Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
LinkedIn I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. - Luke Luke Faraone Software Engineer at Humbug, Inc. Greater Boston Area Confirm that you know Luke Faraone: -- You are receiving Invitation to Connect emails. Click to unsubscribe: (c) 2012 LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [support-gang] [ANNOUNCE] Sugar Labs Licensing Referendum (non-binding) results
On 07/10/2011 10:23 PM, Gary Martin wrote: > I was surprised as I had no recollection at all of the original email > (subscribed to way too many Sugar related lists), but after some > digging found it had been clobbered as junk email, so not sure who > else this may have hit, but thought it worth mentioning. Odd. Did you at least get the mail from Selectricity? -- Luke Faraone Sugar Labs, Systems ✉: I: lfaraone on signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ Devel mailing list
[ANNOUNCE] Sugar Labs Licensing Referendum (non-binding) results
On 06/14/2011 05:42 PM, Luke Faraone wrote: > This is a vote to determine the suggested license for future releases > of Sugar. This poll will run from right now until Wed Jun 29 2011 at > midnight UTC-4. Sorry for the late update; the reporting mechanism for our voting software temporarily broke. Summary: the winner was **GNU GPL version 3, or any later version**. ## Results Details ## 55 out of 217 eligible members voted, or a little more than ¼. The full results of this election ranked the candidates in order of preference (from most preferred to least preferred): 1. GNU GPL version 3, or any later version 2. GNU GPL version 2, or any later version 3. Don't know or don't care Each number in the table below shows how many times the candidate on the left beat the matching candidate on the top. The winner is on the top of the left column. v3 v2 DC v3 -- 34 37 v2 21 -- 42 DC 18 13 -- Based on a sheer count of 1st place votes, v3 received 49% of the vote, v2 received 29% of the vote, and the apathetic position received the remaining 22% of the vote. Full details (and alternative election method calculations) are visible at the Selectricity page linked in the original voting ticket email. Thanks, Luke Faraone Sugar Labs, Systems ✉: I: lfaraone on signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [Testing] Initial tests of Activities, as shipped, on a New XO-1.5
On 03/02/2011 08:34 AM, Thomas C Gilliard wrote: > The Control Panel/Software Updates worked and updated 3 activities. So the activities weren't "as shipped", right? > Note: I tested all of the activities listed in sequence in the F3 list > view. > This almost borked the XO-1.5. > the memory became almost full and responses became very lethargic. > I had to go to the journal and delete each entry, one at a time. A very > slow process. Perhaps you left the activities open, rather than closing them? I don't think having journal entries should slow down Sugar that much. -- Luke Faraone;; Debian & Ubuntu Developer; Sugar Labs, Systems lfaraone on irc.[freenode,oftc].net -- PGP fprint: 5189 2A7D 16D0 49BB 046B DC77 9732 5DD8 F9FD D506 signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [support-gang] Questions Re: Skype on XO
I'm not sure this is an apt question for IAEP. On 03/01/2011 09:24 PM, Caryl Bigenho wrote: > > I need to be able to do a 2-way video chat. I would like to know... > > 1) How much memory does Skype take up? Disk space: the RPM page is 18.7MiB, so I'd imagine it takes up a little bit more than that on disk. RAM: depends. > 2) Do the instructions on the wiki at apply to 860? I have not tested them, but they look like they should work. > 3) What is the difference in performance between the XO-1 and the XO-1.5? > 4) What is the reason for the difference, memory or speed or both? Probably proportional to the processors of each. Memory would only matter if Skype tried to use more than available. > 5) Will I need to delete Activities before installing Skype? You need to have sufficient disk space. > 6) Does it run just in Terminal in Sugar, or is there a way to use it in > Gnome? It should be accessible from the Applications menu. > 7) Can it run a video chat along with the text chat window for sending links > etc? That's consistent with my experience of Skype on Linux, I'd imagine it would work similarly on the XO. > 8 Do I have to have a PC to set it up? I am a "Mac person." The instructions provided are run on your XO. > 10) What is "gstfakevideo"? Do I need it? Do I want it? Hah, it has been ages since I wrote the video instructions. Those are *definitely* out of date, and I would be very surprised if they worked. -- \___/ |___| Luke Faraone, Web Infrastructure Intern \___\ One Laptop Per Child - signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [Testing] New 10.1.3 build os351 for XO-1 and XO-1.5
