jsmith (4)
* zodbot (3)
* stickster (3)
* nirik99 (3)
* spot (3)
* fenrus02 (2)
* jlaska (2)
* red_alert (1)
* therefore (1)
* athmane (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot

devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

[Test-Announce] Fedora 15 Final Release is declared GOLD!

2011-05-17 Thread Robyn Bergeron

At the Fedora 15 Final Go/No-Go meeting today, the Fedora 15 Final
Release was declared GOLD and ready for release on May 24, 2011.

Please note that the Fedora 15 Release Wide Readiness Meeting will take
place on Thursday at 19:00 UTC (3 PM Eastern/ 12 PM Pacific) on
irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting.


Thanks to everyone for doing your part to get Fedora 15 out the door! :)

#fedora-meeting: Fedora 15 Go or No go Meeting

Meeting started by rbergeron at 21:00:33 UTC. The full logs are
available at


Meeting summary
* Who's here?  (rbergeron, 21:00:54)

* Why are we here?  (rbergeron, 21:02:11)
  * The purpose of this meeting is to decide whether the final release
criteria have been met  (rbergeron, 21:02:30)
  * LINK:
(rbergeron, 21:02:50)

* To Go, or Not to Go? That is the question.  (rbergeron, 21:03:51)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers
(rbergeron, 21:04:16)
  * the four proposed blockers are not blockers, per yesterday's QA
meeting.  (rbergeron, 21:07:04)
  * AGREED: We are technically blocker free.  (rbergeron, 21:09:57)

* Test Matrices  (rbergeron, 21:10:13)
  * LINK:
(rbergeron, 21:10:48)
  * LINK:
(rbergeron, 21:11:10)
  * We will be composing a sugar live image late with some
sugar-specific fixes pulled in.  (rbergeron, 21:12:49)
  * Only desktop and KDE can block the release.  (rbergeron, 21:13:03)
  * AGREED: Test matrices are acceptable for a go.  (rbergeron,

* Rel-eng  (rbergeron, 21:14:11)

* FESCo/Devel  (rbergeron, 21:15:14)

* GOLD?  (rbergeron, 21:16:31)
  * AGREED: Fedora 15 is declared gold. shipit!  (rbergeron, 21:18:09)

* open floor  (rbergeron, 21:18:48)
  * Thanks to the systemd and gnome/desktop guys as both groups did a
lot of work to get those large features working well.  (rbergeron,
  * and Thanks! to everyone else as well!  (rbergeron, 21:19:36)
  * ACTION: rbergeron to send out GOLD email to the lists  (rbergeron,
  * Please note there is a readiness meeting on Thursday, email has been
sent to logistics list as well as attendees needed to be present.
(rbergeron, 21:20:21)

Meeting ended at 21:22:46 UTC.

Action Items

* rbergeron to send out GOLD email to the lists

Action Items, by person
* rbergeron
  * rbergeron to send out GOLD email to the lists
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* rbergeron (58)
* adamw (29)
* dgilmore (8)
* cwickert (6)
* Viking-Ice_ (6)
* brunowolff (5)
* jsmith (4)
* zodbot (3)
* stickster (3)
* nirik99 (3)
* spot (3)
* fenrus02 (2)
* jlaska (2)
* red_alert (1)
* therefore (1)
* athmane (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot

test-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Fedora 15 FINAL Go/No-Go Meeting, TUESDAY, May 17, 2011 @ 21:00 UTC (17:00 EDT/14:00 PDT)

2011-05-16 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Join us on irc.freenode.net in #fedora-meeting for this important meeting,
Tuesday, May 17, 2011, at 21:00 UTC (17:00 US-Eastern, 14:00 US-Pacific).

"Before each public release Development, QA, and Release Engineering
meet to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular
release. This meeting is called the: Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

And while you wait, keep an eye on the current F15 final blockers, and
help fill out the test result matrices:


See you there!

(And my apologies for sending this out in a less-than-timely manner -
I had it stuck in my head that this meeting was Wednesday.)


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devel mailing list

Fedora 15 Final Change Deadline, and Outstanding Blocker Bugs

2011-05-10 Thread Robyn Bergeron
This is your friendly reminder that we have reached the Final Change 
Deadline for Fedora 15.


