Re: OLPC upgrades

2009-01-30 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler
Mitch Bradley writes:

 [...]  It's also worth pointing out that the new low-power x86
 processors, Atom being the poster child, are still stuck with
 power-hungry support chips - memory and display controllers.  That
 might change soon, but for now it's still the case.  [...]

According to the ACPI battery gauges under Fedora 10, my Fujitsu U820
UMPC (Atom Z530, Poulsbo GMA500 MCH/graphics) takes around 6W *total*
during light webby operations.

- FChE
Devel mailing list

Re: etoys now available in Debian's non-free repository

2008-06-28 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler

Yoshiki Ohshima [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You'd be all set if you had Smalltalk source code that you
 could feed into any random Smalltalk system to create
 your build tools.

 While I happen to like C, and it's a very popular way to
 achieve the required ability to bootstrap, it isn't needed.
 You even get a certain amount of respect from writing
 the whole thing in Smalltalk. Use GNU Smalltalk.

 Your view on systems are way too limited.  Where did this any
 random Smalltalk came from?  [...]  Please just don't make up new
 complaint whenever the old one didn't work.

He is trying to help you by giving an example how bootstrapping could
-- not must -- work for squeak.  GNU Smalltalk does it.  (It's more
elaborate than your write(\x12.., 1), but logical - study it!)
Emacs does it.  Prologs, LISPs do it.  Just about every really free
language system I can think of nowadays does it.  Once squeak  etoys
can do it too, these issues disappear.

You would no longer have to explain/justify that change set passing
is how we do things, because it wouldn't matter.  You wouldn't have
to explain to others whether .sources/.changes files are separate or
internal to the image, which is a distinction without a difference.  A
new public release could consist of just a fileOut:.

You wouldn't have to just *claim* that the new image blob is just
that old image blob, plus these .changes chunks, because you could
*prove* something even stronger.  You wouldn't have to refer others to
tools like SystemTracer that you hardly ever seem to use yourselves.

You wouldn't have to rely on strangers trusting the long chain of
custody/ancestry of the binary image blobs.  That worked fine when
Smalltalk was a commercial product, but not now, when one's upstream
can be any web site with redistribution rights and lawsuit-immune

Even you may rest a bit easier, knowing that the image blob would no
longer be a precious heirloom with a murky history embedded within it,
but something that can be recreated clean and new on demand.

- FChE
Devel mailing list

Re: etoys implementation

2008-06-25 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler
Edward Cherlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [...]  Can gst bring in a .sources file and a .changes file and
 create a working image?

It doesn't have to.  It builds from scratch at every
bootstrap.  If squeak/etoys did something close to that, many
concerns would be pacified.

- FChE
Devel mailing list

Re: [IAEP] etoys now available in Debian's non-free repository

2008-06-25 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler

Yoshiki Ohshima [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The gist of the argument is that one can't currently know what's
 really inside an etoys image, except beyond what it itself tells us,

 BTW, do you now agree that this was not true?

 If you give me an image file and ask me why the word at offset
 0x12345 in the file is 0x89ABCDEF?, I can answer that by opening the
 image file externally with InterpreterSimulator, examine the bits and
 answer something like this is a second slot of an Array that points
 to a number object, and the array is pointed to by this, this and ths
 object., etc.

Yes, that sounds much better (from a security/trust point of view)
than having to ask the virtual machine itself to introspect.  It
stills seems somewhat too low level to enable version control.  (Back
in the early 90's, when I wrote Smalltalk code for a living (sort of),
we ended up having to use external system (teamwork/envy IIRC) to
get decent version control and reproducible builds.)

It may be a useful exercise to run this over the whole etoys image to
identify those parts that are recompilable from the .source/.changes
files, those that represent plain data that could be serialized, and
perchance surprise objects whose existence was only known to Alan Kay
or Adele Goldberg back in the 80s. :-)

- FChE
Devel mailing list

Re: [IAEP] etoys now available in Debian's non-free repository

2008-06-24 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler

Robert Withrow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 John and others seem to be making the argument 

Only seem.

 that unless something is technologically similar to GCC (in the way
 it is distributed, developed, and coded) it can't be --- picking a
 term --- open source.  [...]

