Re: Motivation behind recent selections of tickets marked blocks?:8.2.0?

2008-08-11 Thread John Gilmore
> I've noticed you tagging lots of tickets over the last few days for
> consideration as 8.2.0 blockers. Some of your selections make good sense
> to me, like the GPL tickets (#4265), but others make less sense to me,
> like the debuginfo packages issue (#4264), the TurtleArt naming issue
> (#5941), the boot-lock/pretty-boot coupling issue (#7896), and the
> grab-bag of quality issues (#7413). Could you say a few words about the
> vision underlying your choices so that I can compare it to my own
> understanding of what the 8.2.0 release needs to accomplish?

Four categories, really:

  * Longstanding major issues, like GPL compliance (#4265), failing to
 listen for arp or multicast packets while suspended (#4616),
 Python programs polling all the time (#4677).  These often have
 unusual follow-on effects, like flakey collaboration, ohm's
 inability to tell an idle machine from one that's doing work, or
 legal or reputational liability.  Often, significant work has
 been done since the last release, but not quite enough to close
 the ticket.  The last nits in these never seem to get closed out
 except toward the end of a release cycle.  [The Python one, when
 run to ground, ended up still needing more work than can be done
 for 8.2.0.]

  * Trivial fixes that will be visible in the field.  The sort of
 thing that somebody adept at patching packages in your release
 system can knock off five or six of in a day.  Like the debuginfo
 packages (#4264), or TurteArt (#5941), or the addition of ten
 lines of copyright notice that would let Record go into the Sugar
 packages in Ubuntu (#6891), or a visible GPL notice in the Sugar
 "About" box (#6929).  It took me an extra two hours to debug the
 Python polling thing because it took that long to find debug
 symbols.  How many people who find a bug in 8.2.0 in the field
 will run out of time and give up, rather than run it to ground,
 if that small issue remains unaddressed?  How many kids won't
 know they are free to, and encouraged to, modify Sugar?

  * Major opportunities with minor coding impact.  If the user can
 merely tell the machine to turn off Mesh, a small Ohm change can
 save huge amounts of power (autosuspended laptop goes from 1.9W
 to about 1.0W, and a closed-lid laptop goes from 1.1W to 0.25W,
 letting it survive for days instead of 8 hours) - #7879.  Most of
 our deployments don't use mesh, but it burns most of a watt for
 every laptop uselessly.  Usually there's some odd bottleneck that
 prevented anyone from noticing the opportunity; in this case,
 Eben's off-the-cuff UI choice that eliminated the "Turn Off"
 action on the Mesh icon -

  *  Collector tickets that have been targeted for 8.2.0 for months,
 but which might not have been looked at recently.  E.g. "high
 quality release" #7413.

Every developer was encouraged in email to devel to mark tickets as
potential ("?") blockers.  I didn't expect that the ones I marked
would all become blockers; I just expected someone responsible for
release quality would look at them and make their own decision.

The boot-lock/pretty-boot issue is not marked for blocking 8.2.0 --
it's marked as a question of whether it should block 8.3.0.  (Oops,
maybe you're calling the next release 9.1.0 -- I'm unclear on the
release naming/scheduling.)

> P.S. - Thanks very much for all the time you've spent combing Trac for
> tickets that matter to you...

You're welcome.  Lots of stuff falls through the cracks, by necessity.
So it's useful for me to go back through and try to get closure on
things that I've already put significant time into diagnosing or fixing.

Devel mailing list

Re: Please help test our new 8.2.0 weekly beta, joyride-2263!

2008-08-11 Thread Ixo X oxI
Another thought  how difficult would it be to post a summary of the
differences between the "weekly" builds ? ... so it's quick to see what has
changed or not between them.

(i.e. similar to the 'new joyride released" announcements)

p.s. Or shall I just create a TRAC entry on this idea? :)

On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 14:59, NoiseEHC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Probably it would help if the linked pages would contain a link to the
> specified build's directory at
> Just my 0.02$
> Michael Stone wrote:
> > We are thrilled to announce a new test build, joyride-2230, valid until
> > Wednesday, August 13.
> >
> > Please help test it according to the detailed instructions at
> >
> >
> >
> > while we still have time to fix issues you might find!
> >
> > Our specific interest this week continues to be activity compatibility:
> >
> >   "Does your favorite activity still run on joyride-2263?"
> >
> > Currently known issues are recorded at:
> >
> >
> >
> > New issues should be filed in our bug-tracking system (
> > according to
> >
> >
> >
> > or by notifying us by other means.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Michael
> > ___
> > Devel mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: Datastore profiling

2008-08-11 Thread riccardo
On Sat, 2008-08-09 at 15:30 +0200, riccardo wrote:
> Hi,
> Testcase:
> Fill the datastore with `many small' objects. 
> Build: 2266

< ... >
>  + Sysprof statistics:
> I can't see anything relevant for libxapian and it's bindings (xapian
> dbg packages were installed)
> Quite a bit of time goes to librsvg functions rendering svg icons to
> GtkPixbufs. Attaching strace to the journal activity and grepping "open"
> on its output gives:
> <
> ...
> open("/usr/share/icons/sugar/scalable/mimetypes/text-x-generic.svg",
> open("/usr/share/icons/sugar/scalable/mimetypes/image-x-generic.svg",
> open("/usr/share/icons/sugar/scalable/mimetypes/audio-x-generic.svg",
> open("/usr/share/icons/sugar/scalable/mimetypes/video-x-generic.svg",
> open("/usr/share/icons/sugar/scalable/mimetypes/text-uri-list.svg",
> open("/usr/share/icons/sugar/scalable/mimetypes/text-x-generic.svg",
> open("/usr/share/icons/sugar/scalable/mimetypes/image-x-generic.svg",
> open("/usr/share/icons/sugar/scalable/mimetypes/audio-x-generic.svg",
> open("/usr/share/icons/sugar/scalable/mimetypes/video-x-generic.svg",
> ...
> >
> Does this come from sugar.mime or any sugar component ?
> If yes, would it be possible to share one icon-cache between all sugar
> modules ?