On 10/28/2010 12:43 PM, Peter Robinson wrote: > On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 4:49 PM, Simon Schampijer wrote: >> OLPC build 10.1.3 - 351 >> = >> >> The "rotation" build. > > Does this mean rotation works now on the 1.5? This does: >> ==xorg-x11-drv-openchrome== >> * Screen rotation support for XO-1.5 #9350 -- ╒═════╕ │Luke Faraone ╭Debian / Ubuntu Developer╮│ │╰Sugar Labs, Systems Admin╯│ │PGP: 5189 2A7D 16D0 49BB 046B DC77 9732 5DD8 F9FD D506 │ ╘═╛ signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ Devel mailing list
Licensing of Firefox.activity
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 Hi all, I'm looking into packaging Firefox-6 for Debian and Ubuntu, and wasn't clear on the package's license situation. The application was written by C. Scott in 2008, while (IIRC) he was still at OLPC. Therefore, I'm assuming that the work is © 2008 One Laptop per Child. Is this accurate? If so, is the package under the GPL? ╒═════╕ │Luke Faraone ╭Debian / Ubuntu Developer╮│ │╰Sugar Labs, Systems Admin╯│ │PGP: 5189 2A7D 16D0 49BB 046B DC77 9732 5DD8 F9FD D506 │ ╘═╛ -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJMd8qSAAoJEJcyXdj5/dUGB2wQANa6R76lWVThh3yjTbwcuFaJ mz90GpSI94wBD2gTYH+swPGZ18rX3Lw6TdVVPPvsZUUPPwHoikh4EHdLi9e83f+D EuBIw2jaMPzmKp/2fuA7iZyYFcZFyqhAZZWJ++QyPRUK+3ILRApZn4+uj/wfw/n5 bnyFcDd3sBzRki2A56pe3Ue8fRdaU8C3wA3zC5EvV5jUIScg60QrCRszbH4QLJZs gyRE/KeTNKnSyHooNqqT0qTmr2wZ8Mz7rO1G2ftcmIud142nCt82lYysjKB4mZD4 TB8e5eTbq3dlRwHpqK0VrAQtAMIsIemkgSsk+b25agWzRW5RBeMHns4gEHPzOG4z pV7u7yp0z2jighKr1w2NHeu3s6fwqcrLEj5IPdiny9BOJgLalaQq8Ye71+/Xqg9X IUWgm5DPtOA19w9nzRACkwKMVAr28K8Ri12WtPAtwFAfZEWiKJ0+eRUmS3UYRBVN x4LDv1Oayx8f1YD2JLoRUZIBU/3BXaWDzqsBPJnRZxRbUv0VAPVpWTojRCzOwcn6 XQI+nG97FNkWAHmfHDiHc04gx2bSNS/fQWnT085VSZ16No67C+hTftoZpHmjiLz3 WKp+Dxc4qge9LM38JhDFlXwSUDgCr8bT4uBr9turtWQPebC1Nl/VxhpPAw+OT7mA sGvZq7i+Krkp1YDayQDK =QaEC -END PGP SIGNATURE- ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [Sugar-devel] GNOME and protecting Sugar --
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 06/16/2010 10:39 AM, Bernie Innocenti wrote: > Yes, it's the individual applications, but it's hard for users to figure > out why the disk became full after using Firefox, and how to solve the > problem. Try if you want something GUI-oriented that will show you what's using your disk. - -- Luke Faraone -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkwY5QsACgkQtrC51grHAgbwOwCgmZcreXq5f8oGnML9S3OU5TD2 WOQAn1jcraKZ9+t7SoXlkJlwEeLgOVBW =yRHT -END PGP SIGNATURE- ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [Sugar-devel] erasing the journal and config
On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 04:52, James Cameron wrote: > I've tested this method only on unlocked laptops. For locked laptops > some similar method might be used. For locked laptops you would *need* to get a developer key, or have OLPC sign the file. The latter won't happen. -- Luke Faraone ___ Devel mailing list
XO plastics up for grabs
Hi all, I have a mixed assortment of XO plastic bits that were a byproduct of the DC Repair Center <>. These include both the bottom and upper plastic shells of XOs (not faceplates). As I don't have a use for them, and they are unlikely to be in demand, I'm wondering whether anybody on this mailing list would want them. In total, these are the shells from about 15-20 XOs. Being made of o Thanks, Luke Faraone -- View this message in context: Sent from the Software development mailing list archive at ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [Mbc] Introducing the OLPC Multi-Battery Charger.
