On Tue, 2008-06-17 at 17:22 -0400, Mikus Grinbergs wrote:
> [Someone else now has the XO on which I was trying out the olpc3 
> installs, so I can not check things any more.]
> FYI -- this may have nothing to do with your ov6760 boot problem, 
> but when I was doing the olpc3 boots (e.g., 17 and 19), if I left 
> the XO alone, it would hang where Sugar was supposed to be 
> activated.  [It would get as far as the doughnut (or perhaps the 
> blank white screen immediately afterwards) but would then become 
> completely unresponsive - the only button (or key) which would work 
> was 'power off'.]
> My bypass was, when two "dots" (of the "circle of dots" of the boot 
> animation) had been drawn to the XO screen -- to press ctl-alt-F1 to 
> get into the text console.  Various initialization messages would 
> scroll by, and eventually the XO would (without me touching it) 
> shift itself over to the GUI screen, first showing blank white, then 
> the cursor, then the Sugar Home view.  [This way of avoiding a boot 
> hang was repeatable.]

Please file a ticket on trac (http://dev.laptop.org) for this. Thanks!


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