I repeated the test to get cProfile statistics for the journal

98.4% of the total time goes to __data_store_created_cb.

Perhaps this function could only set a flag and delay data retrieval
(from the DS) to the next time the journal's window is shown?


Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] new 8.2.0 beta joyride - upgrading via control panel ?

2008-08-11 Thread Walter Bender
Not surprisingly, my experience on different machines with different
versions of joyride and different collections of activities installed
is that it is very inconsistent. Sometimes it just works, but often
times, it gets hung on one or two activities, e.g., for a while, it
would get stuck on Browse-94 under every configuration I tried, but
then one day, it just worked. The usual behavior seems to be that it
will succeed to upgrade most of the activities and report failures on
a handful, offering to try again (although it is not clear that that
is what is happening). I've be unable to determine any pattern. But
only once or twice have I seen it fail in the way you describe.

There are several related open tickets: 7882, 7886, 7865, 7845, 7842, 7837, etc.


2008/8/10 Ixo X oxI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I've tried to use several joyrides and the control panel / upgrade
> option...   it just sits at 9% and does nothing.  On 2269 I even left it
> over night to see if it needed more than 10 hrs..  still nothing.
> (I have no XS server, is one required?) I've never seen it work at all.. ;-/
> Is there an estimate on the length of time for the upgrade process..   clean
> system with no activities?  with G1G1 activity pack?  with just 5
> activites?   How long should I wait to get past the first '9%' and
> downloading?  How much does it need to download first ?
> -iXo
> p.s. Shall I file a TRAC ticket with the list of Activities I have ?
> On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 14:28, Martin Langhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 8:37 AM, Kevin Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> > want to update them.  I tell it to install/upgrade them all.  It says
>> > "Downloading" but the progress bar never progresses, and it appears to
>> > be doing a whole lot of nothing.
>> FWIW, it worked for me. One of the activity downloads (TamTam Edit?)
>> takes *ages* to complete, with little feedback, so I did think it was
>> jammed. Eventually it completed.
>> cheers,
>> m
>> --
>>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
>>  - ask interesting questions
>>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
>>  -
>> ___
>> Devel mailing list
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Sound on the OLPC

2008-08-11 Thread shivaprasad javali

I am trying to port an application from a normal Fedora system to work
on the XO. The application uses OSS API's which read and write to /dev/dsp
to acheive sound functionality. While porting I found out that the XO does
not have a /dev/dsp but has a single /dev/snd file for sound device. I tried
creating a sym link to /dev/dsp from /dev/snd which didnt work. Can anybody
help me out and suggest how else can I get the sound to work on the XO.

Devel mailing list

Re: Motivation behind recent selections of tickets marked blocks?:8.2.0?

2008-08-11 Thread Greg Smith
Hi John,

Thanks a lot for looking at and updating all those items!

On this:
 > The boot-lock/pretty-boot issue is not marked for blocking 8.2.0 --
 > it's marked as a question of whether it should block 8.3.0.  (Oops,
 > maybe you're calling the next release 9.1.0 -- I'm unclear on the
 > release naming/scheduling.)

The next major feature release after 8.2.0 is called 9.1.0.

FYI An overview of release names, status and schedules is at:


Greg S

Devel mailing list

Re: How to set up your XO to swap to an SD card

2008-08-11 Thread Andres Cabrera
Hi John,

Thanks for the info. Are there noticeable performance gains/losses when
using an external SD swap partition?
Won't adding a line to /etc/fstab make the swap partition be used on startup


On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 4:21 AM, John Gilmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > Have you tried with a swap partition? Swap is robust now on a
> > > SD card, immune to suspend/resume and power cycle.
> >
> > External swap area sounds cool.  How does one set it up?  I'll give it a
> > whirl.
> Use a recent joyride.  Get a throwaway 1GB SD card.  Available for
> $3-$20 depending where you go.  I say throwaway because swapping to it
> will tend to burn it up faster than its "usual" lifetime for photos
> and such.  You will still be able to use half a gig on the card for
> file storage; the other half will be for swap space.  Plug it into the
> SD card slot on the XO.  You'll have to keep it plugged in the whole
> time while you're swapping to it; you can't remove it the way you
> remove a USB stick or a non-swap SD card.  If/when it starts to fail
> after a few years, you can copy any still-interesting user files off
> it, throw it away, and put in a new $1 1GB SD card (or something
> larger).
> Go to a terminal (either the activity, or Ctrl-Alt-F1).  Become root.
> Type "mount", make sure the SD card is mounted at /dev/mmcblk0p1,
> in a "vfat" filesystem.
> Go into the Journal, find the SD card hiding behind the Frame at the
> bottom, hover over it, pick Unmount.  Go back to the terminal.
> Type "mount", make sure /dev/mmcblk0p1 is not mounted any more.  Type
> "yum install parted" since the partition editor is not in the distro
> any more.  Run "/sbin/parted /dev/mmcblk0".  Type "print" to see the
> current configuration.  On mine it looked like this:
> Number  Start  EndSizeType File system  Flags
>  1  127kB  1018MB 1018MB  primary  fat16
> Type "resize 1 0 512" to shrink this filesystem down to 512MB.  If it
> asks you whether to use FAT32, just say no.  Then type "mkpartfs
> primary linux-swap 512 1018".  That'll make a second partition for
> swapping to, and format it as a Linux swap partition.  Type "print"
> and it should look roughly like this:
> Number  Start  End Size   Type File system  Flags
>  1  32.3kB 512MB   512MB  primary  fat16
>  2  512MB  1018MB  506MB  primary  linux-swap
> Type "quit".  Now you're back to the shell.  Type "/sbin/swapon
> /dev/mmcblk0p2".  You're done.
> The Hal daemon is smart enough to mount filesystems when it sees an SD
> card appear, but it's not smart enough to start using freshly
> available swap space.  For the moment, you'll have to do "/sbin/swapon
> /dev/mmcblk0p2" each time after you reboot the XO.  Similarly, it
> won't do the "/sbin/swapoff" if you want to eject it.  I'm sure
> somebody will eventually come up with a Hal script or something to
> automate that part.
> You can see how much swap space you have / are using by running "top"
> in a terminal window; it's about the fourth line down.
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: Sound on the OLPC

