#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2014-01-22)

Meeting started by nirik at 18:00:01 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* init process  (nirik, 18:00:02)

* #1197 Procedure for suggesting/approving different Products and/or
  WGs?  (nirik, 18:02:48)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1197   (nirik, 18:02:48)

* #1222 PRD Approval Request: Server PRD  (nirik, 18:04:09)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1222   (nirik, 18:04:09)
  * AGREED: approved. ( +7, -0, 1 )  (nirik, 18:09:47)

* #1224 PRD Approval Request: Env and Stacks PRD  (nirik, 18:09:56)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1224   (nirik, 18:09:56)
  * AGREED: approved (+8,0,1)  (nirik, 18:16:02)

* #1225 PRD Approval Request: Cloud PRD  (nirik, 18:16:04)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1225   (nirik, 18:16:05)
  * AGREED: approved (+8,0,1)  (nirik, 18:27:51)

* #1226 Workstation PRD for approval  (nirik, 18:28:04)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1226   (nirik, 18:28:04)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1226#comment:4 , I
    apologize for the very late coment,  (mitr, 18:29:03)
  * AGREED: defer PRD approval for one week. Request clarification on WG
    re: 1) schedule autonomy 2) "deviation from some of the traditional
    rules or policies that Fedora has followed". FESCo has concerns
    about blanket approval of these statements. (+7,0,0)  (nirik,

* #1221 Product working group activity reports  (nirik, 19:02:52)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1221   (nirik, 19:02:53)
  * urge working groups to try and identify things that affect
    qa/releng/infrastructure/docs/etc as soon as they can  (mmaslano,
  * AGREED: Tenative deadline of Feb 17th for next working group
    deliverables. Please try and engage other groups with plans as soon
    as you can. (+7,0,0)  (nirik, 19:18:27)

* Next week's chair  (nirik, 19:18:38)
  * sgallagh to chair next week  (nirik, 19:20:35)

* Open Floor  (nirik, 19:20:43)
  * election voting starts tomorrow. Please remember to vote.  (nirik,

Meeting ended at 19:35:26 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* nirik (118)
* mattdm (56)
* jwb (50)
* sgallagh (38)
* pjones (32)
* abadger1999 (31)
* mitr (27)
* mmaslano (26)
* notting (20)
* jreznik_ (19)
* zodbot (10)
* t8m (0)
18:00:01 <nirik> #startmeeting FESCO (2014-01-22)
18:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 22 18:00:01 2014 UTC.  The chair is 
nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link 
18:00:02 <nirik> #meetingname fesco
18:00:02 <nirik> #chair abadger1999 mattdm mitr mmaslano notting nirik pjones 
t8m sgallagh
18:00:02 <nirik> #topic init process
18:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fesco'
18:00:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 mattdm mitr mmaslano nirik 
notting pjones sgallagh t8m
18:00:22 <mitr> Hello
18:00:30 <mattdm> hi!
18:01:01 <sgallagh> I'm here for about 30 minutes
18:01:29 * nirik waits for at least one more for quorum
18:01:59 * abadger1999 is here
18:02:19 * notting is here now. sorry, network hiccup.
18:02:23 <mmaslano> hi
18:02:35 <nirik> cool. I guess lets go ahead and dive in...
18:02:48 <nirik> #topic #1197   Procedure for suggesting/approving different 
Products and/or WGs?
18:02:48 <nirik> .fesco 1197
18:02:48 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1197
18:02:49 <zodbot> nirik: #1197 (Procedure for suggesting/approving different 
Products and/or WGs?) – FESCo - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1197
18:02:57 <nirik> mattdm: you wanted to punt this another week?
18:03:15 <mattdm> nirik yes please.
18:03:23 <nirik> ok.
18:03:25 <mattdm> and, um, not next week becaues I won;t be here.
18:03:44 <mattdm> although hopefully I will have time to write something up.
18:03:56 <nirik> ok. Update the ticket as time permits. ;)
18:04:01 * mattdm nods
18:04:04 <nirik> on then to PRD approvals...
18:04:09 <nirik> #topic  #1222 PRD Approval Request: Server PRD
18:04:09 <nirik> .fesco 1222
18:04:09 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1222
18:04:13 <zodbot> nirik: #1222 (PRD Approval Request: Server PRD) – FESCo - 
18:04:17 <nirik> here's the server one...
18:04:44 <pjones> apologies, I am here.
18:04:46 <nirik> any questions or comments or discussion? or shall we head to 
18:04:57 <mattdm> do we want to have a convention for the fesco members to 
abstain or vote on their own?
18:05:06 <nirik> sgallagh and t8m were +1 in ticket.