"After the change deadlines for the Final release no more updates are
made to the branched development repository (e.g.

The only exceptions are accepted blocker and "nice to have" bugs:

All updates after this time are considered zero day updates of the
release, and are pushed to the updates repository which is available on
the public availability date. For example, the repository for Fedora 15
is /pub/fedora/linux/updates/15."

The next step in the process is to create a final release candidate (RC)
to pass on to QA for testing as soon as possible.  However, we have a
handful of bugs left that are blocking the creation of the RC.  Delays
in resolving the bugs listed below will prevent the creation of the RC,

697834 :: NEW :: gnome-menus :: rstrode
Other menu appears in default installation (any .desktop entry
with Category=Settings ends up here (even if there's also Category=System))

693809 :: ASSIGNED :: imsettings :: tagoh
Error message about missing input methods should be removed

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devel mailing list

Fedora 15 Beta is hereby declared GOLD!

2011-04-13 Thread Robyn Bergeron
At the Fedora 15 Beta Go/No-Go meeting today, the F15 Beta was declared 
GOLD and ready for release on April 19, 2011.

Thanks to everyone, as always, for their hard work and participation in 
getting this out the door. :)

Meeting minutes are below.


#fedora-meeting: Fedora 15 Beta Go/No-Go Meeting

Meeting started by rbergeron at 21:00:30 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* Roll Call!  (rbergeron, 21:00:54)
   * Need representatoin from QA, Rel-eng, fesco.  (rbergeron, 21:01:54)

* Why we're here:  (rbergeron, 21:05:06)
   * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Engineering_Readiness_Meetings
 (rbergeron, 21:05:17)
   * In a nutshell: we are gathered today to determine if release
 criteria have been met and if the release can be considered GOLD.
 (rbergeron, 21:05:56)

* review of release criteria and so forth  (rbergeron, 21:06:19)
   * AGREED: - remaining blocker, bz 657618, is in verified, only hitting
 one person, fix is in RC2 already, should not block the release.
 (rbergeron, 21:11:16)
   * LINK:
 (adamw, 21:11:45)
   * LINK:
 (adamw, 21:11:50)

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=694928  (adamw, 21:16:45)
   * AGREED: No unresolved blocker bugs and all release criteria being
 met, Fedora 15 Beta is hereby declared GOLD.  (rbergeron, 21:30:52)

* Open discussion  (rbergeron, 21:31:01)

Meeting ended at 21:33:49 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
   * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* rbergeron (66)
* adamw (59)
* jlaska (21)
* dgilmore (14)
* nirik (8)
* nb (6)
* zodbot (5)
* jsmith (5)
* fenrus02 (3)
* cwickert (3)
* red_alert (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot

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[Test-Announce] Fedora 15 Beta Go/No-Go Meeting Wednesday, April 13, 2011 @ 21:00 UTC

2011-04-11 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Join us on irc.freenode.net #fedora-meeting for this important meeting.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 @ 21:00 UTC (17:00 EDT/14:00 PDT)

"Before each public release Development, QA, and Release Engineering
meet to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular
release. This meeting is called the: Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

In the meantime keep an eye on the Fedora 15 Beta Blocker list and help
us get the testing matrix completed by testing.

https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers (One approved blocker 
left, currently in VERIFIED - woohoo!)

test-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Re: Updates stats help wanted

2011-04-06 Thread Robyn Bergeron
On 04/06/2011 11:05 AM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> Greetings.
> A bit of history: When The Board came up with their updates vision
> statement, it included:
> "Project members should be able to transparently measure or monitor a
> new updates process to objectively measure its effectiveness, and
> determine whether the updates process is achieving the
> aforementioned vision statements."
> (see: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Stable_release_updates_vision )
> We have some status available to use from Bodhi.
> We would like to add more, but aren't sure which are feasable to
> implement or would be good to meet the above goal.
> We have a FESCo ticket:
> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/517
> open with an example of the bodhi output and some ideas on what might
> be worth collecting, but it's been stalled due to lack of time and
> driver.
> Would there be someone out there willing to work on making a list of
> 'nice to have' stats and possibly helping implement collecting them?
Might make a nice GSoC project, if someone is willing to mentor.

> Thanks.
> kevin

devel mailing list

[Test-Announce] Fedora 15 Alpha declared GOLD!