2008-08-11 Thread pgf
hello shivaprasad:

 > I am trying to port an application from a normal Fedora system to work
 > on the XO. The application uses OSS API's which read and write to /dev/dsp
 > to acheive sound functionality. While porting I found out that the XO does
 > not have a /dev/dsp but has a single /dev/snd file for sound device. I tried
 > creating a sym link to /dev/dsp from /dev/snd which didnt work. Can anybody
 > help me out and suggest how else can I get the sound to work on the XO.

you may need to "modprobe snd-pcm-oss" in order to install the
OSS module, but i've never tried an OSS audio app on the XO, so i
can't guarantee success after that.  sound on the XO uses the
alsa audio system by default -- googling for OSS on alsa will probably
get you some information that may be relevant.


 > Thanks
 > Shivaprasad

 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Devel mailing list

Re: Sound on the OLPC

2008-08-11 Thread shivaprasad javali
Thanks for the information. I did a modprobe snd-pcm-oss and everything
started working perfectly well. Thank you very much.


On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 6:52 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hello shivaprasad:
>  > I am trying to port an application from a normal Fedora system to
> work
>  > on the XO. The application uses OSS API's which read and write to
> /dev/dsp
>  > to acheive sound functionality. While porting I found out that the XO
> does
>  > not have a /dev/dsp but has a single /dev/snd file for sound device. I
> tried
>  > creating a sym link to /dev/dsp from /dev/snd which didnt work. Can
> anybody
>  > help me out and suggest how else can I get the sound to work on the XO.
> you may need to "modprobe snd-pcm-oss" in order to install the
> OSS module, but i've never tried an OSS audio app on the XO, so i
> can't guarantee success after that.  sound on the XO uses the
> alsa audio system by default -- googling for OSS on alsa will probably
> get you some information that may be relevant.
> paul
>  >
>  > Thanks
>  > Shivaprasad
> =-
>  paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Devel mailing list

builds for releases

2008-08-11 Thread Mikus Grinbergs
> The next major feature release after 8.2.0 is called 9.1.0.
> FYI An overview of release names, status and schedules is at:

That webpage says what the releases are - I wish it said more about 
why they are.  The 'Primary Objective' for each release says where 
it fits - I wish it clarified why the previous release did not suit.

My principal problem with that webpage is that it does not explain 
"off-release" builds.  There was 751, which looked like a candidate 
attempt - but has not been followed up.  And now there is 711 -- why 
might anyone try 711 instead of 8.1.2 (named 709 by that webpage)?


Devel mailing list

Re: Sound on the OLPC

2008-08-11 Thread pgf
shivaprasad wrote:
 > Thanks for the information. I did a modprobe snd-pcm-oss and everything
 > started working perfectly well. Thank you very much.

that's good news.  i'm now curious as to why the module didn't get
loaded automatically, but that's a different topic.


 > Thanks
 > Shivaprasad
 > On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 6:52 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > > hello shivaprasad:
 > >
 > >  > I am trying to port an application from a normal Fedora system to
 > > work
 > >  > on the XO. The application uses OSS API's which read and write to
 > > /dev/dsp
 > >  > to acheive sound functionality. While porting I found out that the XO
 > > does
 > >  > not have a /dev/dsp but has a single /dev/snd file for sound device. I
 > > tried
 > >  > creating a sym link to /dev/dsp from /dev/snd which didnt work. Can
 > > anybody
 > >  > help me out and suggest how else can I get the sound to work on the XO.
 > >
 > > you may need to "modprobe snd-pcm-oss" in order to install the
 > > OSS module, but i've never tried an OSS audio app on the XO, so i
 > > can't guarantee success after that.  sound on the XO uses the
 > > alsa audio system by default -- googling for OSS on alsa will probably
 > > get you some information that may be relevant.
 > >
 > > paul
 > >
 > >  >
 > >  > Thanks
 > >  > Shivaprasad
 > >
 > > =-
 > >  paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > >

 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] new 8.2.0 beta joyride - upgrading via control panel ?

2008-08-11 Thread C. Scott Ananian
Please send me sugar logs for any activity update control panel
failures, along with details on what activity it was attempting to
download at the time.  Please be sure you are using joyride-2266 or
later, and that you have suspend turned off.

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 6:59 AM, Walter Bender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> then one day, it just worked. The usual behavior seems to be that it
> will succeed to upgrade most of the activities and report failures on
> a handful, offering to try again (although it is not clear that that

I am not terribly interested in bug reports on this particular
behavior: this is caused by activity authors giving inconsistent
information on the Activities wiki page and/or their update url.
Please file those bugs against the individual activities; I don't
particularly want to hear about them.

We've been installing semantic mediawiki on and intend
to use it in a refresh of the activities templates, which should
greatly reduce the version skew problem.

 ( )
Devel mailing list

Re: A simple signed bundle/directory trust scheme for the XS

2008-08-11 Thread Michael Stone

Thanks for your note. Unfortunately, it left me with more questions than
with answers. Some questions include:

  * What use cases are you trying to support?
  * What threats obstruct supporting those use cases?
  * What trust structure are you trying to create and how does it
mitigate the threats while permitting the use cases?
  * What algorithms are you going to use and why? 
  * What security properties are you trying to check?

(Perhaps you've already answered some of these basic questions elsewhere
and you simply left out the citation?)

Two other comments:

If you want to go the route of 'signed content lives in directories',
then please examine the programs in olpc-contents

and let us know in what way they can be improved before writing your

If you're more interested 'signed content lives in archives', then
JAR-signing might be for you!