18:05:08 <mmaslano> I like it, it looks good +1
18:05:13 <mmaslano> mattdm: good question :)
18:05:30 * mitr will abstain
18:05:31 <mattdm> I think that's likely to be an academic / procedural question
18:05:31 <sgallagh> mattdm: In the case of server, that eliminates three 
members of FESCo, FWIW
18:05:49 <pjones> I don't think there's any good reason for abstention to be 
18:05:54 <mattdm> I'm +1. I think this is a good approach.
18:06:18 <pjones> The reason you're abstaining is that you're in the position 
where you understand it best.  That's a terrible reason not to vote on it.
18:06:33 <mmaslano> sgallagh: mitr: I guess you wrote it, so you must support it
18:06:38 * pjones is +1
18:06:56 * nirik is +1 also, but disclaimer: also in the server wg.
18:07:15 <mitr> mmaslano, pjones: No, I'm abstaining because I want the 
concerns of the other WGs to have larger weight in this decision.
18:07:25 <pjones> mitr: fair enough then
18:07:43 <nirik> thats +6,-0,1 notting / abadger1999 ?
18:07:53 <abadger1999> +1
18:07:58 <abadger1999> and pjones+1 to your reasoning
18:09:47 <nirik> #agreed approved. ( +7, -0, 1 )
18:09:56 <nirik> #topic #1224 PRD Approval Request: Env and Stacks PRD
18:09:56 <nirik> .fesco 1224
18:09:56 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1224
18:09:57 <zodbot> nirik: #1224 (PRD Approval Request: Env and Stacks PRD) – 
FESCo - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1224
18:10:03 <notting> nirik: sorry, +1. had a local interrupt.
18:10:05 <nirik> any questions or comments or discussion?
18:10:15 <nirik> notting: no worries.
18:10:37 <mmaslano> I'd like to add your comments, as I wrote in the ticket
18:10:48 <mmaslano> I don't want to add them without consensus of the group
18:11:05 <sgallagh> mmaslano: I don't see anything from you in the ticket
18:11:26 <mitr> There's some disconnect between vision/mission and what the 
rest is actually focusing on ... but each individual item is OK, so +1
18:11:56 <mmaslano> sgallagh: ok, email on devel
18:12:23 <sgallagh> mmaslano: Ah, right. Sorry. I thought you meant you had 
additional comments that I wasn't seeing
18:13:05 <notting> i'm +1 to it in general; posted a couple of comments on 
devel@ that more or less match what mitr just said
18:13:24 <mattdm> +1, and +1 to everyone's comments
18:13:30 <nirik> right, +1 and ditto
18:14:01 <pjones> I'm +1 to it, with really the same caveats.
18:14:31 <abadger1999> +1 and also agreements on the comments.
18:14:57 <nirik> FYI, sgallagh and t8m were also +1 in ticket.
18:15:28 <nirik> mmaslano: you +1, or abstaining? ;)
18:15:35 <mmaslano> nirik: yeah
18:15:38 <mmaslano> nirik: 0
18:16:02 <nirik> #agreed approved (+8,0,1)
18:16:04 <nirik> #topic #1225 PRD Approval Request: Cloud PRD
18:16:05 <nirik> .fesco 1225
18:16:05 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1225
18:16:06 <zodbot> nirik: #1225 (PRD Approval Request: Cloud PRD) – FESCo - 
18:16:23 <nirik> FYI, sgallagh and t8m were also +1 in ticket here as well.
18:16:39 <notting> apologies. spent too much time reading advisory-board 
instead of this. so, abstaining.
18:16:49 <mattdm> I'm going to follow convention and abstain
18:17:03 <mattdm> unless that somehow means we don't meet quorum or something
18:17:10 <mmaslano> mattdm: I'd like to ask one thing :)
18:17:20 <mmaslano> mattdm: The Cloud SIG plan to support the major languages:
18:17:20 <mattdm> mmaslano go for it!
18:17:33 <mmaslano> mattdm: I hope cloud people will do it, not main part of my 
18:17:52 <mmaslano> noting against those languages, just we don't want to 
maintain strange versions...
18:18:10 <mattdm> mmaslano I hope we can get enough people involved from your 
team and everywhere that we can handle it.
18:18:19 <mmaslano> fine
18:18:20 <mattdm> we'll support what we have resources for, of course :)
18:18:22 <nirik> I'm +1, although some things seem very specific for a prd...
18:18:23 <pjones> Well, aside from the wildly wrong ideas about which markets 
are ripe for disruption...
18:18:38 <mmaslano> +1
18:18:38 <pjones> nirik: you mean all the "reading your own book" marketing 
18:18:46 <mitr> mattdm: "must" provide access to the "following stacks" - does 
that imply RPM, or would that "must" be fulfilled by using upstream packaging 
18:19:05 <mattdm> mmaslano and if your team is working on things specifically 
that makes those ones easy
18:19:23 <notting> mattdm: "Developers and operators creating scale out 
applications on top of public and private clouds"... is it the cloud WGs 
intention to create tools for developers outside of tools for creating cloud 
18:19:36 <notting> mattdm: an initial reading of the PRD implies 'no'
18:19:40 <mmaslano> um, we don't have capacity to do more. Maybe if we could 
use what we have for existing branches
18:19:52 <mmaslano> mattdm: let's speak about it on devconf
18:19:55 <mattdm> mitr I think we're anticipating a mix
18:20:10 <mattdm> mmaslano yes, let's talk. :)
18:20:43 <mattdm> notting I'm not sure i understand the question...
