Thanks to Rich and Nathan for their comments and even debugging my code :). I revised the proposal based upon their suggestions.

Summary: Admin Server templates: DistinguishName validation fails

Description of problem:
Some template file contains double quotes in the DN string, which
are not escaped.

Sample broken entry in 01nsroot.ldif.tmpl
dn: ou="uid=%as_uid%, ou=Administrators, ou=TopologyManagement,
o=NetscapeRoot",ou=UserPreferences, ou=%domain%, o=NetscapeRoot
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
aci: (targetattr=*)(version 3.0; acl "UserDNControl"; allow (all)
ou: uid=%as_uid%, ou=Administrators, ou=TopologyManagement, o=NetscapeRoot

Related bug:
555577 -  Syntax validation fails for "ou=NetscapeRoot" tree

[Proposed fix (ldapserver)]
 -->  (
git patch file (ldapserver)

Description: adding a perl subroutine dnEscape to escape special
characters and eliminate spaces around ',', which is to make
the given dn compliant with RFC4514.

[Proposed fix (adminserver)]
 -->  (
git patch file (adminserver)

 --- added escapedrootdn key, which is an escaped rootdn compliant
     with RFC4514
 --- removed unescaped '"' from dn strings, which violates RFC4514.
     escaped special characters ('=' and ',') which used to be a
     value surrounded in the double quotes '"'.
     removed spaces around ','

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