P.S. - In the future, please consider CC'ing the security@ list when you
write security-related mail. Interesting people live there.
Devel mailing list

Re: builds for releases

2008-08-11 Thread Michael Stone
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 08:28:40AM -0400, Mikus Grinbergs wrote:
>> The next major feature release after 8.2.0 is called 9.1.0.
>> FYI An overview of release names, status and schedules is at:
>That webpage says what the releases are - I wish it said more about 
>why they are.  The 'Primary Objective' for each release says where 
>it fits - I wish it clarified why the previous release did not suit.

I'll see what I can do.

>My principal problem with that webpage is that it does not explain 
>"off-release" builds.  There was 751, which looked like a candidate 
>attempt - but has not been followed up.  

We'll pick it up again sometime soon -- as soon as we're ready for it,

> And now there is 711 -- why 
>might anyone try 711 instead of 8.1.2 (named 709 by that webpage)?

8.1.2 has not been finalized because we concluded that it was a good
idea to try to include the #6532 work-around. I built 710 and 711 toward
this goal, discovered a problem with the kernel RPM I was given, and
built 711 with a better RPM.


for more details.

Devel mailing list

First impressions of joyride-2280

2008-08-11 Thread Ton van Overbeek
I used olpc-update yesterday to put joyride-2280 on my XO-1 running
Update.1 (build 708).

Here are a few observations after some playing with joyride-2280:
- Bounce loads now, but does not have sound. Might be an issue
  with the reintroduced pygame.mixer and SDL mixer.
- TamTam sound seems to work OK for me. No hic-ups or noise.
- Measure aborts on start-up. Known issue: Numerics vs numpy.
  Replacing the offending import statements with the equivalent
  numpy ones makes it load, but I get flat lines (no pick-up
  from microphone).
- System seems to suspend/resume nicely now. You see the screen
  go dimmer after a short period of inactivity. It wakes up again
  (almost with no delay) when a key is pressed, or even when a
  character is sent to the XO from an external ssh session, which
  means the network connections seem to be maintained.
- After suspending with the power button however (screen goes off)
  and resuming with the power button, eth0 is down and does not
  come up automatically. Manually bringing it up with ifconfig and
  assigning it the same ip4 address as before allows to continue
  the external ssh session.
- The polling of the EC every 30 seconds has disappeared.  At least
  it does not show up in the dmesg output.
- More important, the touchpad seems to behave much better. May be
  related to the reduced polling of the EC.

I'll investigate a bit more, before filing tickets.
All in all from my perspective it seems you made a lot of progress
during the last week. Keep it up !!!

Ton van Overbeek
Devel mailing list

Re: First impressions of joyride-2280

2008-08-11 Thread Daniel Drake
On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 11:09 -0400, Ton van Overbeek wrote:
> I used olpc-update yesterday to put joyride-2280 on my XO-1 running
> Update.1 (build 708).
> Here are a few observations after some playing with joyride-2280:
> - Bounce loads now, but does not have sound. Might be an issue
>   with the reintroduced pygame.mixer and SDL mixer.

Please file a ticket for this one.

> - Measure aborts on start-up. Known issue: Numerics vs numpy.
>   Replacing the offending import statements with the equivalent
>   numpy ones makes it load, but I get flat lines (no pick-up
>   from microphone).

I'm working on it but it depends on the resolution of

> - After suspending with the power button however (screen goes off)
>   and resuming with the power button, eth0 is down and does not
>   come up automatically. Manually bringing it up with ifconfig and
>   assigning it the same ip4 address as before allows to continue
>   the external ssh session.

Sounds worthy of a ticket.

> - More important, the touchpad seems to behave much better. May be
>   related to the reduced polling of the EC.

Interesting observation.


Devel mailing list

Re: XO keeps staring at its own belly button

2008-08-11 Thread Mikus Grinbergs
Paul writes
> if you disable that client, is the system UI response normal?

Here are some observations from looking at 'top':

When the 100%-CPU-using client was NOT running, I did not observe 
'top' showing anything unusual.  I did notice 'olpc-update-query' 
running (presumably from 'cron') -- I actually have no need for that 
task to be running on my system (I handle updates manually).

When the 100%-CPU-using client WAS running, periodically 'top' 
showed 'X' using up to 80% of the CPU during one 'top' reporting 
interval.  The large value on the 'X' line was accompanied by a 
large value in the '%sy' field in the 'top' header lines.  Sometimes 
'ksoftirqd' showed up as taking a little bit of CPU.  [Note that the 
100%-CPU-using client writes to the console (from which it was 
started) maybe twice a day -- in other words, its use of 'X' is 

Since I was only looking (at the periodic 'top' output), I do not 
know how the system UI response behaved.   But I suspect that the 
'X' unusually busy usage episodes affected the system UI response.


Devel mailing list

Re: inhibiting suspend via dbus

2008-08-11 Thread Richard A. Smith
Deepak Saxena wrote:
> On Aug 09 2008, at 19:35, Mikus Grinbergs was caught saying:
>> One possibility -- OFW already tests for "is the XO plugged in?". 
>> Maybe Ohm can test for that, and decide that suspend is not needed 
>> when the battery is fully charged, and is not being drained.
> I don't think this would work for us as in some locations electrical
> power is expensive and we want to conserve as much power as possible.

This was indeed the way ohm used to work but I argued against it because 
   plugged up to external power in no way indicates you have a constant 
electrical source.  Many cases that will be sharing a connection to a 
solar panel or from a battery bank and you need to be save as much as 
possible all the time.

Richard Smith  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
One Laptop Per Child
Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] Please help test our new 8.2.0 weekly beta, joyride-2263!

2008-08-11 Thread Sameer Verma
Martin Langhoff wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 8:37 AM, Kevin Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> want to update them.  I tell it to install/upgrade them all.  It says
>> "Downloading" but the progress bar never progresses, and it appears to
>> be doing a whole lot of nothing.
> FWIW, it worked for me. One of the activity downloads (TamTam Edit?)
> takes *ages* to complete, with little feedback, so I did think it was
> jammed. Eventually it completed.
> cheers,
> m
I had no trouble updating the activities *except* that it would keep 
looping back to "Scratch" telling me that I have version 2 and it needs 
to update to 5. After proceeding to update, it would continue to loop. 
Reboots don't fix it. I'm on 2263.


Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA

Devel mailing list

Re: inhibiting suspend via dbus

2008-08-11 Thread pgf
smith wrote:
 > Deepak Saxena wrote:
 > > On Aug 09 2008, at 19:35, Mikus Grinbergs was caught saying:
 > >> One possibility -- OFW already tests for "is the XO plugged in?". 
 > >> Maybe Ohm can test for that, and decide that suspend is not needed 
 > >> when the battery is fully charged, and is not being drained.
 > > 
 > > I don't think this would work for us as in some locations electrical
 > > power is expensive and we want to conserve as much power as possible.
 > >
 > This was indeed the way ohm used to work but I argued against it because 
 >plugged up to external power in no way indicates you have a constant 
 > electrical source.  Many cases that will be sharing a connection to a 
 > solar panel or from a battery bank and you need to be save as much as 
 > possible all the time.

this could still be selectable.  while it's necessary to provide
for those scenarios, i suspect that most laptops will have
reliable external power.  i'd think a "don't suspend when plugged
in" checkbox would be useful for most owners.  (it could default
to "off".)

also, mikus' suggestion re: watching the rate of discharge is 
interesting.  i wonder if that might be a useful input to the OHM
policy engine?  (e.g. decrease timeouts when the rate of discharge
is high)  just an ill-formed thought.

 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Devel mailing list

Re: First impressions of joyride-2280

2008-08-11 Thread Deepak Saxena
On Aug 11 2008, at 11:09, Ton van Overbeek was caught saying:
> - TamTam sound seems to work OK for me. No hic-ups or noise.

Odd given that we have yet to commit the changes for #7603.

> - After suspending with the power button however (screen goes off)
>   and resuming with the power button, eth0 is down and does not
>   come up automatically. Manually bringing it up with ifconfig and
>   assigning it the same ip4 address as before allows to continue
>   the external ssh session.

Reproduced this here. I was able to just do an "ifconfig up eth0"
after resume and NM reinstantiated the connection to my AP and
my TCP sessions stayed up but this obviously wrong behaviour.


Deepak Saxena - Kernel Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Devel mailing list

Re: First impressions of joyride-2280

2008-08-11 Thread Chris Ball

   >> - After suspending with the power button however (screen goes off)
   >> and resuming with the power button, eth0 is down and does not come
   >> up automatically. Manually bringing it up with ifconfig and
   >> assigning it the same ip4 address as before allows to continue the
   >> external ssh session.

   > Reproduced this here. I was able to just do an "ifconfig up eth0"
   > after resume and NM reinstantiated the connection to my AP and my
   > TCP sessions stayed up but this obviously wrong behaviour.

I think I'm going to back out the change that tells NM to sleep and wake
during "sleep mode".  NM should be doing all the same things it does to
find a connection at startup, but it's clearly not working.  Maybe we'll
be able to re-enable this after we move to NM 0.7.

This means that the XO won't look for a new connection when coming out
of sleep, and will re-use whatever you were connected to before.

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Devel mailing list

Re: [sugar] new 8.2.0 beta joyride - upgrading via control panel ?

2008-08-11 Thread Gary C Martin
On 11 Aug 2008, at 15:13, C. Scott Ananian wrote:

> Please send me sugar logs for any activity update control panel
> failures, along with details on what activity it was attempting to
> download at the time.  Please be sure you are using joyride-2266 or
> later, and that you have suspend turned off.

OK, will do. Can you hint where update control panel will be logging?  
I looked for them in vain when I was having problems with it.

> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 6:59 AM, Walter Bender <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
>> then one day, it just worked. The usual behavior seems to be that it
>> will succeed to upgrade most of the activities and report failures on
>> a handful, offering to try again (although it is not clear that that
> I am not terribly interested in bug reports on this particular
> behavior:

Yea Scott, this really shows, it's hard to know what's at fault when  
things just stop for no obvious reason – but I know you core folks are  
real busy, so I don't take offence and hope the rest of the Activity  
developers don't either.

> this is caused by activity authors giving inconsistent
> information on the Activities wiki page and/or their update url.
> Please file those bugs against the individual activities; I don't
> particularly want to hear about them.

Has any one oficially put out a clear heads message for the Activity  
authors, documenting the change for future release? Or are we all  
meant to go geek through the updater source and try and work out  
what's going on. I read the lists and track pretty closely, I'm sure  
most don't, I think I saw a single paragraph kicking around the somewhere – h – OK found it, so this is now the  
official request and we (Activity developers) should pick it up and run?

info File Format

update_url = ...

URL to retrieve update information; implemented in #4951. The software  
update control panel will attempt to look for information about the  
latest version of the activity by fetching the given url with first  
the core OS build number, then the release number, then the release  
major version number appended, then finally as-is. (For example, if  
your update URL tag has the value ''and  
you are currently running release 8.1.1 (core OS 708), the following  
URLs will be tried, in this order:, 
,, .)  
The contents of the URLs should be in the activity microformat. If no  
update_url is specified, will be  


Devel mailing list


2008-08-11 Thread Mikus Grinbergs
> - After suspending with the power button however (screen goes off)
>   and resuming with the power button, eth0 is down and does not
>   come up automatically. Manually bringing it up with ifconfig and
>   assigning it the same ip4 address as before allows to continue
>   the external ssh session.

My eth0 interface is connected to a wired ethernet.  When I perform 
the same actions, eth0 vanishes.  Manually trying to bring it up 
with ifconfig and assigning it the same ip4 address as before gets 
the response:   SIOCSIFFLAGS: no such device


Devel mailing list

Re: Mic insertion detection

2008-08-11 Thread John Watlington

I don't know how to access it from a script, but on production units
the AC'97 codec does sense whether anything is plugged into either
the microphone or headphone jacks.

The microphone jack is wired to JS0, accessible through the Jack Sense
register in the AC'97 spec.  (The headphone is JS1).


