Re: Wellington testers + Activities vs 8.2-759

2008-09-07 Thread joe
Hi Martin,

> Well, I get a "3 block" puzzle. Perhaps I don't understand the rules
> completely, but clicking on the blocks didn't do anything interesting.
> Other testers suggested I tried the larger games / blocksets and with
> those I managed to get some implosions going, though I didn't manage
> to solve one.

The way the game works, you can only remove blocks if they are in a
contiguous group of size *three or more*.  There are other score-based
games (like SameGnome) that allow you to remove blocks in groups as small
as one or two, but Implode is intended to emphasize logic over
accumulation of score, and the three-piece rule leads to puzzles that are
more obviously solvable.  I've tried to make the game "discoverable" by
only highlighting the removable groups as the mouse cursor passes over

There should always be a series of removals that clears the board.  It
sounds like you might have tried unsuccessfully to remove groups of one or
two on the easy level and didn't try removing a larger group.  Is this the
case?  If so, does the game perhaps need some sort of tutorial or hint

If you actually encountered a puzzle where it didn't let you click on
*any* blocks on the board right after the board was generated, that would
be a bug.  The easy puzzles should be easily solvable -- even random
clicking on blocks works for many of them.

-- Joe

Devel mailing list

cerebro documentation

2008-09-07 Thread Polychronis Ypodimatopoulos
Hello world,

The following document provides documentation on Cerebro's design, 
scalability properties, implementation and potential applications:

For the impatient, Chapter 3 provides a detailed technical and 
theoretical analysis of Cerebro's system architecture and design goals.

Chapter 4 provides a description of Cerebro's implementation and its 
various modules.

Chapter 5 provides an account of potential applications. This includes 
documentation on how the Xavier activity can be used for file-sharing, 
presence information, chat, etc.

Chapter 6 evaluates Cerebro's performance by providing experimental 
results on a testbed with tens of nodes.

With scalable regards,

Polychronis Ypodimatopoulos
Graduate student
Viral Communications
MIT Media Lab
Tel: +1 (617) 459-6058

Devel mailing list

Short circuting USB port?

2008-09-07 Thread Timothy Hobbs
Hello List,

My name is Timothy Hobbs and I have an OLPC XO-1 G1G1 laptop.  Last
night, I came down stairs with a headset plugged in to the audio
ports(both a speaker and headphones.  I plugged in my keyboad+mouse,
which are attached to an unpowerd "Targus USB mobil port replicator with
ethernet"(to the usb port directly bellow the audio ports), and I heard
a little popping noise in my headphones, and the OLPC was instantly off!
I started up the computer again, and plugged in the port replicator, and
again the OLPC turned off.  Now I know that with just a speaker plugged
in, plugging in the replicator is fine, but I've been to ffraid to
experiment much.  School starts up in 2 weeks and I can't loose my
laptop to a short circut right now.

Possible steps to reproduce:

Plug in a speaker and microphone into the audio ports.
Plug in a usb device to the port just below the audio ports.

I don't really know what could be causing this, it is very surprising
bug.  One oddnes about my system is that a while back the camera stopped
working(on test it gives me error code -1) but that is on the other
side.  The other oddness is that I keep my olpc up on a windowsill, when
I use the keyboard, so there may be a sligt downward pressure on the usb
port when the replicator is plugged in, as you can imagine that might be
pushing the end of the usb port up into the audio ports(lever action)
But I don't think that is likely.

Anyways, I hope that this is just a really weird problem with my
individual laptop, which can be ignored.  But I wanted to get this bug
out anyways.

Timothy Hobbs

Devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Work in progress - F9 install ISO

2008-09-07 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 9:04 PM, Douglas Bagnall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In an unrelated goose chase, I removed sqlalchemy from idmgr today.
> Not tested yet though.

A sqlachemy-free idmgr would be a welcome fix for the F9 port... once
it's tested! :-)


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
Server-devel mailing list

Re: Short circuting USB port?

2008-09-07 Thread James Cameron
G'day Timothy,

The symptoms you describe are also consistent with battery voltage
falling below the critical threshold as a result of the powering up of
the host-powered hub, keyboard and mouse.  But only if there was no AC
adaptor connected.  Was there one connected at the time?

James Cameronmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Devel mailing list

Font problems (affecting Java and others?)

2008-09-07 Thread Alan Eliasen

I'm working on making it possible to get Java to run on the OLPC, 
and have a solution to what many of you may have seen:  the problem that 
any Java program uses a strange italicized serif font, no matter what 
font you request.  This odd font is used everywhere, and no other fonts 
seem to work.

This is focusing on the OpenJDK distribution as found in 
yum.  (That's "yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk")  I've also considered 
gcj, but gcj's implementations of things like AWT or Swing is far less 
complete than OpenJDK currently.  My OLPC is running Joyride 2346.  I 
was glad to see that despite what our Wiki says about Java, it's 
actually relatively easy to make graphical Java programs at least run on 
the OLPC, to switch to its window, etc.  (I'm not talking about making 
it a full-blown activity, which is dependent on a lot of other things 
happening, such as not having to set X properties on windows, bug and having a clean implementation of 
the services currently built in Python, and making a C/Java binding to 

(By the way, I'm also experimenting with "java-gnome" which creates 
GTK bindings for gnome, so Java interfaces can look more like other 
Sugar applications, but due to several compounding bugs in our yum 
distribution, I can't build that on the OLPC, and can't emulate the OLPC 
due to bug .  I'll file those later.) 
  I know that there may be involved workarounds for some of these bugs, 
but I think it's important for everyone to know which bugs are seriously 
hampering developers who want to contribute, but don't have the time to 
research and duplicate lots of workarounds.  BTW, is there any progress 
on 7813?

