Re: XO 1.75 os4 display

2011-09-11 Thread Gabriel Eirea
2011/9/11 Gary Martin
 Hi Sameer,

 On 11 Sep 2011, at 02:32, Sameer Verma wrote:

 I installed os4 on a XO 1.75 B1 last night. I see a screen corruption
 with text on both the GNOME and Sugar sides. Entering text into a
 textbox in a browser will start corrupting to a point that I can no
 longer see some of the letters typed. Minimizing the window and
 maximizing it will bring the text back.

 Anyone else seeing this?

 Yes I'm seeing something similar here in Browse particularly where you have 
 mouse over button UI changes where the cursor seems to be related to the 
 clobbering of the redraw.

Same thing here. The cursor over the text box messes up the letters.
If you double-click on the text, it shows up again correctly.




 Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
 Professor, Information Systems
 San Francisco State University
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Re: rpm-gpg-key problem on os4, xo 1.75

2011-09-11 Thread Gabriel Eirea
2011/9/10 Peter Robinson
 On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 11:13 PM, Gabriel Eirea wrote:

 With os4 in an xo 1.75 I try to do yum install emacs from the
 Ctrl-Alt-F2 console and get the error:

 GPG key retrieval failed: [Errno 14] Could not open/read file:

 In fact, the file does not exist. There are other files like
 RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-i386 and other architectures but not arm.

 This did not happen with os42.

 Is there a way to import that key?

 Just disable the key in the repo. Do the following:

 cd /etc/yum.repos.d
 sed .i 's/gpgcheck=1/gpgcheck=0/' fedora*repo

Thank you, Peter, that solved the problem (changing .i for -i in the
sed command).

Anyway, wouldn't it be better to include the missing gpg key?




Devel mailing list

report of os4 on xo 1.75

2011-09-11 Thread Gabriel Eirea
Scratch sound while booting (right after the chiming sound).
Volume buttons don't work.
Brightness button do work.

Physics: works ok but floor is below the bottom of the screen
Pippy: Physics examples don't work (box2d not installed)
Fototoon: works ok
Write: works ok but mouse cursor interferes with text drawing
Paint: works ok
Browse: works ok but has problems drawing text on textboxes with the
mouse cursor over it
TurtleArt: doesn't start, log error: X Window System error 'Bad
Drawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)'
Etoys: hangs up when entering tutorial, can't close, log error: a lot
of lines with 'snd_pcm_writei returnd -11'
TamTamSuite: no sound
Record: photos ok
Record: audio after stopping the recording it continues with the
progress bar in a loop, have to quit activity, log error:,
line 475, could not add element audiobin
Record: video stops the recording but can't play back, hungs up, log
error:, bus error could not get/set settings from/on


Devel mailing list

rpm-gpg-key problem on os4, xo 1.75

2011-09-10 Thread Gabriel Eirea

With os4 in an xo 1.75 I try to do yum install emacs from the
Ctrl-Alt-F2 console and get the error:

GPG key retrieval failed: [Errno 14] Could not open/read file:

In fact, the file does not exist. There are other files like
RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-i386 and other architectures but not arm.

This did not happen with os42.

Is there a way to import that key?


Devel mailing list

xo 1.75 report

2011-09-05 Thread Gabriel Eirea

I received the XO 1.75 a few days ago and tested it this Sunday (sep 4
2011). Details follow:


- green dot laptop
- membrane keyboard
- flashed with q4b07.rom
- sugar control panel shows build 19 customized, sugar 0.88.0,
firmware not available, wireless firmware not available
- used sugar's update software before testing anything


- Network: connected to wifi network wpa/wpa2 with no problem
- Keyboard: increasing/decreasing brightness does nothing
- Keyboard: increasing/decreasing volume does nothing
- Keyboard: frame button does nothing
- Power: the screen goes into some low consumption mode after a few
minutes of inactivity but its resolution is poor (i was expecting to
see the bw high resolution mode instead)


- Control Panel: keyboard option doesn't show anything

Sugar Activities:

- Memorize: basic example working ok
- Write-76: failed to start (Import error: No module named abiword)
- Paint-36: failed to start (fill/ line 21: exceptions
must be classes, not str)
- TamTamSuite: failed to start (common/Util/Clopper/ line
21: exceptions must be classes, not str)
(I can see a pattern here, maybe a python version problem?)
- Record-80. it shows as Grabar, and only allows audio recording,
which doesn't play back
(weird thing: once when I stop the activity, the laptop goes to the
booting message screen and last line says
/sys/devices/platform/dcon/freeze: No such file or directory and
then it freezes; I was w/o power cord attached; could not reproduce)
- Browse-125: works ok
- Speak-31: works ok
- StopWatch-11 : works ok
- Labyrinth-11: works ok
- Pippy-40 : physics example doesn't work (no box2d module); sound
examples don't make any sound
- Physics-8 : failed to start (import error, no box2d)
- Calculate-37: works ok
- Terminal-34: works ok
- Maze-12: works ok
- TurtleArt-114: works ok (only tested basic things like moving the turtle)
- GetBooks-9: failed to start (file, line 50,
LanguageName has no attribute _cache)

If there are specific things to test please let me know.


Devel mailing list

Re: xo 1.75 report

2011-09-05 Thread Gabriel Eirea
Sorry I missed that, I'm glad the errors were fixed.

2011/9/5 Gonzalo Odiard
 Hi Gabriel,
 development in arm branch is moving fast,
 please be sure to test in the last available image.
 Many of this errors are fixed.
 Now the last one is os42, you can download it from
 Thanks for testing!


 On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Gabriel Eirea wrote:


 I received the XO 1.75 a few days ago and tested it this Sunday (sep 4
 2011). Details follow:


 - green dot laptop
 - membrane keyboard
 - flashed with q4b07.rom
 - sugar control panel shows build 19 customized, sugar 0.88.0,
 firmware not available, wireless firmware not available
 - used sugar's update software before testing anything


 - Network: connected to wifi network wpa/wpa2 with no problem
 - Keyboard: increasing/decreasing brightness does nothing
 - Keyboard: increasing/decreasing volume does nothing
 - Keyboard: frame button does nothing
 - Power: the screen goes into some low consumption mode after a few
 minutes of inactivity but its resolution is poor (i was expecting to
 see the bw high resolution mode instead)


 - Control Panel: keyboard option doesn't show anything

 Sugar Activities:

 - Memorize: basic example working ok
 - Write-76: failed to start (Import error: No module named abiword)
 - Paint-36: failed to start (fill/ line 21: exceptions
 must be classes, not str)
 - TamTamSuite: failed to start (common/Util/Clopper/ line
 21: exceptions must be classes, not str)
 (I can see a pattern here, maybe a python version problem?)
 - Record-80. it shows as Grabar, and only allows audio recording,
 which doesn't play back
 (weird thing: once when I stop the activity, the laptop goes to the
 booting message screen and last line says
 /sys/devices/platform/dcon/freeze: No such file or directory and
 then it freezes; I was w/o power cord attached; could not reproduce)
 - Browse-125: works ok
 - Speak-31: works ok
 - StopWatch-11 : works ok
 - Labyrinth-11: works ok
 - Pippy-40 : physics example doesn't work (no box2d module); sound
 examples don't make any sound
 - Physics-8 : failed to start (import error, no box2d)
 - Calculate-37: works ok
 - Terminal-34: works ok
 - Maze-12: works ok
 - TurtleArt-114: works ok (only tested basic things like moving the
 - GetBooks-9: failed to start (file, line 50,
 LanguageName has no attribute _cache)

 If there are specific things to test please let me know.


 Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: Uruguay violates GPL by deleting root on OLPCs

2010-07-07 Thread Gabriel Eirea
Please, when you say Uruguay you should just say Plan Ceibal.

Has anyone formally requested Plan Ceibal to correct this situation?



2010/7/7 John Gilmore
  Ignoring the fact that some deployments ship without root access.

 Is the practice of completely locking-down the laptops something we'd
 even want to encourage?

 Shipping the laptops TiVoized like Uruguay does has put them into serious
 legal trouble.  OLPC should definitely not encourage anybody else to do this.
 Why bankrupt your project by losing a copyright enforcement lawsuit?

 Shipping the laptops without root access is a direct violation of the
 GPLv3 license on a dozen packages (probably 50+ packages in later
 Fedoras).  They have shipped binaries, while using technological means
 to deny the recipient the practical ability to upgrade or replace them
 with versions modified or chosen by the recipient.