On Aug 9, 2008, at 3:49 PM, Arjun Sarwal wrote:

> How can I detect through a script that a jack/connector is inserted in
> the Mic-In jack ?
> Considering that the mic-in socket(female) is such that insertion of
> an external connector(male) inside it only _physically_ disconnects
> the internal mic, is it all possible to do a thing as I've asked above
> ?
> many thanks,
> Arjun
> -- 
> Arjun Sarwal
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: inhibiting suspend via dbus

2008-08-11 Thread John Gilmore
> The problem with the pure hereustic approach is that there may
> be times when we don't have enough knowledge about the system state
> and more importantly the user's behaviour to really make a decision 
> without information from the application. For example, if I am streaming
> music on my computer, and I walk away for sometime, it may be perfectly
> OK to go to do a full suspend, or it maybe the case that I don't want to 
> go to sleep but it's OK for me to shutdown the screen.  Simply looking at 
> what is the current process doing (using network and audio resources) is 
> not enough to make a smart judgement on what to do in this situation. 
> There must be a way for the user to tell the application what to do
> and a way for the application to pass that information into the system 
> power manager.

There are already a couple of knobs for users to tweak their
power-control desires with (in the Sugar control panel).  We could add
a few more (though this makes more combinations to test, and to
explain, and that will break some things for some users).  User
controls are orthogonal to whether "Activities" request a suspend or
no suspending, which was the suggestion I was dissing.

> > We should understand why ohm isn't noticing that the activity updater
> > isn't idle.  Should Ohm be looking for a higher cpu idle% in the
> > seconds before it suspends?  Should it be looking for minimal numbers
> > of context switches per second before it suspends? ...
> What happens when the updater is modified?  Do we have to reanalyze 
> the behaviour pattern everyime we have chage the updater and then rewrite 
> the heurestic code in OHM? What if I'm doing something else at the
> same time as running the updater which completely modifies the behaviour?
> And what about when we change to a new kernel and the scheduler behaviour
> changes (see #7603)?

For an idea of where Linux power management is going, see Richard
Woodruff's presentation from the Ottawa Linux Power Management summit:

What OLPC is doing was cutting-edge -- before Richard got started.
And he's not putting kludges into applications -- he's hacking how the
kernel allocates resources (which is its job and its only job).

His code is in mainline kernels, runs on the Texas Instruments OMAP3
system-on-chip, and aims for cellphone-like battery life with
Linux-laptop-like features and performance.  (I have no inside
knowledge, but would be surprised if the OMAP3 wasn't a possible
candidate processor for the XO-2.)  My favorite slide is #3, the graph
of volts and amps -- which sits at zero volts, zero amps most of the
time, and rises to 0.9 volts at 50 mA occasionally, spending 94% of
its time at zero.  This is running Linux on a 550 MHz ARM.

In Richard's model, drivers clock down and/or power down their devices
whenever they aren't in use, and can rapidly power them up and restore
their registers as needed, invisibly to user software.  This includes
the "CPU driver", i.e. the scheduler, dispatcher, and cpuidle
implementation.  The CPU goes through 7 increasingly power-miserly
states, resuming from the deepest (CPU power-off) in about 30ms.

The reason the XO-1 has had so much trouble with suspend is because
it's a first-generation effort, using a processor that was designed
for Winblows' multi-second manual suspends.  Our board design also
took a lot of evolution and still has a few misfeatures.  Things will
be very different in the hardware world shortly.  OLPC gets
significant credit for pushing the chip industry to notice how badly
its power management sucked.  Let's not mess up our code base (or our
mindsets) while they're going through the design cycles to get it

(The XO-1 hardware can do much better than it's doing.  I see in
Joyride-2263 that USB drivers are in modules now, so Ohm can unload
'em when it wants to suspend and resume in only HALF a second instead
of a whole second.  But when I enable "Extreme Power Management", ohm
is not actually powering off the USB bus and unloading the USB modules
yet!  My USB keyboard works if plugged in; and the modules are still
there.  Chris, does this need a new TRAC besides #7113 and #7434?)

Devel mailing list

Re: First impressions of joyride-2280

2008-08-11 Thread Richard A. Smith
Ton van Overbeek wrote:

> - The polling of the EC every 30 seconds has disappeared.  At least
>   it does not show up in the dmesg output.
> - More important, the touchpad seems to behave much better. May be
>   related to the reduced polling of the EC.

That makes sense if previously you were seeing jumpy touchpad behavior 
every 30 seconds or so.  During EC command processing the kernel 
disables interrupts which means that you won't be responding to data 
from the touchpad.  The update rate for the touchpad is 12ms so if you 
hang out for longer than 12 ms we think you lose motion data.  I don't 
know how deep the buffer is on the touchpad but it does not seem to be 
very deep.  The EC only buffers a single byte.

Richard Smith  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
One Laptop Per Child
Devel mailing list

New faster build 2284

2008-08-11 Thread Build Announcer v2

Changes in build 2284 from build: 2281

Size delta: 0.00M

-PolicyKit-olpc 1.1-1.fc9
+PolicyKit-olpc 1.2-1.fc9
-dbus-python 0.82.4-2.fc9
+dbus-python 0.83.0-2.fc9
-libvolume_id 124-1.fc9.2
+libvolume_id 124-2.fc9
-udev 124-1.fc9.2
+udev 124-2.fc9

--- Changes for PolicyKit-olpc 1.2-1.fc9 from 1.1-1.fc9 ---
  + Initial release

--- Changes for dbus-python 0.83.0-2.fc9 from 0.82.4-2.fc9 ---
  + Update to 0.83.0.
  + fix license tag

--- Changes for udev 124-2.fc9 from 124-1.fc9.2 ---
  + added patch for cdrom tray close bug (rhbz#453095)
  + fixed udevadm syntax in start_udev (credits B.J.W. Polman)

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Devel mailing list

New wireless/mesh icon info testers needed (#2866, #6995)

2008-08-11 Thread Martin Dengler

I'm looking for joyride testers with 10 or so minutes willing to pull
down a git clone and temporarily use it for their Sugar session to
test these behaviors:

I'd be very interested in any feedback.  If you care to read some
recent design discussions, I'd glance at this:

In order to test, you will need to have a recent joyride (anything in
the last few weeks should be fine) and to follow the instructions at :

cd /home/olpc
git-clone git:// xo-sugar-2866
cd /usr/share/sugar/shell
for dir in hardware model view ; do sudo mv $dir ${dir}.orig ; sudo ln -s 
/home/olpc/xo-sugar-2866/src/${dir} ; done

To uninstall, just:

cd /usr/share/sugar/shell
for dir in hardware model view ; do sudo rm ${dir} ; sudo mv ${dir}.orig $dir ; 

Many thanks to garycmartin for being a courageous alpha tester
already.  Gary, if you want to test these updates, rewind[1] your git
clone and re-pull.