Not at all.

The gist of the argument is that one can't currently know what's
really inside an etoys image, except beyond what it itself tells us,
and cannot even be rebuilt from the sources it claims to contain.

Someone else threw out the Thompson compiler hack and GCC as if it
were an answer to this concern.  Instead, it turns out that GCC is on
the other (positive) extreme of bootstrappability.

- FChE
Devel mailing list

Re: etoys now available in Debian's non-free repository

2008-06-21 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler
Hi -

On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 12:41:52PM +0200, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
 (Sorry, this is probably OT for this list.)  Considering the age of
 this smalltalk-derived image, is there some reason to be convinced
 that it contains no code/data other than that could be regenerated
 from sources today? [...]

 [...] The images contains instances that were created interactively
 for which there is no source code. I'm not entirely sure how many of
 these instances there are, but it's not only a few for sure. It
 would be a huge undertaking, for no obvious benefit than to satisfy
 those who erroneously believe source code must come in text
 files. [...]

I was trying to hint at another (non-quaint) reason for that.  How
could someone be sure that such an image contains no malware; no
hidden code that only pretends to run the embedded source code?  This
is one of the fundamental benefits of bootstrapping: one knows exactly
what's in there.

 [...] Anyway, the Debian ftpmasters [...]  were concerned about how
 to be sure what changed from one image to the next. Squeak comes
 with all the necessary tools built into it, but this does not work
 well with their established work flow.

Plus it requires them (and users) to run the tools embedded into the
possibly suspect image in order to describe itself.  Do you see how
there could be a trust problem there?

- FChE
Devel mailing list

Re: etoys now available in Debian's non-free repository

2008-06-20 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler
Holger Levsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [...]  The reason for having it in non-free is that the Debian
 ftpmasters don't think it passes the criteria for inclusion in
 main. [...]

(Sorry, this is probably OT for this list.)  Considering the age of
this smalltalk-derived image, is there some reason to be convinced
that it contains no code/data other than that could be regenerated
from sources today?  If there is a mechanical way of assuring that,
how big a step would it be to re-create the image from those sources?

- FChE
Devel mailing list

Re: [OLPC Security] G1G1: Security, to enable or disable...

2008-06-05 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler
Kim Quirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [...] Finally, I agree with Scott, that the easiest thing we can do
 in the short term is to make the 'get a developer key' more
 prominent for those who want to find it. [...]

Taking away the 24 hour delay between key request and response could
help solve both problems.

- FChE
Devel mailing list

Re: VGA external on OLPC

2008-05-13 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler
Jim Gettys [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Note there are USB display adapters (I have one in my hand as I write
 this); I'd love to see someone working on drivers for it.  [...]

The sisusb-based USB display adapters have both kernel and
drivers today.

- FChE
Devel mailing list

Re: Auto backlight management?

2008-04-24 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler
Bert Freudenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [...]  The XO does not have an ambient light sensor. The backlight
 is not turned off automatically in sunlight. [...]

Opportunistic use of the on-board camera and the time-of-day clock
could yield such heuristics.

- FChE
Devel mailing list

Re: Wordsmith ( Scrabble ) :GSoC application

2008-04-11 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler
Aditya Vishwakarma [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am working on making a Scrabble game as a GSoC project called Wordsmith.

Beware recent trademark/copyright enforcement efforts by the owners of
the game name/concept.  (google hasbro scrabble facebook).

- FChE
Devel mailing list

Re: Chilling Effects paper at USENIX

2008-04-09 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler
Charles Merriam [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I read the paper, and it seems to summarize as:
1.  The BitFrost Specification is documentation, not detailed
 implementation.  The author does not read code.
 It seems like OLPC F. should issue an immediate (preemptive) response saying:
1.  BitFrost is an open-source implementation.  The BitFrost
 Specification is a high level document and not an engineering
 specification.  Engineers can read the implementation source code.

