Re: [IAEP] Long-term development strategy (Was: New XO-1.5 10.2.0 build 119)

2010-04-13 Thread Peter Robinson
On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 2:31 AM, Bernie Innocenti  wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-04-12 at 23:54 +0100, Peter Robinson wrote:
>> Bernie, I'm not sure the point of this point at this point in time. To
>> copy and paste part of the response I did to the other thread on
>> fedora-olpc for others benefit.
>> I personally don't see the point discussing it because from where I
>> sit I believe it will be supported well in both and continue to be so.
>> That way people have the choice. It might well get to a stage where
>> the newer versions of sugar won't run in RHEL/CentOS due to whatever
>> deps at which point we get to a situation where that release becomes
>> like 0.84 is currently and is a long term support release. I don't see
>> why its hard to support both because its not. The package maintenance
>> is simple and is done easily by a couple of people. There will be
>> Fedora and it will continue to be supported in Fedora for the
>> developers and the like that want the bleeding edge and then there
>> will be the EL branch for those that don't like so much blood. Its
>> called choice. There's no reason to limit it. There's not much point
>> discussing it at the moment as RHEL-6 isn't out yet, yes its in beta
>> but its not out.
> I agree on this, but it misses the point :-)

Not exactly.

> I'm sure maintaining the Sugar 0.84 packages will be easy in RHEL6 as it
> is in F11. I've even back-ported Sugar 0.88 to Fedora 11 with minimal
> tweaks.
> Most end-user support issues lay within base OS components rather than
> the relatively small codebase of Sugar. Here are some real-world
> examples from this development cycle:


>  * GSM connectivity requires up-to-date versions of udev and
>   modem-manager to support USB dongles commonly available in stores

RH updates those sort of components regularly to ensure support.

>  * Playing multimedia content downloaded from the Internet requires
>   gstreamer with up-to-date codecs

That is not due to up to date codecs but rather patent free codecs.
Completely different issues. That is as valid with F-13 today as

>  * activities such as Record tend to uncover obscure bugs in GStreamer

Nothing stopping these being fixed in RHEL/CentOS.

>  * Browse depends on xulrunner for security and compatiblity with web
>   standards. Surfing the web today with a version of Firefox from
>   3 years ago would be unthinkable

RHEL updates this regularly as well and actively moves to the current
version. I believe RHEL-5 has firefox 3.5

>  * ...not to mention NetworkManager...

Mention what about it? We don't use any of the latest NM features, its
stable and the maintainer actively assists and accepts patches.

> I would guesstimate that 80% of my time went into fixing platform bugs
> and just 20% on Sugar itself. In part, this is because I could offload
> the actual bugfixing to helpful people such as alsroot, silbe,
> sayamindu, mtd and others.

You are not alone, you should see my BZ queue.

>> In short RHEL-6 isn't out yet, the associated CentOS6 release is quite
>> a while away as a result. Also ARM isn't a supported platform there.
>> Sugar is about options and I think having both options will be of
>> benefit to different users. I believe the leading edge Fedora will
>> continue to be a platform for development and then others in the know
>> or deployments themselves can make the decision as to what's best for
>> them.
> In practice, choosing the distro independently of Sugar won't be
> feasible on the XO until:
> 1) we merge (or kill) all the OLPC customizations. dsd and sdz have done
>   a lot of work in this direction, but there are still a number of
>   rogue packages in F11-XO1.

In fact alot of the differences in packages were merged back in by me
in the F-10/F-11 timeframe. I'm well aware of those issues, I still
track them closely. I just wish it was the same with the kernel :-)

> 2) we switch to a real package system for activities with full support
>   for dependency checking and a build cluster for multiple targets.

One word. PackageKit. Then its agnostic for all the distributions.

> After this is done, it remains to be seen if someone who is using RHEL-6
> on the XO would be able to file a bug in Red Hat's Bugzilla and actually
> get it fixed for free. I have a feeling one would need to purchase an
> enterprise support contract of some kind in order to attract the
> necessary developer attention.