PS - this is the bug I'm trying to address: , and this is bug that this is a big
part of:


cd /home/olpc/xo-sugar-2866   # or wherever you put it
git-reset --hard HEAD~10  # 10 back should be enough ;)

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Devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Need help: mounting usb devices on headless machines

2008-08-11 Thread Rahul Sundaram
Martin Langhoff wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 6:52 PM, James Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Don't know about Fedoristas, but on Debian and derivatives this is what
>> I do for a backup disk that is identified by UUID and then backed up to
>> ... all when plugged in ... beep ... wait for rsync ... beep beep ...
>> pull it out.
> ...
>>echo -en '\007' > /dev/tty1
> Well, it *seems* that I cannot get a bell to sound on any of the
> systems I can get my hands on today. 2 XS (F7, based) desktop
> machines, 3 different laptops (running F9, Hardy), no bell on
> ambiguous autocompletion, no audible response to echo -en '\007' on
> any tty. Nothing obvious in termcap/terminfo (I'm not too handy with
> those but no 'vb' that I can see).
> Hmmm. pcspkr.ko is loaded in all of them.
> And the web is full of advise on how to *disable* it, so I guess
> modern linuxen have disabled it en-masse, using some trick I can't
> spot right now. The obvious place is termcap/terminfo, but nothing
> there... Ah, grumble.
> ideas?

Some earlier versions of Fedora including Fedora 7 had it disabled in 
the kernel level because of the number of complaints and bug reports we 
got. I am not sure there is a easy way to enable that again in those 

I think it was enabled again by default in Fedora 8 along with detailed 
instructions in the release notes to disable it which helped. That is 
the same for Fedora 9 too.

Devel mailing list

Re: First impressions of joyride-2280

2008-08-11 Thread Martin Dengler
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 02:15:28PM -0400, Chris Ball wrote:
> Hi,
>>> - After suspending with the power button however (screen goes off)
>>> and resuming with the power button, eth0 is down and does not come
>>> up automatically. Manually bringing it up with ifconfig and
>>> assigning it the same ip4 address as before allows to continue the
>>> external ssh session.
>> Reproduced this here. I was able to just do an "ifconfig up eth0"
>> after resume and NM reinstantiated the connection to my AP and my
>> TCP sessions stayed up but this obviously wrong behaviour.
> I think I'm going to back out the change that tells NM to sleep and wake
> during "sleep mode".  NM should be doing all the same things it does to
> find a connection at startup, but it's clearly not working.  Maybe we'll
> be able to re-enable this after we move to NM 0.7.

Just in case, this might just be -
NM doesn't always notice changes because haldaemon doesn't always
notice changes.

I've been quite happy with how NM does its wake-up logic after coming
out of XO sleep, despite [1].  I'm using joyride-2271, so if it's
"clearly not working", perhaps it's a recent regression?  I can help
joyride-bisect or something.  I'd hate to have the baby thrown out
with the bathwather, if indeed you do prefer NM to re-do its wake-up
logic in this post-sleep case.

> This means that the XO won't look for a new connection when coming out
> of sleep, and will re-use whatever you were connected to before.

Is there a way to force NM to re-scan (do it's "wake" behavior) in the
GUI?  If not, and if NM won't notice you've lost the AP and re-wake,
your change will be useful when you just close/open and don't move
around but annoying when moving locations.

> - Chris.



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Devel mailing list

Re: A simple signed bundle/directory trust scheme for the XS

2008-08-11 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 2:24 AM, Michael Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  * What use cases are you trying to support?

Insert a usb stick with content that is OK'd by the regional NOC
(network operations centre) for execution/installation on the XS.

>   * What threats obstruct supporting those use cases?

Content could be modified on the way to insert evil sharks with
frikking lasers into the XS.

>   * What trust structure are you trying to create and how does it
>   mitigate the threats while permitting the use cases?

As I've written, we trust keys put in place at install time. Install
time is privileged, root user is privileged.

>   * What algorithms are you going to use and why?

Whatever GPG uses for signatures, SHA1 for file integrity because I'd
be an idiot to try and be smarter than crypto researchers.

>  * What security
> properties are you trying to check?

Signed by the NOC, not changed.

> (Perhaps you've already answered some of these basic questions elsewhere
> and you simply left out the citation?)

I could cite ISBN: 978-0-7645-1679-5 :-)

I'll look at JAR signing and olpc-contents. Thanks for the pointers...


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
Devel mailing list

New joyride build 2285

2008-08-11 Thread Build Announcer v2

Changes in build 2285 from build: 2281

Size delta: 0.00M

-PolicyKit-olpc 1.1-1.fc9
+PolicyKit-olpc 1.2-1.fc9
-olpcsound 5.08.92-3.olpc3
+olpcsound 5.08.92-7.olpc3
-dbus-python 0.82.4-2.fc9
+dbus-python 0.83.0-2.fc9
-libvolume_id 124-1.fc9.2
+libvolume_id 124-2.fc9
-udev 124-1.fc9.2
+udev 124-2.fc9

--- Changes for PolicyKit-olpc 1.2-1.fc9 from 1.1-1.fc9 ---
  + Initial release

--- Changes for dbus-python 0.83.0-2.fc9 from 0.82.4-2.fc9 ---
  + Update to 0.83.0.
  + fix license tag

--- Changes for udev 124-2.fc9 from 124-1.fc9.2 ---
  + added patch for cdrom tray close bug (rhbz#453095)
  + fixed udevadm syntax in start_udev (credits B.J.W. Polman)

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Devel mailing list

Activity updater - work with XS?