18:21:20 <notting> mattdm: if the target market includes developers creating 
scale-out apps, is the cloud WG intending to work on better tools for them to 
do app creation and development
18:21:21 <mattdm> We probably won't create developer tools but may pick some to 
work on integrating
18:21:40 <mattdm> for example, docker and vagrant. maybe mesos.
18:22:04 <mattdm> I don't think we're planning on creating new things right now
18:22:20 <jwb> you're going to provide those in a cloud product?
18:22:28 <jwb> as in, the cloud images?
18:22:38 <mattdm> jwb docker and vagrant?
18:22:50 <mattdm> yes -- the intention is to have a cloud image spin featuring 
18:23:10 <notting> mattdm: slight rephrase: so  things like openshift 
integration into deveassistant or Eclipse would not necessarily be something 
cloud wg would work on?
18:23:41 <mattdm> notting probably not directly, but I think we'd be interested.
18:23:44 <jwb> my unfamiliarity with those specific tools prevents me from 
knowing if that makes sense or not, but the general case of developer tools 
seems something that would be more likely found in workstation or server
18:24:02 <jwb> but if specific things make sense, cool
18:25:32 <nirik> we are at +4... further questions or comments or more votes?
18:25:42 <mmaslano> mattdm: I guess plugins from cloud sig would be nice. We 
often don't have knowledge to create them
18:25:49 <pjones> jwb: yeah, that's about how I feel regarding those tools as 
18:25:50 <mitr> +1; echoing t8m's comment that the "must" items are quite a lot 
of work
18:26:04 <notting> having now finished reading it, i can be +1
18:27:01 * pjones is +1 as well
18:27:15 <nirik> abadger1999: ? mattdm: are you abstaining?
18:27:27 <mattdm> nirik yeah, I'll abstain.
18:27:32 <mattdm> I'm in favor, obviously. :)
18:27:41 * abadger1999 decided to vote +1
18:27:51 <nirik> #agreed approved (+8,0,1)
18:27:52 <abadger1999> *decides
18:28:04 <nirik> #topic #1226 Workstation PRD for approval
18:28:04 <nirik> .fesco 1226
18:28:04 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1226
18:28:07 <zodbot> nirik: #1226 (Workstation PRD for approval) – FESCo - 
18:28:35 * sgallagh disappears for his other meetings. My comments have been 
made on the mailing list
18:28:44 <nirik> t8m was +1 in ticket.
18:28:48 <nirik> there's also comments in ticket.
18:29:03 <mitr> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1226#comment:4 , I 
apologize for the very late coment,
18:29:52 <mitr> The PRD may have some implications WRT WG autonomy; this has 
been somewhat discussed in the advisory-board thread, and may have even been 
resolved; I'm afraid I haven't caught up with the full discussion there yet.
18:30:55 <mattdm> mitr the point about release schedule is a good one. I read 
this in its many versions several times but I missed that.
18:31:53 * nirik nods.
18:32:25 <abadger1999> mitr: Yeah, that's my main issue in reading the prd.
18:32:46 <nirik> do we want to ask that be revisited by the WG? or approve 
conditionally? or ?
18:34:15 <mattdm> the autonomy bit is raised in the intro but it's a little 
unclear if the overall plans and policies are meant to specifically be 
"deviations from some of the traditional policies".
18:34:25 <notting> well... part of the PRD process should be WGs asking what 
they want to do differently. so i'm not sure it's wrong to list changes to 
policies/schedules. but might want to consider them separately
18:35:11 <mattdm> for example, does "Encapsulation of development environments" 
mean that the packaging will be under new guidelines, for example?
18:35:24 <mattdm> (for example for example; *sigh*)
18:35:50 <mitr> We could just approve, with a rider to the effect that we're 
not opposed to changing policies in principle, but FESCo has the authority to 
override WG decisions in any case (Is that correct?), and we are not giving up 
that right.
18:35:53 <nirik> good example. ;)
18:36:25 <mattdm> I'm also a little concerned, given previous discussion with 
the fedora design team, about the theming clause
18:36:37 <nirik> mitr: sure, I'm +1 to that. I think we are all open to change, 
but want to know why and what and see if it affects the entire distro or just 
some working group.