You've obviously not dealt with them then on the RHEL side of things.
I work for a company that had over 1200 RHEL systems.

There are advantages to both approaches and I don't see that
supporting both is going to be an issue to do so at least in the short
term. I don't see that we need to rule out either option.

Devel mailing list

Re: open source vs. constructionist learning

2010-04-13 Thread Ismael Luceno
El Tue, 13 Apr 2010 09:40:27 +0800
Carlos Nazareno  escribió:
> Which of the 2 scenarios is constructionist?

How could you justify to not include source code?

That's evil. As evil as suggesting the use of a platform that children
would be unable to use if they wished to.

Even good documentation doesn't replace the need for source code,
because studying it isn't the only purpose, it's a matter of security,
durability, and simply the right to know what it's really doing under
the hoods. Having the ability to comfortably fix, enhace, and share
it, make it run on any architecture current and future, and also serve
as an aid to learn the language it's written on. But I'm sure there are
thousands millions of reasons more.

Also you shouldn't underestimate their ability to learn new skills.

Ismael Luceno

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Devel mailing list

Re: using XO for Internet Math Tutoring

2010-04-13 Thread Stanley Sokolow
Hi, Martin,

Thanks for your reply.  When you said to "just install Flash", your brevity
actually was helpful.   It made me think that maybe getting FlashPlayer to
run correctly on Sugar is a non-issue by now.  I plan to retry the Flash and
browser downloads from the wiki.  They seem to have been improved since I
first started working on this last year.

In any case, I've said my thoughts about Flash on the XO, and probably
didn't change anyone's mind about anything.   'Nuf said.

You're right about my role.  Sonya's the educator.  I'm the geek.

Let's all get back to making things work, rather than just talking about



On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 8:28 PM, Martin Langhoff

> Hi,
> sorry I'm brief (to the unfortunate point of rudeness) -- I am working
> 30hr days in a 60K deployment. Which happens to want to use Flash. In
> fact I just helped the local team find and we are adding the
> relevant rpm to the build.
> I find it puzzling that there is so much over the top drama. Situation
> is simple.
> "Mainstream users" get their XO from a deployment -- it's up to the
> deployment team to define the OS (inc Flash), and they have no prob
> rolling it into the image.
> Other users (those that get OLPC's images) are usually developers...
> who can hopefully rpm -i MyFaveRuntime-1.2.4.rpm with no problem.
> Sonya has you as resident geek I can guess, so it is up to you to do
> the rpm magic -- I have similar duties at home as the resident geek.
> There is the G1G1 crowd as a 3rd group. If you care about them, get a
> Flash enthusiasts gang and spin an image with Flash (get Adobe's ok,
> of course).
> There is no drama to justify these huge discussions. Let's see the end
> of this thread.
> m
> --
> -- School Server Architect
>  - ask interesting questions
>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
>  -
Devel mailing list

re: open source vs. constructionist learning

2010-04-13 Thread Carlos Nazareno
"How could you justify to not include source code?
That's evil. As evil as suggesting the use of a platform that children
would be unable to use if they wished to."

I'm really sorry for cluttering the list again, but I had to
immediately reply to this.

Some developers need to put food on the table and feed themselves and
their family.
Do you think that's evil?

Do you think that it's fair that the legendary genius Sean T. Cooper
who made at
Bullfrog who's now making a humble living as an indie Flash game
developer ( is forced to give away
for free to everyone his isometric game engine that he's selling
( which he worked on for
over a decade? He's already freely giving to everyone via tutorials &
free as in beer games to enjoy, but must you take away his livelihood?

Not every developer can be as fortunate to be as successful as John
Carmack to afford a Ferrari and play with actual spacecraft to give
away his game engines for free (we owe a great debt to this man).