 Only an idiot would distribute hundreds of thousands of units while
 setting themselves up to pay the Free Software Foundation any amount
 of money they demand.  (Given the way OLPC and Uruguay have
 ignored the notice that they're in violation, for years, I do hope FSF
 extracts both future compliance, and its next ten years of operating
 expenses, from these scofflaws.)

 Or does Uruguay think, Sue us for copyright violation in our own
 courts -- we'll make sure you lose??  In other words, do they
 just brazenly steal the GNU Project's software, knowing it's wrong?

        John Gilmore

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Re: Adobe Flash 10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO

2010-03-24 Thread Gabriel Eirea
Hello, interesting thread.

 FYI: One of our largest deployments and two other smaller deployments have
 received approval to ship Adobe Flash in their builds.

In Uruguay, Ceibal started shipping Adobe Flash with their official
build at the beginning of 2009.

My personal observation is that this came from a high demand on two
fronts: kids and teachers complaining about youtube and online games
on one side, and local companies used to develop web pages and such
that wanted to create content but only had resources to do it in flash
and complained about gnash being too restrictive on the other side.

As far as I can see, the results are mixed. Playing youtube videos and
other online music/video players is a big hit. However, the flash
player performance in the XO is very bad, kids complain that they
can't play most of the games because characters move very slowly, etc.
Local companies didn't add much to the content pool and all they can
do in terms of business plan is get some government agency give them
money for delivering a message. You can see some examples in:

My suggestion would be to use whatever contacts you may have at Adobe
to communicate that:

1) they have to improve the player's performance on the XO
2) they have to make developers tools available for the XO
3) they have to develop a sugar wrapper to run swf files as activities

and if they do that, flash may be a viable alternative for
deployments. Otherwise it would never be.

All this, IMHO.


Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] ASLO vs. activities (was Re: ASLO Suggestion)

2009-06-17 Thread Gabriel Eirea

Whatever the decision on this topic is, I would appreciate that the
interests of the already installed base are taken into account. I agree that
the Activities/All page is outdated and ASLO has a much better interface.

However, at least here in Uruguay, most of the kids and teachers rely on
Activities/All as a starting point to get new activities. This is because
Browse's home page had a link to the Activities page. It was very
frustrating when most of the activities were moved from Activities to
Activities/All without a proper communication to the users. I would not like
to see that happen again.

I understand that this is mostly an issue for Latu in the first place, OLPC
in the second place, and Sugarlabs in the third place. Would it be possible
to get an agreement between all involved parties about the best way to move



2009/6/17 S Page

 [I removed some cc'd lists of which I'm not a member]

 Summary: Replacing with
 sounds great to me.

 On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 6:10 AM, Sean wrote:
  OLPC has their list ( and we
  need to get that page to link to ASLO ...

 I added a bullet to this and :

 * has lots of activities for recent
 versions of the [[Sugar]] environment, ''some'' of which may work on
 OLPC [[builds]].

  ..., the information there is uneven
  (contains some stillborn/abandonware).

 The current split organization is a mess and duplication provides
 twice as many opportunities to be wrong.  There's a dozen other lists
 of all activities on besides the Activities/All
 page, see , killing off
 some isn't going to hurt.  So just be brave and change it to

  Perhaps the easiest fix would
  be to link from each Activity position on that page to that Activity's
  ASLO page;
 Sure, you could replace the fancy activity descriptions on with a simple link to their
 ASLO page.

  people searching the Activity population would quickly
  understand the different/parallel nature of the OLPC page and ASLO.

 If you can understand it, please explain it ;-)   Activities/All
 claims This is a list of all stable Activities  that can be installed
 in the latest Sugar., but
 * they are NOT all getting updated
 * latest Sugar meaning what?  OLPC doesn't ship latest Sugar.

  far as I know, there aren't any issues with the very latest versions
  running on XO-1s, would I be correct in assuming this?

 You're incorrect.  Sugar 0.84 is different from the Sugar 0.82.1 in
 OLPC release 8.2.0 and 8.2.1. I understand there are issues for
 Browse, Etoys, and Read which depend on libraries and already have
 separate latest versions.  I assume some other activities have
 problems.  Unfortunately, most activity pages on and on don't specify their compatibility clearly, and it's
 impossible to tell the difference between Old version NN is still
 truly the latest version that works on OLPC's 8.2 and Nobody's
 bloody updated this out-of-date info.