18:36:43 <jwb> mattdm, no, it doesn't mean that.  it likely means "leverage 
18:36:52 <mmaslano> mitr: yes
18:36:53 <mitr> OTOH perhaps the WG would like to know the scope in advance to 
avoid being disappointed by FESCo "second-guessing" (which has been mentioned 
in the advisory-board thread)
18:37:00 <mitr> jwb?
18:37:23 <mattdm> jwb in that case, cool.
18:37:40 <jwb> mitr, i'm not sure i follow your statement
18:37:57 <mitr> mattdm: FWIW I like the idea of having a consistent theme (not 
saying anything about who should design it)
18:38:11 <jwb> i think, in general, the preference would be for FESCo to ask 
for specific clarifications if they aren't going to approve
18:38:17 <mattdm> the theming concern is about previous controversy over Fedora 
branding and look-and-feel vs. upstream Gnome
18:38:34 <jwb> mattdm, bluecurve?
18:38:54 <notting> jwb: probably more logo vs no-logo
18:39:01 * jreznik_ thinks as a real product, we should really work on own 
theming to differentiate from upstream/word
18:39:15 <jwb> notting, oh, the foot vs. the f
18:39:18 <mitr> jwb: The concern is that the PRD seems to claiming general 
authority that FESCo may not want to give up.  Would the WG prefer having the 
areas of responsibilities estblished more precisely now, or by FESCo raising 
issues about any possible future WG decisions later?
18:39:55 <mmaslano> jreznik_: good point
18:40:03 <jwb> mitr, i would prefer you to highlight where you think it is 
claiming general authority and discuss that specifically
18:40:14 <mitr> jwb: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1226#comment:4
18:41:13 <mattdm> Fedora Design is one of Fedora's nicely functional 
subprojects, and I want to make sure this isn't readable as cutting them out.
18:41:16 <jwb> mitr, ok.  if fesco would like to postpone voting until those 
are clarified, i can take them back to the WG
18:41:31 <jwb> mattdm, we have a member of FD on the WG...
18:41:35 <nirik> mattdm: which section are you noting about the design?
18:41:53 <nirik> applications style?
18:42:07 <nirik> ah, I see it now.
18:43:31 <nirik> so, votes? defer a week? vote now?
18:43:39 <abadger1999> Related questoin -- are we going to continue to have the 
Fedora Change Process?
18:43:47 <jwb> jesus
18:43:58 <jwb> yes, let's add random ass questions on top of this specific PRD
18:44:06 <notting> jwb: example might be the discussion going on on f-a-b; 
that's a change to policies, and i'm not comfortable with a "general +1 to the 
PRD" implicitly approving that as a change to policy
18:44:08 <jreznik_> abadger1999: it's prepared to work for sub groups
18:44:10 <abadger1999> Some of the things mentioned in the workstation PRD are 
things that typically go through the Change process.
18:44:23 <jwb> notting, fair.  so vote -1 or defer
18:44:34 * nirik is ok to defer a week.
18:44:38 <mattdm> this may be reading too strongly, but I know there was some 
desktop team / design team friction before.
18:44:45 <mattdm> I'm for deferring.
18:44:52 <abadger1999> But it's unclear to me if the PRD is saying that the 
equivalent changes are going to now be approved by the workstation WG or 
continue through the current Change Process.
18:44:58 <nirik> abadger1999: I was thinking it would, but delegate things to 
working groups if they are in their area... or fesco if it's not in any working 
group area.
18:45:02 <jreznik_> abadger1999: just approval for changes in specific area 
would be delegated to WGs
18:45:22 <mattdm> (that's how I saw it working, too.)
18:45:25 <nirik> mattdm: can you also add a comment asking for clarification of 
that specific entry ?
18:45:26 <jreznik_> abadger1999: as I said - for example self contained changes 
approval could be delegated to WGs
18:45:33 <mattdm> nirik I can.
18:45:35 <jreznik_> or from specific area
18:45:37 <mitr> abadger1999: This would work somewhat better if the WGs weren't 
separated into their own mailing lists...
18:45:41 <jwb> if you defer (which is again fine), please list specific things 
you'd like answered in the ticket
18:45:42 <abadger1999> Okay -- so ; change submitted to fesco.  Fesco decides 
whether it should be delegated to a specific WG to decide upon?
18:46:03 <pjones> abadger1999: or just fesco asks WG for input?
18:46:32 <nirik> 2 votes to defer so far, 0 votes to approve, 0 votes to 
reject, 0 abstentions. ;)
18:46:34 <abadger1999> pjones: that works too... It does make fesco the 
approver which is slightly different than delegating.
18:46:36 <pjones> I think there's some value in keeping "who approves changes" 
at one place, even if that place winds up rubber stamping those WGs agree on.
18:46:47 <mitr> Do we actually need the extra layer?  Let's just discuss them 
on -devel as we have.  Even the current self-contained changes (which are much 
smaller than some "WG-specific changes") are dicussed there.