About code/apps as art: can't you respect the artistic wishes of an
artist? Is it evil for a magician to keep secret the tricks of his

Code is art. If you are the author, it contains a part of your soul.

Is it fair to invade JD Salinger's privacy against his wishes and
demand he give an interview just to get ?

I agree about the security issues of not having the sourcecode for review.

That is why it is dangerous for governments to be completely reliant
on closed-source technologies.

How about this: provide the sourcecode/files for private review to the
governing body (like the OLPC dev team or organizers of local
deployments) to make sure it doesn't contain malware, backdoors, etc
and plays nice with the system, but not open to the whole world
because it can also be exploited for the wrong reasons (hacking, kid
cheating without learning (my multiple choice math puzzle example)) or
prevent the author from feeding himself?

Or maybe for the author to give his utmost assurance that the software
contains no malware if he/she is unable to legally give reveal the
sourcecode or if it will truly impair his ability to feed and clothe
himself and his family.

Is that acceptable?

This is a hypothetical situation, but what if none of you guys or the
kids speak the language the program was written in?

What if the app was written in ?
Aside from the admiration of the sheer craftsmanship and awesome
display of a true work of horror, what good is it to anyone who wants
to patch and improve the software?

What I think is evil is people who freely take other peoples' work and
not give anything back in return, use it for good/productively, give
credit or contribute to the community. For example, pirates and
black-hat hackers who do it for profit and not for reasons of limited
finances or without the intention of giving back something in return
when they have the opportunity to do so later on.

I'm sorry if I offended you guys, but I hope you can see that some of
my points are very valid.



carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: open source vs. constructionist learning

2010-04-13 Thread Ismael Luceno
El Tue, 13 Apr 2010 17:06:04 +0800
Carlos Nazareno  escribió:
> Some developers need to put food on the table and feed themselves and
> their family.
> Do you think that's evil?

As long as they distribute their software as free software, it's a good
thing. Distributing non-free software is evil.

There's no reason to do privative software. If my employer started to
do something like that I would immediately quit and find another job.

But, even if you can't find a company that agrees with the free
software philosophy, doing software for internal use only isn't
something bad, and many companies need such software.

> Do you think that it's fair that the legendary genius Sean T. Cooper
> who made at
> Bullfrog who's now making a humble living as an indie Flash game
> developer ( is forced to give away
> for free to everyone his isometric game engine that he's selling
> ( which he worked on for
> over a decade? He's already freely giving to everyone via tutorials &
> free as in beer games to enjoy, but must you take away his livelihood?

Why making his work free software would make him poor? :S

In fact, what prevents him from selling his engine if it were free
software? He would make much more money...

> About code/apps as art: can't you respect the artistic wishes of an
> artist? Is it evil for a magician to keep secret the tricks of his
> trade?

There's a huge difference between performance of an art and the

But, back to the problem, you could solve it by simply releasing the
artwork under a different license (e.g. CC-BY-ND). But the code itself
should be free software.

> How about this: provide the sourcecode/files for private review to the
> governing body (like the OLPC dev team or organizers of local
> deployments) to make sure it doesn't contain malware, backdoors, etc
> and plays nice with the system, but not open to the whole world
> because it can also be exploited for the wrong reasons (hacking, kid
> cheating without learning (my multiple choice math puzzle example)) or
> prevent the author from feeding himself?

Not general enough, and anyway why should the children trust OLPC?
Why should I trust OLPC? I want to see it myself.

BTW, you should re-read my previous e-mail, there are more reasons.

Hacking/cheating would never be a problem we should care about, same
can be done with the binary.

> Or maybe for the author to give his utmost assurance that the software
> contains no malware if he/she is unable to legally give reveal the
> sourcecode or if it will truly impair his ability to feed and clothe
> himself and his family.
> Is that acceptable?

I don't see how releasing the code under acceptable terms (i.e. free
software license) would make the author starve.

But if he doesn't desires to do so, he could keep it in his HDD, nobody
would use it... is that better?

