Re: OLPC's bizarre behaviors

2008-05-22 Thread John R . Hogerhuis
You don't need a person to keep the community in the loop if the community fora
(as opposed to the water cooler and the hallway) are *religiously* maintained as
being the loop.

-- John.

Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC's bizarre behaviors

2008-05-22 Thread John R. Hogerhuis
On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 2:29 PM, C. Scott Ananian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/22/08, John R. Hogerhuis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You don't need a person to keep the community in the loop if the community 
  (as opposed to the water cooler and the hallway) are *religiously* 
 maintained as
  being the loop.

 And who does that maintenance?

Everybody at 1cc. For the people outside 1cc this rule enforces
itself. There is no backchannel. For the small set of people inside,
they must police themselves.

The rule would be, if it doesn't happen on the mailing list or IRC,
then it doesn't happen.

It works for software, anyway, as can be seen in pure open source
projects. There's a little bit of backchannel direct emails but the
policy is to quickly push the discussion to the mailing list.

I can't say this would work for hardware given ECR/ECO process but
with enough thought, probably possible.

-- John.
Devel mailing list

Re: XP on OLPC - a contrarian view

2008-05-17 Thread John R . Hogerhuis
Sameer Verma sverma at writes:
 Yeah, its probably #1. Boot up times become moot if children simply rely
 on suspend and resume with topping up the battery whenever possible. Its
 the actual performance of the environment that really matters.

I would say both are important in a classroom setting, though UI responsiveness
is more important.

Even with Ubuntu on my Thinkpad laptop I do have the occasional lockup or need
for reboot. If a kid is working on a collaborative activity and on top of the
time it takes to notice and react to the freeze/lockup you need to spend another
minute or so rebooting, that time comes directly out of productive learning
time. And, in his frustration he may need help which could stop the whole train
until the issue is dealt with. I think in classrooms full of 20-30 kids, that
happening enough to notice is a significant probability.

-- John.

Devel mailing list

Re: Frame Decision (was [sugar] OLPC priorities for Sugar in the August release)

2008-05-17 Thread John R. Hogerhuis
On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 8:45 PM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 1:26 AM, John R. Hogerhuis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Indeed.  My other /suspicion/ (could be completely wrong, I admit!) is
 that it's frequently bumped in passing.  That is, the cursor briefly
 overshoots a toolbar button near the corner and then very shortly
 thereafter returns to it; one using a paintbrush makes a stroke that
 goes beyond the lower right boundary of the screen; etc.  These issues
 (in addition to the trackpad bug which could occasionally warp the
 cursor to a corner) /might/ be lessened by the proposed delay.

Yes, a debounce of the frame activation might help. How long would the
delay be? I would think it would have to be  150ms to not cause a
noticeable delay. I'm generally opposed to things that take a
noticeable amount of time since in aggregate all of these little
delays make the system feel slow.

But then, I think with the Frame key available, once discovered, no
one will use the corners. But like all of this, that's definitely a

 One possible idea: rather than popping up the frame when near the edge, pop 
 up a
 translucent overlay in key places that looks just like the keyboard frame 
 If the user clicks on it, then bring up the whole frame.

 This would hide much less of the screen so it would be less likely to 
 It would also allow discovery of the keyboard key for the frame.

 This is actually a very promising idea indeed.  I think this merits
 some exploration for sure, and save the delay miraculously pleasing
 everyone, something we should definitely try in the near future.
 Someone mentioned this could be hard without compositing, but we can
 certainly just toss up a (frame-colored) 75px square window in the
 appropriate corner (or all of them?).

I think it makes sense to pop it up in all corners. This would teach
the user that she can use any corner to activate the Frame.

 Another interesting addition to this idea would be to turn the corners
 of the Frame itself into retract buttons.  If someone chose (and we
 still support) instant corner activation one /did/ accidentally invoke
 the Frame, a quick click would send it happily back off screen.  I
 offer this mostly as an addition to your suggestion, though, since it
 could be a nice reciprocal action. Eg. move to the corner and see the
 frame icon with an arrow pointing into the screen, and click it to
 reveal the frame; instantly see the arrow reverse to point out of
 the screen, and click again to hide.  Thoughts?

Yes this would provide symmetry which is always satisfying and usually
a good thing.

My first thought would be to make it a frame icon initially, and a
frame icon with an X in the middle to cancel it. But the in/out arrow
might make sense. Perhaps it deserves to be tried both ways to see
which is more easily understood.

