Summary/Minutes from today's FESCo Meeting (2013-10-02)

2013-10-02 Thread Miloslav Trmač
#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2013-10-02)

Meeting started by mitr at 18:00:45 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* init process  (mitr, 18:00:52)
  * LINK:
(abadger1999, 18:05:06)

* Python 3 support  (mitr, 18:07:44)
  * LINK:
(mattdm, 18:14:38)
  * ACCEPTED: : Ask the Python 3 bug filers to file a Change by next
week  (mitr, 18:23:24)

* #1177 Codify how we are going to select the working group members
  (mitr, 18:24:28)
  * LINK:   (mitr, 18:24:32)
  * LINK:
(nirik, 18:38:06)
  * AGREED: assign fesco membr to each WG. this member is part of the
WG, and they will select the initial 9 members (approved by fesco).
succession planning and governance is a deliverable *of* the WG (+7)
(mitr, 19:02:52)
  * AGREED: WG nomination period will end on Oct 14 0:00 UTC  (mitr,
  * AGREED: In the reminder email, add the following wording.
Membership in a Working Group is a significant investment in time.
We strongly recommend against volunteering to serve on more than
one, lest you get your wish.  (mitr, 19:17:57)

* #1178 Fedora 21 scheduling strategy  (mitr, 19:21:49)
  * LINK:   (mitr, 19:21:54)
  * AGREED: defer for a week, pending input from tflink and dgilmore
(mitr, 19:59:46)

* #1179 Interactions of the various Products  (mitr, 20:01:11)
  * LINK:   (mitr, 20:01:15)
  * AGREED: we do not necessarily need to define these interactions yet
(+5)  (mitr, 20:14:07)

* Next week's chair  (mitr, 20:14:24)
  * ACTION: mmaslano to chair the next meeting  (mitr, 20:19:38)

Meeting ended at 20:19:49 UTC.

Action Items

* mmaslano to chair the next meeting

Action Items, by person
* mmaslano
  * mmaslano to chair the next meeting
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* mitr (139)
* mattdm (95)
* abadger1999 (87)
* nirik (80)
* sgallagh (58)
* notting (58)
* jreznik (35)
* mmaslano (25)
* pjones (25)
* tflink (23)
* jwb (22)
* Viking-Ice (15)
* drago01_ (8)
* zodbot (7)
* kalev (7)
* t8m (0)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`:
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Summary/Minutes for today's FESCo meeting (2013-10-02)

2012-10-03 Thread Marcela Mašláňová

#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2012-10-03)

Meeting started by mmaslano at 17:00:24 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* init process  (mmaslano, 17:00:44)

* #946 Tracking of new upgrade functionality for F-18  (mmaslano,
  * AGREED: short special meeting monday (2012-10-08) at 17utc about
#946 (those that cannot attend vote in ticket).  (mmaslano,
  * ACTION: jreznik will take care about ticket and minutes from Monday
meeting  (mmaslano, 17:17:56)

* #956 become co-maintainer on gradle  (mmaslano, 17:18:23)
  * LINK:
(limburgher, 17:22:16)
  * AGREED: limburgher will handle reassignment of gradle. The list of
other packages will be sent to -devel  (mmaslano, 17:27:29)

* #950 Cleanup of the default enabled services list  (mmaslano,
  * AGREED: those who have strong opinions will prepare list of
services. The next discussion will be at 17 oct meeting  (mmaslano,

* #953 Fedora i386 releases aren't really i386  (mmaslano, 17:48:47)
  * AGREED: close this ticket with: sorry, this is right, sorry if it's
confusing, help us improve docs.  (mmaslano, 17:55:35)

* #954 Need to plan and perform Fedora 18 C++ packages mass rebuild due
  to gcc fix for CVE-2002-2439  (mmaslano, 17:55:49)
  * LINK:   (nirik,
  * AGREED: Get the gcc with fix in f18, but do no mass rebuild. Only
packages with specific vulnerability should be rebuild.  (mmaslano,

* Next week's chair  (mmaslano, 18:06:25)
  * ACTION: nirik will chair next meeting  (mmaslano, 18:08:04)

* Open Floor  (mmaslano, 18:08:14)

Meeting ended at 18:24:16 UTC.

Action Items

* jreznik will take care about ticket and minutes from Monday meeting
* nirik will chair next meeting

Action Items, by person
* jreznik
  * jreznik will take care about ticket and minutes from Monday meeting
* nirik
  * nirik will chair next meeting
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* mmaslano (76)
* nirik (74)
* limburgher (40)
* pjones (37)
* notting (35)
* jwb (22)
* jreznik (18)
* abadger1999 (17)
* mjg59 (16)
* adamw (14)
* zodbot (11)
* drago01 (8)
* jlk (8)
* tflink (2)
* Martix (1)
* wwoods (1)
* rsc (1)
* mitr (0)
* t8m (0)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`:

17:00:24 mmaslano #startmeeting FESCO (2012-10-03)
17:00:24 zodbot Meeting started Wed Oct  3 17:00:24 2012 UTC.  The 
chair is mmaslano. Information about MeetBot at
17:00:24 zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea 
#link #topic.

17:00:31 mmaslano #meetingname fesco
17:00:31 zodbot The meeting name has been set to 'fesco'
17:00:37 mmaslano #chair notting nirik mjg59 mmaslano t8m pjones mitr 
limburgher jwb
17:00:37 zodbot Current chairs: jwb limburgher mitr mjg59 mmaslano 
nirik notting pjones t8m

17:00:40 pjones morning.
17:00:42 * limburgher here
17:00:44 mmaslano #topic init process
17:00:45 nirik morning everyone.
17:01:00 mmaslano hi, t8m and mitr can't attend today
17:01:12 adamw i'm around to rep qa for #946 when we hit it, but 
splitting attention with blocker meeting, so ping me if i'm needed

17:01:22 mmaslano adamw: thanks, I'll do
17:01:23 jwb hi, i'm here
17:02:21 * jreznik is around for 946, conflict with another meeting... 
asking anaconda guys to join in

17:02:41 mmaslano notting: ?
17:02:43 mmaslano mjg59: ?
17:02:53 mmaslano well we have 5 people here, so we can start
17:03:58 * notting is here
17:04:01 notting sorry about that
17:04:05 mmaslano #topic #946 Tracking of new upgrade functionality 
for F-18

17:04:10 mmaslano .fesco 946
17:04:12 zodbot mmaslano: #946 (Tracking of new upgrade functionality 
for F-18) – FESCo -

17:04:21 mmaslano adamw: ping
17:05:22 nirik so code exists... but not sure it's usable state yet. 
(Last I heard)

17:05:42 nirik wwoods: you around for a status update on fedup?
17:05:42 drago01 wwoods: ^^
17:05:42 jreznik for upgrades, yes, there should be some code, at 
least the cli one

17:05:43 adamw yo
17:05:58 adamw other qa folks also following.
17:06:03 jreznik there's also partitioning part as it's requirement 
for beta

17:06:41 notting partitioning part of ... upgade?
17:06:48 jreznik I was able to collect the status from anaconda work 
list - pls take a look for an overview what's going to be in anaconda 
for f18

17:06:49 * Martix is here
17:06:53 adamw it looks like anaconda 18.12 ought to cover the 
partitioning requirements when it hits, from bugzilla (the main bug 
we're worried about is