On 27 January 2012 12:45, HALL,Brian C <brian.hal...@uwimona.edu.jm> wrote:

> Good Day All,
> I am currently using the 1.5 XO at a couple of schools. I am  able to
> connect to the school server and hence access moodle  instance on the
> server itself. However i am unable to browse the internet from the XO.
OK you have dhcp/dns working between the XO's and the XS, how is eth1
receiving it's ip address? What is missing in the stock XS-0.6 config is
external name resolution. You need alter the named-xs.conf.in file as per:
add your isp's dns server as forwarders to that file.


> I have connected the ETH1 to the ISP switch and still no success.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Brian Hall
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