Luke Faraone, address is on file. Part of the DC Learning Club <> and the Arlington STEM academy On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 3:20 PM, Richard A. Smith wrote: > > How many XO's do you have in your current deployment/pilot? We're developers and enthusiasts, but in our community testbed we have about 30 XOs. We use XOs in the classroom (high school) as development tools with Sugar as the target platform. Where is your deployment/pilot? Washington, DC What power source would you be using? AC or DC? > AC. > What power source (AC or DC) do you see as most useful for your > deployment/pilot? > AC, we're in an area of high power availability. > Would you purchase extra batteries for use with the MBC? > No, we have plenty (about 20 batteries in the DC Repair Center stock). > What time frame you would roll out MBC units. How many MBC units do you think your deployment would need in the short > and long term? > If we get a deployment off the ground we would probably need 2 to 4 units. Until then, we need 1, and would just perform testing etc. -- Luke Faraone ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [support-gang] the keyhandler.ppy mystery
On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 12:55 PM, Caryl Bigenho wrote: > Hi... > > If you are talking about the "developer key," mine has been through the > installation of several builds will no problems. > No, he's talking about a python source file which had been modified. -- Luke Faraone ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [support-gang] the keyhandler.ppy mystery
On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Aaron Konstam wrote: > There is a file /usr/share/sugar/shell/view/ on the XO that > presumably defines key use. > > Does anyone know if that file gets munged will installing another build > replace it with a fresh copy? > Yes, it will. -- Luke Faraone ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [IAEP] DC Photo Jam 2 - New batch of photos of SoaS running onnetbooks
On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Martin Dengler wrote: > I seem to recall this is one of those conversations that comes up > periodically, and that once someone / people created a wiki page with > thoughts on a partitioning layout design that could be of broad use. > Does anyone know where that wiki page is? I couldn't find it with > some naive google searches... -- Luke Faraone ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [Sugar-devel] instructions for flashing SoaS on a XO
2009/3/6 Wade Brainerd > Glad to hear it works, I'm going to try it this weekend on my XO. > I wonder if we could get the release team to execute these steps > automatically for each release, and then make .img files available on > along with the .iso files? That would skip a lot > of potential mistakes that users might make, and would lower the barrier to > entry (e.g. no Fedora or Ubuntu machine req). > I can probably have that done via a cron job on (running F9 currently) that scps the result to -- Luke Faraone ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [support-gang] Sugar Live CD on Mac or PC?
Hi Carol, On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 6:36 PM, Caryl Bigenho wrote: > > > Would it have worked if I had just booted my MacBook from it? > Yes. You can choose to boot from a CD by holding the C key before and for the first few seconds after power-on. > How would I have used it on a PC? > See > Is the version available for download at > that would be the same as the one sold by XOexplosion? > Not sure, CCing Diane. > Maybe the easiest thing would be to refer them to xoexplosion? Or to tell > them to just make a SOAS? > Current steps for SoaS: 1. Go to 2. Download the ISO 3. Download ISO burning software 4. Burn. 5. (optionally) Fix BIOS 6. Boot. 7. Insert USB stick 8. Tell the CD to install to a stick 9. Reboot 10. Fix BIOS again. 11. Boot into SoaS. -- Luke Faraone ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [Sugar-devel] Activities migration status
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Samuel Klein wrote: > I like that part. Are there criteria for removing someone's project > if it's deemed inappropriate? Not yet, but I assume if someone thinks that somebody else's use of SL infrastrucutre is not under the project scope we'll discuss it on the sugar-devel or IAEP mailing list. -- Luke Faraone ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [Testing] Notes from an impromptu 8.2.1 Release Mtg.
