Re: using XO for Internet Math Tutoring

2010-04-14 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 11:20 PM, Stanley Sokolow
> A bug report on the camera problem with FlashPlayer 10 on the XO-1 was
> submitted 19 months ago to the OLPC Trac and nothing's been done with it

Didn't know that there was an existing bug report. Great!

We see a lot of problems mentioned in the list that rarely get
formally reported, so one of my instinctive reactions is to ask people
to file them, and to reassure them we'll be interested.

Your fave bug has been pending for a long time? You're not the only
one. We're a ridiculously short-handed non-profit, helped by
volunteers that -- as volunteers -- pick on their own volition what
they help us on.

Maybe a volunteer will pick your bug to work on, maybe Adobe will step
up to the plate.

Have fun,

-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Devel mailing list

Re: using XO for Internet Math Tutoring

2010-04-13 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 12:47 AM, Stanley Sokolow
> maybe getting FlashPlayer to
> run correctly on Sugar is a non-issue by now

I think it Just Works, but if there are technical issues we will be
interested in hearing about them and exploring solutions. Let us know
how it goes, file bugs and/or report on this list.

> Let's all get back to making things work, rather than just talking about
> them.


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Devel mailing list

Re: using XO for Internet Math Tutoring

2010-04-13 Thread Stanley Sokolow
Hi, Martin,

Thanks for your reply.  When you said to "just install Flash", your brevity
actually was helpful.   It made me think that maybe getting FlashPlayer to
run correctly on Sugar is a non-issue by now.  I plan to retry the Flash and
browser downloads from the wiki.  They seem to have been improved since I
first started working on this last year.

In any case, I've said my thoughts about Flash on the XO, and probably
didn't change anyone's mind about anything.   'Nuf said.

You're right about my role.  Sonya's the educator.  I'm the geek.

Let's all get back to making things work, rather than just talking about



On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 8:28 PM, Martin Langhoff

> Hi,
> sorry I'm brief (to the unfortunate point of rudeness) -- I am working
> 30hr days in a 60K deployment. Which happens to want to use Flash. In
> fact I just helped the local team find and we are adding the
> relevant rpm to the build.
> I find it puzzling that there is so much over the top drama. Situation
> is simple.
> "Mainstream users" get their XO from a deployment -- it's up to the
> deployment team to define the OS (inc Flash), and they have no prob
> rolling it into the image.
> Other users (those that get OLPC's images) are usually developers...
> who can hopefully rpm -i MyFaveRuntime-1.2.4.rpm with no problem.
> Sonya has you as resident geek I can guess, so it is up to you to do
> the rpm magic -- I have similar duties at home as the resident geek.
> There is the G1G1 crowd as a 3rd group. If you care about them, get a
> Flash enthusiasts gang and spin an image with Flash (get Adobe's ok,
> of course).
> There is no drama to justify these huge discussions. Let's see the end
> of this thread.
> m
> --
> -- School Server Architect
>  - ask interesting questions
>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
>  -
Devel mailing list

Re: using XO for Internet Math Tutoring

2010-04-12 Thread Martin Langhoff

sorry I'm brief (to the unfortunate point of rudeness) -- I am working
30hr days in a 60K deployment. Which happens to want to use Flash. In
fact I just helped the local team find and we are adding the
relevant rpm to the build.

I find it puzzling that there is so much over the top drama. Situation
is simple.

"Mainstream users" get their XO from a deployment -- it's up to the
deployment team to define the OS (inc Flash), and they have no prob
rolling it into the image.

Other users (those that get OLPC's images) are usually developers...
who can hopefully rpm -i MyFaveRuntime-1.2.4.rpm with no problem.
Sonya has you as resident geek I can guess, so it is up to you to do
the rpm magic -- I have similar duties at home as the resident geek.

There is the G1G1 crowd as a 3rd group. If you care about them, get a
Flash enthusiasts gang and spin an image with Flash (get Adobe's ok,
of course).

There is no drama to justify these huge discussions. Let's see the end
of this thread.

-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Devel mailing list

Re: using XO for Internet Math Tutoring

2010-04-12 Thread Stanley Sokolow

Sonya wanted me to reply on her behalf.   I have written a brief explanation
of our attempts to "just install Flash" on the XO with the ex-factory, that
is, the factory installed, operating system.   I just sent it to the
developers' list.What someone like Sonya needs is an OS on the XO that
has Adobe FlashPlayer installed ex-factory, or easily added by downloading
it, but the story of Flash on the XO is not so simple.  Since OPLC's
developers seem to want nothing to do with the proprietary, but free to use,
FlashPlayer, and since Gnash isn't even running a close second place to
FlashPlayer, someone who wants to use Flash-based web applications is stuck
unless he/she knows enough about computers to go around Sugar and get
FlashPlayer and a browser that plays nicely with it.  She was hoping to
create a tutoring capability that works within Sugar, but building it from
scratch using Python and Sugar just isn't feasible nor cost-effective when
web apps already exist to do what she needs, just not within Sugar.

I'm hoping that when the new version of Fedora for XO-1.5 is released, a
backport to XO-1 will also be released, and that it will support
FlashPlayer, the real one from Adobe, without requiring the user to be an IT


On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Martin Langhoff

> Hi -
> just install Flash. You don't need anything from me or OLPC.
> kind regards,
> martin
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 3:39 PM, Sonya Sokolow 
> wrote:
> > 4/12/10 12:40pm CA time
> >
> > Hi Martin,
> >
> > I am Sonya Sokolow, PhD, owner of Internet Math Tutoring (IMT):
> > .  I also maintain the blog about
> using
> > XO's in Africa and India for IMT:
> > .
> >
> >  In my experience, having a web cam and an interactive white board as
> tools
> > for internet math tutoring make the teaching very much more effective
> than
> > having only type chat or delayed email responses.  I use
> > as an interactive whiteboard.  It is flash-based.  I use an SD card on
> the
> > XO  which my husband Stanley Sokolow made for me.  I hope that soon in
> the
> > future I won't have to use the SD card  anymore.  That is, I am hoping
> that
> > the XO's will become compatible with Flash.
> >
> --
> -- School Server Architect
>  - ask interesting questions
>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
>  -
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