Status of marvell-ipp

2014-10-07 Thread James B
Dear all,

I'm the maintainer of a small desktop Linux OS (FatdogArm) which runs on many 
ARM platforms including OLPC XO-1.75 and XO-4; together with Yioryos we 
released support for OLPC late last year. 

I have recently looked at video playback acceleration and have successfully 
managed to get it going for other platforms, so I'm thinking to do so on OLPC 
as well. Before I start, though, I'd like to ask you about the status of 
marvell-ipp ( as of today? 

I checked the OLPC git repos and rpmdropbox and I can't get the marvel-ipp 
binaries there. I can actually find these  binaries by doing google search (and 
the binaries were clearly marked for OLPC usage) but I would rather be in the 
clear when it comes to licensing - are these licensed to OLPC so that they can 
be used in any OS that runs on the XOs, or are the license more restricted than 
that? (ie: no license at all, license per region, official OLPC OS only, etc, 
etc). If it is licensed freely, then is there an official location where I can 
get this binaries? 

Thank you.

James B 
Devel mailing list

Re: Status of marvell-ipp

2014-10-07 Thread James B
Thank you James.

On Wed, 8 Oct 2014 07:55:44 +1100
James Cameron  wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 08, 2014 at 01:46:44AM +0700, James B wrote:
> > I'm the maintainer of a small desktop Linux OS (FatdogArm) which
> > runs on many ARM platforms including OLPC XO-1.75 and XO-4; together
> > with Yioryos we released support for OLPC late last year.
> Great!  Got a link?

Here (currently beta2 release).

XO-4 was supported since alpha2 (a year ago), XO-1.75 since beta1 (March this 

> > I have recently looked at video playback acceleration and have
> > successfully managed to get it going for other platforms, so I'm
> > thinking to do so on OLPC as well. Before I start, though, I'd like
> > to ask you about the status of marvell-ipp
> > ( as of today?
> I think this page is up to date, and have been repeating the
> installation instructions on 14.1.0 (Fedora 20) in the past few days,
> but haven't finished verifying yet.

I didn't build FatdogArm using the OS builder, and the last time I look at OS 
builder I couldn't find the repository URL there. Admittedly, I didn't look too 
deeply into it ... 

> > I checked the OLPC git repos and rpmdropbox and I can't get the
> > marvel-ipp binaries there.
> Yes.

So you're saying that they aren't public? But if they can be pulled by OS 
builder, they are public, aren't they?

> > I can actually find these binaries by doing google search (and the
> > binaries were clearly marked for OLPC usage) but I would rather be
> > in the clear when it comes to licensing - are these licensed to OLPC
> > so that they can be used in any OS that runs on the XOs, or are the
> > license more restricted than that? (ie: no license at all, license
> > per region, official OLPC OS only, etc, etc). If it is licensed
> > freely, then is there an official location where I can get this
> > binaries?
> Sorry, I don't know.  I have only vague recollections.  Any research
> would be costly.

No worries - perhaps others in the list know something? For practical purposes 
I can use the binaries I've found and go ahead try to make use of it, but these 
binaries are not distributable there is little point of doing that.

Yioryos asked the same question last year but for more specific case of the 
usage of libvmeta in flashplayer and only for XO-4 case (these binaries weren't 
publicly available too, but we managed to fish it out from Australian F18 
distribution - perhaps you were the one packaging it :) ). This time around the 
it is for the more general purpose of using libvmeta as general codecs, for 
both XO-1.75 and XO-4.

> Instead, why not look at:

Thanks, but etna_viv is the 3D driver for GPU acceleration. I may look into 
that as the Vivante driver in the XOs has definite problems too, but the 
question I'm asking (marvell-ipp) is for more media playback acceleration (h264 
codecs and the like). (Btw the vivante 3D driver - libgfx etc are in the 
rpmdropbox so that's not a problem).


James B 
Devel mailing list

Re: Status of marvell-ipp

2014-10-08 Thread James B
On Wed, 8 Oct 2014 16:19:19 +1100
James Cameron  wrote:

> The marvell-ipp binaries we host for Fedora builds are not public.
> olpc-os-builder can be configured to pull private resources, and the
> Wiki page describes how that is done.

Thank you for the explanation.

> The marvell-ipp binaries we host for Android builds are public, as Ben
> has said.  There's a license file in the same directory.

Thank you. Android drivers are interesting but they aren't usable directly, we 
have to go a roundabout way to use it (using libhybris and whatnot). It's 
something of last resort if we don't have access to the Linux version; which in 
this case, we do (or do not, depending on the license... ).

> I doubt if the Fedora marvell-ipp binaries are distributable, given
> how they are currently hosted, and the text of the Wiki page.  "These
> are closed source libraries provided by Marvell."

Well, closed-source does not always mean not-redistributable. For example, the 
Vivante 3D driver is a also another closed source drop from Marvell, but it is 
available in rpmdropbox (and I assume its licensing allows it so). Perhaps 
re-distributable (and being stored in public repository) is a too-strong word. 
The question really boils down to this: can the marvell-ipp be used in 
alternative distributions (that runs on OLPC) other than the official Fedora? 
And if yes, which whom (email address) can I ask to get them? 

> No, I work for OLPC in Miami, in the United States, not OLPC
> Australia.  I just happen to live in Australia.  ;-)  Confusing, I
> know.

Haha, yeah. Thanks for the explanation :)

> Good to know.
> Are there H.264 codecs and the like you can obtain from other places?

Well yes, ffmpeg or libav provides software decoder for h.264. I already have 
this in my current build, so it's not a problem really a problem, except for 
one thing: software decoding is slow. That's why I would like to get the 
hardware to do the decoding, and the only way to do hardware decoding is 
through marvell-ipp - there is no alternative, unfortunately.


James B 
Devel mailing list

Re: Status of marvell-ipp

2014-10-08 Thread James B
On Thu, 9 Oct 2014 07:17:03 +1100
James Cameron  wrote:

> > 
> > Well, closed-source does not always mean not-redistributable. For example, 
> > the Vivante 3D driver is a also another closed source drop from Marvell, 
> > but it is available in rpmdropbox (and I assume its licensing allows it 
> > so). Perhaps re-distributable (and being stored in public repository) is a 
> > too-strong word. The question really boils down to this: can the 
> > marvell-ipp be used in alternative distributions (that runs on OLPC) other 
> > than the official Fedora? And if yes, which whom (email address) can I ask 
> > to get them? 
> Your speculation is reasonable, and your questions are understood.
> However, we don't have the resources to answer these questions, there
> are other more important things for us to do, sorry.
> If you can't determine a useful answer from what you have available,
> then I suggest you stick with software decoders.

I understand. Thank you James.


James B 
Devel mailing list

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Fatdog-ARM Linux for the XO-4

2013-10-03 Thread James B
Menu --> Control Panel --> Network --> Network Wizard to set up wireless.


On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 8:36 AM, James Cameron  wrote:

> Does not boot if the files are unpacked onto internal eMMC and no
> external SD card is present.  Workaround: edit olpc.fth to ensure
> mmcblk0 is used regardless.
> Could not connect wireless, the documentation
> says to right-click on the WiFi icon.  There's no WiFi icon, but there
> is a network icon, but it does not respond to right-click.
> --
> James Cameron
> ___
> Devel mailing list
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