2011-03-02 Thread Robyn Bergeron
At the F15 Alpha Go/No-Go Meeting that just occurred, the Fedora 15 
Alpha release was declared GOLD.

Thanks to all of those who helped out to make this happen!

Meeting notes can be found here:
Full Log: 

Cheers! And onwards we go to Beta :)

test-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

[Test-Announce] Fedora 15 Alpha Go/No-Go Meeting Wednesday, March 2, 2011 @ 22:00 UTC

2011-03-02 Thread Robyn Bergeron

Join us on irc.freenode.net #fedora-meeting for this important meeting.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011 @22:00 UTC (17:00 EST/14:00 PST)

"Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering
meet to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular
release. This meeting is called the: Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

In the meantime, keep an eye on the Fedora 15 Alpha Blocker list:


Talk to you today (sorry for the late notice; I think I've touched base 
with it on most folks about it for this week, though. I'm officially ill.)

test-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Fedora 15 Alpha Go/No-Go Meeting Wednesday, March 2, 2011 @ 22:00 UTC

2011-03-02 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Join us on irc.freenode.net #fedora-meeting for this important meeting.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011 @22:00 UTC (17:00 EST/14:00 PST)

"Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering
meet to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular
release. This meeting is called the: Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

In the meantime, keep an eye on the Fedora 15 Alpha Blocker list:


Talk to you today (sorry for the late notice; I think I've touched base 
with it on most folks about it for this week, though. I'm officially ill.)

devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Fedora 15 Alpha to slip by one week

2011-02-23 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Today at the Go/No-Go meeting[1] we decided to slip the Alpha by one week.

The slip is due to a blocker bug affecting a number of non-US keyboard 
layouts, including German and French[2], which does not currently have a 
fix or a reasonable workaround.  All other blocker bugs are currently in 
VERIFIED, or alternately, have workarounds documented in F15_Common_bugs.

At this time, we are not adjusting later milestone dates.

We will continue with the F15 Alpha readiness meeting tomorrow, as 
previously announced on the logistics mailing list, and will have 
another F15 Alpha Blocker Bug meeting Friday.

Thanks for your understanding.  We will meet again next week for another 
GO/NO-GO meeting.



[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=676827
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Fedora 15 Alpha Go/No-Go Meeting Wednesday, February 23, 2011 @ 22:00 UTC

2011-02-21 Thread Robyn Bergeron

Join us on irc.freenode.net #fedora-meeting for this important meeting.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011 @22:00 UTC (17:00 EST/14:00 PST)

"Before each public release Development, QA and Release Engineering
meet to determine if the release criteria are met for a particular
release. This meeting is called the: Go/No-Go Meeting."

"Verifying that the Release criteria are met is the responsibility of
the QA Team."

For more details about this meeting see:

In the meantime, keep an eye on the Fedora 15 Alpha Blocker list:


Talk to you Wednesday!


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devel mailing list

Fedora Board, FESCo & FAmSCo Elections - Voting Information

2010-11-22 Thread Robyn Bergeron

The elections for the Fedora Board, Fedora Engineering Steering
Committee (FESCo), and the Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee
(FAmSCo) began at  UTC on 20th November 2010, and are scheduled to
run until 23:59 UTC on 28th November 2010.  (Please refer to a UTC
time zone converter, such as
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html if you are unsure
of your time zone's relation to UTC.)

All groups have chosen to use the Range Voting method

Ballots may be cast on the Fedora Elections System at
https://admin.fedoraproject.org/voting.  If this is the first time
you've used the voting system, please refer to the Fedora Elections
Guide, currently located at

To read more about the candidates, please refer to each group's
nomination pages:

* FAmSCo: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_election_2010_nominations
* Fedora Project Board:
* FESCo: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Development/SteeringCommittee/Nominations

For more general information about the election, as well as finding
links for reading candidate answers to questionnaires and IRC town
hall transcripts, please refer to

Please remember to cast your vote!