18:47:06 <jreznik_> abadger1999: some changes could be directly approved by WG 
without FESCO involvement
18:47:25 <jreznik_> but we should be still able to track it, escalate to fesco 
in case of interWGs disputes, used for marketing
18:47:46 <jreznik_> as I said - it's pretty much designed this way, only minor 
changes would be needed
18:48:06 <jreznik_> unless someone would like to overhaul it again :)
18:48:16 <jwb> can you get back to discussing this important topic after you 
decide what you're doing with the PRD?  it's above any specific PRD
18:48:45 <nirik> votes? more prd comments/feedback?
18:49:13 <pjones> it does sound like several people would like more feedback 
about questions
18:49:37 <notting> Proposal: defer PRD approval for one week. Request 
clarification on WG re: 1) schedule autonomy 2) "deviation from some of the 
traditional rules or policies that Fedora has followed". FESCo has concerns 
about blanket approval of these statements.
18:50:12 <mitr> alternate proposal: Approve conditionally with FESCo commenting 
that it retains the ultimate authority over Fedora policies and specifically 
authority over the schedule; if the WG wants more authority delegated upfront, 
it can (re?)ask for that
18:50:12 <mmaslano> notting: +1
18:50:18 <nirik> notting: I think we already had 2 votes for that (+mattdms 
design question)
18:50:24 <mattdm> notting +1
18:50:27 <mitr> I'm +1 to notting, wanted to put the "alternate" here just to 
have a comparison
18:50:44 <nirik> notting: +1
18:50:53 <abadger1999> notting: +1
18:51:12 <pjones> notting: +1
18:51:44 <nirik> #agreed defer PRD approval for one week. Request clarification 
on WG re: 1) schedule autonomy 2) "deviation from some of the traditional rules 
or policies that Fedora has followed". FESCo has concerns about blanket 
approval of these statements. (+7,0,0)
18:51:52 <nirik> (assuming notting was +1 to his own proposal)
18:51:55 <notting> yeah
18:52:00 <jwb> thanks.  please read through it again, and list all the specific 
questions in the ticket.  i'll grab them all and address them with the WG.  
say... have them in the ticket by friday?
18:52:13 <nirik> jwb: thank you.
18:52:18 <mattdm> jwb friday seems fair
18:52:23 <notting> as an addendum: are FESCo members comfortable with the 
3rd-party software discussion happening in the place where it's happening now?
18:52:38 <jwb> notting, it's where fesco said to take it...
18:53:10 <pjones> notting: you mean, on the board list?
18:53:17 <notting> jwb: that is true
18:53:50 <mitr> notting: A heads-up to -devel might be desirable (... it would 
definitely lead to more noise, but we probably do have contributors that find 
this issue important but aren't currently on f-a-b)
18:53:55 <nirik> shall we move on? I think our views on the 3rd party non free 
stuff are pretty clear from our last ticket on it?
18:54:15 <sgallagh> mitr: It made it to LWN, I think most people have heard by 
18:54:30 <mitr> sgallagh: true
18:54:32 <abadger1999> notting: I'm comfortable with the discussion as it 
relates to fedora's philosophy on non-libre software happening there.
18:54:37 <pjones> sgallagh: lwn and f-d-l don't overlap as much as you might 
18:55:04 <notting> "the plans have been available in the local planning office 
for the last nine months..."
18:55:05 <abadger1999> notting: once that's decided creating policy regarding 
approving repositories should come back to us.
18:55:26 <jwb> i see no decisions in the a-b thread :)
18:55:46 <jwb> need at least 200 more emails before we get there
18:55:47 <mattdm> I don't think a fedora-devel pointer would be a bad thing.
18:55:52 <nirik> jwb: if even then
18:56:05 <abadger1999> jwb: Hire a few monkeys, rent a few typewriters ;-)
18:56:07 <jwb> nirik, i suspect i'll have to just call a vote on the board 
ticket next week
18:56:20 <notting> i question the practicality of attempting to make a 
protracted mailing list discussion better by pointing more people at it
18:56:24 <nirik> I'm ok with a fedora-devel pointer, but if discussion starts 
happening there I may close the thread.
18:56:33 <nirik> jwb: yep
18:56:33 <jwb> notting, agreed
18:56:49 <sgallagh> nirik: is "closing the thread" a real thing that can 
actually happen?
18:56:53 <jwb> yes
18:57:00 <nirik> fight fire with fire! but you end up with just a bunch of hot 
18:57:13 <mattdm> notting I don't think it will make the discussion better. It 
very likely will make it worse. But I think it's a community-wide issue that 
deserves wide visibility
18:57:15 <nirik> sgallagh: sure. You set mailman to filter that 
18:57:30 <nirik> anyhow, shall we move on?