A instantaneous way to deactivate the Frame would be a big improvement
over the current situation, where once you've accidentally summoned
the Frame, you drag the cursor back to the middle of the screen and
wait for it to go away. There's a frustration cost there... the user
is already frustrated about the Frame coming up, now she has to wait
for the machine to figure it out rather than indicate directly what
she wants.

 buttons/controls since).  Anyway, my personal interpretation (other
 feedback welcome!) is that the design goal is actual a successful one,
 but that its method of activation is unsatisfactory to many.

Yeah, sorry for being imprecise, Eben. I have no problem with the
Frame concept itself, just activation. I was trying to make a general
process recommendation on the more radical ideas. These innovations
ought to be vetted by actual users early and often. Now that there are
some 600,000 XO's out there, and many of them in the hands of people
on this list with kids, the project would benefit from some fast-turn
test cycles with experimental builds.

-- John.
Devel mailing list

Re: Frame Decision (was [sugar] OLPC priorities for Sugar in the August release)

2008-05-17 Thread John R. Hogerhuis
On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 9:26 PM, Gary C Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - Do the 'frame reveal corner arrows' only appear when you hit the corners,
 or when your mouse is over the corner area (discoverability)?

What is the difference between hit the corner/over the corner area?
What I was thinking was to pop the frame icons when you enter the
corner area that is now used to activate the frame. But the frame
wouldn't activate until a click.

I think we would need to be able to distinguish between entering the
corner on the drag of an object and drag of not-an-object (like a

In fact, just doing that right would resolve the worst Frame
interaction with Paint since the Frame would not activate if you enter
the corner with mouse down but you are not dragging anything.

-- John.
Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC: Open Organized Transparent

2008-05-16 Thread John R . Hogerhuis
Denver Gingerich denver at writes:

 I've never seen one of these holier than thou e-mails you mention.
 It certainly doesn't seem to be like any of the staff I've
 communicated with to do such a thing.

Sorry, but this impression on users (and I share it too) is inevitable.
The problem is not having an open mailing list. The problem is
backchannels of communication.

My opinion is, if it doesn't happen on the list, or in a logged IRC
session, then it didn't happen.

Oh we had a hallway meeting or we had a little conference and anyone
that happens to be around can come is Not OK if you really want to be a
community-driven, open project.

Without naming names, though I was excited to help at first, that kind
of insider-outsider issue made me lose interest as a direct contributor
fairly early. I felt, if they are going to run this like they're a
proprietary company where they excercise full control, why should I
bother? In the end my opinion won't really matter, so why waste my

Of course all projects have a leader. But the arguments need to happen
in public, stay in public, and the decision needs to be made and come
down in public from a trusted individual as though there were no other
backchannels. Even if a background conversation happened, I don't want
to hear about it.

-- John.

Devel mailing list

Re: XP on OLPC - a contrarian view -- followup

2008-05-16 Thread John R . Hogerhuis
Robert Myers rmyers7 at writes:

 I just saw the Microsoft video of an XO running XP. In it the XO single 
 boots from an 'insyde' BIOS. The MS guy says that XP doesn't fit on the 
 flash, and is installed on an SD card. In this case, I'd guess the flash 
 is just being used as a home for the BIOS. I can see why techs at MS did 
 this to get a working prototype rather than having to wait for (or worse 
 yet, contribute to) the OF V2 bootloader/BIOS.

Wasn't the Insyde BIOS what shipped temporarily on Rev A boards? Maybe that's
just what they had? But yeah, they would have to put in some dev hours to port
to OF.

-- John.

Devel mailing list

Re: Frame Decision (was [sugar] OLPC priorities for Sugar in the August release)

2008-05-16 Thread John R . Hogerhuis
Eben Eliason eben.eliason at writes:
 Right.  I think this is the biggest point of conflict between my own
 thoughts for solving the issues and those of the community providing
 feedback about it.  I certainly take the comments regarding accidental
 invocation seriously, and seriously want to do what we can to
 eliminate sources of frustration.  My inclination (I don't know for
 sure!) is that the desire to completely abolish cursor activation
 might be a treatment of the symptom and not the illness.  That is, it
 could be that the trackpad plays a big role in the difficulties, and

From watching my daughter I don't think there is anything going on with the
trackpad. It's just that being near the edge pops the frame which is the design.

One possible idea: rather than popping up the frame when near the edge, pop up a
translucent overlay in key places that looks just like the keyboard frame key.
If the user clicks on it, then bring up the whole frame.

This would hide much less of the screen so it would be less likely to interfere.
It would also allow discovery of the keyboard key for the frame.