2008-08-11 Thread Martin Langhoff
Hi Scott,

Now that we have olpc-update able to use a local XS, I'm wondering
whether we can get activities on the local server too.

The old activity-update doesn't exist any more (at least at
git:// ), so my guess is
that the code has been absorved into sugar-update-control.

A few easy questions
 - How does it read the master list of available activities?
 - Does it use the URL in the activity metadata as per

I am wondering whether we can make it attempt to retrieve things from
'http://schoolserver/bla' (or even rsync://schoolserver/activities)
before it hits "external" urls.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
Devel mailing list

olpc-update and split-horizon dns

2008-08-11 Thread Martin Langhoff
Hi Scott,

If the lease server proper is not in use (for XOs with very long
leases), olpc-update will never use the local school server.

Talking to Wad earlier today, he mentioned that at one stage using a
split horizon DNS that masks was part of the plan.
It's trivial for me to do - will it break any assumptions?

(And the curious question: will olpc-update read updates blindly from
anyone calling itself I'm assuming it checks sigs
on contents beforehand anyway.)


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
Devel mailing list

New faster build 2285

2008-08-11 Thread Build Announcer v2

Changes in build 2285 from build: 2284

Size delta: 0.00M

-olpcsound 5.08.92-3.olpc3
+olpcsound 5.08.92-8.olpc3

This mail was automatically generated
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Devel mailing list

New joyride build 2286

2008-08-11 Thread Build Announcer v2

Changes in build 2286 from build: 2285

Size delta: 0.00M

-olpcsound 5.08.92-7.olpc3
+olpcsound 5.08.92-8.olpc3

This mail was automatically generated
See for aggregate logs
See for a 
Devel mailing list

Re: A simple signed bundle/directory trust scheme for the XS

2008-08-11 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 2:24 AM, Michael Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you're more interested 'signed content lives in archives', then
> JAR-signing might be for you!

JARs look good but there don't seem to be decent cli tools to deal
with them (can fastjar sign and check sigs in packages?) and big Java
deps for the core XS are not in my plans.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
Devel mailing list

Re: New wireless/mesh icon info testers needed (#2866, #6995)

2008-08-11 Thread Ton van Overbeek
Tried your test for 2866.
Works as advertised for me (joyride-2280).
Could not test the mesh, since I have only one XO.
At startup, when showing the frame, you see first the attempt to
connect to the mesh, then
it is replaced by the AP icon and information. I like the signal
strength indication and the IP address.
The 'disconnect' option is gone from the frame. I suppose you have to
do this in the neighbourhood
view (have not read Eben's design proposal).

Ton van Overbeek
Devel mailing list

XS inconvenientes

2008-08-11 Thread Henry Vélez
Hola a todos los de las listas.

He venido trabajando en la configuración del servidor y hasta le momento
no ha sido exitosa.
Estoy guiándome por las indicaciones del Wiki en : y estoy utilizando la
versión 163.

La instalación (ok)
El cambio de dominio (ok)
Enable ejabberd (ok)
Create an account (ok)

Pero no he podido ver desde las XO o desde otro pc, el administrador web.
cuando realizo *ejabberdctl status* o cualquier comando con *ejabberdctl *
me arroja el siguiente mensaje:*RCP failed on the node [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

*He revisado en el archivo ejabberd.cfg y al parecer está correcto.

solicito su ayuda con este incoveniente. Ojalá me puedan ayudar.

Muchas gracias y Muchos saludos.

Henry Vélez Molina
Administrador de red OLPC
Fundación Marina Orth
Tel: (57)(4) 3412359
Móvil: 3127690169
Devel mailing list

Re: XS inconvenientes

2008-08-11 Thread Martin Langhoff
2008/8/12 Henry Vélez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Estoy guiándome por las indicaciones del Wiki en :
> y estoy utilizando la
> versión 163.

Necesitamos mas datos :-) Que comandos - exactamente - le estas dando al XS?

> Pero no he podido ver desde las XO o desde otro pc

Que has probado? Como te has conectado?


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
Devel mailing list

Re: A simple signed bundle/directory trust scheme for the XS

2008-08-11 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 2:24 AM, Michael Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you want to go the route of 'signed content lives in directories',
> then please examine the programs in olpc-contents
> and let us know in what way they can be improved before writing your
> own.

olpc-contents is fairly close to what I am doing. I am thinking about
a few things

I want moderately technical people to be able to build and check these
bundles (usb based or otherwise) on any modern OS:
 * What I want from olpc-contents is mostly what sha1sum does, and
sha1sum is very portable and widespread - even some GUIs are
 * olpc-contents not being self-contained and not being pure Python
hampers things further. IOWs, I cannot say "just download this
portable python script".

Of what olpc-contents adds, I only care about the check for extraneous
files. Other bits -- file owners and permissions -- I don't need, and
in fact get in the way. I would need a version of olpc-contents that
does not include (and later, does not care for) file ownership or mode

So it's close enough, but it gets in the way in a big time. Just
picture the instructions:

 - Only Windows users: install sha1sum from here - link to exe
(sha1sum is in stock OSX and Linuxen)
 - create an empty dir and put what you want inside
 - check no stray files are there
 - run 'sha1sum * > manifest.md5'
 - Windows users, here's an alternative GUI if you want...


 - Debian/Fedora users - here's a nice rpm & deb
 - Everyone else: install this python script with its related
libraries and bits in C... various pages of explanations based on - I quote:
"To build extensions using these instructions, you need to have a copy
of the Python sources of the same version as your installed Python.
You will need Microsoft Visual C++ ``Developer Studio''"...
 - create empty dir...

Must say - I've read the source and it's a good tool. However my
thinking right now is that it doesn't add enough for my use case, and
it gets in the way big-time. Just to make it usable for the use cases
I have will take several times more work to make it usable than to
write the little script I'm thinking of.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
Devel mailing list