18:57:36 <mitr> notting: at the same time, this is a core question for the 
identity of the project and the reasons people have joined; whiel the Board is 
elected and has the authority, I don't think the boardmembers' opinions in this 
area are all well-known and have been a basis for them being elected in the 
18:57:40 <jwb> mattdm, in that case, you need to send it to test@ too
18:57:50 <jwb> because the overlap between devel and test is minimal
18:57:59 <mattdm> jwb what we need is some sort of cohesive online presence.
18:58:02 <pjones> mitr: yeah, I think that's a very important distinction
18:58:15 <pjones> it hasn't been an election issue, really.
18:58:16 <sgallagh> jwb: At this point, perhaps just announce@ ?
18:58:22 <jwb> (which is ironic, given that you'd think devel and test would be 
tightly connected...)
18:58:50 <jwb> sgallagh, *shrug*
18:58:50 <sgallagh> And given that elections are going on right now, perhaps 
that should be on the questionnaire...
18:58:57 <pjones> jwb: is it (resonably) possible to do a post to announce@ 
with reply-to set to f-a-b and in-reply-to set to some post on the thread 
that's already there?
18:59:05 <jwb> sgallagh, there will be no townhall for the board
18:59:08 * mattdm misses fedora weekly news
18:59:12 <jwb> there's only 2 seats and 2 candidates
18:59:18 <nirik> pjones: not sure.
18:59:38 <jwb> pjones, i think nirik has to answer that
18:59:41 <jwb> good idea though
18:59:56 <pjones> nirik: I mean, I'm reasonably sure we're not doing anything 
weird to in-reply-to headers that come from the sender, but I don't know if 
announce@ will filter reply-to and re-write it or what.
19:00:06 <sgallagh> jwb: Isn't that forbidden?
19:00:12 <nirik> pjones: I don't know either off hand. It might depend on the 
19:00:26 <jwb> sgallagh, not that i'm aware of
19:00:29 <sgallagh> I thought the policy was that nomination had to be extended 
until there was at least 150% candidacy
19:00:38 <jwb> maybe for fesco?
19:00:39 <nirik> IMHO, people should tell those they think should be involved 
about it if they feel like it. I don't think an announce post is needed/advised 
19:00:51 <abadger1999> sgallagh: that's for fesco... not sure that board has 
that same clause.
19:00:59 <jwb> i don't believe we do
19:01:09 <pjones> sgallagh: I don't know of any such rule, but if it exists and 
the number is 150% then we've certainly accidentally violated it in the past
19:01:16 <jwb> also, i don't believe it would be feasible to have that
19:01:17 <nirik> it's fesco only.
19:01:27 <sgallagh> Hmm, looks like the Board clause is just that if it's less 
than 100% nominations, the FPL gets to appoint the remainder
19:01:29 <nirik> from a time when election rules were different per body
19:01:56 <sgallagh> Sorry for sidetracking
19:01:56 <pjones> nevermind that the lack of candidates isn't even the largest 
problem with our elections
19:02:35 <nirik> if someone feels a group should be advised to weigh in on the 
advisory board discussion, please feel free to tell them.
19:02:52 <nirik> #topic #1221 Product working group activity reports
19:02:53 <nirik> .fesco 1221
19:02:53 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1221
19:02:54 <zodbot> nirik: #1221 (Product working group activity reports) – FESCo 
- https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1221
19:03:07 <nirik> we had updates in ticket... anything further we wanted to 
discuss or bring up?
19:03:15 <mattdm> The report for this week is basically "PRDs all around!"
19:03:26 <sgallagh> We probably need to set a deadline for scoping
19:03:39 <abadger1999> and the note of the f-a-b discussion.  Thanks jwb!
19:03:42 <sgallagh> Or at least a deadline for asking to extend the schedule.
19:03:58 <jwb> sure
19:04:39 <pjones> sgallagh: or at least a deadline for setting those deadlines!
19:04:54 <jreznik_> deadlines? /me is listening :)
19:05:05 <sgallagh> pjones: Why don't you form a committee to see if forming a 
committee is a reasonable approach...
19:05:07 <nirik> There's really insufficent data right now, IMHO.
19:05:17 <nirik> we need the next deliverable from wg's
19:05:30 <jreznik_> yep
19:05:38 <sgallagh> nirik: Right, but since ostensibly the next deliverable is 
"execution plan", I would hope that would come with an appropriate 
(approximate) time estimate.
19:05:55 <nirik> "The second deliverable should be a list of necessary changes 
from existing Fedora procedures needed to release the product. This should be 
ordered to show what things depend on other changes and at which point the 
changes will mean that we can no longer produce the current type of Fedora. 
This will allow us to identify the resources needed by what teams in order to 
implement the plan and at what p
19:05:56 <nirik> oint we may need to have a longer than normal release cycle to 
do tooling work."
19:06:24 <nirik> right, but you are correct we don't want to wait many months 
for that...