  Or does OLPC
  prefer to identify known good version, the ones updated through the
  XO Control Panel?

 In OLPC release 8.2.0 and subsequent releases, the Software update
 control panel updates installed activities using a complex fallback
 mechanism involving *other, separate* pages such as Activities/8.2
 and/or Activities/G1G1/8.2 , see .  Those subpages are where
 known good version info must live for Software update to work, while
 other activity pages are mostly useless out-of-date cruft. Maintaining
 all these pages is manual and complicated, see , and
 for many activities it isn't happening.

 Hope this helps,
 =S Page
 Sugar-devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: Activities migration status

2009-01-14 Thread Gabriel Eirea

I'm an activity developer with my code at I'm a bit
confused about this migration. Is it necessary to change the location
for some reason? Is going to be killed?

I believe the Activity Team is a wonderful idea but would like to have
this point clarified.



2009/1/14 Wade Brainerd
 On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 6:05 AM, S Page wrote:
 I'm not sure what you're doing, but if you want activities...
 When the call went out for activities for 9.1.0 I put all the meta-lists of
 activities in

 That links to some interesting queries in  :
 * 45 pages with a Devel status
 * 116 pages that appear to have an activity bundle
 * 310 pages in Category:Activities in the main namespace.

 and I'm sure there are more activities that lack a page on on

 Thanks, this is a great source of information.

 What we are trying to do is track down all the activities that have
 been written (or started) and then migrate them to SugarLabs
 infrastructure, with permission from their authors.  At the same time
 we will encourage their authors to finish them, update them to work
 with recent builds, document them, make sure they can be packaged for
 non-XO distros, etc.


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Re: testing 8.2 using qemu

2008-09-19 Thread Gabriel Eirea
Hi Gary,

Thank you for your response. The Moon activity looks like a very good
place to learn how to do things, it is very well written and easy to
understand. I will read about json.

One small suggestion: when you toggle hemispheres, it would be good to
have a text label showing the current hemispere view (north or south).

Best regards,


2008/9/18 Gary C Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi Gabriel,

 On 19 Sep 2008, at 01:43, Gabriel Eirea wrote:

 I appreciate your explanation but my question was not about the
 literal meaning but about where in the filesystem does the variable
 point to.

 I just looked at where my Moon activity was being told to write:


 My thinking was: I need to read a configuration file that I
 myself generate and ship in the bundle, but then rainbow doesn't let
 me read it because it's in $HOME, so where should I put that file and
 how do I put it there? Now the question seems pointless because if
 understood correctly $SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT is mostly used for writing
 files. Then, I'm guessing the case scenario is this: if you have
 read-only files then it is ok to leave them in $HOME; if you have
 read-write files then you should write them to
 $SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT/data. My question now is: if you have a
 configuration file with some preset values that goes in the bundle and
 the user changes it, the application should be able to read it from
 $HOME the first time, copy the original file from $HOME to
 $SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT/data and then use that copy in the future ?

 Not sure if this will help, but Moon-5 implements a couple of things that
 seem similar to what you might be after. I still need to do a cleanup of
 various source odds and ends, but have a look at the blob at:;a=tree

 The read_and_parse_preferences method should be helpful, as should
 write_file, basically it's storing and retrieving a couple of values***
 into $SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT/data/defaults so that the view settings will now
 stick. The settings are also going into the Journal entry, with Journal data
 taking precedents over default data (so resumes pickup where they left off
 and clean activity launches inherit the last used defaults).

 *** I was recommended to use json as a general way of storing preference
 like data as it's a clean text format that can potentially be parsed easily
 by other code if needed.


Devel mailing list

Re: testing 8.2 using qemu

2008-09-18 Thread Gabriel Eirea

Thank you for your response, it clarifies the problem. I will try to
compile qemu and hopefully get 8.2 running.

Is there another way of testing 8.2 without using an emulator? I have
the sugar package in Ubuntu 8.04. I guess there should be a way of
installing different versions of sugar but couldn't find information
on how to do it.