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devel mailing list

Re: Fedora 15, new and exciting plans

2010-11-12 Thread Robyn Bergeron
On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Kevin Fenzi  wrote:
> Greetings.
> Fedora 14 was a pretty relaxing and stable release. I'm thinking that
> Fedora 15 may be much more exciting. ;)
> Things I know of so far:
> * systemd
> * gnome3 / gnome-shell default
> * removing a bunch of suid stuff in favor of capabilities
> * xfce 4.8 (with any luck).
> Things that are out there, but no idea if anyone is working on them or
> if they might be ready by f15:
> * grub2 (no one is driving for this that I know of, but has some
>  advantages over our grub1 if someone is willing to run with it, although
>  it may be a lot of work to get it to where we need it).
> * btrfs (Is this ready to be default? :) If so, would that warrant a
>  change in our lvm by default setup?
> * Can we finally remove hal? (xfce4.8 shouldn't need it anymore with
>  any luck).
> * Will NM finally be able to do bridging?
> * Some kind of packaged wayland to play with, even if it doesn't do
>  much?
> Any other exciting work in progress that might land in F15 that people
> are actively working on?

I just wrote a blog post somewhat relating to this which some of you
good folks may have already seen on planet.fp.o, but I'll advertise it
here briefly anyhow:


The short version: the Cloud SIG is planning on having a bunch of
goodies, including BoxGrinder, OpenStack, CloudFS, Sheepdog, and
(HOPEFULLY) Deltacloud submitted as features for F15.  Most of them
are already in the works.  Links / info about those projects are in
the aforementioned blog post link.

But I happen to think that having more of a set of building blocks for
cloud applications and management in Fedora is VERY, very exciting. :)


> kevin
> --
> devel mailing list
> devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel
devel mailing list

Want to help pick the F14 Release Slogan?

2010-08-11 Thread Robyn Bergeron
We need a slogan for the F14 release. A release slogan is a short
call-to-action that fits the artwork theme from Design, found at
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F14_release_slogan#Themes. (F13's
slogan was "Rock it.")

If you are interested in suggesting ideas for the release slogan,
please take a look at the Release Slogan SOP, and the criteria for
selection, at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_slogan_SOP. The
slogan must be:

* short (1-3 words)
* a call to action
* positive

It should reinforce that Fedora helps the user achieve something
great. It should also reflect some of ideas and themes found in the
release artwork, and, if possible, also touch upon the Four
Foundations (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Foundations).

Please put your slogan ideas here:

The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, August 17, at 21:00 UTC,
which is our next Marketing meeting
(https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_meetings). We'll be
discussing submissions there, and then the FPL, Mo Duffy, and the
Marketing team lead (that's me!) will take that input and select the
final slogan on Wednesday, August 18. Let me know if you have any
questions, comments, or concerns -- and let the wiki table know if you
have any ideas!


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devel mailing list

FESCo and Fedora Project Board Elections - Town Hall Schedule - Starting tomorrow!

2010-05-13 Thread Robyn Bergeron
As many of you know, the FESCo and Board elections are right around the corner.

In each election cycle, a series of town hall meetings is conducted to
give the community an opportunity to ask the candidates questions -
and hear their answers - on IRC.  The town halls for each election are
held twice, to allow for participation by community members in varying
time zones.

The town hall schedule is as follows:

Friday, May 14, 2010 - FESCo town hall - 16:00 UTC (12:00pm US Eastern)

Monday, May 17, 2010 - Fedora Project Board town hall - 00:00 UTC
(8:00pm US Eastern, -SUNDAY-, May 16)

Monday, May 17, 2010 - Fedora Project Board town hall - 17:00 UTC
(1:00pm US Eastern)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 - FESCo town hall - 02:00 UTC (10:00pm US
Eastern, -TUESDAY-, May 18)

The town hall schedule, as well as important information about how you
can participate in the town halls via IRC, can be seen on the wiki at
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections#IRC_Town_Halls .

For more details on the elections and candidates, please visit

I'm hoping for an excellent community turnout for these town halls - I
encourage everyone to join in and participate.

