My apologies. I put in the wrong month. It will be September 6, 2017.

On 2 September 2017 at 15:57, Stephen John Smoogen <> wrote:
> There will be a meeting in #fedora-meeting-2 on 1900 UTC (1500 EDT for
> US timezones) to go over the setup of the x86 group
> #startmeeting x86
> #meetingname x86
> #chair smooge jbackus
> #topic Roll Call
> #topic What does FESCO want
> #info People who know how to advocate to upstreams
> #info Advocating does not mean 'whining or begging'.
> #info Advocating means working with upstream maintainers (kernel-list,
> glibc, etc) to fix bugs.
> #info Fedora is always moving forward. What does x86_32 have?
> #topic What next?
> #info Who will advocate?
> #info Who will fix packages?
> #info Who will show up?
> #endmeeting
> --
> Stephen J Smoogen.

Stephen J Smoogen.
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