19:06:41 <sgallagh> nirik: I think we're agreeing with different words
19:06:49 <nirik> yep
19:06:56 <mattdm> probably... after devconf, but not much after?
19:07:02 <nirik> when is that?
19:07:05 <sgallagh> mattdm: I was thinking exactly that
19:07:13 <sgallagh> DevConf is in two weeks.
19:07:23 <sgallagh> 2.5, really
19:07:27 <mattdm> preceded by fosdem
19:07:41 <mattdm> i am travelling next week and won't be home until after both
19:07:56 <nirik> how about feb 12th
19:08:03 <sgallagh> I think we probably need a minimum of a week post-DevConf 
to gather thoughts together.
19:08:20 <mattdm> maybe the 17th?
19:08:31 <sgallagh> nirik: Why don't we say the 14th or 17th and review it at 
the meeting on the 19th?
19:08:40 <mattdm> the monday-before-fesco-meetin worked out very well this time 
i thought
19:09:30 <nirik> that seems like a lot of time. almost another month of limbo 
on scheduling.
19:09:57 <sgallagh> nirik: Well, at the same time, many of the people doing 
this planning will be traveling for the conferences at this time
19:10:18 <nirik> sure, true.
19:10:54 <nirik> any other thoughts? anyone still around? ;)
19:11:12 <mmaslano> yeah. So 17th?
19:11:19 <mmaslano> I'm no travelling, it's fine with me
19:12:13 <jwb> please ping me when we get to open floor
19:12:20 <mattdm> I'm for that thing I said.
19:12:56 <nirik> I guess 17th is ok, but I would urge working groups to try and 
identify things that affect qa/releng/infrastructure/docs/etc as soon as they 
can so there won't be a gigantic dump of things no one from those groups knows 
about on that day.
19:13:23 <nirik> jwb: can do
19:13:27 <mattdm> nirik +1
19:13:29 <sgallagh> nirik: Agreed
19:13:59 <jreznik_> btw for scoping, I've already started pinging guys, 
updating f21 schedule ticket - of course it depends on what WG would like to 
see - so it's based on current knowledge
19:13:59 <mmaslano> #info urge working groups to try and identify things that 
affect qa/releng/infrastructure/docs/etc as soon as they can
19:14:05 <mmaslano> it's note for me ;-)
19:14:13 <notting> nirik: sure, +1
19:14:20 <mmaslano> +1 to 17th
19:14:31 <abadger1999> I don't think we'll be able to look at the scoping docs 
and make final decisions that week.  But if we even want to attempt to we 
probably need to alert those communities to look at those docs on the 17th and 
attend the fesco meeting that week.
19:14:57 <nirik> abadger1999: well, the idea was that was the deadline for the 
working groups to deliver to us...
19:15:12 <nirik> it may indeed take a while after that to decide what we can 
and can't do and over what timeframe.
19:15:33 <abadger1999> nirik: <nod>  Yeah -- so if we already accept that we're 
not going to make a decision until (earliest) the week after, that does give us 
some breathing room.
19:16:15 <abadger1999> Just saying if we want to really dig in that week, we'll 
need to get the other groups that are affected involved asap.
19:16:36 <nirik> sure. I'd prefer we try and involve them as much as possible 
before then too...
19:17:05 <nirik> so, thats +5 for a tenative feb 17th deadline... any other 
votes or counterproposals?
19:17:16 <jreznik_> abadger1999: as I said - I already started that pinging for 
scoping, now with PRDs available, it's going to be easier
19:17:30 <abadger1999> +1 from me
19:17:43 <mitr> I'm not sure it's feasible, but under the theory that the 
sooner the deadline is, the sooner work gets done, +1
19:17:52 <sgallagh> +5 Feb 17
19:18:02 * pjones +1 on that
19:18:05 <sgallagh> err +1
19:18:27 <nirik> #agreed Tenative deadline of Feb 17th for next working group 
deliverables. Please try and engage other groups with plans as soon as you can. 
19:18:38 <nirik> #topic Next week's chair
19:18:45 <nirik> who wants the hot potatoe? :)
19:19:01 <mattdm> I will be in traveling
19:19:46 <sgallagh> I'll take it next week
19:19:57 <abadger1999> thanks sgallagh
19:20:29 <nirik> thanks
19:20:35 <nirik> #info sgallagh to chair next week
19:20:43 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
19:20:47 <nirik> jwb: you had something?
19:21:00 <jwb> just curious who from FESCo will NOT be at devconf
19:21:30 * pjones will not
19:21:35 * nirik will not
19:21:40 <pjones> was planning to, but turns out funding was tighter than we'd 
19:22:00 * abadger1999 will not
19:22:47 <jwb> ok.  thanks
19:23:34 <nirik> any other items for open floor from anyone?