devel mailing list

Re: PROPOSAL: Fedora user survey

2010-03-10 Thread Robyn Bergeron
On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 11:08 AM, Stephen John Smoogen  wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Jon Masters  wrote:
>> On Tue, 2010-03-09 at 17:30 -0500, Chris Ball wrote:
>>> Now, there's a reasonable argument that says that Fedora users without
>>> FAS accounts didn't vote for FESCo, so it's still legitimate to ask
>>> *those* users what they think.  The impossibility of reaching such a
>>> group of users without incorporating selection bias would turn me off
>>> from trying to do that -- it would be nice if we could find out how
>>> the entire Fedora-using world feels about updates, but that's not
>>> actually plausible.  Even just the set of Fedora users who visit
>>> http://fedoraproject.org/ is significantly selection-biased already,
>>> in my opinion.
>> You could argue that only certain really interested parties will look at
>> fedoraproject.org, but that's why I was suggesting the start page or
>> firstboot (bad idea, I know), or something people will see when they
>> first open a browser or use a system. Not just the die hards.
>> My personal opinion is that user feedback in general is a good thing,
>> even if you ultimately choose to disregard it. And I think putting a
>> survey up for 6 months (e.g. all of F13) would give plenty of time to do
>> reasonably useful statistical analysis of opinions. Shove in a few other
>> more generic questions if there are any others - e.g. "what do you use
>> Fedora for anyway?". Wouldn't that be good to know :)
>> Jon.
>> P.S. The government is elected, doesn't mean they don't still hold a
>> census every decade to find out who their users are.
> Ok just basic statistics here (I will defer to Jeff Spaleta or Diana
> or other gurus)... but your analogy and survey need improvement to
> have statistical validity. In these sort of surveys you either need to
> survey everyone OR survey a random sample that are not self-selected.
> Valid census data is one that has close to 100% coverage within some
> statistical deltas. It is probably the most valid data because of
> that, however it can be gammed if the people taking don't take it
> seriously. [The statistical deltas are the things that everyone argues
> about saying you can't trust the data... but well we are all comrade
> scientists here (thats supposed to be a funny)]
> Surveys are valid within some margin of error and 'confidence level'
> as long as the data can be shown not be self-selecting, the questions
> properly phrased, and a study of various groups being polled is known
> (reference to census material to know that if you randomly call X
> people in Y region you will get Z% of sub-group.) You have to work out
> how many people you tried to survey, how many completed the survey,
> how much confidence you have in the population etc.
> For a group as small as Fedora (less than 50,000 registered users who
> you could survey) you would need to survey that actually is much
> larger than standard. An initial survey would probably want to have a
> confidence level of 95% and a confidence interval of +/- 5%. If after
> the survey your percentages are within that error bar (47% for/48%
> against..) you need to resurvey with a larger number. So for a first
> step, we would need to get a survey list made, have the questions
> reworded/etc to meet various survey tests, and then randomly pick a
> population and survey them (I am over simplifying here... there are
> various steps required I am not sure of).
> That looks to be about 400 people need to randomly selected and
> complete the survey (for +/- 5%). to get down to 1% you would need to
> get 6500 people.

I don't think that the near-impossibility of having a statistically
sound sample that would hold up in a court of law means that we
shouldn't at least get a feel for who users are by doing a survey.
Certainly, an somewhat unstatistically-sound sampling is much better
than all of us guessing, is it not? :)

> --
> Stephen J Smoogen.
> Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp. Or what's a heaven for?
> -- Robert Browning
> --
> devel mailing list
> devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel
devel mailing list

Re: PROPOSAL: Fedora user survey

2010-03-10 Thread Robyn Bergeron
On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Jon Masters  wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-03-09 at 17:30 -0500, Chris Ball wrote:
>> Now, there's a reasonable argument that says that Fedora users without
>> FAS accounts didn't vote for FESCo, so it's still legitimate to ask
>> *those* users what they think.  The impossibility of reaching such a
>> group of users without incorporating selection bias would turn me off
>> from trying to do that -- it would be nice if we could find out how
>> the entire Fedora-using world feels about updates, but that's not
>> actually plausible.  Even just the set of Fedora users who visit
>> http://fedoraproject.org/ is significantly selection-biased already,
>> in my opinion.
> You could argue that only certain really interested parties will look at
> fedoraproject.org, but that's why I was suggesting the start page or
> firstboot (bad idea, I know), or something people will see when they
> first open a browser or use a system. Not just the die hards.
> My personal opinion is that user feedback in general is a good thing,
> even if you ultimately choose to disregard it. And I think putting a
> survey up for 6 months (e.g. all of F13) would give plenty of time to do
> reasonably useful statistical analysis of opinions. Shove in a few other
> more generic questions if there are any others - e.g. "what do you use
> Fedora for anyway?". Wouldn't that be good to know :)

Did someone say... SURVEY?? :)

Well. I know the Marketing team would like to know the answers to some
of these generic, demographical questions, which is why we're also
planning a general end-user survey. :)  Marketing FAD is this weekend
(http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_FAD_2010) and one of our task
items is to develop questions for a general Fedora end-user survey.
While this is obviously not going to be solely developer-focused,
developing a short list of feedback-oriented, rather than
vote-oriented questions, with FESCo would be great.