> This is a hypothetical situation, but what if none of you guys or the
> kids speak the language the program was written in?

Then we could learn it! that's fun :D.

> What if the app was written in ?
> Aside from the admiration of the sheer craftsmanship and awesome
> display of a true work of horror, what good is it to anyone who wants
> to patch and improve the software?

You're torturing your own argument.

> -
> What I think is evil is people who freely take other peoples' work and
> not give anything back in return, use it for good/productively, give
> credit or contribute to the community. For example, pirates and
> black-hat hackers who do it for profit and not for reasons of limited
> finances or without the intention of giving back something in return
> when they have the opportunity to do so later on.

Yep, that's another kind of evil, but I don't feel affected by it...

Except perhaps pirates, if I had a ship it would be a huge problem.

But I don't see how that relates to our discussion, you get
improvements and more software in return...

Anyway, we should teach child what is good, and free software is the
only answer.

Ismael Luceno

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Devel mailing list

Re: open source vs. constructionist learning

2010-04-13 Thread Bert Freudenberg
On 13.04.2010, at 11:06, Carlos Nazareno wrote:
> I'm sorry if I offended you guys

At this point you're not even offensive anymore, just pitiable.

We're not demanding anyone is giving away anything for free. We simply choose 
to do that ourselves, and we want to enable others to do the same, so we make 
available everything someone else might need to build on our work. But nobody 
is forcing you to do as we do, so don't whine. 

- Bert -

Devel mailing list

Re: open source vs. constructionist learning

2010-04-13 Thread Richard Dobson
On 13/04/2010 10:42, Ismael Luceno wrote:
> El Tue, 13 Apr 2010 17:06:04 +0800
> Carlos Nazareno  escribió:
>> Some developers need to put food on the table and feed themselves and
>> their family.
>> Do you think that's evil?
> As long as they distribute their software as free software, it's a good
> thing. Distributing non-free software is evil.

How evil? Scale of 1 to 10: compared to what other evil things?

> There's no reason to do privative software. If my employer started to
> do something like that I would immediately quit and find another job.

Lucky you. You have an employer. Not everyone is so fortunate.

> Why making his work free software would make him poor? :S
> In fact, what prevents him from selling his engine if it were free
> software? He would make much more money...

RUBBISH. If people can get stuff without paying, they won't pay. I have 
a Paypal "donate" button on one of my web pages for people to use who 
are making a lot of use (including commercial/industrial) of some tools 
I am giving away free (and which indeed may well become OSS in due 
course - depends on something outside my control). It has yet to be 
taken up. I do not see that releasing the source will suddenly make 
users feel supportive enough to start making any donation at all. QED.

>> About code/apps as art: can't you respect the artistic wishes of an
>> artist? Is it evil for a magician to keep secret the tricks of his
>> trade?
> There's a huge difference between performance of an art and the
> software.

You don't have the right to make such an assertion. That's called 
fascism. Only the author has the right to make such a determination.

I am on the verge of giving up on giving away software (I have given 
away quite a lot; some is in OLPC) - because I am broke. I literally 
cannot afford to commit time to it. And seeing people in the privileged 
position of being in employment accuse people such as me of being in any 
way evil discourages me from making any contribution at all. Why should 
I bother? I cannot pay my rent using the "gratitude of the community"!

Richard Dobson

Devel mailing list

Please stop it (was: Re: errata)

2010-04-13 Thread Sascha Silbe

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 10:38:40AM +0800, Carlos Nazareno wrote:

I know a lot of us would rather date the less attractive girl over the
dumb blonde, but are you guys saying the smart blonde is less hawt?
(go Natalie Portman!)

OK, you're definitely starting to offend people. Please stop it.
Actually, please stop all the related threads. Instead of asking for 
specific help on a task, you're just whining about us not doing 
something *you* want done.