19:24:03 * nirik will close out the meeting in a minute if nothing else comes up
19:24:22 <jwb> oh, one other thing
19:24:56 <jwb> the initial liasons were assigned by FESCo.  did you decide if 
it's entirely up to the WGs to figure out when those will be switched out or 
19:25:15 <jwb> i thought there was a desire to at least keep them in place 
until the PRD was approved, but i forget what we said beyond that
19:25:15 <nirik> I don't know that we decided... can't recall.
19:25:49 <notting> thought we decided liason selection was up to WGs, fesco can 
NAK if needed. would have to check archives.
19:26:02 <sgallagh> notting: Correct
19:26:04 <jreznik_> that's a good question - we are going to work on KDE SIG 
transistion to KDE WG and there was that question if FESCo is going to force us 
to accept your liason or we can select him
19:26:14 <mitr> AGREED: WGs can decide how the FESCo liason is selected, 
19:26:15 <sgallagh> We also allowed them to request a liason *from* us if they 
didn't want to pick one themselves
19:26:16 <mitr> the possibility of asking FESCo to select. (As FESCo is above 
19:26:18 <mitr> WGs, FESCo could ask WGs to re-choose.)
19:26:20 <mitr> (2013-10-30)
19:26:35 <nirik> there you have it.
19:26:48 <jwb> excellent!  thank you
19:27:04 <sgallagh> Hmm, according to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections, 
election voting starts tomorrow.
19:27:22 <sgallagh> Is that still accurate?
19:27:43 <jwb> afaik
19:27:50 * sgallagh notes that the questionnaire never went out
19:27:54 <nirik> yep. I think so.
19:27:54 <mitr> There weren't any townhalls either
19:27:54 <jreznik_> sgallagh: cwickert is running it this time
19:28:05 <jwb> afaik they canceled the townhalls
19:28:28 <jreznik_> yep, that's my understaning too
19:28:29 <sgallagh> So we're back to pure name-recognition voting again, then?
19:28:38 <jwb> essentially
19:28:38 <abadger1999> sgallagh: I just caught the tail end of a conversation 
somewhere else... I think the gist was that no questions were submitted.
19:29:17 <jwb> this is not surprising
19:29:37 <nirik> #info election voting starts tomorrow. Please remember to vote.
19:29:48 <sgallagh> Vote early (and often!)
19:29:53 <mattdm> i posted some questions to the fesco one.
19:30:11 <pjones> sgallagh: and again, *still* not the biggest problem with our 
19:30:39 <abadger1999> sgallagh: You are only allowed to do that if you live in 
19:30:39 <nirik> ok, any further items?
19:30:47 <nirik> abadger1999: ...and are also dead. ;)
19:31:03 <jreznik_> pjones: what are that bigger issues? /me is interested in
19:31:16 * abadger1999 codes a pulse monitor into the new elections app ;-)
19:31:27 <pjones> jreznik_: voter turn out is so low we may as well just let 
the candidates vote for themselves.
19:31:56 <sgallagh> Maybe we can tie voting to FAS account
19:32:02 <mattdm> pjones and that's self-reinforcing when there are no 
19:32:04 <jwb> turnover rate in all committees is practically nil
19:32:07 <sgallagh> If you don't vote in three straight elections, your account 
is disabled? ;-)
19:32:18 <mattdm> I'd rather not force people to vote at random
19:32:32 <sgallagh> mattdm: It *would* solve the turnover problem...
19:32:35 <pjones> jreznik_: that and our lack of any real formal, repeatable 
processes for any announcements about the elections have, in the past, resulted 
in large swaths of people not knowing when to vote even if they did attend to,
19:33:10 <pjones> and once three incumbents failed to say they were running 
again because our announcements are so random, and as a result we had to walk 
it back and let them in after the deadline because we couldn't fill the seats 
without doing so.
19:33:39 <jwb> i think the phrase you are looking for is "nobody actually cares 
19:33:53 <jreznik_> pjones: this time it was more complicated as we needed new 
elections wrangler and then we had to rush it to make January timeframe as 
agreed by Board
19:33:56 <abadger1999> Ugh -- Is "voting starts tomorrow" UTC tomorrow?
19:34:12 <nirik> ok, can we continue this on #fedora-devel or lists?
19:34:15 * abadger1999 doesn't see that the elections have been entered into 
the voting application yet.
19:34:33 <pjones> jreznik_: so you see, that's not a reason a repeatable 
standardized process would be more complicated.
19:34:39 <nirik> abadger1999: I assume utc, yes.
19:34:42 <nirik> * January 23 - 30: Voting Period
19:34:42 <nirik> (closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on January 30)
19:34:47 <abadger1999> *sigh*
19:34:54 <pjones> nirik: we're clearly done with the meeting, sure ;)
19:34:58 <jreznik_> pjones: I'm not saying it's not what I'd like to see
19:35:14 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone!
19:35:21 <abadger1999> Thanks nirik!
19:35:26 <nirik> #endmeeting

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