By feedback oriented, I mean that questions should be more along the
lines of, "What is your current level of satisfaction with X," rather
than, "Which of the following should we do? X, Y, or Z?"

(In case you're wondering, or getting ready to flame Robyn, the survey
is mostly going to be a "who are you, where are you, what are you
using Fedora for, how often are you downloading, how do you
participate, etc." type of survey.  We will have room for more
questions, but we do want to keep in mind that having a 350-question
survey is a Bad Idea, so we want to be concise and to the point in
order to encourage people to actually -finish- the survey. 5-10
minutes, max.  Wiki page is here:

We're planning on using limesurvey (limesurvey.org) for infrastructure
- once we get it packaged (plz come help! :D) and tested and deployed
on fp.o infrastructure, we're going to move ahead.  And so - if anyone
from devel / FESCo is interested in participating in developing a few
questions to tack on to our survey - as I said previously, awesome,
and I'd be happy to coordinate details on the marketing list.

Alternately, since we do plan on allowing any of the fp.o Family to
use limesurvey for their own survey needs once it's up and running -
you certainly have the option of running your own survey on the
infrastructure, and I'd be happy to help word questions appropriately
and such.

And of course, the option exists to do something entirely different on
your own. :)

Food for thought. It never hurts to know who end users are - it is
just good to be clear up front in a survey that it is a -survey-, and
not a -vote-; results are for feedback, not for making immediate
decisions, and the questions should be worded as such.

I'll be in the corner with my flame-retardant gear on if anyone has
questions :D  But seriously: We'd love to have a good success with a
first survey, and that means having feedback from all the different
Fedora teams.  We want to get information that is useful to everyone -
and NOT let it be an election of any kind.


> Jon.
> P.S. The government is elected, doesn't mean they don't still hold a
> census every decade to find out who their users are.

+1  :)

> --
> devel mailing list
> devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel
devel mailing list

F13 Release Slogan - Rock it.

2010-03-08 Thread Robyn Bergeron
For the 13th Release of Fedora, "Goddard," the Fedora Marketing team
ran an open, community based process of slogan submissions, found at
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_slogan_SOP. That process
included guidelines for producing great slogans, and as a result of
our call, we received a large number of slogan contributions, which
are recorded at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F13_release_slogan.

After an exciting and enjoyable Marketing Team meeting, the release
slogan for Fedora 13 "Goddard" has been chosen and approved: "Rock

We would like to thank all the contributors who have participated in
this process.


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devel mailing list

Call for F13 release slogan suggestions

2010-02-24 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Greetings Friends,

We need a slogan for the F13 release. It will be chosen one week from
now, on 3/2.  A release slogan is a short call-to-action that fits the
artwork theme from Design, found at
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F13_release_slogan#Themes. (F12's
slogan was "Unite.")

If you are interested in suggesting ideas for the release slogan,
please take a look at the Release Slogan SOP, and the criteria for
selection, at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_slogan_SOP. The
slogan must be:

* short (1-3 words)
* a call to action
* positive

It should reinforce that Fedora helps the user achieve something
great. It should also reflect some of ideas and themes found in the
release artwork, and, if possible, also touch upon the Four
Foundations (http://https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Foundations).

Please put your slogan ideas here:

The deadline for submissions is Tuesday 3/2 at 20:00 UTC, which is our
next Marketing meeting
(https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_meetings). We'll be
discussing submissions there, and then the FPL, Mo Duffy, and the
Marketing team lead will take that input and select the final slogan
on 3/2, following the marketing meeting. Let me know if you have any
questions, comments, or concerns -- and let the wiki table know if you
have any ideas!


devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Call for Participation - Fedora 13 Talking Points

2010-02-19 Thread Robyn Bergeron
Talking points are key highlights of the new release. They should be
compelling, but they will not necessarily be comprehensive. There are
different types of talking points for different types of people:
general desktop users/everyone, developers, and sysadmins.  For the
Fedora 13 cycle, we will also have talking points to address some of
the Spins. They are meant to provide a short, effective answer to the
question, "What cool stuff is in the latest release of Fedora?"