As shown on the Bitfrost status wiki page though, there is not that
much implementation yet to critique, so the paper's authors are
perhaps justified in looking at just the plans.

- FChE
Devel mailing list

Re: [Community-news] OLPC News (2008-02-09)

2008-02-10 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler
Walter Bender [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Chris Ball provided Richard with some power readings from our newly
 enhanced power tinderbox running a C2 (mass production) laptop. [...]
 The top auto-suspend power-draw breakdown:

 WLAN: 734 mW
 backlight:362 mW
 memory:   239 mW
 LCD:  218 mW
 EC:   108 mW
 other:339 mW
 total:2064 mW
 A next step will be to see if the wireless power can be reduced during
 suspend. [...]

Has the following idea already come up?  How about just turning off
the wlan entirely during suspend, if the machine has reason to believe
that its contribution to mesh connectivity is negligible?

- FChE
Devel mailing list

Re: [Community-news] OLPC News (2008-02-09)

2008-02-10 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler
Hi, Chris -

On Sun, Feb 10, 2008 at 01:44:15PM -0500, Chris Ball wrote:
 Has the following idea already come up?  How about just turning off
 the wlan entirely during suspend, if the machine has reason to
 believe that its contribution to mesh connectivity is negligible?

 [...] here's one potential problem: at school, each laptop will
 believe its contribution is small.  If the laptops then all head
 home with wireless off, they aren't transmitting the mesh beacons
 needed for mesh discovery.  [...]

It could be a reasonable imposition upon an OLPC user to manually wake
up their machine at least once when they relocate -- if they wish to
participate in the mesh.  When that happens, the machine could make a
new judgement about whether wifi should be retained while next

- FChE
Devel mailing list

Re: python activities startup

2008-02-07 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler

 [...]  I can't comment on python modules, but I've seen similar
 issue on shared libraries with firewall proxies that did a fork for
 each connection. [...]  if you can get the linking and
 initialization step down to once per boot it will bee a huge win.

To what extent could prelinking, which should improve this aspect,
be used on OLPC?

- FChE
Devel mailing list

Re: power management experiences with joyride-1572

2008-01-24 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler
Chris Ball [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In the future, we can imagine setting wakeups programmatically, with
 the help of the Linux dynamic ticks implementation and the cpuidle
 framework -- if Frank's sugar clock has a pending wakeup in 60 seconds
 to update the minute hand of the clock, we can set a wakeup for +59s
 before going to sleep.  This is a long-term feature, though.

To what extent do folks know what olpc userspace is doing in its idle
moments?  If there is not much junk system call traffic, one could
imagine a tool that monitors the processes, and when it finds that
they're all voluntarily sleeping for long enough, it could schedule
an early suspend and a later automatic resume.  i.e., if sugar clock
is doing sleep(60), but other processes are blocked on I/O, this
tool could run rtcwakeup 60; echo mem  /proc/.../suspend).

- FChE
Devel mailing list

power management experiences with joyride-1572

2008-01-23 Thread Frank Ch. Eigler
Hi -

I've been dabbling with joyride-1572 on a g1g1 laptop for a day or
few, and have noticed the suspend feature kick in after a few seconds
of apparent inactivity.  I have some questions about whether some
specific experiences with this are expected:

- that a resume operation begins only with a keyboard/touchpad input,
and takes 1-2 seconds for interactiveness to return?

- that running programs such as the sugar clock widget, or programs
running in the sugar terminal, all freeze during the suspend?

- that if one switches to the text console (C-A-F1), one observes the
backlight intensity oscillate up  down with about a 10s interval,
despite ongoing keyboard input?

- that power consumption during the awake mode has not significantly
fallen since build-650 or -653, leading to a ~3 hour battery endurance
for light continuous web browsing / terminal usage?


- FChE
Devel mailing list