Re: Summary/Minutes for today's FESCo meeting (2014-11-12 at 18UTC)

2014-11-13 Thread Michael Schwendt
On Wed, 12 Nov 2014 11:53:32 -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:

 18:03:04 nirik firefox folks removed their hack...
 18:03:31 nirik so they use /tmp again in rawhide.
 18:04:14 kalev that sounds like a regression
 18:04:35 nirik regression?
 18:04:46 kalev downloading multi gigabyte files into /tmp would probably 
 easily fill it up
 18:04:48 mattdm well, that's going to fill up with big downloads
 18:04:59 nirik well, only if people don't say where to download them too...
 18:05:05 dgilmore hola
 18:05:07 t8m hi, sorry for being late
 18:05:15 nirik it only uses that until the save dialog not answered.
 18:05:46 nirik so I guess somone could save an iso and not answer the 
 dialog and fill up space.

That would be a silly reason. Not answering the SaveAs ialog (which is
only displayed after changing the Preferences) it won't disappear, not
even when closing Firefox. You have to answer it, since closing it is
the same as clicking Cancel to delete the download.

IOW, you don't get the downloaded file, not even if the background
download completes. The file will still have its random temporary file
name that doesn't have anything in common with the final file name.

 18:06:38 kalev [...], but the problem was the way they achieved it, by 
 overriding the TMPDIR variable which incidentally then also override it in 
 the env passed to other programs

Exactly. Originally, they did not respect an already set $TMPDIR, so you
could not even set $TMPDIR for all users and point it at quota-enabled
Temp storage, because /usr/bin/firefox would have started the download in
/var/tmp nevertheless.

The other problem, a $TMPDIR changing throughout the lifetime of a session,
also defeats the purpose of a system-wide configuration.

Hopefully gnome-terminal will be fixed eventually (and the same for any
other program that would not see a set env var).
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Summary/Minutes for today's FESCo meeting (2014-11-12 at 18UTC)

2014-11-12 Thread Kevin Fenzi
#fedora-meeting: FESCo (2014-11-12)

Meeting started by nirik at 18:00:03 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* init process  (nirik, 18:00:03)

* #1365 A unique system-wide TMP directory for all programs and sane
  ways to retrieve the default  (nirik, 18:02:24)
  * LINK:   (nirik, 18:02:24)
  * LINK:
(nirik, 18:06:18)
  * AGREED: FESCo does not currently want to mandate $TMPDIR being
reliably consistent throughout an user session.  If claws-mail
requires a consistent place to use, it should use a different
mecahnism. (+6,0,0)  (nirik, 18:21:26)

* #1359 Automatic OpenH264 download by Firefox  (nirik, 18:21:47)
  * LINK:   (nirik, 18:21:48)
  * AGREED: ask firefox maintainers to disable automatic download of
OpenH264 plugin (+6,0,1)  (nirik, 18:32:04)
  * nirik will draft a page  (nirik, 18:35:28)
  * AGREED: will keep ticket open a week for interested parties to
propose longer term solutions. (+6, 0, 0)  (nirik, 18:48:21)

* next weeks chair  (nirik, 18:48:33)
  * t8m to chair next week.  (nirik, 18:49:42)

* Open Floor  (nirik, 18:49:45)

Meeting ended at 18:52:35 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* nirik (84)
* mitr (50)
* jwb (43)
* t8m (32)
* kalev (28)
* dgilmore (19)
* drago01 (14)
* mattdm (12)
* thozza (10)
* zodbot (6)
* mclasen (4)
* pjones (2)
* mmaslano (0)
* sgallagh (0)
* stickster (0)
18:00:03 nirik #startmeeting FESCo (2014-11-12)
18:00:03 zodbot Meeting started Wed Nov 12 18:00:03 2014 UTC.  The chair is 
nirik. Information about MeetBot at
18:00:03 zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link 
18:00:03 nirik #meetingname fesco
18:00:03 nirik #chair dgilmore jwb kalev mattdm mitr mmaslano nirik sgallagh 
stickster t8m thozza
18:00:03 nirik #topic init process
18:00:03 zodbot The meeting name has been set to 'fesco'
18:00:03 zodbot Current chairs: dgilmore jwb kalev mattdm mitr mmaslano nirik 
sgallagh stickster t8m thozza
18:00:10 thozza hi
18:00:13 jwb hi
18:00:14 mitr Hello
18:00:25 kalev hi
18:00:38 nirik morning everyone.
18:01:01 mattdm hello!
18:02:15 nirik ok, I guess lets dive in. A pretty short agenda today...
18:02:24 nirik #topic #1365 A unique system-wide TMP directory for all 
programs and sane ways to retrieve the default
18:02:24 nirik .fesco 1365
18:02:24 nirik
18:02:26 zodbot nirik: #1365 (A unique system-wide TMP directory for all 
programs and sane ways to retrieve the default) – FESCo -
18:02:34 nirik this sort of stalled out after last week...
18:03:04 nirik firefox folks removed their hack...
18:03:31 nirik so they use /tmp again in rawhide.
18:04:14 kalev that sounds like a regression
18:04:35 nirik regression?
18:04:46 kalev downloading multi gigabyte files into /tmp would probably 
easily fill it up
18:04:48 mattdm well, that's going to fill up with big downloads
18:04:59 nirik well, only if people don't say where to download them too...
18:05:05 dgilmore hola
18:05:07 t8m hi, sorry for being late
18:05:15 nirik it only uses that until the save dialog not answered.
18:05:46 nirik so I guess somone could save an iso and not answer the dialog 
and fill up space.
18:05:47 mitr While I have questions around that, I’m not sure we should be 
micromanaging individual component’s behavior
18:05:49 kalev my understanding is that they should continue using /var/tmp 
for that purpose
18:06:12 mitr If we ended up researching Firefox and proposing Firefox 
changes today, that would get us no closer to resolving 1365
18:06:18 nirik
18:06:30 * nirik is with mitr
18:06:31 t8m mitr, +1
18:06:38 kalev which they did previously, but the problem was the way they 
achieved it, by overriding the TMPDIR variable which incidentally then also 
override it in the env passed to other programs
18:06:48 nirik so do we have some distro wide policy or proposal here?
18:07:04 mitr Proposal: design a sane system-wide API with a single 
18:07:09 mitr There, that’s going to help, isn’t it?
18:07:09 t8m kalev, they want to stop that and use /tmp from now
18:07:12 * mitr shuts up
18:07:23 nirik mitr: sure... but then the questions come. ;)
18:07:26 t8m mitr, heh
18:07:40 t8m mitr, is there actually a way tho get a sane API?
18:08:05 mitr t8m: All it would take is FESCo saying Thou Shalt Use $library 
and “I don’t like it” doesn’
18:08:09 mitr t count as a reason not to.
18:08:17 mitr