2008/9/18 Ton van Overbeek [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Gabriel Eirea wrote:

 Hi list,

 I'm having a hard time trying to test an activity in 8.2 using qemu.
 The activity (Conozco Uruguay) doesn't work in 8.2 although it works
 fine in previous versions. We suspect it is related to rainbow (trac
 #8334). Since there is little documentation on rainbow (I still don't
 know what it is and why including it broke the activity) I'm going to
 follow a hack suggested by brian.

 The thing is, I can't make builds 759 nor 760 run using qemu. The
 configuration is fine because I can run build 659. In 759 it stops
 when saying Booting from Hard Drive... and in 760 it says that the
 kernel needs 3dnow. I downloaded the images from

 Has anyone tested the images with qemu? Can anyone suggest how to
 proceed? I'm very interested in making my activity work in 8.2!

 There are/were two problems.
 The first one (8.2 image not booting at all) has been solved
 with 8.2-760.
 The second one (3DNow required) is due to the change to the 2.6.25
 kernel for 8.2. The kernel checks for CPU features and does not continue
 booting when it does not find them. The kernel for the XO is build for
 the AMD LX-Geode and therefore looks for 3DNow.
 If you would run qemu on a machine with an AMD processor it most likely
 will work. If you are running it on an Intel processor, you get the
 kernel needs 3dnow message.
 See also trac #8369 (

 In the CVS version of qemu you can specify a cpu type
 (use -cpu=athlon for the XO) and then you can run 8.2 and recent joyride
 devel-ext3 images in qemu on an Intel based machine.
 I have a privately compiled version which runs under Windows XP
 (have not tried it under Vista).
 Let me know if you are interested in this one and I can send it to you.
 If you are using Linux you will have to compile your own qemu.

 There have been some efforts to get a qemu specific image not requiring
 3DNow next to the existing ext3 images (since the existing ext3 images
 have to be able to run on a real XO when booted from USB or SD) but so
 far this has not been realized.

 Hope this helps explain the situation.

 Ton van Overbeek

Devel mailing list

Re: testing 8.2 using qemu

2008-09-18 Thread Gabriel Eirea

I appreciate your response, everyone in OLPC is always trying to help
and that is comforting. Everything I write you should read it as
feedback from a not very proficient activity developer. I'm not
interested in whining nor blaming, just want to help pointing out
things that from my perspective could be improved so we can have a
stronger developer community.

 I have begun updating the [[Rainbow]] page to
 better reflect its audience (which is much wider than it was when the
 page was first created.)

Thank you, this is great.

 Try removing the '-' and see if you get further. (Note: you can find all
 the code for checking these sorts of nits in the rainbow source code
 here: (look for functions named check_*);a=blob;f=rainbow/rainbow/;hb=HEAD

 P.S. To read log files that have funny characters in them, run
  cat /path/to/log
 from a terminal.

It looks like I've been completely off the mark. I dissmissed the log
file because of all the strange characters. I will test the bundle
without the hyphen as soon as I can get 8.2 running on the emulator.
Thank you!

 $SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT means 'the value of the environment variable named
 SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT'. The concatenated '/data' part means append the
 string '/data' to the previous string. In python, you could perform
 this operation as follows:

  import os
  print os.path.join(os.environ['SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT'], 'data')

 I believe that sugar's 'env' module provides some helper functions for
 accomplishing this task.

 -- Can you suggest a good place to record this tidbit where you might
 have found it?

I appreciate your explanation but my question was not about the
literal meaning but about where in the filesystem does the variable
point to. My thinking was: I need to read a configuration file that I
myself generate and ship in the bundle, but then rainbow doesn't let
me read it because it's in $HOME, so where should I put that file and
how do I put it there? Now the question seems pointless because if
understood correctly $SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT is mostly used for writing
files. Then, I'm guessing the case scenario is this: if you have
read-only files then it is ok to leave them in $HOME; if you have
read-write files then you should write them to
$SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT/data. My question now is: if you have a
configuration file with some preset values that goes in the bundle and
the user changes it, the application should be able to read it from
$HOME the first time, copy the original file from $HOME to
$SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT/data and then use that copy in the future ?

 1) there was a change in Sugar (apparently the introduction of
 rainbow) that broke an otherwise working activity,

 Our timeframes may differ; did you start developing your activity before ?

No, I started much later, probably around June'08. I wish that email
message was available in the wiki because it explains the issue
better. Also, I followed the pygame-olpcgames route to sugarize the
activity, it would be nice to have the issue clarified in the
olpcgames page too.