Try staging-11. -lf On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 11:33 PM, S Page wrote: > Michael Stone wrote: > > ... how to push 8.2.1 a few inches closer to release. > > > > The main conclusion that we reached after we updated > > > > > > > > was that staging-9 [1] needs some testing! > > still points to staging-7 > and says "The 8.2.1 build is currently identical to 8.2.0". ??! > > > The instructions in Friends in testing say "Clean-install the #Build > under test", but I tried olpc-update from 8.2.0 anyway. > > `sudo olpc-update staging-9` gives > "I don't think the requested build number exists." > > `sudo olpc-update -v -v -v -v -v --latest=staging` gives > "Querying"; > (that's all) > > Is olpc-update possible, or are the instructions correct? :) > > -- > =S Page > ___ > Testing mailing list > > > -- Luke Faraone ___ Devel mailing list
Downtime for
Hi All, We'll be running some upgrades on teach.l.o tomorrow around 9AM. It's unlikely that there will be any downtime, but we've backed up all user data to crank.l.o and created a VM just in case the upgrade takes longer than expected. -- Luke Faraone ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [Sugar-devel] Collaboration using qemu emulation
On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 11:24, Carol Farlow Lerche wrote: > Or run the school server on a spare machine or virtual machine. It has an > ejabberd server as part of its yummy goodness. Btw without offering offense > to Qemu, vmware server is free as in beer on Windows, and its networking is > very easy to configure > No offense to VMware, VirtualBox (OSE) is free as in freedom on Windows/Linux/OSX/Solaris, its networking is similarly easily configured, and it's freely redistributable. One only needs to "sudo apt-get" it on Ubuntu to install it. -lf ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Add Fedora logo to Sugar
On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 12:45, Sebastian Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: > > Hm... we could have a link in the "about my XO" section that opens up a > page > > in browse that describes all the components that make up the starch > stack. > Sure, only I'm pretty sure this is not what RedHat had in mind. > Maybe not, but I am sure that we (or they) can produce something that satisfies all interested parties, explaining how great the Fedora distro is etc. while also giving credit to upstream. -lf ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Add Fedora logo to Sugar
On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 12:37, Simon Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Sat, 6 Dec 2008 10:18:39 -0500 > "Sebastian Silva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > I was surprised that our main UI metaphor - a CHILD, the center of > > activities... a Symbol for Interacting and Sharing... would be > > restricted for our use as a community movement. > > Personally I am very supprised that the 'XO' child symbol would be limited > in such a way. Do we have an offical word on this. > > > But now we're expected to embed another Copyrighted, Trademarked logo, > > that carries no meaning or significance for our target audience, nor > > any possible use in the user interface. > > > > Any branding should be contained within optional packages (maybe which are > distribution specific) so that they can be completely removed if need be. It would be trivial to create a index page, similar to the existing library indexer, which stitched together all of the component packages information. ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Add Fedora logo to Sugar
On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 12:26, Sebastian Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: > 2008/12/6 Luke Faraone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 12:05, Sebastian Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > > wrote: > > Uh, why? > > > > It is, after all, a installation of RedHat's _Fedora_ OS (albiet with > OLPC > > modifications). > > To put it succinctly, actually, fedora is a distribution of GNU+Linux, > a free operating system. Specifically, out of GNU+Linux, the "Linux" > bit represents less than 1%. This is more of a religious war as well as a matter of preference; RH has chosen the "Linux" branding, while Debian (the only widely popular distro to do so) uses the "GNU/" prefix. In a more reconciliatory note, perhaps a swarm of logos might emerge, > as bemasc suggested to me on our XO Chat: GNU, Linux, fedora, python, > and all the rest of the pack. Hm... we could have a link in the "about my XO" section that opens up a page in browse that describes all the components that make up the starch stack. -lf ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [sugar] XO identity shared via Browse