CU Sascha


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Devel mailing list

Re: open source vs. constructionist learning

2010-04-13 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> We're not demanding anyone is giving away anything for free. We simply
> choose to do that ourselves, and we want to enable others to do the same, so
> we make available everything someone else might need to build on our work.
> But nobody is forcing you to do as we do, so don't whine.

I'm fine with open-sourcing my own stuff and I have been.

The argument is relevant because if the kids access 3rd-party flash
games on the web, they won't have access to the sourcecode.

The VM brings the exact same situation as Apple allowing "unapproved"
apps running on the iPhone.

If we're talking about OLPC's official policy for apps that will be
distributed in official main builds, there are no arguments about open

Local deployments are free to do with their machines as they want.

carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: using XO for Internet Math Tutoring

2010-04-13 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 12:47 AM, Stanley Sokolow
> maybe getting FlashPlayer to
> run correctly on Sugar is a non-issue by now

I think it Just Works, but if there are technical issues we will be
interested in hearing about them and exploring solutions. Let us know
how it goes, file bugs and/or report on this list.

> Let's all get back to making things work, rather than just talking about
> them.


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Devel mailing list

Re: New XO-1.5 10.2.0 build 119

2010-04-13 Thread Daniel Drake
On 12 April 2010 19:13, Peter Robinson  wrote:
> That's because of the exim. Do a 'yum install ssmtp' then a 'yum
> remove exim' and most of that problem goes away. the auto depsolving
> for '/usr/bin/sendmail' get exim by default because its the shortest
> name and comes first. exim depends on perl. ssmtp is a very small 50k
> dep that gives cronie what it wants.

Indeed. The change seems fine so I adjusted the build configuration.

Once runin is fixed, sugar-only builds will have dropped the dependency on perl.

Devel mailing list

Re: New XO-1.5 10.2.0 build 119

2010-04-13 Thread Peter Robinson
On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Daniel Drake  wrote:
> On 12 April 2010 19:13, Peter Robinson  wrote:
>> That's because of the exim. Do a 'yum install ssmtp' then a 'yum
>> remove exim' and most of that problem goes away. the auto depsolving
>> for '/usr/bin/sendmail' get exim by default because its the shortest
>> name and comes first. exim depends on perl. ssmtp is a very small 50k
>> dep that gives cronie what it wants.
> Indeed. The change seems fine so I adjusted the build configuration.
> Once runin is fixed, sugar-only builds will have dropped the dependency on 
> perl.

I filed this bug [1] for the inkscape dep and I think that should fix
the build for sugar+gnome builds as well.

Devel mailing list

Re: open source vs. constructionist learning

2010-04-13 Thread John Watlington

   This was posted to the wrong list.   Please post
questions about constructivist learning to IEAP
 where people
who study education can provide a real answer.


On Apr 12, 2010, at 9:40 PM, Carlos Nazareno wrote:

> Questions:
> A) Syntax vs. Algorithms
> Scenario 1:
> complex XO game is built in C, binary, complete C sourcecode + all
> source files + minimal documentation are included. Kid only
> understands Python. Sourcecode is complete gibberish. Kid enjoys game
> anyway & learns from content.
> Scenario 2:
> complex XO game is built in C, binary, no sourcefiles or C sourcecode
> included, but algorithms/principles used to create the game +
> mechanics in English tutorial + pseudocode are included so users can
> create their own version of the game using any language. Kid only
> understands Python. Kid enjoys game anyway & learns from content.
> Which of the 2 scenarios is constructionist?
> B) Engaging vs. Spoonfeeding
> Scenario 1:
> Closed binary of new free fantastic game is provided, contains
> chockful of puzzles & easter eggs for kid to explore and discover.
> There are no spoilers available on the net. Kid explores and
> collaborates with friends & classmates to solve the game, gain
> inspiration from the game & implement their own inspired version in
> Python.
> Scenario 2:
> Sourcecode is included, kids peek into the sourcecode to get all the
> answers to the puzzles without having to explore, collaborate or flex
> their mental muscles or creativity. Basically no effort. Game over,
> game is done. They have a good laugh and move on to the next game.
> Which of the 2 scenarios is constructionist?
> Alternately, replace game with multiple choice math puzzles. Available
> multiple choice answers had no explanation, just the plain answers
> (e.g. 5, 12, 3.5, etc)
> C) Artistic Vision
> Scenario 1:
> I am an artist. This is my vision of a game, this is how I implemented
> it. This is my artistic statement, and I hope it inspires the audience
> to create their own artistic statement (hopefully games themselves
> too) inspired by it. I do not want users to tinker with and modify the
> sourcecode game itself I made, I want them to flex their mental
> muscles and creativity and create their own original games using any
> tool they want.
> Theoretical Example:
> Scenario 2:
> Kid changes some of the text like the names of the characters, reskins
> some of the art assets, but game is unchanged. Laughs and enjoyment
> are had by friends, but nothing groundbreaking or original is
> achieved.
> Real-world  Example:
> The *Official* Beijing Olympics committee hired programmmers who
> reverse engineered & plagiarized Ferry Halim's game snow Day
> ( -> Please check it out, the Ferry is a truly
> gifted pioneering artist/game developer), not even bothering to
> replace some very obvious art assets.
> Which of the 2 scenarios is constructionist?
> (please note that I am into the mod community. I love to death the
> games & mods that starting hackers & budding game developers made in
> doom, quake, half-life & unreal. Counterstrike & Team Fortress  would
> not exist without the mod community or the support ID software or
> Valve gave them.)
> I know you guys are sick of my voice, so I'm going to refrain from
> posting for a while. Please give the above serious thought, and I
> would really really appreciate it if I could hear your thoughts.
> Please have a great week, continue to rock on, you guys are my heroes.
> All the best,
> -n
> -- 
> carlos nazareno
> --
> interactive media specialist
> zen graffiti studios
> --
> "if you don't like the way the world is running,
> then change it instead of just complaining."
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Flash activities?

2010-04-13 Thread Esteban Arias

exist some study for adobe FLASH on sugar 0.82 and XO 1.0 ?
requirements? considerations to develop activities?

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Flash activities?

2010-04-13 Thread Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero
Hi Esteban

Take a look at the eatboom activity, it's an sketch to develop
activities based on .swf files, thanks to  the work of tomeu and

i use it to make

Rafael Ortiz

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 9:02 AM, Esteban Arias
> Hi,
> exist some study for adobe FLASH on sugar 0.82 and XO 1.0 ?
> requirements? considerations to develop activities?
> thanks
> Esteban.
> ___
> Sugar-devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Flash activities?

2010-04-13 Thread Tomeu Vizoso
On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 10:59, Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero
> Hi Esteban
> Take a look at the eatboom activity, it's an sketch to develop
> activities based on .swf files, thanks to  the work of tomeu and
> wadeb.
> i use it to make

Some more info:

Would be good if you could get in contact with the OLE Nepal team
about this, they tried to use Flash as a platform for activity
development but dropped it for HTML5 instead. I'm adding Bryan Berry
to CC and here you have some links about it:



> hth.
> Rafael Ortiz
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 9:02 AM, Esteban Arias
>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> exist some study for adobe FLASH on sugar 0.82 and XO 1.0 ?
>> requirements? considerations to develop activities?
>> thanks
>> Esteban.
>> ___
>> Sugar-devel mailing list
> ___
> Sugar-devel mailing list
Devel mailing list


2010-04-13 Thread sonubi seun
I just got 2 know about the "X-O"and its activities, and i'm rily interested in 
creating an activity that will help these young kids to get more creative and 
innovativeI just wanna ask..where do i start from?...learn python or 
what?...i'm a bit conversant with php, java, C++ and visual basicany 

Devel mailing list

Re: FLASH on sugar 0.82 and XO 1.0

2010-04-13 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> exist some study for adobe FLASH on sugar 0.82 and XO 1.0 ?
> requirements? considerations to develop activities?