 3) there was no clear information on how to fix it, and

 a) Did you have difficulty locating your activity's log file?
 b) Did you have trouble reading the log?

I couldn't test it on 8.2 because of the issues with qemu. The log was
in the trac ticket but I wasn't able to read it because of all the
strange characters.

 c) Did you encounter other information which led you astray?

The only information on rainbow I could find was in the low-level API
link and it explained something about the directories, so i thought
that should be it. (How could I realize it was the hyphen in the
bundle name?)

 4) the qemu images were not working

 OLPC cannot do everything -- have you considered finding some way to
 keep the QEMU images in good working order?

I wouldn't know how to start with the image thing. I can't even figure
out which build number I have in my Ubuntu setup :) I understand OLPC
can't do everything and I'm trying to contribute something according
to my capabilities, but I would say that OLPC should think strongly
about giving the developers community the tools that are needed to
create and test activities. Maybe there are other ways of doing it
(what does everyone use?), but for me it is the ubuntu packages and

 I'm concerned that this doesn't help create a strong developer

 Explain more please.

I believe that lowering the barriers to entry should be a priority for
OLPC. This means, among other things:
- well-documented API
- stable API or at least communicating changes efficiently
- tutorials and examples
- developer and test environments
I know efforts are made in all these areas, but I believe more is
needed. I'm making the effort to recruit developers thru Ceibal Jam,
it would help a lot if I can point them to a good set of resources to
get them started, not to mention 

project hosting request

2008-07-17 Thread Gabriel Eirea
1. Project name : Conozco Uruguay
2. Existing website, if any :
3. One-line description : Uruguayan geography educational game

4. Longer description   : This activity features a map of Uruguay
with different layers for departments,
: cities, rivers, etc. The game involves
helping an alien rebuild a spaceship by indicating
: the location based on clues. The game
also features an explore mode to discover
: different locations and facts related to them.

5. URLs of similar projects :

6. Committer list
   Please list the maintainer (lead developer) as the first entry. Only list
   developers who need to be given accounts so that they can commit to your
   project's code repository, or push their own. There is no need to list
   non-committer developers.

  Username   Full name SSH2 key URLE-mail
     - --
   #1 geirea   GabrielEirea   public key attached   [EMAIL 

   If any developers don't have their SSH2 keys on the web, please attach them
   to the application e-mail.

7. Preferred development model

   [X] Central tree. Every developer can push his changes directly to the
   project's git tree. This is the standard model that will be familiar to
   CVS and Subversion users, and that tends to work well for most projects.

   [ ] Maintainer-owned tree. Every developer creates his own git tree, or
   multiple git trees. He periodically asks the maintainer to look at one
   or more of these trees, and merge changes into the maintainer-owned,
   main tree. This is the model used by the Linux kernel, and is
   well-suited to projects wishing to maintain a tighter control on code
   entering the main tree.

   If you choose the maintainer-owned tree model, but wish to set up some
   shared trees where all of your project's committers can commit directly,
   as might be the case with a discussion tree, or a tree for an individual
   feature, you may send us such a request by e-mail, and we will set up the
   tree for you.

8. Set up a project mailing list:

   [ ] Yes, named after our project name
   [ ] Yes, named __
   [X] No

   When your project is just getting off the ground, we suggest you eschew
   a separate mailing list and instead keep discussion about your project
   on the main OLPC development list. This will give you more input and
   potentially attract more developers to your project; when the volume of
   messages related to your project reaches some critical mass, we can
   trivially create a separate mailing list for you.

   If you need multiple lists, let us know. We discourage having many
   mailing lists for smaller projects, as this tends to
   stunt the growth of your project community. You can always add more lists

9. Commit notifications

   [ ] Notification of commits to the main tree should be e-mailed to the list
   we chose to create above
   [ ] A separate mailing list, projectname-git, should be created for commit
   [X] No commit notifications, please

10. Shell accounts

   As a general rule, we don't provide shell accounts to developers unless
   there's a demonstrated need. If you have one, please explain here, and
   list the usernames of the committers above needing shell access.

11. Translation
   [X] Set up the Pootle server to allow translation
commits to be made
   [ ] Translation arrangements have already been made at ___

12. Notes/comments:

Thank you!
Description: Binary data
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