Each cycle, the Marketing team compiles a short list of approximately
three talking points for each of these audiences for the upcoming
release. For Fedora 13, they're found here:


If you have a talking point that you feel meets the criteria found on
the talking points SOP page at
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talking_points_SOP, add it to the the
table on the F13 page with supporting information. Please make your
contributions and changes on the wiki page, so that the Marketing team
can efficiently capture and consider your input.

The Marketing team will make final adjustments to the list of talking
points at their meeting on February 23, which will be announced on the
marketing list and is open to everyone.  If you are interested in
attending the meeting, the agenda, location, and time details can be
found at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_meetings.  Following
the meeting, the finalized list of talking points will be announced,
and posted to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_13_Talking_Points.

We welcome you to participate in the process!


devel-announce mailing list
devel mailing list

Re: Board efforts: scope, concept, and permission?

2010-02-02 Thread Robyn Bergeron
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 9:54 AM, inode0  wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 10:45 AM, Mike McGrath  wrote:
>> And to answer your question about what "isnt' broken".  I suggest you look
>> at our http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Statistics page.  We've only seen
>> growth in 2 of our last 6 releases.  Think about that.
> While I don't see that as directly relating to the mission of the
> Fedora Project I understand it is important to many people and I
> understand there is an indirect link with the mission. But what
> indicates that is a problem with the distribution as opposed to a
> marketing problem?

The marketing "problem" is this: Who are we marketing to? Defining the
target audience - as broad as it may be - helps here.

I'd also speculate that part of the reason that Fedora is not seeing
as much grown in terms of downloads is that a lot of people don't like
to fix what isn't broken. When things -just work-, the average
end-user doesn't necessarily want to rock the boat.  It could be a
good thing.  :)  Especially when you consider that - although growth
in downloads may not be consistent - contributor account growth seems
to be very healthy.

> John
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Re: Board efforts: scope, concept, and permission?

2010-02-02 Thread Robyn Bergeron
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 9:28 AM, Adam Miller
> Hello all,
>    I wanted to bring a few things up and I wanted to bring them up on
> de...@lists.fp.o because this is where most people spend their time.
>    First off: "Does letting thousands of contributors do what they
> want have a negative impact on our OS? (Mike)"[0]
> - I would prefer that this be rephrased to a quote I read that
> originated from John Rose (inode0) "isn't it amazing how thousands of
> contributors doing whatever they want created such a spectacular OS?"
> and I would prefer a focus be turned towards something like "Why was
> that the result of doing something that is essentially chaotic?" 
> I guess my main question is: "Why are we fixing something that isn't
> broken?"
>    Second: "The Board has been working on defining a target audience
> for Fedora. In response to this, some people feel that Fedora should
> allow sub-groups to define their own target audience"[1]
> - I don't entirely understand this, don't SIGs or (sub groups)
> essentially exist purely because there is some target audience?
> Clarification on this not would be appreciated.
>    Now, we come to the part that I feel is going to be viewed as a
> touchy subject by many. Why are there words like "letting" and
> "allow" being thrown around so often? I understand there are
> guidelines and policies for certain things of technical or legal
> nature in Fedora, but it feels a little like there is an attempt here
> to dictate how myself, as well as all others, spend their time
> contributing to The Fedora Project.

I don't think the goal is to dictate how the community spends their
time. I'd like to think of it as more of a starting point for
attracting new contributors; "here are our broader goals, how you can
help, and why you should invest your time in our community, rather
than elsewhere."

The open-source concept isn't exactly niche anymore; there is an
increasing number of people out there who want to contribute, but
unlike days long since past where people would contribute because
something was broken or non-existent, they're just here to contribute,
learn how community works.  Finding those potential contributors and
giving them a pathway to success is essential to Fedora's long-term
growth and reaching our goals (whatever those may be).

> [0] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Unfinished_Board_issues
> [1] 
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Walters/SpinsSigsRemixes_TargetAudience
> I would just like to know other contributors thoughts on these topics.
> Thank you for your time,
> -AdamM
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