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 19:17, Greg Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I'm copying in Devel and will drop the sugar list on further replies > (hope that's the right netiquette in this case...). (note: I'm not on devel, so please keep me CC'd) > > security) who are the principals? > > what are their goals? > > what attacks concern us? > > GS - In general I don't want any other devices to be able to appear to > be the XO. We can assume that the XS <-> XO is a secure network not > visible to the outside workd (whether that is true in practice is > another story). So I moved the encryption and stringent security > requirements to the optional case where the XO is talking to a non-XS > server. > I'd rather not make that assumption. Some schools may not have a _local_ school server (even dispite our best wishes) or a student may want to access the server from a non-local connection. The XS, IMHO, should support the "road warrior" use case (at least for post-registration) -lf ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [support-gang] G1G1 upgrade question I've received
On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 10:57, Michael Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 10:49:14AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > >maybe. but a README would be pretty easy. > > I like READMEs, but I don't want to be in the business of maintaining > them. Unfortunately, I also don't really want to give the whole world > shell access to download.l.o. Compromise suggestions? > > (e.g. boilerplate text, redirect-to-wiki, create restricted account, > use a cronjob, ...) You could do one of the following: - Have a script that pulls from a designated git branch every X hours - Give a maintainer a SFTP account restricted/chrooted to that directory. -lf ___ Devel mailing list
Re: debxo 0.3 release
On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 15:04, Erik Garrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 01:42:17PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > On 2008-11-17, Erik Garrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > > I believe you can resolve these warnings by running the locale-gen > > > utility. > > > > I had already run that, and the discouraging results pasted in the top > > of the pastebin. > > The error message and its location in the source [1]: > > /* Map the header and all the administration data structures. */ > p = mmap64 (NULL, total, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); > if (p == MAP_FAILED) >{ > int errval = errno; > unlink (fname); > error (EXIT_FAILURE, errval, _("cannot map archive header")); >} > > ... suggest that the problem is that localegen is trying to do a shared > writeable mmap. These do not work on jffs2 [2]. > > I don't know the best way to proceed, but it would appear we need to > raise the issue with upstream. It will not be fixed in jffs2. > > That said, I am running debxo 0.3 base and not seeing the same error > messages. (I see that the locale is set to "POSIX" immediately after > installation.) This is very odd. I do not experience this problem right after install, but only after updating, locale is set to a new version, which may be when this bug is introduced. -lf ___ Devel mailing list
Re: debxo 0.3 release
Andres Salomon-4 wrote: > > - A new 'base' desktop has been added. This is a minimal install, > with no graphics or X at all. It's good for rescue situations, or > where you have a local package mirror and don't want to waste bandwidth > downloading a graphical desktop image. > Something strange when installing/removing packages under the base installation: This warning/error also occured when I was using the "olpc-update debian" installation. -- View this message in context: Sent from the OLPC Software development mailing list archive at ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [sugar] 9.1 Proposal: Files
On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 20:50, Bill Bogstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > the fact that they will quickly disappear off the screen, and may be > > auto-deleted by the system greatly limits their value. > > Only if they don't get used. In which case, those entries should > scroll off the bottom and get auto-deleted. The same way that email > client users usually delete the 'welcome to the system' email that > many systems generate. Once a user learns the basics of the > activities, they will spend less and less time consulting the manual > and the screen real-estate it takes up in the Journal is better suited > for other things. Until they need to consult their manual, which sugar decided they didn't need and expunged. -lf ___ Devel mailing list
Re: [sugar] frame gets in the way when alt-tabbing
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 16:58, Mikus Grinbergs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: [Since there is a key dedicated > to bringing up Journal when needed, I sometimes patch > to not even show Journal during alt-tabbing.] > I was thinking about posting this even before I finished reading this. +1 on both hide-the-frame and dont-alt-tab-to-journal. -LF ___ Devel mailing list