The problem is that our files are not set up 
correctly for the fonts distributed on the OLPC.  I've verified that 
adding one file fixes the problem, but there are several ways of fixing 
the problem and I wanted input from others on the proper way to do it.

Here's a page that gives background on how fonts are loaded in Java:

(It's Java 1.5 but it still seems to work the same in OpenJDK 1.6)

When looking at that page, note that Joyride 2346 sets the following:


Thus, it searches for a working font configuration in the following 

*  /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.6.0-openjdk/lib/fontconfig.Fedora.bfc

 The one marked with * is the first one that exists.  The .bfc files 
are a binary format.

 In the above directory, there exists a file 

By copying this file to the filename "" 
in the same directory, we can create a file that is found before the 
.bfc file and test our changes.

Inside the new "" file, at the end, 
there are lines like:


Unfortunately, those font files don't exist, but instead of, say 
DejaVuSans.ttf, we have files named DejaVuLGCSans.ttf.

Fixing the "" to change filenames of all 
DejaVu... to DejaVuLGC... fixes these problems, and Java implementations 
now display correctly.

Now, how is the proper way to fix it?  Here are a few alternatives:

1.) Just add the fixed properties file as demonstrated above to the 
OLPC's OpenJDK distribution.  Doing this is nice because it doesn't 
affect any existing files, and it's user-tweakable as opposed to the 
compiled .bfc file.

2.) Create symbolic links in the fonts directory, for example, 
DejaVuSans.ttf would be a symbolic link to DejaVuLGCSans.ttf.  I don't 
know if this might help other applications.  Note that Fedora 9 usually 
contains /usr/share/fonts/dejavu/ *AND* /usr/share/fonts/dejavu-lgc/ 
directories while the OLPC just contains the former.

3.) Add the missing fonts?

4.) Do some unspecified font fallback trick?

5.) Change "osname" (probably fetched from the Java property in the OpenJava JVM from "Fedora" to something more specific to 
the OLPC, like "OLPC".  This might allow us to push an OLPC 
configuration file upstream to the OpenJDK project.  I'm not sure where is set, or how it is detected, though.

Which of these (or some other alternative) is the best way to fix 
our Java font problem?

I'll file a bug on this.  Is there anyone in 

Re: Font problems (affecting Java and others?)

2008-09-07 Thread Alan Eliasen
Alan Eliasen wrote:
> I'm working on making it possible to get Java to run on the OLPC, 
> and have a solution to what many of you may have seen:  the problem that 
> any Java program uses a strange italicized serif font, no matter what 
> font you request.  This odd font is used everywhere, and no other fonts 
> seem to work.

Update:  I have filed bug for this 
issue, if you'd rather respond there.

I have also done further research, and OpenJDK's font configuration 
file points at many fonts that aren't distributed on the OLPC, including 
fonts for Bengali, Malayalam, Tamil, etc.  These will need to be fixed 
or added also.

   Alan Eliasen  |  "Furious activity is no substitute
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]|for understanding."  |   --H.H. Williams
Devel mailing list

Terminal Text Fragment Drop Support Patch

2008-09-07 Thread Cortland Setlow

Terminal really should support  dropping dev key commands, I think.  Here's
a patch to make it do so. Could we update the devkey page to explain
frame-based cut and paste?

Also,  I am looking for suggestions on how to upload patches from Sugar.  To
upload this one I created a Write document, quit Write, and used vi to edit
the newly-created datastore object.  Then the Web file picker could choose

The world is quiet here.

Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
Devel mailing list

Re: Font problems (affecting Java and others?)

2008-09-07 Thread Michael Stone

Thanks very much for the detailed writeup of your findings (and for your
efforts make OLPC's software distribution more friendly to people who
like Java). I can't personally resolve any of the questions which you
raise with any authority but I can direct you toward the people who
might be able to -- those people tend to live in #fedora-devel and on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] might. (In particular, you'll find the
Fedora OpenJDK packagers among them.)


Devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Notes on replacing bridging with bonding

2008-09-07 Thread Martin Langhoff
Read in depth -
excellent docs! - and performed some tests on one of my XS sample
machines, replacing br0 with bond0.

It works and I will attempt the switchover. We'll need quite a bit of
testing to feel confident with this though...

This is roughly what I am doing:

# mark the device as a bonding device
# - for some reason TYPE does not work
# cat /etc/modprobe.d/xs-bonding
alias bond0 bonding

# cat ifcfg-msh0
# Will be brought up by wlanX

# this replaces the bridge - all the bonding opts
# I can see are for actually bonded devices - any
# useful options we should use...?
# cat ifcfg-bond0


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
Server-devel mailing list