In general, I think the Frame points up a process issue: extremely new/radical
GUI ideas require extreme testing. Basically the Frame is an experiment. It's
good to experiment, it's important to experiment, but you need to test it on a
limited sized group of kids, and it needs to be dealt with quickly when it
causes a problem. This issue has gone on too long.

Also, you need an objective third party here that can weigh the cost/benefit
impact to users... the implementors of the Frame concept shouldn't be the ones
deciding whether it stays in. As a programmer, I can say there's no way a
programmer can be totally objective about a pet feature. In a proprietary
company QA and/or marketing gets to make calls like this, not engineering. For
an open source project, maybe that voice of reason is the project Leader or just
other informed voices on the mailing list.

-- John.

Devel mailing list

Re: Sugar\Windows won't ship

2008-04-26 Thread John R . Hogerhuis
Albert Cahalan acahalan at writes:
 The next demand is obvious: eliminate Sugar.

Well I think the more likely thing is that a Sugar (shell only) ends up
as an icon on the Windows desktop.

In fact until Sugar is a little more mature I don't think it would be the worst
thing in the world if XO's shipped with a lightweight Linux desktop and Sugar
as a launchable application. It would deal with speed and bleeding edge science
project UI complaints. It wouldn't do anything to address unaccountable
rambling FUD from NN about Flash or whatever.

Then teachers and students alike would have a real choice and we could
see what they choose to do when given the freedom to.

-- John.

Devel mailing list

Re: Usability testing

2008-04-13 Thread John R . Hogerhuis
I can echo all of that, and posted recently about my 4 year old. All the same
problems with paint: hard to guess what to click on to set the color, popover
frame gets very frustrating, two handed drag is a persistent issue for her,
speed of opening applications is too slow (in the initial release) and she gets
tired of waiting, thinks it isn't working. Too many words as the only way to do
things (words are fine, she's learning to read but it would be nice for some of
the simpler apps to have icons reminiscent of the function for everything).

-- John.

Devel mailing list


2008-04-08 Thread John R . Hogerhuis
Let me take a crack at it...

The closest thing to a valid criticism here is that bitfrost does not protect
political dissidents from government monitoring and control. Similarly, a valid
criticism of my shampoo is that it doesn't protect me from falling satellites.

Which is the bigger threat to 6-12 year olds? Retribution by the government for
political activism or certain elements of the general society targeting them
over the Internet for whatever reason? The XO security model has always seemed
more concerned with the latter. I'm sure there are a few, but I haven't met
many 9 year old revolutionaries.

(But, if you're out there: probably you should reconsider unencrypted
communication between government provided laptops to plot your subversive

Is it even possible to design a system that both provides anonymity and permits
close teacher oversight? Has anyone every tried in a public school system,
typically a state-run affair staffed by employees of the government to
seriously protect the students from government eyes and ears? Would any teacher
or school system want to deploy laptops to their students that puts measures in
place to lock them out of doing their job of taking care of their charges?

This paper is half-baked. Generally their arguments almost get to a point but
instead they leave you wondering how and why they bothered to get where they

The authors need to go back to the drawing board and bring some more serious
arguments to the table.

-- John.

Devel mailing list

Re: UI usability for 4 year old (was Re: Call for Papers/Talks/Ideas!)

2008-03-23 Thread John R . Hogerhuis
. K. Subramaniam subbukk at writes:

 On Sunday 23 March 2008 3:59:31 am John R.Hogerhuis wrote:
  .. (actually it's not all that pleasant for me either given the button
  placement below the trackpad). Something modal or pressure based would be
  better. If a key on the keyboard held down were the up/down button that
  would be resolution of the dexterity issue. Though, some thought would need
  to be given to make this discoverable.
 It is tough for young children to use trackpad like a mouse - with a single
 hand. Using it bi-manually with two index fingers is not only easier but also
 prepares them for typing on the keyboard later. The child can use one index
 finger (say right) on the trackpad and the other index finger (say left) to
 click buttons. Older children can use index fingers for the trackpad and
 thumbs for the buttons.

Based on my daughter, she does use two hands to paint. The problem is the need
to constantly hold down the button (drag) while painting. With a mouse this is
natural for her, but with the trackpad she has difficulty. Maybe the issue is
bumping the hand, or coming close to bumping into the hand holding the

This raises another possibility though: use the left or right hand trackpad
segments for the brush up/down. If she just rests her left hand/finger on the
left side of the trackpad to draw, lifting it to stop drawing, that would be
much easier for painting since her left hand is in a more natural position and
does not interfere with the right.

Are the left and right panels pressure sensitive? If so, they could be used to
dynamically adjust the brush size/weight depending on how hard she pushes.