Hola Esteban!

Check out the Wiki entry we started here on Flash Edu-game dev for the XO:

We'll be updating the wiki soon.


carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Hello!...

2010-04-13 Thread Walter Bender
On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 12:32 PM, sonubi seun  wrote:
> I just got 2 know about the "X-O"and its activities, and i'm rily interested
> in creating an activity that will help these young kids to get more creative
> and innovativeI just wanna ask..where do i start from?...learn python or
> what?...i'm a bit conversant with php, java, C++ and visual basicany
> ideas?

There are many ways to get started and we have a new manual,, that
details much of what you need to write your first activity. Jump in.


> ___
> Devel mailing list

Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
Devel mailing list

libertas_tf on XO-1

2010-04-13 Thread Sascha Silbe


Did anyone get libertas_tf on XO-1 working with recent kernels (from git 
branch olpc-2.6.31-updates)?

For me it refuses to work at all in managed and ibss modes. In monitor 
mode, it causes sshd and "ip link set wlan1 up" resp. "ifconfig wlan1 
up" to hang when executing one of the latter. :-/

hostapd only spews error messages as well.

CU Sascha


Description: Digital signature
Devel mailing list

Re: New XO-1.5 10.2.0 build 119

2010-04-13 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 10:27 PM, Chris Ball  wrote:

> Compressed image size: 678.36mb (+0.01mb since build 118)
> Description of changes in this build:
>  * kernel: allow negotiation of 5/10/15/30fps (#10106)
>  With this change, Record should be able to record audio+video together,
>  although you'll still need to VT switch away and back if you get a black
>  Xv overlay as described in
> Package changes since build 118:
> -kernel-2.6.31_xo1.5-20100331.1824.1.olpc.5944795.i586
> +kernel-2.6.31_xo1.5-20100409.1311.1.olpc.03dde3f.i586
> -kernel-firmware-2.6.31_xo1.5-20100331.1824.1.olpc.5944795.i586
> +kernel-firmware-2.6.31_xo1.5-20100409.1311.1.olpc.03dde3f.i586

I updated my XO-1.5s to 119 yesterday and was surprised to see that the
screen rotation button still doesn't seem to work. Looking through the
mailing-lists I didn't find any discussion about this topic which kinda
surprised me.

So am I the only one with this issue? Or was support for screen rotation
dropped and I simply missed the discussion?


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Devel mailing list

Re: New XO-1.5 10.2.0 build 119

2010-04-13 Thread Chris Ball

   > I updated my XO-1.5s to 119 yesterday and was surprised to see
   > that the screen rotation button still doesn't seem to
   > work. Looking through the mailing-lists I didn't find any
   > discussion about this topic which kinda surprised me.

The openchrome driver hasn't previously had support for on-the-fly
rotation switching, but Jon Nettleton's got a plan to add it soon.

- Chris.
Chris Ball   
One Laptop Per Child
Devel mailing list

Re: New XO-1.5 10.2.0 build 119

2010-04-13 Thread James Cameron (xrandr screen rotation support) is
still being worked.  We did try with software frame buffer rotation
enabled, but it did not perform well.

James Cameron
Devel mailing list

Re: New XO-1.5 10.2.0 build 119

2010-04-13 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 1:27 AM, James Cameron  wrote:

> (xrandr screen rotation support) is
> still being worked.  We did try with software frame buffer rotation
> enabled, but it did not perform well.
> --
> James Cameron

Chris, James,

thanks a lot for the quick replies, I knew I had missed something...


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Devel mailing list,, content-type changed

2010-04-13 Thread James Cameron
I've changed the Content-Type returned by and and other virtual hosts for a few file types:

application/octet-stream for .zd .zsp .lzma .toc .iso and .rom

text/plain for .md5

I'm not aware of any likely side-effects, but let me know if you find

James Cameron
Devel mailing list