-- John.

Devel mailing list

Re: Call for Papers/Talks/Ideas!

2008-03-22 Thread John R . Hogerhuis
John Gilmore gnu at writes:

  The second thing is basic UI usability. The pop-around
  menu border makes the UI
  thoroughly unusable with the trackpad covers this issue and more.

Yeah there's an awful lot in your ticket and I didn't notice it
mention any of our particular problems. I don't think the frame
is evil... my problem in this regard is simply
popover frame + trackpad. You don't have the fine granularity
with a trackpad that you do with a mouse and a younger child's
fine motor skills are still developing in any event.

Based on observing my daughter, it's not much of an issue with
a USB mouse. But that's not the usual mode she works with the
laptop. She pulls it off her shelf and sits on the couch with
it on her lap. A mouse isn't an easy option.

If anyone asks and thinks they won't be redundant I will enter
a couple narrowly focused tickets. (popover frame + trackpad,
and reading required.) I know the slow-activity-start
bug (5228) is already being tracked, though I am surprised it
wasn't considered high enough priority to be triaged for

If I had to pick a single most important high profile problem
with the XO, the slow-activity-start bug would be it. It's
impossible not to stub your toe on this one within the first
15 minutes of use. As a programmer, the problem calls into
question the basic software architecture of the XO, in
particular the choice of heavy use of Python and
abstraction layer-type packages like Telepathy which
weren't purpose built for resource constrained machines like the

That was likely a conscious gamble.

My gut feeling though is that, directly addressed, this is fixable. Just a
matter of setting development priority.

-- John.

Devel mailing list

UI usability for 4 year old (was Re: Call for Papers/Talks/Ideas!)

2008-03-22 Thread John R . Hogerhuis
Marco Pesenti Gritti mpgritti at writes:

 I have not seen a good analysis of the frame problem yet. For example I know
 that at some point the trackpad jumped to the corners very often, and that
 obviously aggravated it. Also in my experience the thing is nowhere so
 annoying on my work laptop (still using a trackpad), why? Finally, when this
 happen, is the mouse left still in the corner or do kids just touch the
 corner momentarily...

It's not a problem of the cursor moving randomly. What happens to Kailea is
that she'll try to get to the activity menu or the color tool at the top left
hand side. Just due to lack of good control of the trackpad she ends up getting
the popover frame. Once it comes up, she tries to escape the mode by randomly
moving her finger on the trackpad. This doesn't usually work which raises her
frustration level. 

On paint, specifically, a couple of other observations, now that I think about
it: between Kailea, 4 and my wife (an elementary school teacher) helping her,
they had difficulty figuring out how to set the color in the paint program.
Maybe if the color icons had a color rainbow or something it would be more

Also holding the button down and dragging as a normal operation (as it is in
Paint) is a tricky concept and physically difficult in terms of dexterity for
my 4 year old (actually it's not all that pleasant for me either given the
button placement below the trackpad). Something modal or pressure based would
be better. If a key on the keyboard held down were the up/down button that
would be resolution of the dexterity issue. Though, some thought would need to
be given to make this discoverable.

 Tomeu managed to reduce startup up time to 2-3 seconds in the faster branch
 using an approach similar to maemo launcher:
 If we don't find any blocking problems with this approach, I think we can
 make startup pretty much instantaneous.

I'll try it out. That would be a big improvement.

Instantaneous would be 150-200 milliseconds, but I'd guess anything under 5
seconds would not frustrate her.

 Python was chosen mainly because it's a good development tool for kids. I
 think the few performance problem it's causing are all solvable, it's just
 that no one had time to focus on it until now.

How is that working out in the field? I certainly agree that kids
developing/altering their own tools is a fantastic idea for the =9 year olds.
Are kids scripting? What is the process they go through to learn the language?

I remember as a kid how I learned BASIC. The computer came with 2  1-inch thick
friendly (lots of cartoons, short example programs) programming manuals that I
devoured in the first 2 weeks I had the machine. Also, they used to have
type-in programs in the home computer mags I got for my TRS-80 Color Computer.
I'd type them in but they wouldn't work. So, I would have to walk through line
by line and fix them. Looking at the code while debugging exposed me to
different programming concepts like modularization (GOSUB/RETURN), keeping code
organized for understandability, etc. Further the mags themselves often had
introductory articles on programming, walk-throughs, ...

That challenge is to make Pippy permit natural, incremental, discoverable baby
steps into programming. Probably it needs to be highly integrated with html
tutorials and tips Pippy meets Clippy ;-)

-- John.

Devel mailing list